#!/bin/sh ### Define all supported constants OPTIONS="hst:v:r:l:p:" declare -A SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL=([DEBUG]=0 [INFO]=1 [WARN]=2 [ERROR]=3) declare -A SUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY=([central]=1 [poller]=1) declare -A SUPPORTED_VERSION=([21.10]=1 [22.04]=1 [22.10]=1 [23.04]=1) declare -A SUPPORTED_REPOSITORY=([testing]=1 [unstable]=1 [stable]=1) default_timeout_in_sec=5 script_short_name="$(basename $0)" default_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') ### #Define default values passwords_file=/etc/centreon/generated.tobesecured #File where the generated passwords will be temporaly saved tmp_passwords_file=$(mktemp /tmp/generated.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) #Random tmp file as the /etc/centreon does not exist yet topology=${ENV_CENTREON_TOPOLOGY:-"central"} #Default topology to be installed version=${ENV_CENTREON_VERSION:-"23.04"} #Default version to be installed repo=${ENV_CENTREON_REPO:-"stable"} #Default repository to used operation=${ENV_CENTREON_OPERATION:-"install"} #Default operation to be executed runtime_log_level=${ENV_LOG_LEVEL:-"INFO"} #Default log level to be used selinux_mode=${ENV_SELINUX_MODE:-"permissive"} #Default SELinux mode to be used wizard_autoplay=${ENV_WIZARD_AUTOPLAY:-"false"} #Default the install wizard is not run auto central_ip=${ENV_CENTRAL_IP:-$default_ip} #Default central ip is the first of hostname -I function genpasswd() { local _pwd PWD_LOWER=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z' | head -c4) PWD_UPPER=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-Z' | head -c4) PWD_DIGIT=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9' | head -c4) PWD_SPECIAL=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '\!\@\$\*\?' | head -c4) _pwd="$PWD_LOWER$PWD_UPPER$PWD_DIGIT$PWD_SPECIAL" _pwd=$(echo $_pwd |fold -w 1 |shuf |tr -d '\n') echo "Random password generated for user [$1] is [$_pwd]" >>$tmp_passwords_file if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Cannot save the random password to [$tmp_passwords_file]" exit 1 fi #return the generated password echo $_pwd } CENTREON_MAJOR_VERSION=$version CENTREON_RELEASE_VERSION="$CENTREON_MAJOR_VERSION-1" # Static variables PHP_BIN="/usr/bin/php" PHP_ETC="/etc/php.d/" # Variables dynamically set detected_os_release= detected_os_version= centreon_admin_password= # Variables will be defined later according to the target system OS BASE_PACKAGES= CENTREON_SELINUX_PACKAGES= RELEASE_REPO_FILE= OS_SPEC_SERVICES= PKG_MGR= has_systemd= CENTREON_REPO= CENTREON_DOC_URL= ######################################################### ############### ALL INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ################## #========= begin of function usage() # display help usage # function usage() { echo echo "Usage:" echo echo " $script_short_name [install|update (default: install)] [-t (default: central)] [-v <23.04> (default: 23.04)] [-r (default: stable)] [-l ] [-s (for silent install)] [-p ] [-h (show this help output)]" echo echo Example: echo echo " $script_short_name == install the $version of $topology from the repository $repo" echo echo " $script_short_name install -r unstable,testing == install the central to the $version from the unstable & testing repository" echo exit 1 } #======== end of function usage() #========= begin of function log() # print out the message according to the level # with timestamp # # usage: # log "$LOG_LEVEL" "$message" ($LOG_LEVEL = DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR) # # example: # log "DEBUG" "This is a DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL message" # log "INFO" "This is a INFO_LOG_LEVEL message" # function log() { TIMESTAMP=$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) if [[ -z "${1}" || -z "${2}" ]]; then echo "${TIMESTAMP} - ERROR: Missing argument" echo "${TIMESTAMP} - ERROR: Usage log \"INFO\" \"Message log\" " exit 1 fi # get the message log level log_message_level="${1}" # shift once to get the log message (string or array) shift # get the log message (full log message) log_message="${@}" # check if the log_message_level is greater than the runtime_log_level [[ ${SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL[$log_message_level]} ]] || return 1 ((${SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL[$log_message_level]} < ${SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL[$runtime_log_level]})) && return 2 echo -e "${TIMESTAMP} - $log_message_level - $log_message" } #======== end of function log() #========= begin of function parse_subcommand_options() # parse the provided arguments and check values # the script will display usage (and aborted) for any # unsupported argument/option (which are defined in constants) # function parse_subcommand_options() { local requested_topology="" local requested_version="" local requested_repo="" local OPTIND OPTIND=2 while getopts $OPTIONS opt; do case ${opt} in t) requested_topology=$OPTARG log "INFO" "Requested topology: '$requested_topology'" [[ ! ${SUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY[$requested_topology]} ]] && log "ERROR" "Unsupported topology: $requested_topology" && usage ;; v) requested_version=$OPTARG log "INFO" "Requested version: '$requested_version'" [[ ! ${SUPPORTED_VERSION[$requested_version]} ]] && log "ERROR" "Unsupported version: $requested_version" && usage ;; r) requested_repo=$OPTARG log "INFO" "Requested repository: '$requested_repo'" get_os_information set_centreon_repos $requested_repo ;; l) log_level=$OPTARG if [ ! ${SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL[$log_level]} ]; then log "ERROR" "Unsupported and ignored log level: $log_level" else runtime_log_level=$log_level fi log "INFO" "Runtime log level set: $runtime_log_level" ;; s) wizard_autoplay="true" log "INFO" "The installation wizard will be executed by the script" ;; p) centreon_admin_password=$OPTARG ;; \?) log "ERROR" "Invalid option: -"$OPTARG"" usage exit 1 ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; :) log "ERROR" "Option -"$OPTARG" requires an argument." usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) ## check the configuration parameters if [ -z "${requested_topology}" ]; then log "WARN" "No topology provided: default value [$topology] will be used" else topology=$requested_topology fi if [ -z "${requested_version}" ]; then log "WARN" "No version provided: default value [$version] will be used" else version=$requested_version fi if [ -z "${requested_repo}" ]; then log "WARN" "No repository provided: default value [$repo] will be used" else repo=$requested_repo fi } #======== end of function parse_subcommand_options() #========= begin of function error_and_exit() # display the ERROR log message then exit the script function error_and_exit() { log "ERROR" "$1" exit 1 } #========= end of function error_and_exit() #========= begin of function pause() # add pause prompt message ($1) for ($2) seconds # function pause() { local timeout=$default_timeout_in_sec if [ -n $2 ]; then timeout=$2 fi read -t $timeout -s -n 1 -p "${1}" echo "" } #========= end of function pause() #========= begin of function get_os_information() # get the OS release # if the detected release is not supported the script will be ended # function get_os_information() { # Get OS name OS_NAME=$(grep "^NAME=" /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '"') # Get OS version OS_VERSIONID=$(grep "^VERSION_ID=" /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '"') if [[ "$(echo "${OS_NAME}" | wc -l)" -ne 1 || "$(echo "${OS_VERSIONID}" | wc -l)" -ne 1 ]]; then error_and_exit "Unable to determine your running OS or version." fi case "${OS_NAME}" in AlmaLinux*) detected_os_release="almalinux-release-${OS_VERSIONID}" ;; CentOS*) detected_os_release="centos-release-${OS_VERSIONID}" ;; Debian*) detected_os_release="debian-release-${OS_VERSIONID}" ;; Oracle*) detected_os_release="oraclelinux-release-${OS_VERSIONID}" ;; "Red Hat"*) detected_os_release="redhat-release-${OS_VERSIONID}" ;; Rocky*) detected_os_release="rocky-release-${OS_VERSIONID}" ;; *) log "ERROR" "Unsupported distribution ${OS_NAME} detected" error_and_exit "This '$script_short_name' script only supports Red-Hat compatible distribution (v8 and v9) and Debian 11. Please check https://docs.centreon.com/docs/installation/introduction for alternative installation methods." ;; esac detected_os_version=${OS_VERSIONID} log "INFO" "Your running OS is $detected_os_release (version: ${detected_os_version})" } #========= end of function get_os_information() #========= begin of function set_centreon_repos() # split the repos from the args (separated by , ) # then concat the string for $CENTREON_REPO # function set_centreon_repos() { if ! [ -z $1 ]; then repo=$1 fi IFS=', ' read -r -a array_repos <<<"$repo" CENTREON_REPO="" for _repo in "${array_repos[@]}"; do [[ ! ${SUPPORTED_REPOSITORY[$_repo]} ]] && log "ERROR" "Unsupported repository: $_repo" && usage if [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then CENTREON_REPO+="$version-$_repo" else CENTREON_REPO+="centreon-$version-$_repo*" fi if ! [ "$_repo" == "${array_repos[@]:(-1)}" ]; then CENTREON_REPO+="," fi done log "INFO" "Following Centreon repo will be used: [$CENTREON_REPO]" } #========= end of function set_centreon_repos() #========= begin of function set_mariadb_repos() # function set_mariadb_repos() { log "INFO" "Install MariaDB repository" case "$detected_os_release" in debian-release*) curl -LsS https://r.mariadb.com/downloads/mariadb_repo_setup | bash -s -- --os-type=debian --os-version=11 --mariadb-server-version="mariadb-10.5" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install the repository" else log "INFO" "Successfully installed MariaDB repository" fi rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list.old_* > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; *) curl -LsS https://r.mariadb.com/downloads/mariadb_repo_setup | bash -s -- --mariadb-server-version="mariadb-10.5" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install the repository" else log "INFO" "Successfully installed MariaDB repository" fi rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo.old_* > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; esac } #========= end of function set_mariadb_repos() #========= begin of function set_required_prerequisite() # check if the target OS is compatible with Red Hat and the version is 8 or 9 # then set the required environment variables accordingly # function set_required_prerequisite() { log "INFO" "Check if the system OS is supported and set the environment variables" get_os_information case "$detected_os_release" in redhat-release* | centos-release-* | centos-linux-release* | centos-stream-release* | almalinux-release* | rocky-release*) case "$detected_os_version" in 8*) log "INFO" "Setting specific part for v8 ($detected_os_version)" RELEASE_REPO_FILE="https://packages.centreon.com/artifactory/rpm-standard/$version/el8/centreon-$version.repo" REMI_RELEASE_RPM_URL="https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-8.rpm" OS_SPEC_SERVICES="php-fpm httpd" PKG_MGR="dnf" case "$detected_os_release" in redhat-release*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core epel-release) subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms ;; centos-release-8.