ZFA description. Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology (ZFA) OBO-Edit 2.3.1 28:01:2025 12:26 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology 1.2 ybrad CARO part_of NCBITaxon:7955 CL part_of NCBITaxon:7955 TAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955 VSAO part_of NCBITaxon:7955 2025-01-28 definition term replaced by plural form cell_slim subset_property synonym_type_property consider created by creation date has_alternative_id has_broad_synonym database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_narrow_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym has_synonym_type id in_subset shorthand treat-xrefs-as-genus-differentia BFO:0000050 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology part_of part_of part of BFO:0000051 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology has_part has_part has_part X preceded_by Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X). BFO:0000062 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology preceded_by preceded_by preceded_by X preceded_by Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X). goc:cjm X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y). RO:0002087 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology immediately_preceded_by immediately_preceded_by immediately_preceded_by X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y). goc:cjm RO:0002131 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology overlaps overlaps overlaps X continuous_with Y if and only if X and Y share a fiat boundary. RO:0002150 continuous_with zebrafish_anatomical_ontology continuous_with continuous_with continuous with X continuous_with Y if and only if X and Y share a fiat boundary. goc:cjm RO:0002202 zebrafish_anatomical_ontology develops_from develops_from develops from x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y. RO:0002254 has_developmental_contribution_from zebrafish_anatomical_ontology has_developmental_contribution_from has_developmental_contribution_from has developmental contribution from x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y. goc:cjm c existence starts during s iff start_of(c) part_of s. RO:0002496 starts_during zebrafish_anatomical_ontology existence starts during start start start stage c existence starts during s iff start_of(c) part_of s. goc:cjm c existence ends during s iff end_of(c) part_of s. RO:0002497 ends_during zebrafish_anatomical_ontology existence ends during end end end stage c existence ends during s iff end_of(c) part_of s. goc:cjm The visible division between epiblast and hypoblast in the gastrula. TAO:0000000 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000000 Brachet's cleft The visible division between epiblast and hypoblast in the gastrula. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Small but distinctive epithelial sac containing fluid, located midventrally posterior to the yolk cell or its extension, and transiently present during most of the segmentation period. Kupffer's vesicle has been compared to the mouse embryonic node. TAO:0000001 ciliated organ of asymmetry zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000001 Kupffer's vesicle Small but distinctive epithelial sac containing fluid, located midventrally posterior to the yolk cell or its extension, and transiently present during most of the segmentation period. Kupffer's vesicle has been compared to the mouse embryonic node. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050328-4 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 ciliated organ of asymmetry ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050221-4 true Muscle precursor cell that is adjacent to the notochord and part of the presomitic mesoderm. CL:0007016 TAO:0000003 adaxial cells zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000003 adaxial cell Muscle precursor cell that is adjacent to the notochord and part of the presomitic mesoderm. PMID:8951054 adaxial cells Anterior portion of the axial hypoblast. TAO:0000004 pre-polster zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000004 anterior axial hypoblast Anterior portion of the axial hypoblast. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 pre-polster ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051019-5 Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. TAO:0000005 zebrafish_anatomy arterial system ZFA:0000005 artery Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 The anterior round region of the yolk cell present after the yolk extension forms during the segmentation period. TAO:0000006 yolk ball zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000006 ball The anterior round region of the yolk cell present after the yolk extension forms during the segmentation period. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 yolk ball ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 A complex mixture of cells suspended in a liquid matrix that delivers nutrients to cells and removes wastes. TAO:0000007 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000007 blood A complex mixture of cells suspended in a liquid matrix that delivers nutrients to cells and removes wastes. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system. ZFA:0001661 TAO:0000008 zebrafish_anatomy brain structure ZFA:0000008 brain Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Cavitated compound organ that receives blood flow from the atrium and delivers blood to the body via the aorta. Valves are present to direct flow. There are only two chambers present in the fish heart. TAO:0000009 ventricle zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000009 cardiac ventricle Cavitated compound organ that receives blood flow from the atrium and delivers blood to the body via the aorta. Valves are present to direct flow. There are only two chambers present in the fish heart. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020122-4 Anatomical system that functions in circulation and has as its parts the heart and vasculature. The lymphatic system is considered part of the cardiovascular system. TAO:0000010 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000010 cardiovascular system Anatomical system that functions in circulation and has as its parts the heart and vasculature. The lymphatic system is considered part of the cardiovascular system. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Extension of the dorsal aorta in the post-vent region. TAO:0000011 CA zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000011 caudal artery Extension of the dorsal aorta in the post-vent region. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 The brain and spinal cord. TAO:0000012 cns zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000012 central nervous system The brain and spinal cord. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Ganglion which is located in the head. TAO:0000013 cranial ganglia zebrafish_anatomy presumptive cranial ganglia ZFA:0000013 cranial ganglion Ganglion which is located in the head. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 cranial ganglia Principal unpaired, median artery of the trunk, leading from the paired roots (radices) of the dorsal aorta to the caudal artery. TAO:0000014 DA dorsal aortic root zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000014 dorsal aorta Principal unpaired, median artery of the trunk, leading from the paired roots (radices) of the dorsal aorta to the caudal artery. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000015 anatomical set true The outer layer of the embryo derived from the epiblast. The definitive ectoderm will give rise to such tissues as epidermis, the central nervous system, neural crest, and sensory placode. TAO:0000016 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000016 ectoderm The outer layer of the embryo derived from the epiblast. The definitive ectoderm will give rise to such tissues as epidermis, the central nervous system, neural crest, and sensory placode. http://zfin.org/zf_info/zfbook/stages/gast.html TAO:0000017 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000017 endoderm The outer of the two layers of the blastoderm that form during gastrulation, corresponding to primitive ectoderm during gastrulation and to the definitive ectoderm after gastrulation. TAO:0000018 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000018 epiblast The outer of the two layers of the blastoderm that form during gastrulation, corresponding to primitive ectoderm during gastrulation and to the definitive ectoderm after gastrulation. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 A circumscribed swelling, includes the pineal primordium that appears late in the segmentation period in the dorsal midline of the diencephalon. It is located directly rostral to the posterior commissure and dorsal to the habenular commissure. TAO:0000019 corpus pineale pineal gland pineal organ zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000019 epiphysis A circumscribed swelling, includes the pineal primordium that appears late in the segmentation period in the dorsal midline of the diencephalon. It is located directly rostral to the posterior commissure and dorsal to the habenular commissure. GOC:cvs GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1268 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Anatomical structure that is contiguous with the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo. CARO:0000042 TAO:0000020 extraembryonic structures zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000020 extraembryonic structure Anatomical structure that is contiguous with the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 extraembryonic structures true Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral-most aspect of the developing neural tube. The floor plate is a specialized glial structure with secretory function that spans the rostral-caudal axis from the midbrain to the tail regions. The floor plate is one of first structures that differentiate in the developing nervous system. TAO:0000022 floorplate fp zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000022 The floor plate cells are a row of cells along the a-p axis ~3 cells wide that make up the ventral floor of the early spinal cord. Floor plate cells are prominent rectangular cells with a triangular cross section with one cell in the middle that straddles the ventral midline and usually one cell lateral to the middle cell on both sides. 14hpf. floor plate Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral-most aspect of the developing neural tube. The floor plate is a specialized glial structure with secretory function that spans the rostral-caudal axis from the midbrain to the tail regions. The floor plate is one of first structures that differentiate in the developing nervous system. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-980205-16 A group of cells that migrate at the leading edge of shield during gastrulation but do not involute. At the end of gastrulation, forerunner cells migrate deep into the embryo and organize to form Kupffer's vesicle. TAO:0000023 DFCs dorsal forerunner cells forerunner cells zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000023 forerunner cell group A group of cells that migrate at the leading edge of shield during gastrulation but do not involute. At the end of gastrulation, forerunner cells migrate deep into the embryo and organize to form Kupffer's vesicle. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970107-2 DFCs dorsal forerunner cells forerunner cells Layer of the retina that contains the ganglion cell bodies. TAO:0000024 ganglion cell layer zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000024 retinal ganglion cell layer Layer of the retina that contains the ganglion cell bodies. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 true A transversely oriented set of cells located deep to the EVL on the pericardial membrane, especially prominent during pharyngula period because of the brightly refractile cytoplasmic granules (containing hatching enzymes) of the principal cells of the gland. TAO:0000026 hgg zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000026 hatching gland A transversely oriented set of cells located deep to the EVL on the pericardial membrane, especially prominent during pharyngula period because of the brightly refractile cytoplasmic granules (containing hatching enzymes) of the principal cells of the gland. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Skeletal system of paired fins. TAO:0000027 appendicular skeleton zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000027 paired fin skeleton Skeletal system of paired fins. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardial precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline between 21 and 26 somites to form the heart rudiment or cone. TAO:0000028 cardiac field heart primordia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000028 heart primordium Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardial precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline between 21 and 26 somites to form the heart rudiment or cone. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2 heart primordia The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain. In mammals and birds the hindbrain is divided into a rostral metencephalon and a caudal myelencephalon. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000029 rhombencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000029 hindbrain The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain. In mammals and birds the hindbrain is divided into a rostral metencephalon and a caudal myelencephalon. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula utricle senses linear acceleration and gravity. The macula utricle covers most of the floor of the utricle. TAO:0000030 maculae utricle zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000030 macula utricle Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula utricle senses linear acceleration and gravity. The macula utricle covers most of the floor of the utricle. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7 maculae utricle Portion of tissue that arises from the arise from the lateral edges of the shield and is located immediately ventral to the notochord. The hypochord is thought to play a role in positioning the dorsal aorta. Unlike in frogs and axolotl, the hypochord does not appear to be endodermally derived. TAO:0000031 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000031 hypochord Portion of tissue that arises from the arise from the lateral edges of the shield and is located immediately ventral to the notochord. The hypochord is thought to play a role in positioning the dorsal aorta. Unlike in frogs and axolotl, the hypochord does not appear to be endodermally derived. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000621-3 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060807-3 Multi-tissue structure which is the largest portion of diencephalon and is ventrally located. The hypothalamus arises near the end of the segmentation period and the embryonic hypothalamic region gives rise to the neurohypophysis and other diencephalic nuclei. TAO:0000032 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000032 hypothalamus Multi-tissue structure which is the largest portion of diencephalon and is ventrally located. The hypothalamus arises near the end of the segmentation period and the embryonic hypothalamic region gives rise to the neurohypophysis and other diencephalic nuclei. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 TAO:0000033 ICM intermediate cell mass of Oellacher posterior intermediate cell mass zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000033 intermediate cell mass of mesoderm A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000034 ll zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000034 lateral line system A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Portion of tissue that is a transparent, biconvex structure located in the eye through which light is focused. TAO:0000035 lenses zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000035 lens Portion of tissue that is a transparent, biconvex structure located in the eye through which light is focused. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Lens+(anatomy lenses System responsible for the production and movement of bile. TAO:0000036 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000036 liver and biliary system System responsible for the production and movement of bile. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Zebrafish anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. CARO:0000003 TAO:0000037 anatomical structures zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000037 anatomical structure Zebrafish anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 anatomical structures Embryonic structure, the edge of the blastoderm. TAO:0000038 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000038 margin Embryonic structure, the edge of the blastoderm. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 TAO:0000039 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000039 median axial vein Surface structure that will develop into one of the median fins. Extends from dorsal surface of fish, caudal to the 8th somite, to the ventral surface ending at the caudal side of the vent. TAO:0000040 zebrafish_anatomy median fin ZFA:0000040 median fin fold Surface structure that will develop into one of the median fins. Extends from dorsal surface of fish, caudal to the 8th somite, to the ventral surface ending at the caudal side of the vent. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 TAO:0000041 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000041 mesoderm The boundary between the mesencephalon and the rhombencephalon. TAO:0000042 isthmus mhb midbrain-hindbrain boundary zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000042 midbrain hindbrain boundary The boundary between the mesencephalon and the rhombencephalon. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 1. TAO:0000043 muscle pioneers somite 1 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000043 muscle pioneer somite 1 Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 1. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 muscle pioneers somite 1 Portion of somite 14 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses. TAO:0000044 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000044 myotome somite 14 Portion of somite 14 that gives rise to body wall muscle masses. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage. TAO:0000045 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000045 neural crest A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Portion of retina composed of all the neural tissues in the retina. TAO:0000046 neural retina neuroretina zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000046 retinal neural layer Portion of retina composed of all the neural tissues in the retina. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Organ that is the specialized structure of the face that contains olfactory neurons. The peripheral olfactory organ is paired. TAO:0000047 nasal sac zebrafish_anatomy nose ZFA:0000047 peripheral olfactory organ Organ that is the specialized structure of the face that contains olfactory neurons. The peripheral olfactory organ is paired. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Neurogenic placode that gives rise to the olfactory neurons that which convey odor information to the CNS. TAO:0000048 olfactory placodes zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000048 olfactory placode Neurogenic placode that gives rise to the olfactory neurons that which convey odor information to the CNS. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 olfactory placodes Lumen of optic stalk. TAO:0000049 optic recesses zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000049 optic recess Lumen of optic stalk. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101008-1 optic recesses Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepithelium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup. TAO:0000050 optic vesicles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000050 optic vesicle Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepithelium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 optic vesicles Epithelial sac present beside the fifth rhombomere; forms the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally, and houses the acoustico-vestibular sensory epithelia (maculae) of hair cells. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/ear/ear.html'>ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000051 otocyst ov zebrafish_anatomy otic capsule ZFA:0000051 otic vesicle Epithelial sac present beside the fifth rhombomere; forms the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally, and houses the acoustico-vestibular sensory epithelia (maculae) of hair cells. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/ear/ear.html'>ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Actinotrichium which is part of the dorsal fin fold. TAO:0000052 dorsal actinotrichia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000052 dorsal actinotrichium Actinotrichium which is part of the dorsal fin fold. