class RealTimeDocument { #subscription; #channel; #load; #applyUpdate; #compareVersion; #onChange; #messageBuffer = []; #document = null; #version = null; #isLoaded = false; #reSyncTimer = null; #minReSyncDelay; #maxReSyncDelay; #reSyncAttempts = 0; #debug = false; constructor({ subscription, load, applyUpdate, compareVersion, onChange, minReSyncDelay = 100, maxReSyncDelay = 10000, debug = false, }) { if (!subscription) throw new Error("subscription is required"); if (!load) throw new Error("load function is required"); if (!applyUpdate) throw new Error("applyUpdate function is required"); if (!compareVersion) throw new Error("compareVersion function is required"); if (!onChange) throw new Error("onChange function is required"); this.#subscription = subscription; this.#channel =; this.#load = load; this.#applyUpdate = applyUpdate; this.#compareVersion = compareVersion; this.#onChange = onChange; this.#minReSyncDelay = minReSyncDelay; this.#maxReSyncDelay = maxReSyncDelay; this.#debug = debug; this.#subscription.on('publication', (ctx) => { if (!this.#isLoaded) { // Buffer messages until initial state is loaded. this.#messageBuffer.push(ctx); return; } // Process new messages immediately if initial state is already loaded. const newVersion = this.#compareVersion(this.#version,; if (newVersion === null) { this.#debugLog("Skip real-time publication", ctx); return; } this.#document = this.#applyUpdate(this.#document,; this.#version = newVersion; this.#onChange(this.#document); }).on('subscribed', (ctx) => { if (ctx.wasRecovering) { if (ctx.recovered) { this.#debugLog("Successfully re-attached to a stream"); } else { this.#debugLog("Re-syncing due to failed recovery"); this.#reSync(); } } else { this.#debugLog("Load data for the first time"); this.#loadDocumentApplyBuffered().catch(error => this.#debugLog("Unhandled error in loadDocumentApplyBuffered", error)); } }).on('unsubscribed', (ctx) => { this.#debugLog("Subscription unsubscribed", ctx); this.stopSync(); }); } startSync() { if (!this.#subscription) { this.#debugLog("Document already disposed", this.#channel); return; } this.#subscription.subscribe(); } stopSync() { this.#stopReSync() this.#subscription.unsubscribe(); this.#debugLog("Stopped and unsubscribed from channel", this.#channel); } #debugLog(...args) { if (!this.#debug) { return; } console.log(...args); } #randomInt(min, max) { // min and max included return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } #backoff(step, min, max) { // Full jitter technique, see: // if (step > 31) { step = 31; } const interval = this.#randomInt(0, Math.min(max, min * Math.pow(2, step))); return Math.min(max, min + interval); } #stopReSync() { if (this.#reSyncTimer) { clearTimeout(this.#reSyncTimer); this.#reSyncTimer = null; } } async #loadDocumentApplyBuffered() { try { const result = await this.#load(); this.#document = result.document; this.#version = result.version; this.#isLoaded = true; this.#debugLog("Initial state loaded", this.#document, "version:", this.#version); this.#processBufferedMessages(); this.#reSyncAttempts = 0; } catch (error) { const delay = this.#backoff(this.#reSyncAttempts, this.#minReSyncDelay, this.#maxReSyncDelay); this.#reSyncAttempts++; this.#debugLog('Failed to load initial data', error, 'retry in', delay); this.#reSyncTimer = setTimeout( () => { this.#debugLog("Re-syncing due to failed load"); this.#reSync(); }, delay); } } #reSync() { this.#isLoaded = false; // Reset the flag to collect new messages to the buffer. this.#messageBuffer = []; this.#loadDocumentApplyBuffered().catch( error => this.#debugLog("Unhandled error in loadDocumentApplyBuffered", error)); } #processBufferedMessages() { this.#messageBuffer.forEach((msg) => { const newVersion = this.#compareVersion(this.#version,; if (newVersion) { this.#document = this.#applyUpdate(this.#document,; this.#version = newVersion; } else { this.#debugLog("Skip buffered publication", msg); } }); // Clear the buffer after processing. this.#messageBuffer = []; this.#onChange(this.#document); } }