[3-9]* | centos-linux-release* | centos-stream-release* | almalinux-release* | rocky-release*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core epel-release) $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled powertools ;; centos-release-8.[1-2]*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core epel-release) $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools ;; oraclelinux-release* | enterprise-release*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core) $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled ol8_codeready_builder dnf install -y http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm ;; esac if [ "$topology" == "central" ]; then install_remi_repo if [[ "$version" == "21.10" || "$version" == "22.04" ]]; then log "INFO" "Installing PHP 8.0 and enable it" $PKG_MGR module reset php -y -q $PKG_MGR module install php:remi-8.0 -y -q else log "INFO" "Installing PHP 8.1 and enable it" $PKG_MGR module install php:remi-8.1 -y -q $PKG_MGR module enable php:remi-8.1 -y -q fi fi ;; 9*) if ! [[ "$version" == "23.04" ]]; then error_and_exit "Only Centreon version 23.04 is compatible with EL9, you chose $version" fi log "INFO" "Setting specific part for v9 ($detected_os_version)" RELEASE_REPO_FILE="https://packages.centreon.com/artifactory/rpm-standard/$version/el9/centreon-$version.repo" OS_SPEC_SERVICES="php-fpm httpd" PKG_MGR="dnf" case "$detected_os_release" in redhat-release*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core epel-release) subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-rhui-rpms ;; centos-release* | centos-linux-release* | centos-stream-release* | almalinux-release* | rocky-release*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core epel-release) $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled crb ;; oraclelinux-release* | enterprise-release*) BASE_PACKAGES=(dnf-plugins-core) $PKG_MGR config-manager --set-enabled ol9_codeready_builder dnf install -y http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm ;; esac if [ "$topology" == "central" ]; then log "INFO" "Installing PHP 8.1 and enable it" $PKG_MGR module install php:8.1 -y -q $PKG_MGR module enable php:8.1 -y -q fi ;; *) error_and_exit "This '$script_short_name' script only supports Red-Hat compatible distribution (v8 and v9) and Debian 11. Please check https://docs.centreon.com/docs/installation/introduction for alternative installation methods." ;; esac log "INFO" "Installing packages ${BASE_PACKAGES[@]}" $PKG_MGR -q install -y ${BASE_PACKAGES[@]} log "INFO" "Updating package gnutls" $PKG_MGR -q update -y gnutls set_centreon_repos if [ "$topology" == "central" ]; then set_mariadb_repos log "INFO" "Installing glibc langpack for Centreon UI translation" $PKG_MGR-q install -y glibc-langpack-fr glibc-langpack-es glibc-langpack-pt glibc-langpack-de > /dev/null 2>&1 fi ;; debian-release*) case "$detected_os_version" in 11) if ! [[ "$version" == "22.04" || "$version" == "22.10" || "$version" == "23.04" ]]; then error_and_exit "For Debian, only Centreon versions >= 22.04 are compatible. You chose $version" fi log "INFO" "Setting specific part for Debian" PKG_MGR="apt -qq" OS_SPEC_SERVICES="php8.1-fpm apache2" ${PKG_MGR} update && ${PKG_MGR} install -y lsb-release ca-certificates apt-transport-https software-properties-common wget gnupg2 curl # Get CPU architecture type VENDORID=$(lscpu | grep -e '^Vendor ID:' | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]') if [[ "$VENDORID" == "ARM" ]]; then error_and_exit "This version is not compatible for Debian on Raspberry." fi # Add Centreon repositories set_centreon_repos IFS=', ' read -r -a array_apt <<<"$CENTREON_REPO" for _repo in "${array_apt[@]}"; do echo "deb https://packages.centreon.com/apt-standard-$_repo/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/centreon-$_repo.list SIMPLEREPO=$(echo $_repo | cut -d '-' -f2) echo "deb https://packages.centreon.com/apt-plugins-$SIMPLEREPO/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/centreon-plugins-$SIMPLEREPO.list done wget -O- https://apt-key.centreon.com | gpg --dearmor | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/centreon.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$topology" == "central" ]; then # Add PHP repo echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sury-php.list wget -O- https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg | gpg --dearmor | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 set_mariadb_repos else ${PKG_MGR} update fi ;; *) error_and_exit "This '$script_short_name' script only supports Red-Hat compatible distribution (v8 and v9) and Debian 11. Please check https://docs.centreon.com/docs/installation/introduction for alternative installation methods." ;; esac esac } #========= end of function set_required_prerequisite() #========= begin of function is_systemd_present() # function is_systemd_present() { # systemd check. running_process=$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1) if [ "$running_process" == "systemd" ]; then has_systemd=1 log "INFO" "Systemd is running" else has_systemd=0 log "WARN" "Systemd is not running" fi } #========= end of function is_systemd_present() #========= begin of function set_selinux_config() # change SELinux config: $1 (permissive | enforcing | disabled) # function set_selinux_config() { log "INFO" "Change SELinux config to mode [$1]" if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then log "WARN" "Modifying /etc/selinux/config. You must reboot your machine." sed -i "s/^SELINUX=.*\$/SELINUX=$1/" /etc/selinux/config if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not change SELinux mode. You might need to run this script as root." fi else log "WARN" "Cannot read /etc/selinux/config. Do nothing" fi } #========= end of function set_selinux_config() #========= begin of function set_runtime_selinux_mode () # set runtime SELinux mode: $1 (permissive | enforcing) # function set_runtime_selinux_mode() { log "INFO" "Set runtime SELinux mode to [$1]" _current_mode=$(getenforce | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') log "DEBUG" "Current SELinux mode is [$_current_mode]" shopt -s nocasematch if [ "$_current_mode" == "$1" ]; then log "DEBUG" "Current SELinux mode is already set as requested. Nothing to do" return fi _request_mode=0 #Default mode is permissive case $1 in permissive) log "DEBUG" "Change runtime mode to [permissive]" _request_mode=0 ;; enforcing) log "DEBUG" "Change runtime mode to [enforcing]" _request_mode=1 ;; esac setenforce $_request_mode if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not change SELinux mode. You might need to run this script as root." elif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then log "WARN" "Current SELinux mode is disabled. Nothing to do" fi } #========= end of function set_runtime_selinux_mode() #========= begin of function secure_mariadb_setup() # apply some secure requests # function secure_mariadb_setup() { log "INFO" "Secure MariaDB setup..." log "WARN" "We are applying some requests that will enhance your MariaDB setup security" log "WARN" "Please consult the official documentation https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysql_secure_installation/ for more details" log "WARN" "You can use mysqladmin in order to set a new password for user root" log "INFO" "Restarting MariaDB service first" systemctl restart mariadb log "INFO" "Executing SQL requests" mysql -u root <<-EOF UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET priv=json_set(priv, '$.plugin', 'mysql_native_password', '$.authentication_string', PASSWORD('$mariadb_root_password')) WHERE User='root'; DELETE FROM mysql.global_priv WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1'); DELETE FROM mysql.global_priv WHERE User=''; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test; DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not apply the requests" else log "INFO" "Successfully applied the SQL requests for enhancing your MariaDB" fi } #========= end of function secure_mariadb_setup() #========= begin of function install_centreon_repo() # install the centos-release-scl under CentOS7 # then install Centreon official repositories # function install_centreon_repo() { log "INFO" "Centreon official repositories installation..." $PKG_MGR config-manager --add-repo $RELEASE_REPO_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install Centreon repository" fi } #========= end of function install_centreon_repo() #========= begin of function install_remi_repo() # install Remi repositories # function install_remi_repo() { log "INFO" "Remi repositories installation..." $PKG_MGR -q clean all rpm -q remi-release >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then $PKG_MGR -q install -y $REMI_RELEASE_RPM_URL if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install Remi repository" fi else log "INFO" "Remi repository seems to be already installed" fi } #========= end of function install_remi_repo() #========= begin of function update_firewall_config() # add firewall configuration for newly added services # function update_firewall_config() { log "INFO" "Update firewall configuration..." command -v firewall-cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then firewall-cmd --state >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then for svc in http snmp snmptrap; do firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=$svc --permanent >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not configure firewall. You might need to run this script as root." fi done for port in "5556/tcp" "5669/tcp"; do firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$port --permanent >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not configure firewall. You might need to run this script as root." fi done log "INFO" "Reloading firewall rules" firewall-cmd --reload else log "WARN" "Firewall was not active" fi else log "WARN" "Firewall was not detected" fi } #========= end of function update_firewall_config() #========= begin of function enable_new_services() # enable newly added services to make them active after system reboot # function enable_new_services() { log "INFO" "Enable and restart services ..." if [ $has_systemd -eq 1 ]; then case $topology in central) log "DEBUG" "On central..." systemctl enable mariadb $OS_SPEC_SERVICES snmpd snmptrapd gorgoned centreontrapd cbd centengine centreon systemctl restart mariadb $OS_SPEC_SERVICES snmpd snmptrapd systemctl start centreontrapd ;; poller) log "DEBUG" "On poller..." systemctl enable centreon centengine centreontrapd snmpd snmptrapd gorgoned systemctl start centreontrapd snmptrapd ;; esac else log "WARN" "Systemd not detected, skipping" fi } #========= end of function enable_new_services() #========= begin of function setup_before_installation() # execute some tasks before installing Centreon # - disable SELinux # - install Centreon official repositories function setup_before_installation() { set_runtime_selinux_mode "disabled" install_centreon_repo } #========= end of function setup_before_installation() #========= begin of function install_wizard_post() # execute a post request of the install wizard # - session cookie # - php command # - request body function install_wizard_post() { log "INFO" " wizard install step ${2} response -> $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "http://${central_ip}/centreon/install/steps/process/${2}" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \ -H "Cookie: ${1}" --data "${3}")" } #========= end of function install_wizard_post() #========= begin of function play_install_wizard() function play_install_wizard() { log "INFO" "Playing install wizard" sessionID=$(curl -s -v "http://${central_ip}/centreon/install/install.php" 2>&1 | grep Set-Cookie | awk '{print $3}') curl -s "http://${central_ip}/centreon/install/steps/step.php?action=stepContent" -H "Cookie: ${sessionID}" >/dev/null install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "process_step3.php" 'install_dir_engine=%2Fusr%2Fshare%2Fcentreon-engine¢reon_engine_stats_binary=%2Fusr%2Fsbin%2Fcentenginestats&monitoring_var_lib=%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fcentreon-engine¢reon_engine_connectors=%2Fusr%2Flib64%2Fcentreon-connector¢reon_engine_lib=%2Fusr%2Flib64%2Fcentreon-engine¢reonplugins=%2Fusr%2Flib%2Fcentreon%2Fplugins%2F' install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "process_step4.php" 'centreonbroker_etc=%2Fetc%2Fcentreon-broker¢reonbroker_cbmod=%2Fusr%2Flib64%2Fnagios%2Fcbmod.so¢reonbroker_log=%2Fvar%2Flog%2Fcentreon-broker¢reonbroker_varlib=%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fcentreon-broker¢reonbroker_lib=%2Fusr%2Fshare%2Fcentreon%2Flib%2Fcentreon-broker' install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "process_step5.php" "admin_password=${centreon_admin_password}&confirm_password=${centreon_admin_password}&firstname=${centreon_admin_firstname}&lastname=${centreon_admin_lastname}&email=${centreon_admin_email}" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "process_step6.php" "address=&port=3306&root_user=root&root_password=${mariadb_root_password}&db_configuration=centreon&db_storage=centreon_storage&db_user=centreon&db_password=${mariadb_centreon_password}&db_password_confirm=${mariadb_centreon_password}" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "configFileSetup.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "installConfigurationDb.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "installStorageDb.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "createDbUser.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "insertBaseConf.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "partitionTables.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "generationCache.php" install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "process_step8.php" 'modules%5B%5D=centreon-license-manager&modules%5B%5D=centreon-pp-manager&modules%5B%5D=centreon-autodiscovery-server&widgets%5B%5D=engine-status&widgets%5B%5D=global-health&widgets%5B%5D=graph-monitoring&widgets%5B%5D=grid-map&widgets%5B%5D=host-monitoring&widgets%5B%5D=hostgroup-monitoring&widgets%5B%5D=httploader&widgets%5B%5D=live-top10-cpu-usage&widgets%5B%5D=live-top10-memory-usage&widgets%5B%5D=service-monitoring&widgets%5B%5D=servicegroup-monitoring&widgets%5B%5D=tactical-overview&widgets%5B%5D=single-metric' install_wizard_post ${sessionID} "process_step9.php" 'send_statistics=1' } #========= end of function play_install_wizard() #========= begin of function test_api_connection() function test_api_connection () { log "INFO" "Test admin password to access Centreon's API" # Define temporary files api_output="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_output" api_return_code="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_return_code" api_error_message="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_error_message" api_error_keys="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_error_keys" # # Log in to Centreon API to get token # curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/latest/login" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request POST \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data "{\"security\": {\"credentials\": {\"login\": \"admin\",\"password\": \"${centreon_admin_password}\"}}}" \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} # Analyse result errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "200" ]]; then error_and_exit "API connection error (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $message)" else token=$(echo $message | sed 's/.*{"token":"\(.*\)"}}/\1/g') if [ -z "${token}" ]; then error_and_exit "Unable to extract token from message: $message" fi log "DEBUG" "APIv2 token: ${token}" fi } #========= end of function test_api_connection() #========= begin of function play_update_api() function play_update_api () { log "INFO" "Install jq binary" $PKG_MGR -q install -y jq > /dev/null 2>&1 log "INFO" "Update Centreon using API" # Define temporary files api_output="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_output" api_return_code="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_return_code" api_error_message="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_error_message" api_error_keys="/tmp/unattended.sh_api_error_keys" # # Log in to Centreon API to get token # curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/latest/login" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request POST \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data "{\"security\": {\"credentials\": {\"login\": \"admin\",\"password\": \"${centreon_admin_password}\"}}}" \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} # Analyse result errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ -f ${api_output} && -s "${api_output}" ]];then jq --raw-output 'keys | @csv' ${api_output} | sed 's/"//g' > ${api_error_keys} hasErrors=`grep --quiet --invert errors ${api_error_keys};echo $?` else hasErrors=0 fi if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ $hasErrors -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "200" ]]; then error_and_exit "API connection error (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $message)" else token=$(echo $message | sed 's/.*{"token":"\(.*\)"}}/\1/g') if [ -z "${token}" ]; then error_and_exit "Unable to extract token from message: $message" fi log "DEBUG" "APIv2 token: ${token}" fi # Clean files rm -f ${api_output} ${api_return_code} ${api_error_message} ${api_error_keys} # # Call Centreon Web update API # curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/latest/platform/updates" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request PATCH \ --header "X-AUTH-TOKEN: ${token}" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"components":[{"name":"centreon-web"}]}' \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ -f ${api_output} && -s "${api_output}" ]];then jq --raw-output 'keys | @csv' ${api_output} | sed 's/"//g' > ${api_error_keys} hasErrors=`grep --quiet --invert errors ${api_error_keys};echo $?` else hasErrors=0 fi if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ $hasErrors -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "204" && "$httpResponse" != "404" ]]; then error_and_exit "Error during update (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $message)" else log "INFO" "Centreon Web update completed" fi # Clean files rm -f ${api_output} ${api_return_code} ${api_error_message} ${api_error_keys} # # Log in to Centreon APIv1 to get token # curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/index.php?action=authenticate" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request POST \ --data "username=admin&password=${centreon_admin_password}" \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} # Analyse result errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ -f ${api_output} && -s "${api_output}" ]];then jq --raw-output 'keys | @csv' ${api_output} | sed 's/"//g' > ${api_error_keys} hasErrors=`grep --quiet --invert errors ${api_error_keys};echo $?` else hasErrors=0 fi if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ $hasErrors -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "200" ]]; then error_and_exit "API connection error (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $message)" else tokenv1=$(echo ${message} | cut -f2 -d":" | sed -e "s/\"//g" -e "s/}//" -e 's|\\||g') if [ -z "${tokenv1}" ]; then error_and_exit "Unable to extract token from message: $message" fi log "DEBUG" "APIv1 token: ${token}" fi rm -f ${api_output} ${api_return_code} ${api_error_message} ${api_error_keys} # # Get list of installed extensions # curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/index.php?object=centreon_module&action=list" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request GET \ --header "centreon-auth-token: ${tokenv1}" \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} # Analyse result errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ -f ${api_output} && -s "${api_output}" ]];then jq --raw-output 'keys | @csv' ${api_output} | sed 's/"//g' > ${api_error_keys} hasErrors=`grep --quiet --invert errors ${api_error_keys};echo $?` else hasErrors=0 fi if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ $hasErrors -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "200" ]]; then error_and_exit "Error during update (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $message)" else # # Get list of modules and update them if needed # modules=$(echo ${message} | jq '.result.module.entities[] | "\(.id)|\(.version.current)|\(.version.available)"') for module in ${modules} do rm -f ${api_output} ${api_return_code} ${api_error_message} ${api_error_keys} clear_line=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<< ${module}) IFS="|" read -a module_information <<< ${clear_line} if [ "${module_information[1]}" != "${module_information[2]}" ]; then curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/index.php?object=centreon_module&action=update&id=${module_information[0]}&type=module" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request POST \ --header "centreon-auth-token: ${tokenv1}" \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} # Analyse result errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) sub_message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ -f ${api_output} && -s "${api_output}" ]];then jq --raw-output 'keys | @csv' ${api_output} | sed 's/"//g' > ${api_error_keys} hasErrors=`grep --quiet --invert errors ${api_error_keys};echo $?` else hasErrors=0 fi if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ $hasErrors -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "200" ]]; then error_and_exit "Error during update of ${module_information[0]} module (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $sub_message)" else status=$(echo ${sub_message} | jq '.status') status_message=$(echo ${sub_message} | jq '.result.message') if [ "${status}" = "false" ]; then log "WARN" "Error during update of ${module_information[0]} module: ${status_message}" fi fi fi done # # Get list of widgets and update them if needed # widgets=$(echo ${message} | jq '.result.widget.entities[] | "\(.id)|\(.version.current)|\(.version.available)"') for widget in ${widgets} do rm -f ${api_output} ${api_return_code} ${api_error_message} ${api_error_keys} clear_line=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<< ${widget}) IFS="|" read -a widget_information <<< ${clear_line} if [ "${widget_information[1]}" != "${widget_information[2]}" ]; then curl "${central_ip}/centreon/api/index.php?object=centreon_module&action=update&id=${widget_information[0]}&type=widget" \ --silent \ --insecure \ --request POST \ --header "centreon-auth-token: ${tokenv1}" \ --output ${api_output} \ --write-out %{http_code} \ > ${api_return_code} 2> ${api_error_message} # Analyse result errorLevel=$? httpResponse=$(cat ${api_return_code}) sub_message=$(cat ${api_output}) if [[ -f ${api_output} && -s "${api_output}" ]];then jq --raw-output 'keys | @csv' ${api_output} | sed 's/"//g' > ${api_error_keys} hasErrors=`grep --quiet --invert errors ${api_error_keys};echo $?` else hasErrors=0 fi if [[ $errorLevel -gt 0 ]] || [[ $hasErrors -gt 0 ]] || [[ "$httpResponse" != "200" ]]; then error_and_exit "Error during update of ${widget_information[0]} widget (errorLevel $errorLevel, http response code $httpResponse, message: $sub_message)" else status=$(echo ${sub_message} | jq '.status') status_message=$(echo ${sub_message} | jq '.result.message') if [ "${status}" = "false" ]; then log "WARN" "Error during update of ${widget_information[0]} widget: ${status_message}" fi fi fi done fi } #========= end of function play_update_api() #========= begin of function play_update() function play_update() { if [ -z "${centreon_admin_password}" ]; then error_and_exit "Centreon admin password is not defined" fi if [[ "$version" == "21.10" || "$version" == "22.04" ]]; then error_and_exit "Your Centreon version is not supported for silent update, please connect to UI and perform update manually." else play_update_api fi } #========= end of function play_update() #========= begin of function install_central() # install the Centreon Central # function install_central() { log "INFO" "Centreon [$topology] installation from [${CENTREON_REPO}]" if [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then $PKG_MGR install -y --no-install-recommends centreon if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install Centreon (package centreon)" fi else # install core Centreon packages from enabled repo $PKG_MGR -q clean all --enablerepo="*" && $PKG_MGR -q install -y centreon --enablerepo="$CENTREON_REPO" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install Centreon (package centreon)" fi fi # # PHP # log "INFO" "PHP configuration" timezone=$($PHP_BIN -r ' $timezoneName = timezone_name_from_abbr(trim(shell_exec("date \"+%Z\""))); if (preg_match("/Time zone: (\S+)/", shell_exec("timedatectl"), $matches)) { $timezoneName = $matches[1]; } if (date_default_timezone_set($timezoneName) === false) { $timezoneName = "UTC"; } echo $timezoneName; ' 2>/dev/null) if [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then echo "date.timezone = $timezone" >> /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/centreon.ini else echo "date.timezone = $timezone" >> $PHP_ETC/50-centreon.ini fi log "INFO" "PHP date.timezone set to [$timezone]" secure_mariadb_setup } #========= end of function install_central() #========= begin of function install_poller() # install the Centreon Poller # function install_poller() { log "INFO" "Poller installation from ${CENTREON_REPO}" if [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then $PKG_MGR install -y --no-install-recommends centreon-poller if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install Centreon (package centreon)" fi else $PKG_MGR -q clean all --enablerepo="*" && $PKG_MGR -q install -y centreon-poller-centreon-engine --enablerepo=$CENTREON_REPO if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install Centreon (package centreon)" fi fi } #========= end of function install_poller() #========= begin of function update_centreon_packages() # update Centreon packages # function update_centreon_packages() { log "INFO" "Update Centreon packages using ${CENTREON_REPO}" if [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then $PKG_MGR upgrade centreon else $PKG_MGR -q clean all --enablerepo="*" && $PKG_MGR -q update -y centreon\* --enablerepo=$CENTREON_REPO if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not update Centreon" fi fi } #========= end of function update_centreon_packages() #========= begin of function restart_centreon_process() # Restart Centreon process # function restart_centreon_process() { systemctl restart centreon snmpd snmptrapd } #========= end of function restart_centreon_process() #========= begin of function update_after_installation() # execute some tasks after having installed Centreon # - update firewall config # - enable some newly added services # # ## FIXME -- according to the $topology # function update_after_installation() { update_firewall_config enable_new_services if ! [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then # install Centreon SELinux packages first (as getenforce is still at 0) $PKG_MGR -q install -y ${CENTREON_SELINUX_PACKAGES[@]} --enablerepo="$CENTREON_REPO" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "Could not install Centreon SELinux packages" else log "INFO" "Centreon SELinux rules are installed. Please consult the documentation https://docs.centreon.com/docs/administration/secure-platform for more details." fi #then change the SELinux mode set_runtime_selinux_mode $selinux_mode set_selinux_config $selinux_mode fi } #========= end of function update_after_installation() #========= begin of function test_password_policy() function test_password_policy() { if [[ ${#centreon_admin_password} -ge 12 && "${centreon_admin_password}" == *[A-Z]* && "${centreon_admin_password}" == *[a-z]* && "${centreon_admin_password}" == *[0-9]* && "${centreon_admin_password}" == *[\!@#$%^\&*()\\[\]{}\-_+=~\`\|\:\;\"\'\<\>\,\.\/\?]* ]]; then log "INFO" "Password is compliant with Centreon security policy" else error_and_exit "Password is not compliant with Centreon security policy ([A-Z][a-z][0-9][\!@#$%^\&*()\\[\]{}\-_+=~\`\|\:\;\"\'\<\>\,\.\/\?]{12,})" fi } #========= end of function test_password_policy() ##################################################### ################ MAIN SCRIPT EXECUTION ############## if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then error_and_exit "This script must be run as root" fi ## Process the provided arguments in line case "$1" in -h) usage exit 0 ;; update) operation="update" parse_subcommand_options "$@" ;; install) operation="install" parse_subcommand_options "$@" ;; *) log "WARN" "No provided operation: default value [$operation] will be used" #usage operation="install" parse_subcommand_options "$@" ;; esac # Set MariaDB password from ENV or random password if not defined if [ "$operation" == "install" ]; then mariadb_root_password=${ENV_MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWD:-"$(genpasswd "MariaDB user: root")"} if [ "$wizard_autoplay" == "true" ]; then # Set from ENV or random MariaDB centreon password mariadb_centreon_password=${ENV_MARIADB_CENTREON_PASSWD:-"$(genpasswd "MariaDB user: centreon")"} # Generate random password if Centreon admin password is empty if [ -z "${centreon_admin_password}" ]; then centreon_admin_password=${ENV_CENTREON_ADMIN_PASSWD:-"$(genpasswd "Centreon user: admin")"} else test_password_policy fi # Set from ENV or Administrator first name centreon_admin_firstname=${ENV_CENTREON_ADMIN_FIRSTNAME:-"John"} # Set from ENV or Administrator last name centreon_admin_lastname=${ENV_CENTREON_ADMIN_LASTNAME:-"Doe"} # Set from ENV or Administrator e-mail centreon_admin_email=${ENV_CENTREON_ADMIN_EMAIL:-"admin@admin.tld"} fi else if [ "$wizard_autoplay" == "true" ]; then if [ -z "${centreon_admin_password}" ]; then error_and_exit "Centreon admin password is not defined, use '-p ' option" else test_api_connection fi fi fi ## Display all configured parameters log "INFO" "Start to execute operation [$operation] with following configuration parameters:" log "INFO" " topology: \t[$topology]" log "INFO" " version: \t[$version]" log "INFO" " repository: [$repo]" log "WARN" "It will start in [$default_timeout_in_sec] seconds. If you don't want to wait, press any key to continue or Ctrl-C to exit" pause "" $default_timeout_in_sec ## # Analyze system and set the variables ## set_required_prerequisite ## # Check if systemd is present ## is_systemd_present ## Start to execute case $operation in install) if ! [[ "${detected_os_release}" =~ debian-release-.* ]]; then setup_before_installation fi case $topology in central) CENTREON_SELINUX_PACKAGES=(centreon-common-selinux centreon-web-selinux centreon-broker-selinux centreon-engine-selinux centreon-gorgoned-selinux centreon-plugins-selinux) install_central CENTREON_DOC_URL="https://docs.centreon.com/docs/installation/web-and-post-installation/#web-installation" ;; poller) CENTREON_SELINUX_PACKAGES=(centreon-common-selinux centreon-broker-selinux centreon-engine-selinux centreon-gorgoned-selinux centreon-plugins-selinux) install_poller CENTREON_DOC_URL="https://docs.centreon.com/docs/monitoring/monitoring-servers/add-a-poller-to-configuration/" ;; esac update_after_installation if [ "$topology" == "central" ] && [ "$wizard_autoplay" == "true" ]; then play_install_wizard log "INFO" "Log in to Centreon web interface via the URL: http://$central_ip/centreon" else log "INFO" "Follow the steps described in Centreon documentation: $CENTREON_DOC_URL" fi log "INFO" "Centreon [$topology] successfully installed !" ;; update) case $topology in central) update_centreon_packages if [ "$wizard_autoplay" == "true" ]; then play_update restart_centreon_process log "INFO" "Log in to Centreon web interface via the URL: http://$central_ip/centreon" else CENTREON_DOC_URL="https://docs.centreon.com/docs/update/update-centreon-platform/#update-the-centreon-solution" log "INFO" "Follow the steps described in Centreon documentation: $CENTREON_DOC_URL" fi ;; poller) CENTREON_DOC_URL="" update_centreon_packages restart_centreon_process ;; esac log "INFO" "Centreon [$topology] successfully updated !" ;; esac ## Major change - remind it again (in case of log level is ERROR) if [ -e $tmp_passwords_file ] && [ "$topology" == "central" ] && [ "$operation" = "install" ]; then # Move the tmp file to the dest file mv $tmp_passwords_file $passwords_file echo echo "****** IMPORTANT ******" if [ "$wizard_autoplay" == "true" ]; then echo "As you will need passwords for users such as MariaDB [root,centreon] and Centreon [admin], random passwords are generated" else echo "As you will need password for user MariaDB [root], random password are generated" fi echo "Passwords are currently saved in [$passwords_file]" cat $passwords_file echo echo "Please save them securely and then delete this file!" echo fi if [ -e $tmp_passwords_file ] && [ "$operation" = "update" ]; then rm -f $tmp_passwords_file fi exit 0