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 dorsal actinotrichia Embryonic structure part of the mesoderm fated to become segmental plate. TAO:0000053 presumptive segmental plates zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000053 presumptive segmental plate Embryonic structure part of the mesoderm fated to become segmental plate. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 presumptive segmental plates Serous membrane that surrounds the heart. TAO:0000054 pericardial sac zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000054 pericardium Serous membrane that surrounds the heart. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 true Swollen region of the anterior foregut, posterior to the mouth and anterior to the liver; its walls form the jaws and gills. TAO:0000056 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000056 pharynx Swollen region of the anterior foregut, posterior to the mouth and anterior to the liver; its walls form the jaws and gills. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true The hatching gland rudiment at the time it underlies the forebrain during the early segmentation period. TAO:0000058 pillow zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000058 polster The hatching gland rudiment at the time it underlies the forebrain during the early segmentation period. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 pillow ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 TAO:0000059 POC post optic commissure post-optic commissure zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000059 postoptic commissure Axial hypoblast located anterior to the chorda mesoderm; the polster is its most anterior region. TAO:0000060 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000060 prechordal plate Axial hypoblast located anterior to the chorda mesoderm; the polster is its most anterior region. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true Embryonic structure that gives rise to the forebrain. TAO:0000062 presumptive prosencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000062 presumptive forebrain Embryonic structure that gives rise to the forebrain. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Region of the gastrula which gives rise to the neural plate. ZFA:0000061 TAO:0000063 presumptive central nervous system prospective neuroectoderm prospective vegetal ectoderm zebrafish_anatomy neurectoderm ZFA:0000063 presumptive neural plate Region of the gastrula which gives rise to the neural plate. GOC:mh GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Portion of tissue that is the outer layer of the optic cup and will become the retinal pigmented epithelium. TAO:0000064 outer layer optic cup presumptive pigmented epithelia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000064 presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium Portion of tissue that is the outer layer of the optic cup and will become the retinal pigmented epithelium. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 presumptive pigmented epithelia true An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage. TAO:0000066 zebrafish_anatomy anus ZFA:0000066 proctodeum An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Intermediate mesoderm that is located beneath the anterior somites and gives rise to the pronephros and pronephric duct. TAO:0000067 pronephric primordium zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000067 pronephric mesoderm Intermediate mesoderm that is located beneath the anterior somites and gives rise to the pronephros and pronephric duct. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4 pronephric primordium ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000606-4 Cluster of cells in the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast. TAO:0000068 proneural clusters zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000068 proneural cluster Cluster of cells in the neural plate that have the potential to become neuroblast. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-990921-1 proneural clusters Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 5. TAO:0000069 r6 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000069 rhombomere 6 Hindbrain segment or neuromere posterior to rhombomere 5. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 TAO:0000070 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000070 Consider post-composing term ZFA:0009053 sensory neuron with GO:0030424 axon sensory axons peripheral true Embryonic structure that is a local accumulation of cells along the germ ring. The shield marks the dorsal side of the embryo. TAO:0000071 Spemann Mangold organizer Spemann's organizer dorsal organizer organizer zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000071 shield Embryonic structure that is a local accumulation of cells along the germ ring. The shield marks the dorsal side of the embryo. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Anteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. TAO:0000072 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000072 somite 1 Anteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 5 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. TAO:0000073 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000073 somite 5 Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 5 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 26 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. TAO:0000074 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000074 somite 26 Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment 26 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 ZFA:0001664 TAO:0000075 medulla spinalis zebrafish_anatomy spinal cord structure ZFA:0000075 spinal cord medulla spinalis ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 The swim bladder is a double-chambered organ located in the coelom and used to maintain buoyancy and may function as an acoustic resonator. The zebrafish does not appear to have a gas gland, but it is not yet clear if there are gas producing cells distributed more widely. TAO:0000076 gas bladder zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000076 swim bladder The swim bladder is a double-chambered organ located in the coelom and used to maintain buoyancy and may function as an acoustic resonator. The zebrafish does not appear to have a gas gland, but it is not yet clear if there are gas producing cells distributed more widely. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060306-11 TAO:0000077 tailbud zebrafish_anatomy tail bud mesenchyme ZFA:0000077 tail bud Actinotrichium which is part of the ventral fin fold. TAO:0000078 ventral actinotrichia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000078 ventral actinotrichium Actinotrichium which is part of the ventral fin fold. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ventral actinotrichia The anterior and dorsal forebrain neuromere. In ray-finned fishes and most pronounced in teleosts the roof plate of the embryonic telencephalon extends laterally with the effect that the paired alar plates forming the hemispheric walls roll out lateroventrally in a process called eversion. This is unlike the development in other vertebrate groups. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000079 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000079 telencephalon The anterior and dorsal forebrain neuromere. In ray-finned fishes and most pronounced in teleosts the roof plate of the embryonic telencephalon extends laterally with the effect that the paired alar plates forming the hemispheric walls roll out lateroventrally in a process called eversion. This is unlike the development in other vertebrate groups. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the trigeminal ganglion. TAO:0000080 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000080 trigeminal neural crest Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the trigeminal ganglion. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000081 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000081 trunk mesenchyme Vessels that carry blood to the heart. TAO:0000082 zebrafish_anatomy venous system ZFA:0000082 vein Vessels that carry blood to the heart. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 TAO:0000083 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000083 ventral mesoderm Giant syncytial uncleaved cell containing nutrient store for embryonic development in the form of semicrystalline phospholipoprotein and contained within yolk granules. ZFA:0009197 CL:0000428 TAO:0000084 yolk cell zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000084 yolk Giant syncytial uncleaved cell containing nutrient store for embryonic development in the form of semicrystalline phospholipoprotein and contained within yolk granules. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pectoral fin bud. ZFA:0000736 TAO:0000085 TAO:0000736 AER pectoral fin apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin buds apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fins apical fold pectoral fin zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000085 apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pectoral fin bud. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin buds Outermost monolayer of cells surrounding the embryo that become very flattened in the blastula and give rise to the periderm. Sometimes used synonymously with periderm. TAO:0000086 enveloping layer zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000086 EVL Outermost monolayer of cells surrounding the embryo that become very flattened in the blastula and give rise to the periderm. Sometimes used synonymously with periderm. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 enveloping layer ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true Peripheral layer of the yolk cell including nuclei and non-yolky cytoplasm. TAO:0000088 YSL periblast zebrafish_anatomy yolk sac ZFA:0000088 yolk syncytial layer Peripheral layer of the yolk cell including nuclei and non-yolky cytoplasm. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 YSL ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 periblast ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Portion of tissue which is a slender, horny, flexible, unsegmented fibril, which strengthens the embryonic fin fold. Actinotrichia are translucent, exhibit birefringence (double refraction) and are composed of the scleroprotein elastoidine. TAO:0000089 fin fold actinotrichia median fin fold actinotrichium zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000089 fin fold actinotrichium Portion of tissue which is a slender, horny, flexible, unsegmented fibril, which strengthens the embryonic fin fold. Actinotrichia are translucent, exhibit birefringence (double refraction) and are composed of the scleroprotein elastoidine. http://www.briancoad.com/Dictionary/Complete%20Dictionary.htm fin fold actinotrichia Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the dorsal fin. TAO:0000090 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000090 apical ectodermal ridge dorsal fin Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the dorsal fin. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Notochord rudiment. ZFA:0001219 TAO:0000091 TAO:0001219 chorda mesoderm chordamesoderm presumptive notochord zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000091 axial chorda mesoderm Notochord rudiment. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Organism subdivision running along the rostral-caudal axis of the early embryo. TAO:0000092 midline zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000092 axis Organism subdivision running along the rostral-caudal axis of the early embryo. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Cell that arises during cleavage and is partially cleaved, and located at the blastodisc margin prior to collectively forming the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) in the midblastula. TAO:0000093 blastomeres zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000093 blastomere Cell that arises during cleavage and is partially cleaved, and located at the blastodisc margin prior to collectively forming the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) in the midblastula. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 blastomeres Nests of developing blood cells arising late in the segmentation period from the intermediate mass, and located in the anterior-ventral tail, just posterior to the yolk extension. TAO:0000094 blood islands posterior ICM zebrafish_anatomy caudal hematopoietic tissue posterior blood island ZFA:0000094 blood island Nests of developing blood cells arising late in the segmentation period from the intermediate mass, and located in the anterior-ventral tail, just posterior to the yolk extension. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 blood islands Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the gill arches; the last five of the set of seven pharyngeal arches; the numbering system can be confusing; generally branchial arch #1 is the first gill arch, or the third pharyngeal arch, but some authors do not follow this convention. TAO:0000095 branchial arch skeleton gill arches 1-5 skeleton zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000095 pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton Skeletal and cartilaginous elements of the gill arches; the last five of the set of seven pharyngeal arches; the numbering system can be confusing; generally branchial arch #1 is the first gill arch, or the third pharyngeal arch, but some authors do not follow this convention. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Blood vasculature comprised of the cardinal veins. TAO:0000096 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000096 cardinal system Blood vasculature comprised of the cardinal veins. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Artery originating at the junction of the first two aortic arches and supplying the anterior brain. TAO:0000097 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000097 carotid artery Artery originating at the junction of the first two aortic arches and supplying the anterior brain. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Anatomical cluster which consists of rapidly dividing cells. TAO:0000098 zebrafish_anatomy cell cycle cell division proliferation ZFA:0000098 proliferative region Anatomical cluster which consists of rapidly dividing cells. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the brain. TAO:0000099 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000099 brain vasculature Is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the brain. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here. TAO:0000100 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000100 cerebellum Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished here. ISBN:3764351209 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 The more posterior and ventral of two forebrain neuromeres, the other being the telencephalon; major derivatives are the eye cups, the brain pretectal region, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus (including the habenula and epiphysis). TAO:0000101 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000101 diencephalon The more posterior and ventral of two forebrain neuromeres, the other being the telencephalon; major derivatives are the eye cups, the brain pretectal region, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus (including the habenula and epiphysis). ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Region of the median fin fold that develops into the dorsal fin. TAO:0000102 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000102 dorsal fin fold Region of the median fin fold that develops into the dorsal fin. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000103 embryo true zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000104 lateral cells true A cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm. Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present. TAO:0000105 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000105 epidermis A cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm. Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12 The posterior elongated region of the yolk cell that forms during the segmentation period. TAO:0000106 yolk extension zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000106 extension The posterior elongated region of the yolk cell that forms during the segmentation period. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 yolk extension ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Cavitated compound organ that consists of the neural retina, lens, cornea and iris and is the sensory apparatus of the visual system. TAO:0000107 eyes zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000107 eye Cavitated compound organ that consists of the neural retina, lens, cornea and iris and is the sensory apparatus of the visual system. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 eyes Surface structure involved in locomotion. TAO:0000108 fins zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000108 fin Surface structure involved in locomotion. TAO:WD fins The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon. TAO:0000109 prosencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000109 forebrain The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Fluid-filled brain cavity. Most posterior brain ventricle. TAO:0000110 4th ventricle hindbrain ventricle rhombencephalic ventricle rhombencephalic vesicle ventricle IV ventriculus rhombencephali zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000110 fourth ventricle Fluid-filled brain cavity. Most posterior brain ventricle. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 ventriculus rhombencephali ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Embryonic structure that forms as a thickened annulus at the blastoderm rim. The germ ring is thickened because it is the involuting margin of the blastoderm. TAO:0000111 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000111 germ ring Embryonic structure that forms as a thickened annulus at the blastoderm rim. The germ ring is thickened because it is the involuting margin of the blastoderm. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 The alimentary or digestive tract, and associated organs. TAO:0000112 alimentary canal enteric tract gut tube zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000112 gut The alimentary or digestive tract, and associated organs. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head. TAO:0000113 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000113 head mesenchyme Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head. http://www.Biology-Text.com Blood pumping organ composed of four components: sinus venosus, atrium, cardiac ventricle and bulbus arteriosus. TAO:0000114 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000114 heart Blood pumping organ composed of four components: sinus venosus, atrium, cardiac ventricle and bulbus arteriosus. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 The migrating myocardial precursors of the heart rudiment form a cone like structure between 19.5 hpf and 22 hpf, and eventually telescope out into the primitive heart tube at 24hpf. TAO:0000115 heart cone rudimentary heart zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000115 heart rudiment The migrating myocardial precursors of the heart rudiment form a cone like structure between 19.5 hpf and 22 hpf, and eventually telescope out into the primitive heart tube at 24hpf. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2 Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula lagena develops from the posterior macula. In juveniles the macula lagena lies in a vertical plane covering most of the medial wall of the lagena. TAO:0000116 maculae lagena zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000116 macula lagena Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula lagena develops from the posterior macula. In juveniles the macula lagena lies in a vertical plane covering most of the medial wall of the lagena. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4 maculae lagena The inner of the two layers of the blastoderm that forms during gastrulation and give rise to the definitive mesoderm and endoderm. TAO:0000117 mesendoderm zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000117 hypoblast The inner of the two layers of the blastoderm that forms during gastrulation and give rise to the definitive mesoderm and endoderm. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 mesendoderm ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 A compound organ which is an endocrine gland located ventral to the diencephalon and derived from mixed neuroectodermal and non-neuroectodermal origin. TAO:0000118 pituitary zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000118 hypophysis A compound organ which is an endocrine gland located ventral to the diencephalon and derived from mixed neuroectodermal and non-neuroectodermal origin. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Retinal layer that contains the interneurons, the horizontal, bipolar and amacrine cells. TAO:0000119 inner nuclear layer intermediate cell layer zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000119 retinal inner nuclear layer Retinal layer that contains the interneurons, the horizontal, bipolar and amacrine cells. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970602-3 inner nuclear layer Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate a lateral line. TAO:0000120 lateral line ganglia llg zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000120 lateral line ganglion Ganglion that develops from a cranial ectodermal placode and contains sensory neurons that innervate a lateral line. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 lateral line ganglia TAO:0000121 LPM lateral plate zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000121 lateral plate mesoderm Ectodermal primordium of the lens of the eye. TAO:0000122 lens placodes zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000122 lens placode Ectodermal primordium of the lens of the eye. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 lens placodes Solid compound organ with three lobes that has many functions including bile production, blood detoxification, the production of critical plasma proteins and clotting factors, complement proteins and the storage of many substances, such as lipids, amino acids, iron, and glycogen. Female fish produce vitellogenins in the liver. TAO:0000123 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000123 liver Solid compound organ with three lobes that has many functions including bile production, blood detoxification, the production of critical plasma proteins and clotting factors, complement proteins and the storage of many substances, such as lipids, amino acids, iron, and glycogen. Female fish produce vitellogenins in the liver. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030115-26 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090407-7 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100730-19 Embryonic primordium that develops into the liver. TAO:0000124 liver bud zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000124 liver primordium Embryonic primordium that develops into the liver. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Neuromast that is part of the mandibular lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000125 neuromast mandibular neuromasts mandibular zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000125 mandibular lateral line neuromast Neuromast that is part of the mandibular lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 neuromasts mandibular Centra are represented by mineralized, calcified, or ossified portions that surround the notochord. The autocentrum, present in Danio and all other living teleosts, is formed by direct ossification outside the elastica externa of the notochord (Arratia, 1999). TAO:0000126 autocentrum zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000126 centrum Centra are represented by mineralized, calcified, or ossified portions that surround the notochord. The autocentrum, present in Danio and all other living teleosts, is formed by direct ossification outside the elastica externa of the notochord (Arratia, 1999). GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000127 mesenchyme condensations true The brain region between the forebrain anteriorly and the hindbrain posteriorly, including the tectum dorsally and the midbrain tegmentum ventrally. TAO:0000128 mesencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000128 midbrain The brain region between the forebrain anteriorly and the hindbrain posteriorly, including the tectum dorsally and the midbrain tegmentum ventrally. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 mesencephalon ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true TAO:0000130 nasal canal nasal cavity nasal pit olfactory cavity zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000130 olfactory pit An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section. TAO:0000131 zebrafish_anatomy presumptive central nervous system ZFA:0000131 neural keel An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Portion of tissue that is the earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium. TAO:0000132 zebrafish_anatomy presumptive central nervous system ZFA:0000132 neural plate Portion of tissue that is the earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube. TAO:0000133 zebrafish_anatomy presumptive central nervous system ZFA:0000133 neural rod An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true Rod-like principal supportive element of the embryo and larva, present in the midline just ventral to the neural tube, and differentiating during the segmentation period to form large vacuolated epithelial cells and a surrounding sheath of fibrous and elastic layers. Layering of the sheath may differ in structure, thickness and development among groups; in cypriniforms there are actually three very thin layers to the sheath. A functional, well developed notochord is present throughout life in certain basal fish groups but not in cypriniforms. TAO:0000135 notocord zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000135 notochord Rod-like principal supportive element of the embryo and larva, present in the midline just ventral to the neural tube, and differentiating during the segmentation period to form large vacuolated epithelial cells and a surrounding sheath of fibrous and elastic layers. Layering of the sheath may differ in structure, thickness and development among groups; in cypriniforms there are actually three very thin layers to the sheath. A functional, well developed notochord is present throughout life in certain basal fish groups but not in cypriniforms. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Neuromast that is part of the otic lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000136 neuromast otic neuromasts otic zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000136 otic lateral line neuromast Neuromast that is part of the otic lateral line. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 neuromasts otic Portion of tissue that provides a pathway for axon migration from the retina. The cells of the optic stalk later differentiate into glial cells of the optic nerve. TAO:0000137 optic stalks zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000137 optic stalk Portion of tissue that provides a pathway for axon migration from the retina. The cells of the optic stalk later differentiate into glial cells of the optic nerve. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030210-6 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101201-28 optic stalks Primordium of the ear epithelium before it hollows into the otic vesicle, present beside the hindbrain rudiment in the mid-segmentation period. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/ear/ear.html'>ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000138 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000138 otic placode Primordium of the ear epithelium before it hollows into the otic vesicle, present beside the hindbrain rudiment in the mid-segmentation period. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/ear/ear.html'>ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true The pancreas is an organ composed of endocrine and exocrine glandular tissue that produce hormones and digestive enzymes. Unlike in other studied vertebrates the pancreas in zebrafish develops from two buds, one anterior and one posterior. In adult fish the main pancreas is located on the right side attached to the lateral aspect of the intestine by the pancreatic duct. Typically, one large islet and 3-6 smaller islets occupy the main pancreas. The tail of the pancreas is embedded with single beta cells or clusters of small islets and extends caudally along the right side of the intestine. TAO:0000140 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000140 pancreas The pancreas is an organ composed of endocrine and exocrine glandular tissue that produce hormones and digestive enzymes. Unlike in other studied vertebrates the pancreas in zebrafish develops from two buds, one anterior and one posterior. In adult fish the main pancreas is located on the right side attached to the lateral aspect of the intestine by the pancreatic duct. Typically, one large islet and 3-6 smaller islets occupy the main pancreas. The tail of the pancreas is embedded with single beta cells or clusters of small islets and extends caudally along the right side of the intestine. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030902-16 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090616-17 Fin bud that develops into the pectoral fin. TAO:0000141 pectoral fin buds zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000141 pectoral fin bud Fin bud that develops into the pectoral fin. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 pectoral fin buds Nervous structures including ganglia outside of the central nervous system. TAO:0000142 pns zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000142 peripheral nervous system Nervous structures including ganglia outside of the central nervous system. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell receptor segments reside. This layer is closest to the sclera. TAO:0000143 retinal photoreceptor layers zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000143 retinal photoreceptor layer The layer within the retina where the photoreceptor cell receptor segments reside. This layer is closest to the sclera. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-677 retinal photoreceptor layers A monolayer of pigmented epithelium covering the neural retina; develops from the outer of the two layers of the optic cup. TAO:0000144 PRE RPE pigmented epithelium pigmented retina pigmented retinal epithelium zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000144 retinal pigmented epithelium A monolayer of pigmented epithelium covering the neural retina; develops from the outer of the two layers of the optic cup. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true Embryonic structure that gives rise to the brain. TAO:0000146 brain rudiment zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000146 presumptive brain Embryonic structure that gives rise to the brain. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 true Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain. TAO:0000148 presumptive mesencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000148 presumptive midbrain Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Multi-tissue structure that arises from the heart rudiment and will become the heart tube. TAO:0000149 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000149 primitive heart tube Multi-tissue structure that arises from the heart rudiment and will become the heart tube. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2 Duct of the embryonic kidney, present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber. Wingert et al. have suggested that the pronephric duct as described traditionally may consist of subregions which are analogous to portions of the tubule segment of mammalian and other fish nephrons. TAO:0000150 pronephric ducts zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000150 pronephric duct Duct of the embryonic kidney, present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber. Wingert et al. have suggested that the pronephric duct as described traditionally may consist of subregions which are analogous to portions of the tubule segment of mammalian and other fish nephrons. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 pronephric ducts The embryonic kidney, present at the level of the third somite, is composed of two glomeruli fused at the midline, two pronephric tubules, and paired bilateral pronephric ducts that modify the composition of the blood filtrate before delivering it to the cloaca for excretion. TAO:0000151 embryonic kidney pronephric nephron zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000151 pronephros The embryonic kidney, present at the level of the third somite, is composed of two glomeruli fused at the midline, two pronephric tubules, and paired bilateral pronephric ducts that modify the composition of the blood filtrate before delivering it to the cloaca for excretion. GOC:cvs GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 embryonic kidney ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Multi-tissue structure that contains the retinal neural layer and the retinal pigmented epithelium, and develops from the optic cup. TAO:0000152 retinas zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000152 retina Multi-tissue structure that contains the retinal neural layer and the retinal pigmented epithelium, and develops from the optic cup. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 retinas Posteriormost hindbrain segment or neuromere. TAO:0000153 r8 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000153 rhombomere 8 Posteriormost hindbrain segment or neuromere. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Heart region collecting blood from the paired common cardinal veins and delivering to the atrium. One of four components of the heart. The sinus venosus also acts as a pacemaker and is the first to contract. TAO:0000154 inflow tract zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000154 sinus venosus Heart region collecting blood from the paired common cardinal veins and delivering to the atrium. One of four components of the heart. The sinus venosus also acts as a pacemaker and is the first to contract. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes. TAO:0000155 zebrafish_anatomy somitic mesoderm ZFA:0000155 somite Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 20 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. TAO:0000156 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000156 somite 20 Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk or tail segment 20 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Posteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. TAO:0000157 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000157 somite 30 Posteriormost undifferentiated mesodermal component of early tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 This centrum may be formed via the fusion of the terminal centrum and half-centrum. It is sometimes termed the 'ultimate' vertebra. Develops from the fused preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1. TAO:0000158 compound centrum last vertebra ultimate vertebra zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000158 urostyle This centrum may be formed via the fusion of the terminal centrum and half-centrum. It is sometimes termed the 'ultimate' vertebra. Develops from the fused preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1 TAO:0000159 cerebral aqueduct medial tectal ventricle mesencephalic ventricle mesencephalic vesicle midbrain ventricle ventriculus mesencephali zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000159 tectal ventricle ventriculus mesencephali ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral part of the midbrain and develops from the basal plate. The tegmentum is bordered rostrally by the synencephalon, dorsal thalamus and posterior tuberculum, ventrally by the hypothalamus, and dorsolaterally by the torus semicircularis; caudally the tegmentum is continuous with the medulla oblongata. ZFA:0001354 TAO:0000160 mesencephalic tegmentum midbrain tegmentum zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000160 tegmentum Multi-tissue structure that is the ventral part of the midbrain and develops from the basal plate. The tegmentum is bordered rostrally by the synencephalon, dorsal thalamus and posterior tuberculum, ventrally by the hypothalamus, and dorsolaterally by the torus semicircularis; caudally the tegmentum is continuous with the medulla oblongata. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Fluid-filled brain cavity. TAO:0000161 3rd ventricle diencephalic ventricle diencephalic vesicle ventriculus diencephali zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000161 third ventricle Fluid-filled brain cavity. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 ventriculus diencephali ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 The ectodermal rudiment of the trigeminal ganglion, distinguishable during much of the segmentation period. TAO:0000162 trigeminal placodes zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000162 trigeminal placode The ectodermal rudiment of the trigeminal ganglion, distinguishable during much of the segmentation period. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 trigeminal placodes System that removes and collects metabolic waste from the blood while maintaining ion homeostasis. TAO:0000163 zebrafish_anatomy urinary system ZFA:0000163 renal system System that removes and collects metabolic waste from the blood while maintaining ion homeostasis. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-071029-9 TAO:0000164 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000164 ventral mesenchyme Multi-tissue structure that is a paired nucleus located in the lateral expansion of the dorsal hypothalamic zone. TAO:0000165 inferior lobe of hypothalamus inferior lobes lateral lobe of hypothalamus lobus inferior hypothalami zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000165 inferior lobe Multi-tissue structure that is a paired nucleus located in the lateral expansion of the dorsal hypothalamic zone. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 inferior lobe of hypothalamus ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 inferior lobes lobus inferior hypothalami ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the lateral semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The lateral crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html'>sensory patches of the ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) ZFA:0000378 TAO:0000166 lateral crista ampullaris lateral cristae lateral semicircular canal sensory patch lateral semicircular canal sensory patches lc zebrafish_anatomy medial crista ZFA:0000166 lateral crista Patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium that is associated with the lateral semicircular canal. It consists of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The lateral crista has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html'>sensory patches of the ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 lateral cristae lateral semicircular canal sensory patches medial crista ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-051116-3 Median fin skeleton that is located posterior to the anus. TAO:0000167 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000167 anal fin skeleton Median fin skeleton that is located posterior to the anus. TAO:curator Macula that is located in the developing anterior inner ear, and gives rise to the macula utricle. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html'>sensory patches of the ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000168 am anterior sensory patch zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000168 anterior macula Macula that is located in the developing anterior inner ear, and gives rise to the macula utricle. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html'>sensory patches of the ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000169 antorbital true Median elements that are ossified within copulae and are not assigned to a specific branchial arch number. They articulate posterolaterally with the hypobranchials. TAO:0000170 basibranchials zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000170 basibranchial Median elements that are ossified within copulae and are not assigned to a specific branchial arch number. They articulate posterolaterally with the hypobranchials. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 basibranchials zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000171 A basisphenoid is absent in Danio rerio; its absence is a shared derived feature of all ostariophysan fishes (Fink and Fink, '81). from ZDB-PUB-961014-192 basisphenoid true Muscle that is part of pharyngeal arches 3-7 which are also known as the branchial arches. TAO:0000172 branchial muscles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000172 branchial muscle Muscle that is part of pharyngeal arches 3-7 which are also known as the branchial arches. GOC:CVS ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 branchial muscles Multi-tissue structure that consists of three layers and through which the blood exits the heart. The bulbus arteriosus is a pear shaped chamber that functions as a capacitor, maintaining continuous blood flow into the gill arches. TAO:0000173 cardiac outflow tract outflow tract truncus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000173 bulbus arteriosus Multi-tissue structure that consists of three layers and through which the blood exits the heart. The bulbus arteriosus is a pear shaped chamber that functions as a capacitor, maintaining continuous blood flow into the gill arches. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-001026-2 Cerebellar tract that consists of efferent fibers from the Purkinje cells to the neurons of the vestibular nuclei in the hindbrain. The cerebellovestibular tracts are involved in precise motor controls, such as the vestibulo-ocular reflex. TAO:0000174 caudal cerebellar tract caudal cerebellar tracts cerebellovestibular tracts zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000174 cerebellovestibular tract Cerebellar tract that consists of efferent fibers from the Purkinje cells to the neurons of the vestibular nuclei in the hindbrain. The cerebellovestibular tracts are involved in precise motor controls, such as the vestibulo-ocular reflex. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090422-9 caudal cerebellar tracts cerebellovestibular tracts Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VIII and IX; contains afferents and sensory efferents to the posterior lateral line ganglion and middle ganglion. Fibers from the posterior lateral line ganglion innervate the occipital dorsal lateral line and trunk lateral lines. TAO:0000175 caudal lateral line nerve zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000175 posterior lateral line nerve Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VIII and IX; contains afferents and sensory efferents to the posterior lateral line ganglion and middle ganglion. Fibers from the posterior lateral line ganglion innervate the occipital dorsal lateral line and trunk lateral lines. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-763 Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that has migrated to the periphery of the brain. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0002204 area ventralis telencephali, nucleus lateralis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000176 lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that has migrated to the periphery of the brain. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000177 caudal obliques zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000177 caudal oblique caudal obliques Portion of the fish's body that is posterior to the vent and anterior to the caudal fin. TAO:0000178 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000178 caudal peduncle Portion of the fish's body that is posterior to the vent and anterior to the caudal fin. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Cranial nerve root which is part of the abducens nerve (CN-VI) and is located at the level of the intermediate reticular formation. Fuses with the rostral root of the abducens nerve and courses rostrally once outside the brain stem. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000179 radix caudalis nervi abducentis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000179 caudal root of abducens nerve Cranial nerve root which is part of the abducens nerve (CN-VI) and is located at the level of the intermediate reticular formation. Fuses with the rostral root of the abducens nerve and courses rostrally once outside the brain stem. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. ISBN:3764351209 Vein in the tail returning blood from the trunk and tail to the heart, leads directly into the posterior cardinal vein in the posterior trunk. TAO:0000180 CV zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000180 caudal vein Vein in the tail returning blood from the trunk and tail to the heart, leads directly into the posterior cardinal vein in the posterior trunk. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Telencephalic nucleus which is the most caudally located part of the dorsal telencephalon and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000181 Dp area dorsalis telencephali, zona posterior caudal zone of D posterior zone of dorsal telencephalic area zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000181 caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon Telencephalic nucleus which is the most caudally located part of the dorsal telencephalon and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Dp ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6 Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal portion of the dorsal thalamus, ventral to the dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus. TAO:0000182 central posterior thalamic nucleus nucleus centralis posterior thalami zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000182 central caudal thalamic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the caudal portion of the dorsal thalamus, ventral to the dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Multi-tissue structure that is the central part of the pretectum. TAO:0000183 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000183 central pretectum Multi-tissue structure that is the central part of the pretectum. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Transversely oriented bone connecting the occipital region of the skull dorsally and pectoral girdle ventrally; appears near the end of embryogenesis. TAO:0000184 cleithra zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000184 cleithrum Transversely oriented bone connecting the occipital region of the skull dorsally and pectoral girdle ventrally; appears near the end of embryogenesis. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 cleithra Anterior commissure which abuts the preoptic region dorsally. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000185 commissura anterior, pars ventralis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000185 commissura rostral, pars ventralis Anterior commissure which abuts the preoptic region dorsally. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Bilaterally paired longitudinal vein; the anterior cardinal returns blood from the head, and the posterior cardinal returns it from the trunk; these two vessels join together on each side as the common cardinal vein (duct of Cuvier; misnamed the vitelline vein) that leads across the yolk cell to the heart's sinus venosus. TAO:0000186 duct of Cuvier zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000186 common cardinal vein Bilaterally paired longitudinal vein; the anterior cardinal returns blood from the head, and the posterior cardinal returns it from the trunk; these two vessels join together on each side as the common cardinal vein (duct of Cuvier; misnamed the vitelline vein) that leads across the yolk cell to the heart's sinus venosus. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 true Brain structure which is one of three parts of the cerebellum and is the entry point for a posterior cerebellar tract that carries cerebellar afferents from many brain stem nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000188 cerebellar corpus corpus cerebelli granular layer corpus cerebellum zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000188 corpus cerebelli Brain structure which is one of three parts of the cerebellum and is the entry point for a posterior cerebellar tract that carries cerebellar afferents from many brain stem nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 corpus cerebelli granular layer ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 corpus cerebellum Anatomical cluster of skeletal elements that is a posterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the vestibuloauditory system. TAO:0000189 zebrafish_anatomy cranial vault ZFA:0000189 otic region Anatomical cluster of skeletal elements that is a posterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the vestibuloauditory system. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Structures containing a collection of nerve cell bodies. TAO:0000190 ganglia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000190 ganglion Structures containing a collection of nerve cell bodies. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ganglia Dermal bone that forms the antero-lateral part of the lower jaw. It first appears around the anterior end of Meckel's cartilage (5.1 mm NL). In the adult, the dentary meets its counterpart anteriorly at the mandibular symphysis. The dentary abuts the retroarticular posteriorly, and it surround the anguloarticular. The dentary is connected to the maxilla by the maxillo-mandibular ligament. Dentary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans. TAO:0000191 dentary bone zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000191 dentary Dermal bone that forms the antero-lateral part of the lower jaw. It first appears around the anterior end of Meckel's cartilage (5.1 mm NL). In the adult, the dentary meets its counterpart anteriorly at the mandibular symphysis. The dentary abuts the retroarticular posteriorly, and it surround the anguloarticular. The dentary is connected to the maxilla by the maxillo-mandibular ligament. Dentary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 The bundle of the sensory root of the trigeminal nerve that descends in the medulla oblongata providing somatosensory input to the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root and to the medial funicular nucleus. TAO:0000192 radix descendens nervi trigemini zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000192 descending trigeminal root The bundle of the sensory root of the trigeminal nerve that descends in the medulla oblongata providing somatosensory input to the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root and to the medial funicular nucleus. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and consists of masses of small cells presumably migrated from the periventricular cell masses. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000193 DIL diffuse nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000193 diffuse nucleus inferior lobe Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and consists of masses of small cells presumably migrated from the periventricular cell masses. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 diffuse nuclei Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is ventral to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000194 nucleus opticus accessorius dorsalis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000194 dorsal accessory optic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the central pretectum and is ventral to the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Dorsal fin muscle that moves individual rays the dorsal fin into a lowered position. The dorsal depressors extend from either the right or left base of a dorsal fin ray to the posterior edge of a proximal pterygophore in the median septum. Antagonistic to dorsal erector muscle. There is one dorsal depressor for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium. TAO:0000195 depressor dorsalis dorsal depressors zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000195 dorsal depressor Dorsal fin muscle that moves individual rays the dorsal fin into a lowered position. The dorsal depressors extend from either the right or left base of a dorsal fin ray to the posterior edge of a proximal pterygophore in the median septum. Antagonistic to dorsal erector muscle. There is one dorsal depressor for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 dorsal depressors The dorsal hypohyal is a small cartilage replacement bone ossifying from the anterodorsal ceratohyal cartilage. Ossification begins on the medial surface of the ceratohyal cartilage at a ligamentous connection to basibranchial 1 (6.8 mm). TAO:0000196 dorsal hypohyals zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000196 dorsal hypohyal bone The dorsal hypohyal is a small cartilage replacement bone ossifying from the anterodorsal ceratohyal cartilage. Ossification begins on the medial surface of the ceratohyal cartilage at a ligamentous connection to basibranchial 1 (6.8 mm). GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 dorsal hypohyals Habenular nucleus where the efferent projections innervate the interpeduncular nucleus. The dorsal habenula is structurally homologous to the mammalian medial habenula. TAO:0000197 dorsal habenular nuclei dorsal nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000197 dorsal habenular nucleus Habenular nucleus where the efferent projections innervate the interpeduncular nucleus. The dorsal habenula is structurally homologous to the mammalian medial habenula. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7 dorsal habenular nuclei dorsal nuclei true Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the dorsal hypothalamic zone and is located periventricularly. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000199 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000199 dorsal periventricular hypothalamus Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the dorsal hypothalamic zone and is located periventricularly. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Trunk ganglion which is located adjacent to the spine on a dorsal root and contains the cell bodies of afferent sensory nerves. TAO:0000200 DRG dorsal root ganglia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000200 dorsal root ganglion Trunk ganglion which is located adjacent to the spine on a dorsal root and contains the cell bodies of afferent sensory nerves. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 dorsal root ganglia TAO:0000201 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000201 dorsal transverse Artery that carries blood leaving the gill. This is on the side of the aortic arch proximal to the lateral dorsal aorta. TAO:0000202 EBA zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000202 efferent branchial artery Artery that carries blood leaving the gill. This is on the side of the aortic arch proximal to the lateral dorsal aorta. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000203 Epicentrals are not present in D. rerio.ZDB-PUB-031103-13 epicentrals true Esophagus part of the gut that develops from endodermal precursors at the rostral end of the digestive tract. The esophagus develops independently from the intestine. TAO:0000204 oesophagus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000204 esophagus Esophagus part of the gut that develops from endodermal precursors at the rostral end of the digestive tract. The esophagus develops independently from the intestine. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-030312-8 Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that originates from a broad base at the midline and narrows toward its attachment at the ventral tip of the caudal fin. TAO:0000205 lateralis superficialis ventralis zebrafish_anatomy LSV external ventral flexor ZFA:0000205 external lateral ventral muscle Paired superficial caudal fin muscle that originates from a broad base at the midline and narrows toward its attachment at the ventral tip of the caudal fin. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21 TAO:0000206 facial motor nucleus motor nucleus VII nVII nucleus motorius nervi facialis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000206 facial nerve motor nucleus Musculature part of fin. TAO:0000207 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000207 fin musculature Musculature part of fin. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 The compound organ that stores bile. TAO:0000208 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000208 gall bladder The compound organ that stores bile. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the rostral and medial preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000209 lateral preglomerular nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000209 lateral preglomerular nucleus Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the rostral and medial preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 lateral preglomerular nuclei Portion of tissue that is the caudal gigantocellular portion of the magnocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000210 nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis, pars gigantocellularis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000210 gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus Portion of tissue that is the caudal gigantocellular portion of the magnocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Multi-tissue structure that is the transverse vertical platelet on the gill filament, through which capillaries run. The primary gill lamellae carry numerous fine layers called secondary lamellae which are the actual regions of respiration and excretion. TAO:0000211 gill lamellae zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000211 gill lamella Multi-tissue structure that is the transverse vertical platelet on the gill filament, through which capillaries run. The primary gill lamellae carry numerous fine layers called secondary lamellae which are the actual regions of respiration and excretion. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 http://www.briancoad.com/Dictionary/G.htm gill lamellae Brain structure which is paired and part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum and extends fibers into the cerebellar crest. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. ZFA:0000187 TAO:0000212 eminentia granularis lateral granular eminence zebrafish_anatomy EG ZFA:0000212 granular eminence Brain structure which is paired and part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum and extends fibers into the cerebellar crest. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 The habenula relays impulses from limbic areas of the telencephalon to an unpaired midbrain nucleus, the interpeduncular nucleus. TAO:0000213 habenulae habenular nucleus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000213 habenula The habenula relays impulses from limbic areas of the telencephalon to an unpaired midbrain nucleus, the interpeduncular nucleus. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 habenulae TAO:0000214 hypobranchial vessels zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000214 May be the same as hypobranchial artery and may need to be merged. hypobranchial vessel true hypobranchial vessels Hindbrain nucleus where climbing fibers originate. The neurons in the inferior olive are capable of prolonged oscillatory activity. The inferior olive is called a precerebellar nucleus since virtually all of the efferent axons terminate in the cerebellum. TAO:0000215 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000215 inferior olive Hindbrain nucleus where climbing fibers originate. The neurons in the inferior olive are capable of prolonged oscillatory activity. The inferior olive is called a precerebellar nucleus since virtually all of the efferent axons terminate in the cerebellum. GOC:mh ISBN:0471888893 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000216 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000216 This may need to be treated as a waypoint in the development of the various muscles or as a group of muscles. infracarinalis The auditory (hearing) and vestibular (balance) organ of the fish, equivalent to the inner ear of amniotes. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/ear/ear.html'>ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000217 ear zebrafish_anatomy otic capsule otocyst ZFA:0000217 inner ear The auditory (hearing) and vestibular (balance) organ of the fish, equivalent to the inner ear of amniotes. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/ear/ear.html'>ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 true TAO:0000219 intermediate reticular formations zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000219 intermediate reticular formation intermediate reticular formations One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The lateral semicircular canal is associated with the lateral crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) ZFA:0000361 TAO:0000220 horizontal semicircular canal lateral semicircular canals lateral semicircular duct zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000220 lateral semicircular canal One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The lateral semicircular canal is associated with the lateral crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 lateral semicircular canals TAO:0000221 internal levators zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000221 internal levator internal levators Sensory trigeminal nucleus located in the most rostral position. It lies immediately caudal to the secondary gustatory nucleus. TAO:0000222 isthmic primary nuclei isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000222 isthmic primary nucleus Sensory trigeminal nucleus located in the most rostral position. It lies immediately caudal to the secondary gustatory nucleus. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 isthmic primary nuclei isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Dermal bone that covers the region between the anterior margin of the eye and the upper jaw. Infraorbital 1 (the lachrymal) is the first and largest bone in the infraorbital series. Bears the anterior most part of the infraorbital canal. TAO:0000223 lachrymal bone lacrimal lacrymal bone zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000223 infraorbital 1 Dermal bone that covers the region between the anterior margin of the eye and the upper jaw. Infraorbital 1 (the lachrymal) is the first and largest bone in the infraorbital series. Bears the anterior most part of the infraorbital canal. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000224 obsolete larva true Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the lateral crista. TAO:0000225 lateral crista primordia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000225 lateral crista primordium Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the lateral crista. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 lateral crista primordia Large, paired cartilage bones separating the olfactory region from the orbit. Arises from both perichondral and endochondral ossifications (Harrington 1955). Bordered by the mesethmoid anteriorly and overlain by the frontal dorsally, each lateral ethmoid extends medially to meet its fellow posteriorly along the midline. Develops from the laminae orbitonasales. TAO:0000226 lateral ethmoids zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000226 lateral ethmoid Large, paired cartilage bones separating the olfactory region from the orbit. Arises from both perichondral and endochondral ossifications (Harrington 1955). Bordered by the mesethmoid anteriorly and overlain by the frontal dorsally, each lateral ethmoid extends medially to meet its fellow posteriorly along the midline. Develops from the laminae orbitonasales. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 lateral ethmoids Diencephalic nucleus which is the lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000227 lateral hypothalamic nuclei lateral tuberal nucleus zebrafish_anatomy arcuate nucleus ZFA:0000227 lateral hypothalamic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus which is the lateral part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 lateral hypothalamic nuclei Is a portion of tissue that migrates and deposits immature neuromasts and interneuromasts. TAO:0000228 lateral line primordia llp zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000228 lateral line primordium Is a portion of tissue that migrates and deposits immature neuromasts and interneuromasts. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 lateral line primordia Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral dorsal telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000229 tractus olfactorius lateralis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000229 lateral olfactory tract Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral dorsal telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Muscle that attaches to the parhypurpophyses. The muscle inserts on the upper three to five caudal fin rays. TAO:0000230 hypochordal longitudinalis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000230 longitudinal hypochordal Muscle that attaches to the parhypurpophyses. The muscle inserts on the upper three to five caudal fin rays. GOC:cvs ISBN:0080585272 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13 Intracranial space formed by confluence of supraorbital, infraorbital, preopercular and temporal sensory canals that forms the lateral protrusion of the third ventricle. See also Di Dario (2004). ZFA:0005493 TAO:0000231 TAO:0001799 lateral recess of diencephalic ventricle lateral recesses recessus lateralis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000231 lateral recess Intracranial space formed by confluence of supraorbital, infraorbital, preopercular and temporal sensory canals that forms the lateral protrusion of the third ventricle. See also Di Dario (2004). GOC:cvs GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 lateral recess of diencephalic ventricle ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091221-27 lateral recesses recessus lateralis ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Otic vesicle protrusion that is initially laterally located and then bifurcates and fuses anteriorly with the anterior protrusion, and posteriorly with the posterior protrusion. TAO:0000232 zebrafish_anatomy lateral semicircular canal primordia lateral semicircular canal primordium ZFA:0000232 otic vesicle lateral protrusion Otic vesicle protrusion that is initially laterally located and then bifurcates and fuses anteriorly with the anterior protrusion, and posteriorly with the posterior protrusion. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11 lateral semicircular canal primordia Portion of tissue, located on the lower jaw that defines the caudal extent of the labial cavity. The oral valves control the flow of water into the mouth during routine respiration. TAO:0000233 lower internal lip lower semilunar valve mandibular valve zebrafish_anatomy breathing valve buccal valve ZFA:0000233 lower oral valve Portion of tissue, located on the lower jaw that defines the caudal extent of the labial cavity. The oral valves control the flow of water into the mouth during routine respiration. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12 lower internal lip ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12 lower semilunar valve ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12 Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula neglecta a pair of sensory patches positioned on the floor of the utricle adjacent to the utriculosaccular foramen at the base of the common crus. TAO:0000234 maculae neglecta zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000234 macula neglecta Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. The macula neglecta a pair of sensory patches positioned on the floor of the utricle adjacent to the utriculosaccular foramen at the base of the common crus. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010912-7 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4 maculae neglecta Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is caudally contiguous with the caudal pretectal nucleus. Cells of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus are slightly larger and more orderly around a central neuropil than those of the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000235 magnocellular superficial pretectal nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000235 magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum and is caudally contiguous with the caudal pretectal nucleus. Cells of the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus are slightly larger and more orderly around a central neuropil than those of the caudal pretectal nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 magnocellular superficial pretectal nuclei Muscle that are part of the mandibular arch (pharyngeal arch 1). TAO:0000236 mandibular muscles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000236 mandibular muscle Muscle that are part of the mandibular arch (pharyngeal arch 1). GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 mandibular muscles TAO:0000237 medial forebrain bundles diencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000237 medial forebrain bundle diencephalon medial forebrain bundles diencephalon Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral ventral telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000238 tractus olfactorius medialis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000238 medial olfactory tract Telencephalic white matter which extends between the olfactory bulb and the ipsilateral ventral telencephalon and carries secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Endochondral bone that articulates laterally with the medial surface of the cleithrum and ventro-medially with the scapula and coracoid. Mesocoracoid bone is a small, arch-like bone that develops from the mesocoracoid cartilage. Mesocoracoid bone is paired. TAO:0000239 mesocoracoid bones zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000239 mesocoracoid bone mesocoracoid bones Endochondral bone that articulates laterally with the medial surface of the cleithrum and ventro-medially with the scapula and coracoid. Mesocoracoid bone is a small, arch-like bone that develops from the mesocoracoid cartilage. Mesocoracoid bone is paired. TAO:WD The metapterygoid is a posterior bone that ossifies in the cartilaginous palatoquadrate arch. It first appears as a rod of bone with an anterodorsally projecting process from the middle of the dorsal surface (6.4 mm). The adult metapterygoid is roughly rectangular in shape with rounded corners and an anterodorsally projecting spine that meets the entopterygoid medially in a synostosis at its posteromedial edge. The posterior end curves dorsally to form the posteroventral surface of the orbit. TAO:0000240 metapterygoids zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000240 metapterygoid The metapterygoid is a posterior bone that ossifies in the cartilaginous palatoquadrate arch. It first appears as a rod of bone with an anterodorsally projecting process from the middle of the dorsal surface (6.4 mm). The adult metapterygoid is roughly rectangular in shape with rounded corners and an anterodorsally projecting spine that meets the entopterygoid medially in a synostosis at its posteromedial edge. The posterior end curves dorsally to form the posteroventral surface of the orbit. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 metapterygoids TAO:0000241 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000241 midline column Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes. CARO:0000027 TAO:0000242 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000242 male organism Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Volcano-shaped lateral line sensory organ located in characteristic positions within the skin epithelium and containing hair cells and their support elements. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000243 lateral line neuromast lateral line organ neuromasts zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000243 neuromast Volcano-shaped lateral line sensory organ located in characteristic positions within the skin epithelium and containing hair cells and their support elements. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 neuromasts TAO:0000244 Edinger-Westphal nucleus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000244 nucleus Edinger-Westphal Sensory trigeminal nucleus that lies at the mediodorsal edge of the descending trigeminal root (DV). This nucleus is not clearly delineated. TAO:0000245 sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal root zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000245 nucleus of the descending root Sensory trigeminal nucleus that lies at the mediodorsal edge of the descending trigeminal root (DV). This nucleus is not clearly delineated. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal root ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Telencephalic nucleus which is located immediately ventral to the caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000246 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000246 nucleus taeniae Telencephalic nucleus which is located immediately ventral to the caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000247 CN-VIII auditory nerve octaval nerve statoacoustic nerve zebrafish_anatomy cochleovestibular nerve ZFA:0000247 cranial nerve VIII cochleovestibular nerve ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-190924-19 Diencephalic nucleus that is dorsal to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000248 magnocellular preoptic nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000248 magnocellular preoptic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is dorsal to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 magnocellular preoptic nuclei TAO:0000249 CN-I olfactory nerve zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000249 cranial nerve I Dermal bone that articulates anteriorly with the hyomandibula. The opercle is paired and typically the largest bone of the opercular series. It is derived from the neural crest and is located in 2nd pharyngeal arch. TAO:0000250 opercles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000250 opercle Dermal bone that articulates anteriorly with the hyomandibula. The opercle is paired and typically the largest bone of the opercular series. It is derived from the neural crest and is located in 2nd pharyngeal arch. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120529-44 opercles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000251 ZFIN not using series organization if at all possible. opercular-branchiostegal series true Diencephalic white matter (tract) which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons after which they have passed through the optic chiasm. TAO:0000252 optic tracts tractus opticus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000252 optic tract Diencephalic white matter (tract) which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons after which they have passed through the optic chiasm. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 optic tracts tractus opticus ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Large median unpaired cartilage bone consisting of two diverging plates. Positioned medial to the eye. The orbitosphenoid develops from the Trabeculae communis and forms the anterior and anteriolateral boundary of the orbital foramen and constitutes a significant part of the sidewalls and floor of the cranial cavity. Bordered by the lateral ethmoid anteriorly, and the pterosphenoid posteriorly, The orbitosphenoid may extend ventrally to meet the parasphenoid. In the adult, the orbitosphenoid is fused ventrally to the parasphenoid via a thin sheet of bone. TAO:0000253 orbitosphenoids zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000253 orbitosphenoid Large median unpaired cartilage bone consisting of two diverging plates. Positioned medial to the eye. The orbitosphenoid develops from the Trabeculae communis and forms the anterior and anteriolateral boundary of the orbital foramen and constitutes a significant part of the sidewalls and floor of the cranial cavity. Bordered by the lateral ethmoid anteriorly, and the pterosphenoid posteriorly, The orbitosphenoid may extend ventrally to meet the parasphenoid. In the adult, the orbitosphenoid is fused ventrally to the parasphenoid via a thin sheet of bone. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 orbitosphenoids Embryonic structure that develops into the pancreatic bud. TAO:0000254 pancreatic anlage zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000254 During normal development, the exocrine anlage arises from bilateral sets of progenitors within the blastoderm margin that migrate to the midline use and differentiate prior to joining the rostral intestine. ZDB-PUB-050623-3. pancreas primordium Embryonic structure that develops into the pancreatic bud. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 pancreatic anlage ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050623-3 Mesoderm which is lateral to the neural tube on both sides. ZFA:0000942 TAO:0000255 zebrafish_anatomy paraxial mesenchyme ZFA:0000255 paraxial mesoderm Mesoderm which is lateral to the neural tube on both sides. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 TAO:0000256 pars subcommissuralis of V zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000256 pars subcommissuralis of ventral telencephalon Cartilage which is part of the pectoral fin. TAO:0000257 pectoral fin cartilages zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000257 pectoral fin cartilage Cartilage which is part of the pectoral fin. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 pectoral fin cartilages Musculature that is part of the pelvic fin. TAO:0000258 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000258 pelvic fin musculature Musculature that is part of the pelvic fin. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of 2 neuromast. One neuromast is positioned at the front edge of the jaw the second posteriorly on the mandible. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000259 mandibular lateral lines mandibular line zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000259 mandibular lateral line One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of 2 neuromast. One neuromast is positioned at the front edge of the jaw the second posteriorly on the mandible. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 mandibular lateral lines mandibular line ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 Diencephalic nucleus which is the periventricular part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000260 periventricular nuclei ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000260 periventricular nucleus Diencephalic nucleus which is the periventricular part of the ventral hypothalamic zone. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 periventricular nuclei TAO:0000261 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000261 pharyngohyoid One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The posterior semicircular canal is associated with the posterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) ZFA:0000483 TAO:0000262 caudal vertical semicircular canal posterior semicircular canals posterior semicircular duct zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000262 posterior semicircular canal One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The posterior semicircular canal is associated with the posterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 posterior semicircular canals Post-cranial vertebrae lacking hemal spines (Weitzman, 1962), refers generally to the anterior vertebral region bounding the abdominal cavity. Alternate but not quite synonymous terms are abdominal or trunk vertebrae, which bear parapophyses and ribs. In many actinopterygians dorsal to the posterior abdominal cavity there are transitional vertebrae lacking ribs but also without hemal spines or sometimes even enclosed hemal arches. The primary definition would identify these vertebrae as precaudal. TAO:0000263 precaudal vertebrae zebrafish_anatomy abdominal vertebra trunk vertebra ZFA:0000263 precaudal vertebra Post-cranial vertebrae lacking hemal spines (Weitzman, 1962), refers generally to the anterior vertebral region bounding the abdominal cavity. Alternate but not quite synonymous terms are abdominal or trunk vertebrae, which bear parapophyses and ribs. In many actinopterygians dorsal to the posterior abdominal cavity there are transitional vertebrae lacking ribs but also without hemal spines or sometimes even enclosed hemal arches. The primary definition would identify these vertebrae as precaudal. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-031103-13 precaudal vertebrae Dermal bone that is part of the opercular flap and bears the preopercular sensory canal. The preopercle is a paired bone and typically L-shaped, with the horizontal limb overlying the interopercle and the vertical limb overlying the opercle. TAO:0000264 preopercles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000264 preopercle Dermal bone that is part of the opercular flap and bears the preopercular sensory canal. The preopercle is a paired bone and typically L-shaped, with the horizontal limb overlying the interopercle and the vertical limb overlying the opercle. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 preopercles Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become dorsal mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping. TAO:0000265 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000265 presumptive dorsal mesoderm Portion of presumptive mesoderm fated to become dorsal mesoderm. Determined by fate mapping. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000266 pretecto mammillary tract pretecto-mamillary tract pretectomamillary tract zebrafish_anatomy TPp ZFA:0000266 pretecto-mammillary tract Portion of tissue which is the most peripheral layer and present only in the rostroventral olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000267 olfactory nerve layer stratum nervosum bulbi olfactorii zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000267 primary olfactory fiber layer Portion of tissue which is the most peripheral layer and present only in the rostroventral olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 olfactory nerve layer ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050523-2 Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the anal fin, which articulate with the distal radials. TAO:0000268 anal fin proximal radials zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000268 anal fin proximal radial Rod-like internal median skeletal support bones of the anal fin, which articulate with the distal radials. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 anal fin proximal radials Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae then project from the vertebral column to the ventral base of the caudal fin where they attach broadly to ventral caudal fin rays. TAO:0000269 flexor caudalis ventralis inferioris inferior ventral flexor zebrafish_anatomy CVI ZFA:0000269 inferior caudal ventral flexor Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae then project from the vertebral column to the ventral base of the caudal fin where they attach broadly to ventral caudal fin rays. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21 The dermal maxilla forms part of the upper jaw. It is first visible as a small dorsoventrally oriented rod of bone in the lateral region of the upper jaw. Through anterior ossification it becomes S-shaped, with its anteriormost tip directed medially (4.8 mm NL). The posteroventral end of the maxilla is connected to the dentary by a ligament. Maxillary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans. Two barbels are present on the maxilla. The presence of two pairs of maxillary barbels is considered by Cavender and Coburn (1992) to be the primitive condition for the Cyprinidae. TAO:0000270 maxillae zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000270 maxilla The dermal maxilla forms part of the upper jaw. It is first visible as a small dorsoventrally oriented rod of bone in the lateral region of the upper jaw. Through anterior ossification it becomes S-shaped, with its anteriormost tip directed medially (4.8 mm NL). The posteroventral end of the maxilla is connected to the dentary by a ligament. Maxillary teeth are absent in cypriniforms, but are present in other ostariophysans. Two barbels are present on the maxilla. The presence of two pairs of maxillary barbels is considered by Cavender and Coburn (1992) to be the primitive condition for the Cyprinidae. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 maxillae The internal skeletal supports of the median and paired fins. TAO:0000271 radials zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000271 radial The internal skeletal supports of the median and paired fins. TAO:curator radials System responsible for the exchange of gases across the gill membranes. TAO:0000272 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000272 respiratory system System responsible for the exchange of gases across the gill membranes. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 true Octaval sensory nucleus located rostral to the magnocellular octaval nucleus and arches dorsally around the descending trigeminal root. Receives some vestibular information and is part of the vestibulo-ocular reflex circuitry and projects to abducens and oculomotor nuclei and descends to the spinal cord. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000274 anterior octaval nucleus nucleus octavus anterior zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000274 rostral octaval nucleus Octaval sensory nucleus located rostral to the magnocellular octaval nucleus and arches dorsally around the descending trigeminal root. Receives some vestibular information and is part of the vestibulo-ocular reflex circuitry and projects to abducens and oculomotor nuclei and descends to the spinal cord. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000275 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000275 rostral tegmental nucleus TAO:0000276 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000276 rostrolateral thalamic nucleus of Butler & Saidel Dermal bone that is thin, flexible, and platelike, and that develops in overlapping skinfolds that cover the body and often the head of fish and the bases of the fins. TAO:0000277 scales zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000277 scale Dermal bone that is thin, flexible, and platelike, and that develops in overlapping skinfolds that cover the body and often the head of fish and the bases of the fins. TAO:WD scales TAO:0000278 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000278 secondary gustatory nucleus medulla oblongata Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form. TAO:0000279 PSM presomitic mesoderm zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000279 segmental plate Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Medial division of the valvula cerebelli. TAO:0000280 medial division valvula cerebelli, pars medialis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000280 medial valvula cerebelli Medial division of the valvula cerebelli. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Specialized neuronal receptor cells of the posterior macula. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/hair_cell/hair_cell.html'>hair cells</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000281 sensory hair cells posterior macula zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000281 hair cell posterior macula Specialized neuronal receptor cells of the posterior macula. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/hair_cell/hair_cell.html'>hair cells</a> by T. Whitfield.) ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 sensory hair cells posterior macula Nervous system responsible for transmitting sensory stimuli. TAO:0000282 sensory systems zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000282 sensory system Nervous system responsible for transmitting sensory stimuli. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 sensory systems true Dermal bone lying below the opercle. The subopercle is a paired bone. TAO:0000284 subopercles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000284 subopercle Dermal bone lying below the opercle. The subopercle is a paired bone. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 subopercles Pectoral fin muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin adductor. The adductor superficialis originates at the cleithrum and inserts on all fins rays except the first. Insertion of the adductor superficialis on fin rays is distal to the fin ray bases. TAO:0000285 adductor superficialis superficial adductors zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000285 superficial adductor Pectoral fin muscle that develops from the primitive pectoral fin adductor. The adductor superficialis originates at the cleithrum and inserts on all fins rays except the first. Insertion of the adductor superficialis on fin rays is distal to the fin ray bases. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7 adductor superficialis ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050920-7 superficial adductors Slow twitch muscle derived from the lateral wedge-shaped strip of slow muscle cells originally positioned at the lateral end of the horizontal myoseptum. In the adult it is a thin band of muscle positioned mediolaterally above the epaxial-hypaxial junction, posteriorly the superficial lateralis elaborates into the superficial lateralis dorsalis and superficial lateralis ventralis. TAO:0000286 lateralis superficialis zebrafish_anatomy lateral superficial muscle ZFA:0000286 superficial lateralis Slow twitch muscle derived from the lateral wedge-shaped strip of slow muscle cells originally positioned at the lateral end of the horizontal myoseptum. In the adult it is a thin band of muscle positioned mediolaterally above the epaxial-hypaxial junction, posteriorly the superficial lateralis elaborates into the superficial lateralis dorsalis and superficial lateralis ventralis. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-080519-4 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961219-12 Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that originate from the 30th vertebra and extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays. TAO:0000287 flexor caudalis dorsalis superioris superior dorsal flexor zebrafish_anatomy CDS ZFA:0000287 superior caudal dorsal flexor Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that originate from the 30th vertebra and extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21 TAO:0000288 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000288 supracarinalis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000289 Supramaxillary bones are absent from D. rerio, as in other ostariophysans (Fink and Fink, '81) supramaxillae true Anatomical cluster that forms the floor and sidewalls of the middle part of the cranium. TAO:0000290 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000290 sphenoid region Anatomical cluster that forms the floor and sidewalls of the middle part of the cranium. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Lateral line sensory nucleus located in the cerebellum that processes sensory input from the lateral line. TAO:0000291 intermediate octavolateral nucleus medial octavolateralis nuclei zebrafish_anatomy MON ZFA:0000291 medial octavolateralis nucleus Lateral line sensory nucleus located in the cerebellum that processes sensory input from the lateral line. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 medial octavolateralis nuclei Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface. TAO:0000292 surface structures zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000292 surface structure Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 surface structures Multi-tissue structure that is located between the dorsal diencephalon and the mesencephalon and contains the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000293 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000293 synencephalon Multi-tissue structure that is located between the dorsal diencephalon and the mesencephalon and contains the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In goldfish the lateral torus is exclusively involved with gustatory and general visceral systems. TAO:0000294 lateral torus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000294 torus lateralis Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In goldfish the lateral torus is exclusively involved with gustatory and general visceral systems. GOC:cvs GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 PMID:9552123 A prominent collection of touch-sensory neurons of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve, positioned beside the brain between the eye and the ear. TAO:0000295 5th ganglion fifth ganglion gV trigeminal ganglia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000295 trigeminal ganglion A prominent collection of touch-sensory neurons of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve, positioned beside the brain between the eye and the ear. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 trigeminal ganglia TAO:0000296 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000296 uncrossed tecto-bulbar tract The multi-tissue, vagal lobe is a large, paired brain stem structure flanking the unpaired facial lobe laterally. The vagal lobe contains motor and gustatory neurons. While some degree of histological segregation is apparent within the vagal lobe, a clear lamination, as seen in goldfish or carp is absent. LX zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000297 vagal lobe The multi-tissue, vagal lobe is a large, paired brain stem structure flanking the unpaired facial lobe laterally. The vagal lobe contains motor and gustatory neurons. While some degree of histological segregation is apparent within the vagal lobe, a clear lamination, as seen in goldfish or carp is absent. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 LX ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Is a surface structure and is the external opening of the cloaca. TAO:0000298 cloacal opening cloacal vent zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000298 vent Is a surface structure and is the external opening of the cloaca. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 cloacal opening ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110602-26 Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and extends into the telencephalo-diencephalic boundary region. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000299 ENv endopeduncular nucleus, ventral part entopeduncular nucleus, ventral part nucleus entopeduncularis, pars ventralis ventral entopeduncular nucleus V zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000299 The GAD67-positive (dorsal) entopeduncular nucleus (EN= former ENd) appears to be anatomically separate from the GAD67-negative bed nucleus of the stria medullaris (BNSM), which was formerly called the ventral part of the entopeduncular nucleus (ENv). ZDB-PUB-090814-14. ventral entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon that is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and extends into the telencephalo-diencephalic boundary region. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 The ventral hypohyal ossifies first along the anteroventral tip of the ceratohyal cartilage at the insertion of the tendon from the sternohyoideus (5.7 mm). TAO:0000300 lower hypohyal ventrohyal zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000300 ventral hypohyal bone The ventral hypohyal ossifies first along the anteroventral tip of the ceratohyal cartilage at the insertion of the tendon from the sternohyoideus (5.7 mm). GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the anterior side of the eye at the sclera-corneal (SC) junction. The medial rectus lies in the same anatomical plane as the lateral rectus. The medial rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve. TAO:0000301 medial recti zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000301 Mature form at Hatching:Long-pec. medial rectus Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the anterior side of the eye at the sclera-corneal (SC) junction. The medial rectus lies in the same anatomical plane as the lateral rectus. The medial rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9 medial recti Habenular nucleus positioned ventromedially to the dorsal habenular nuclei. The ventral habenular nuclei are paired and symmetrical, each have a conical shape defined by a wide rostral end, occupying the entire anterior region of the habenula, and a narrow caudal end. The axons of the ventral habenular nucleus passed laterally through the interpeduncular nucleus and projected to the ventral part of the median raphe. The ventral habenular nucleus is homolog mammalian lateral habenular nucleus. TAO:0000302 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000302 ventral habenular nucleus Habenular nucleus positioned ventromedially to the dorsal habenular nuclei. The ventral habenular nuclei are paired and symmetrical, each have a conical shape defined by a wide rostral end, occupying the entire anterior region of the habenula, and a narrow caudal end. The axons of the ventral habenular nucleus passed laterally through the interpeduncular nucleus and projected to the ventral part of the median raphe. The ventral habenular nucleus is homolog mammalian lateral habenular nucleus. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100202-7 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120709-5 Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes. CARO:0000028 TAO:0000303 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000303 female organism Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Brain structure which is the ventral part of the telencephalon and is consists of periventricular nuclei surrounding the unpaired median ventricle and those which have migrated away from the ependyma. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000304 area ventralis telencephali subpallium zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000304 ventral telencephalon Brain structure which is the ventral part of the telencephalon and is consists of periventricular nuclei surrounding the unpaired median ventricle and those which have migrated away from the ependyma. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Groove that separates the paired inferior (or lateral) lobes of the hypothalamus from the tuberal hypothalamus. TAO:0000305 zebrafish_anatomy hypothalamic sulcus ZFA:0000305 ventral sulcus Groove that separates the paired inferior (or lateral) lobes of the hypothalamus from the tuberal hypothalamus. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothalamic_sulcus TAO:0000306 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000306 ventrolateral thalamic nucleus Brain structure which is part of the cerebellum consists of the paired granular eminentia and the medial caudal lobe. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000307 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000307 vestibulolateralis lobe Brain structure which is part of the cerebellum consists of the paired granular eminentia and the medial caudal lobe. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 A thin medial unpaired dermal bone that is kite or paddle-shape. Underlying the ethmoid, and slightly overlapping the parasphenoid posteriorly, the prevomer bears an anterolateral projection that terminates in a concave depression in which the preethmoids sit. TAO:0000308 vomer zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000308 prevomer A thin medial unpaired dermal bone that is kite or paddle-shape. Underlying the ethmoid, and slightly overlapping the parasphenoid posteriorly, the prevomer bears an anterolateral projection that terminates in a concave depression in which the preethmoids sit. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 vomer ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192 The portion of the YSL that is outside of the blastoderm margin during epiboly. TAO:0000309 E-YSL zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000309 external yolk syncytial layer The portion of the YSL that is outside of the blastoderm margin during epiboly. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 E-YSL ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Cranial nerve which exits the medulla oblongata and controls the lateral movement of the eye. The caudal and rostral roots fuse together and course rostrally once they are outside the brainstem. The abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus extraocular muscle. TAO:0000310 CN-VI abducens nerve nervus abducens zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000310 cranial nerve VI Cranial nerve which exits the medulla oblongata and controls the lateral movement of the eye. The caudal and rostral roots fuse together and course rostrally once they are outside the brainstem. The abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus extraocular muscle. GOC:mh GOC:ymb ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12 Is a mandibular muscle that consists of three subdivisions A1, A2, and A3. All three originate on the hyomandibula and suspensorium but each has a distinct insertion. A1 inserts on the maxilla, A2 inserts along the caudal margin of the articular and A3 inserts on the medial surface of the articular. TAO:0000311 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000311 adductor mandibulae complex Is a mandibular muscle that consists of three subdivisions A1, A2, and A3. All three originate on the hyomandibula and suspensorium but each has a distinct insertion. A1 inserts on the maxilla, A2 inserts along the caudal margin of the articular and A3 inserts on the medial surface of the articular. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-070330-4 Sensory trigeminal nucleus located at the tectal ventricle near the synencephalon and optic tectum that contains large pyriform neurons. The sensory fibers of the large pyriform neurons that run peripherally in the trigeminal nerve. TAO:0000312 mesencephalic nuclei of trigeminal nerves zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000312 mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve Sensory trigeminal nucleus located at the tectal ventricle near the synencephalon and optic tectum that contains large pyriform neurons. The sensory fibers of the large pyriform neurons that run peripherally in the trigeminal nerve. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 mesencephalic nuclei of trigeminal nerves Series of paired muscles that have a distal attachment at the lateral base of each ray and a proximal attachment to the hypaxialis. The left and right inclinators attach the integument and trunk muscles to the base of each ray. TAO:0000313 anal inclinators inclinatores anales zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000313 anal inclinator Series of paired muscles that have a distal attachment at the lateral base of each ray and a proximal attachment to the hypaxialis. The left and right inclinators attach the integument and trunk muscles to the base of each ray. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8 anal inclinators inclinatores anales ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8 One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The anterior semicircular canal is associated with the anterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) ZFA:0000675 TAO:0000314 anterior semicircular canals anterior semicircular duct rostral vertical semicircular canal zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000314 anterior semicircular canal One of three fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in each ear. The anterior semicircular canal is associated with the anterior crista. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 anterior semicircular canals Otolith part of lagena. TAO:0000315 lagenar otolith lagenolith zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000315 asteriscus Otolith part of lagena. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020403-4 Endochondral bone that is median and is the anterior-most bone of the ventral hyoid arch, the 'tongue' of the a fish. Ossification of the cartilaginous basihyal is first visible at the posterior end of the club-shaped basihyal cartilage (6.0 mm). Ossification spreads throughout the cartilage, except for the anterior tip, which remains cartilaginous. The posteroventral tip extends between the left and right dorsal hypohyals. TAO:0000316 basihyoid glossohyal zebrafish_anatomy basihyal ZFA:0000316 basihyal bone Endochondral bone that is median and is the anterior-most bone of the ventral hyoid arch, the 'tongue' of the a fish. Ossification of the cartilaginous basihyal is first visible at the posterior end of the club-shaped basihyal cartilage (6.0 mm). Ossification spreads throughout the cartilage, except for the anterior tip, which remains cartilaginous. The posteroventral tip extends between the left and right dorsal hypohyals. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 The post-cranial structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; in Danio, consisting of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins. TAO:0000317 axial skeleton zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000317 postcranial axial skeleton The post-cranial structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; in Danio, consisting of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 CNS white matter that is part of the brain stem or spinal cord. TAO:0000318 brain stem and spinal tract/commissure brain stem/spinal tracts and commissures zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000318 brainstem and spinal white matter CNS white matter that is part of the brain stem or spinal cord. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 brain stem/spinal tracts and commissures The portion of tissue forming the membrane connecting the branchiostegals and enclosing the gill chamber. TAO:0000319 branchiostegal membranes zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000319 branchiostegal membrane The portion of tissue forming the membrane connecting the branchiostegals and enclosing the gill chamber. http://www.fishbase.org/glossary/Glossary.php?q=branchiostegal+membrane branchiostegal membranes Diencephalic tract which is located in the vicinity of the dorsal diencephalon and mesencephalon and connects the pretectal nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000320 posterior commissure zebrafish_anatomy PC ZFA:0000320 caudal commissure Diencephalic tract which is located in the vicinity of the dorsal diencephalon and mesencephalon and connects the pretectal nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000321 caudal levators zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000321 caudal levator caudal levators TAO:0000322 caudal octaval nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000322 caudal octaval nucleus caudal octaval nuclei Median unpaired cartilage bone that ossifies as a perichondral lamellae ensheathing the nasal septum anterodorsally and laterally (Harrington, 1955). In adult D. rerio, the center of the mesethmoid remains cartilaginous (Cubbage & Mabee, 1996). The mesethmoid meets the supraethmoid dorsally, the lateral ethmoids posterolaterally, and the vomer and parasphenoid ventrally in synostoses. Anterolaterally the mesethmoid meets the preethmoids in synchondroses. TAO:0000323 ethmoid bone zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000323 mesethmoid bone Median unpaired cartilage bone that ossifies as a perichondral lamellae ensheathing the nasal septum anterodorsally and laterally (Harrington, 1955). In adult D. rerio, the center of the mesethmoid remains cartilaginous (Cubbage & Mabee, 1996). The mesethmoid meets the supraethmoid dorsally, the lateral ethmoids posterolaterally, and the vomer and parasphenoid ventrally in synostoses. Anterolaterally the mesethmoid meets the preethmoids in synchondroses. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal hypothalamus and surrounds the paired posterior ventricular recesses of the third ventricle. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000324 caudal zone of periventricular hypothalamus nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, zona caudalis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000324 caudal periventricular hypothalamus Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal hypothalamus and surrounds the paired posterior ventricular recesses of the third ventricle. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. It is targeted by ascending fibers originating from the secondary gustatory/ visceral complex. TAO:0000325 posterior thalamic nucleus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000325 caudal thalamic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. It is targeted by ascending fibers originating from the secondary gustatory/ visceral complex. GOC:cvs GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-160628-14 Vertebra bearing a hemal arch and spine. The most posterior caudal vertebrae support the caudal fin and are referred to as preural vertebrae. TAO:0000326 caudal vertebrae mid caudal vertebra zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000326 caudal vertebra Vertebra bearing a hemal arch and spine. The most posterior caudal vertebrae support the caudal fin and are referred to as preural vertebrae. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 caudal vertebrae TAO:0000327 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000327 central zone of the optic tectum Musculature system of the pharyngeal and head regions. TAO:0000328 zebrafish_anatomy head muscles ZFA:0000328 cephalic musculature Musculature system of the pharyngeal and head regions. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 The egg shell. TAO:0000329 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000329 chorion The egg shell. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Space proximal to the urogenital pore where the pronephric duct, intestine and the oviduct or sperm duct empties. TAO:0000330 cloaca lumen zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000330 cloacal chamber Space proximal to the urogenital pore where the pronephric duct, intestine and the oviduct or sperm duct empties. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 TAO:0000331 commissura infima Halleri commissura infima of Haller zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000331 commissure infima of Haller Endochondral bone that articulates dorsally with the scapula and with the mesocoracoid when the latter is present, posteriorly with the lower two or three proximal radials and antero-ventrally with the cleithrum. The coracoid develops from the scapulo-coracoid cartilage. The coracoid is paired. TAO:0000332 coracoids zebrafish_anatomy scapulocoracoid ZFA:0000332 coracoid Endochondral bone that articulates dorsally with the scapula and with the mesocoracoid when the latter is present, posteriorly with the lower two or three proximal radials and antero-ventrally with the cleithrum. The coracoid develops from the scapulo-coracoid cartilage. The coracoid is paired. TAO:GA_TG coracoids TAO:0000333 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000333 mesovarium Brain structure which is located ventrolaterally to the caudal preglomerular nucleus and in the dorsomedial aspect of the caudal protrusion of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000334 mammillary body zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000334 corpus mamillare Brain structure which is located ventrolaterally to the caudal preglomerular nucleus and in the dorsomedial aspect of the caudal protrusion of the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000335 tractus tectobulbaris cruciatus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000335 crossed tecto-bulbar tract zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000336 hypural arches true zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000337 Doesn't seem to exist in zebrafish. dermopalatine true CNS white matter that is part of the diencephalon. TAO:0000338 diencephalic tract/commissure zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000338 diencephalic white matter CNS white matter that is part of the diencephalon. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Anatomical system that processes ingested substances. TAO:0000339 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000339 digestive system Anatomical system that processes ingested substances. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon which is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and disappearing more rostrally. May be homologous to the intermediate nucleus of the area ventralis of other species. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000340 ENd endopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part entopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part nucleus entopeduncularis, pars dorsalis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000340 dorsal entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon Peripheral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon which is a band of tightly packed cells starting at the level of the anterior commissure and disappearing more rostrally. May be homologous to the intermediate nucleus of the area ventralis of other species. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae, then extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays. TAO:0000341 dorsal flexors flexor caudalis dorsalis inferioris zebrafish_anatomy CDI dorsal flexor ZFA:0000341 inferior caudal dorsal flexor Paired, deep caudal fin muscles that arise from a narrow insertion site at the 28th and 29th vertebrae, then extend toward the dorsal base of the caudal fin where they insert broadly on fin rays. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21 dorsal flexors Muscle of the dorsal fin that are thin, arise from the lateral edge of fin bases, and attach to the skin just above the epaxial muscle. The inclinator muscles bend the fin sideways. There is one dorsal inclinator for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium. TAO:0000342 dorsal inclinators inclinator dorsalis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000342 dorsal inclinator Muscle of the dorsal fin that are thin, arise from the lateral edge of fin bases, and attach to the skin just above the epaxial muscle. The inclinator muscles bend the fin sideways. There is one dorsal inclinator for each dorsal fin lepidotrichium. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060623-21 dorsal inclinators Periventricular nucleus which lies rostral to the anterior commissure and is contiguous caudally with the supracommissural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000343 area ventralis telencephali, nucleus dorsalis dorsal nucleus of V zebrafish_anatomy Vd dorsal division of ventral telencephalic area ZFA:0000343 dorsal nucleus of ventral telencephalon Periventricular nucleus which lies rostral to the anterior commissure and is contiguous caudally with the supracommissural nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Vd ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posterior to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000344 middle lateral lines zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000344 middle lateral line One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posterior to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 middle lateral lines Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral corneal junction on the dorsal side of the eye. The dorsal rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve. The dorsal rectus and dorsal oblique muscles have overlapping insertions in the adult eye though they have distinct insertion sites in 5dpf fish. TAO:0000345 dorsal recti superior rectus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000345 Mature form at Larval:Protruding-mouth. dorsal rectus Extraocular muscle that inserts at the scleral corneal junction on the dorsal side of the eye. The dorsal rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve. The dorsal rectus and dorsal oblique muscles have overlapping insertions in the adult eye though they have distinct insertion sites in 5dpf fish. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9 dorsal recti superior rectus ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110512-18 Tegmental nucleus that is immediately adjacent to the nucleus lateralis valvulae (NLV). This nucleus is sometimes considered part of the NLV but the cells are more densely packed. The nucleus extends rostrally into the mesencephalon. TAO:0000346 nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis zebrafish_anatomy DTN ZFA:0000346 dorsal tegmental nucleus Tegmental nucleus that is immediately adjacent to the nucleus lateralis valvulae (NLV). This nucleus is sometimes considered part of the NLV but the cells are more densely packed. The nucleus extends rostrally into the mesencephalon. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Brain structure which is the dorsal most region of the hypothalamus and expands laterally and emerges caudal to the ventral zone and is separated from the median tuberal portion by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000347 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000347 dorsal hypothalamic zone Brain structure which is the dorsal most region of the hypothalamus and expands laterally and emerges caudal to the ventral zone and is separated from the median tuberal portion by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000348 duodenum true Skeletal muscle that is the dorsal-most component of the body musculature. The anterior region attaches to the back of the cranial vault and the dorsal region of the pectoral girdle. The epaxialis is bound to the skin by fibrous connective tissue and internally it inserts over the dorsal portion of the vertebral centra and fin pterygiophores and the neural spines. Posteriorly the epaxialis overlies the modified muscle of the caudal fin and inserts onto the dorsal ray bases of the fin. The anterior epaxial plays a role in feeding and the posterior region is central to locomotion. TAO:0000349 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000349 epaxialis Skeletal muscle that is the dorsal-most component of the body musculature. The anterior region attaches to the back of the cranial vault and the dorsal region of the pectoral girdle. The epaxialis is bound to the skin by fibrous connective tissue and internally it inserts over the dorsal portion of the vertebral centra and fin pterygiophores and the neural spines. Posteriorly the epaxialis overlies the modified muscle of the caudal fin and inserts onto the dorsal ray bases of the fin. The anterior epaxial plays a role in feeding and the posterior region is central to locomotion. GOC:cvs ISBN:0125296509 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 Epipleurals lie below the horizontal septum and are posteroventrally directed. There are ossified epipleurals in certain ostariophysans. In many lower elopocephalan teleosts including ostariophysans the epipleural bones develop an anterodorsal branch so that they are forked proximally. TAO:0000350 epipleurals zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000350 epipleural Epipleurals lie below the horizontal septum and are posteroventrally directed. There are ossified epipleurals in certain ostariophysans. In many lower elopocephalan teleosts including ostariophysans the epipleural bones develop an anterodorsal branch so that they are forked proximally. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 epipleurals Anatomical cluster that is located in the anterior region of the cranium and provides structural support for the peripheral olfactory organ. TAO:0000351 ethmoid region zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000351 olfactory region Anatomical cluster that is located in the anterior region of the cranium and provides structural support for the peripheral olfactory organ. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Portion of tissue which is located between the glomerular layer and internal cellular layer of the olfactory bulb, and contains large mitral cells whose efferent axons form most of the lateral and medial olfactory tracts. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000352 stratum cellulare externum bulbi olfactorii zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000352 external cellular layer Portion of tissue which is located between the glomerular layer and internal cellular layer of the olfactory bulb, and contains large mitral cells whose efferent axons form most of the lateral and medial olfactory tracts. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Paired fasciculus that connects the habenula to the interpeduncular nucleus. In zebrafish the fascicles seem to gather under the raphe nucleus and don't extend to the medulla. TAO:0000353 fasciculus retroflexi habenulo-interpeduncular tract habenulointerpeduncular tract tractus habenulo-interpeduncularis zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000353 fasciculus retroflexus Paired fasciculus that connects the habenula to the interpeduncular nucleus. In zebrafish the fascicles seem to gather under the raphe nucleus and don't extend to the medulla. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010601-11 fasciculus retroflexi Compound organ that consists of gill filaments, gill lamellae, gill rakers and pharyngeal arches 3-7. The gills are responsible for primary gas exchange between the blood and the surrounding water. TAO:0000354 gills zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000354 gill Compound organ that consists of gill filaments, gill lamellae, gill rakers and pharyngeal arches 3-7. The gills are responsible for primary gas exchange between the blood and the surrounding water. http:http://www.briancoad.com/Dictionary/DicPics/gill.htm gills Roof plate that is part of the midbrain. TAO:0000355 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000355 roof plate midbrain region Roof plate that is part of the midbrain. GOC:CVS GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Dermal bone that is a small anterior projection present on all of pharyngeal arches 3-7. They support the gills. The rakers have epithelial denticles and both their gross and fine structure serves to retain food particles in the mouth. TAO:0000356 gill rakers zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000356 gill raker Dermal bone that is a small anterior projection present on all of pharyngeal arches 3-7. They support the gills. The rakers have epithelial denticles and both their gross and fine structure serves to retain food particles in the mouth. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081008-12 http://www.briancoad.com/Dictionary/G.htm gill rakers Multi-tissue structure which is located in between the primary olfactory fiber layer and the external cellular layer of the olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000357 stratum glomerulosum bulbi olfactorii zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000357 glomerular layer Multi-tissue structure which is located in between the primary olfactory fiber layer and the external cellular layer of the olfactory bulb. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Portion of tissue which is the innermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists of small granule cells and larger Golgi cells. The granule cell receive excitatory input from the mossy fibers, and send parallel fibers to the molecular layer where they synapse with Purkinje cell dendrites. TAO:0000358 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000358 granular layer corpus cerebelli Portion of tissue which is the innermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists of small granule cells and larger Golgi cells. The granule cell receive excitatory input from the mossy fibers, and send parallel fibers to the molecular layer where they synapse with Purkinje cell dendrites. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000359 commissura habenularum zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000359 habenular commissure Cavitated compound organ that will become the adult heart following looping morphogenesis and valve formation. TAO:0000360 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000360 heart tube Cavitated compound organ that will become the adult heart following looping morphogenesis and valve formation. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010219-2 true The hypaxialis consists of that part of the body musculature lying ventral to the midlateral horizontal septum. TAO:0000362 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000362 hypaxialis The hypaxialis consists of that part of the body musculature lying ventral to the midlateral horizontal septum. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-151106-17 Hypobranchials are the most medial of the bilaterally paired elements of the gill arches. Hypobranchial ossifications 1-3 (of 4) develop in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 2. The hypobranchials articulate anteromedially with the basibranchials. TAO:0000363 hypobranchial bones zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000363 hypobranchial bone Hypobranchials are the most medial of the bilaterally paired elements of the gill arches. Hypobranchial ossifications 1-3 (of 4) develop in the small hypobranchial cartilages that lie between the medial tips of the ceratobranchials and copula 2. The hypobranchials articulate anteromedially with the basibranchials. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 hypobranchial bones Expanded and laterally flattened hemal arches and spines. They support the lepidotrichia of the caudal fin. The hypurals form ventral to the posterior tip of the dorsally-flexed notochord. In zebrafish condensation of the hypurals begins at approximately 6 dpf (4.1 mm NL, notochord length). TAO:0000364 hyp hypuralia hypurals zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000364 hypural Expanded and laterally flattened hemal arches and spines. They support the lepidotrichia of the caudal fin. The hypurals form ventral to the posterior tip of the dorsally-flexed notochord. In zebrafish condensation of the hypurals begins at approximately 6 dpf (4.1 mm NL, notochord length). ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1 hypurals Paired dermal bones, likened to a bone tube, positioned lateral to the supraethmoid. Nasal bones are transversed by the anterior most part of the supraorbital canals and bear one neuromast foramen in zebrafish. TAO:0000365 nasal bones zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000365 nasal bone Paired dermal bones, likened to a bone tube, positioned lateral to the supraethmoid. Nasal bones are transversed by the anterior most part of the supraorbital canals and bear one neuromast foramen in zebrafish. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-192 nasal bones Hindbrain nucleus that provides descending innervation to the brainstem and spinal cord. Early in development the inferior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections inferior raphe nucleus are restricted to posterior. TAO:0000366 posterior raphe nucleus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000366 inferior raphe nucleus Hindbrain nucleus that provides descending innervation to the brainstem and spinal cord. Early in development the inferior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections inferior raphe nucleus are restricted to posterior. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000367 infraorbital bridge true The outer protective barrier that separates the animal from its aquatic environment. TAO:0000368 skin zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000368 integument The outer protective barrier that separates the animal from its aquatic environment. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-040726-12 Is a mandibular muscle that develops into the ventral intermandibularis anterior and posterior muscles. TAO:0000369 zebrafish_anatomy intermandibular muscle ZFA:0000369 intermandibularis Is a mandibular muscle that develops into the ventral intermandibularis anterior and posterior muscles. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 intermandibular muscle ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12 TAO:0000370 intermediate thalamic nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000370 intermediate thalamic nucleus intermediate thalamic nuclei TAO:0000371 internal pharyngoclavicularae zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000371 internal pharyngoclavicularis internal pharyngoclavicularae TAO:0000372 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000372 interpeduncular nucleus medulla oblongata zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000373 obsolete juvenile true Otolith organ comprised of the macula lagena and asteriscus. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The lagena functions in the detection of sound. TAO:0000374 lagenas zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000374 lagena Otolith organ comprised of the macula lagena and asteriscus. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The lagena functions in the detection of sound. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 lagenas zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000375 last preural centrum true Dermal bone that is situated under or posterior to the eye and associated with the infraorbital sensory canal. ZFA:0000489 TAO:0000376 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000376 infraorbital Dermal bone that is situated under or posterior to the eye and associated with the infraorbital sensory canal. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 true true Portion of the lateral forebrain bundle that lies in the diencephalon. TAO:0000379 lateral forebrain bundles diencephalon zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000379 lateral forebrain bundle diencephalon Portion of the lateral forebrain bundle that lies in the diencephalon. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 lateral forebrain bundles diencephalon TAO:0000380 lateral lemniscus nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000380 lateral lemniscus nucleus lateral lemniscus nuclei TAO:0000381 lateral line sensory nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000381 lateral line sensory nucleus lateral line sensory nuclei Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. CARO:0000040 TAO:0000382 acellular anatomical structures zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000382 acellular anatomical structure Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 acellular anatomical structures Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the caudal side of the eye at the sclera-corneal . The lateral rectus muscles originate substantially posterior to the other rectus muscles. The lateral rectus is innervated by the abducens nerve. The unsegmented paraxial head mesoderm contributes to the lateral rectus. TAO:0000383 lateral recti posterior rectus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000383 Mature form at Hatching:Pec-fin. lateral rectus Extraocular muscle that runs parallel to the long axis of the fish and inserts on the caudal side of the eye at the sclera-corneal . The lateral rectus muscles originate substantially posterior to the other rectus muscles. The lateral rectus is innervated by the abducens nerve. The unsegmented paraxial head mesoderm contributes to the lateral rectus. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-111205-9 lateral recti posterior rectus ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-970121-6 Mandibular muscle that inserts along the dorsolateral faces of the hyosymplectics. TAO:0000384 levators arcus palatini zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000384 levator arcus palatini Mandibular muscle that inserts along the dorsolateral faces of the hyosymplectics. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-020703-2 levators arcus palatini The lymphatic system consists of blind-ended vessels, fluid and macromolecules collected from interstitial tissue space that serve as a conduit for the development and transport of lymphoid cells. TAO:0000385 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000385 lymphatic system The lymphatic system consists of blind-ended vessels, fluid and macromolecules collected from interstitial tissue space that serve as a conduit for the development and transport of lymphoid cells. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-130322-28 Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. Each patch has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html'>sensory patches of the ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000386 maculae sensory macula sensory patch zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000386 macula Portion of tissue that is a patch of thickened, pseudostratified epithelium in the inner ear, consisting of regular arrays of sensory hair cells interspersed with supporting cells. Each patch has its own characteristic shape and polarity pattern. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/sens/sens.html'>sensory patches of the ear</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 maculae motor nucleus X motor nucleus of X nX nucleus motorius of nervi vagi zebrafish_anatomy vagal lobe ZFA:0000387 This term split from vagal lobe. Merged before 1996. motor nucleus of vagal nerve Brain structure which is part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum. The medial caudal lobe receives primary octaval (presumably vestibular) as well as lateral line projections. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000388 caudal lobe of cerebellum lobus caudalis cerebelli zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000388 medial caudal lobe Brain structure which is part of the vestibulolateralis lobe of the cerebellum. The medial caudal lobe receives primary octaval (presumably vestibular) as well as lateral line projections. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 TAO:0000389 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000389 medial funicular nucleus medulla oblongata Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the lateral and caudal preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000390 medial preglomerular nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000390 medial preglomerular nucleus Preglomerular nucleus which is located between the lateral and caudal preglomerular nuclei of the caudal tuberculum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 medial preglomerular nuclei Telencephalic nucleus which is medially located and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000391 Dm area dorsalis telencephali, zona medialis medial zone of D medial zone of dorsal telencephalic area zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000391 medial zone of dorsal telencephalon Telencephalic nucleus which is medially located and surrounds the central zone of dorsal telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Dm ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150226-6 Multi-tissue structure which is part of the hypothalamus and consists of caudal and ventral zones, and is separated from the dorsal hypothalamic zone by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000392 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000392 median tuberal portion Multi-tissue structure which is part of the hypothalamus and consists of caudal and ventral zones, and is separated from the dorsal hypothalamic zone by a deep ventral sulcus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium. TAO:0000393 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000393 mesenchyme A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 Portion of tissue which is the outermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists largely of axons and dendrites. Other cell types such as stellate and basket neurons are also found in the molecular layer. TAO:0000394 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000394 molecular layer corpus cerebelli Portion of tissue which is the outermost layer of the corpus cerebelli and consists largely of axons and dendrites. Other cell types such as stellate and basket neurons are also found in the molecular layer. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 2. TAO:0000395 muscle pioneers somite 2 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000395 muscle pioneer somite 2 Muscle pioneer cell part of somite 2. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 muscle pioneers somite 2 A regulatory system of the body that consists of neurons and neuroglial cells. The nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). TAO:0000396 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000396 nervous system A regulatory system of the body that consists of neurons and neuroglial cells. The nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In trout the nucleus subglomerulosis receives gustatory information. TAO:0000397 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000397 nucleus subglomerulosis Diencephalic nucleus which is part of the caudal tuberculum. In trout the nucleus subglomerulosis receives gustatory information. GOC:cvs GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 PMID:11923003 The nucleus isthmi is a hindbrain nucleus located in the tegmentum of rhombomere 1 close to the secondary gustatory nucleus. It projects to and receives excitatory visual input from the ipsilateral optic tectum and the parvocellular and/or magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. TAO:0000398 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000398 nucleus isthmi The nucleus isthmi is a hindbrain nucleus located in the tegmentum of rhombomere 1 close to the secondary gustatory nucleus. It projects to and receives excitatory visual input from the ipsilateral optic tectum and the parvocellular and/or magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-100601-20 Nucleus that lies rostral to the isthmic primary nucleus. TAO:0000399 secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000399 secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nucleus Nucleus that lies rostral to the isthmic primary nucleus. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nuclei One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned dorsal to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000400 supratemporal lateral line zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000400 occipital lateral line One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned dorsal to the ear. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 TAO:0000401 cranial nerve VIII sensory nucleus octaval nerve sensory nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000401 octaval nerve sensory nucleus octaval nerve sensory nuclei Brain structure which is the paired anteriormost part of the telencephalon and are connected to the telencephalon by two tracts carrying secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. The olfactory bulb is a paired structure. TAO:0000402 bulbus olfactorius olfactory lobe zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000402 olfactory bulb Brain structure which is the paired anteriormost part of the telencephalon and are connected to the telencephalon by two tracts carrying secondary olfactory fibers. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. The olfactory bulb is a paired structure. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 bulbus olfactorius ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Female reproductive organ. The ovary is a bilobed cavitated organ located ventral to the swim bladder. TAO:0000403 ovaries zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000403 ovary Female reproductive organ. The ovary is a bilobed cavitated organ located ventral to the swim bladder. GOC:cvs GOC:mh ISBN:0199638098 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ovaries Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon and is located adjacent to the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000404 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000404 paracommissural nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the synencephalon and is located adjacent to the caudal commissure. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Cranial nerve which innervates muscles of the ocular motor system. The oculomotor nerve innervates the inferior oblique, inferior rectus, medial rectus and superior rectus extraocular muscles. TAO:0000405 CN-III occulomotor oculomotor nerve zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000405 cranial nerve III Cranial nerve which innervates muscles of the ocular motor system. The oculomotor nerve innervates the inferior oblique, inferior rectus, medial rectus and superior rectus extraocular muscles. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-131119-12 Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000406 parvocellular superficial pretectal nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000406 parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the superficial pretectum. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 parvocellular superficial pretectal nuclei Anatomical cluster of paired dermal and endochondral bones that attaches to the dorso-posterior part of the cranium, and support the radials and pectoral fin. It consists of two components: the primary pectoral girdle consisting of the endochondral coracoid, scapula and mesocoracoid bones, and the secondary pectoral girdle consisting of the dermal posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum and poscleithrum(thra) bones. TAO:0000407 pectoral girdles zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000407 pectoral girdle Anatomical cluster of paired dermal and endochondral bones that attaches to the dorso-posterior part of the cranium, and support the radials and pectoral fin. It consists of two components: the primary pectoral girdle consisting of the endochondral coracoid, scapula and mesocoracoid bones, and the secondary pectoral girdle consisting of the dermal posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum and poscleithrum(thra) bones. TAO:WD pectoral girdles Diencephalic nucleus which is located between the ventral thalamus and the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000408 periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum zebrafish_anatomy TPp ZFA:0000408 periventricular nucleus of caudal tuberculum Diencephalic nucleus which is located between the ventral thalamus and the hypothalamus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 true Dermal bone that is part of the pectoral girdle and located ventral to the supracleithrum and posterior to the cleithrum. Postcleithral bones are paired and can vary up in number from a single pair (such as in zebrafish) to three pairs in other teleosts. TAO:0000410 postcleithra zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000410 postcleithrum Dermal bone that is part of the pectoral girdle and located ventral to the supracleithrum and posterior to the cleithrum. Postcleithral bones are paired and can vary up in number from a single pair (such as in zebrafish) to three pairs in other teleosts. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 postcleithra Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the posterior crista. TAO:0000411 posterior crista primordia zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000411 posterior crista primordium Is an otic epithelium that will mature into the posterior crista. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 posterior crista primordia Otic vesicle protrusion that is anteriorly located and gives rise to the pillar of the posterior semicircular canal. TAO:0000412 zebrafish_anatomy posterior semicircular canal primordia posterior semicircular canal primordium ZFA:0000412 otic vesicle posterior protrusion Otic vesicle protrusion that is anteriorly located and gives rise to the pillar of the posterior semicircular canal. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-090330-11 posterior semicircular canal primordia The part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis). TAO:0000413 gonads zebrafish_anatomy mature gonad ZFA:0000413 gonad The part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis). GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 gonads Embryonic structure that is fated to become cephalic mesoderm. TAO:0000414 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000414 presumptive cephalic mesoderm Embryonic structure that is fated to become cephalic mesoderm. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Sphincter at the junction of the esophagus and pneumatic duct. TAO:0000415 oesophagial sphincter zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000415 esophageal sphincter Sphincter at the junction of the esophagus and pneumatic duct. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Presumptive structure fated to become endoderm. Determined by fate mapping. TAO:0000416 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000416 presumptive endoderm Presumptive structure fated to become endoderm. Determined by fate mapping. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-608 Embryonic structure part of the posterior presumptive neural plate that is fated to become the spinal cord. TAO:0000417 presumptive spinal cord neural keel presumptive spinal cord neural plate presumptive spinal cord neural rod zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000417 presumptive spinal cord Embryonic structure part of the posterior presumptive neural plate that is fated to become the spinal cord. GOC:cvs GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the diencephalon, caudal to the telencephalon, rostral to the midbrain optic tectum; the major sensory input to the pretectum is visual. From The Laboratory Fish. TAO:0000418 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000418 pretectum Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the diencephalon, caudal to the telencephalon, rostral to the midbrain optic tectum; the major sensory input to the pretectum is visual. From The Laboratory Fish. GOC:mh ISBN:0125296509 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Paired cartilage bones, flat and hexagonal in shape that contact the orbitosphenoid anteriorly. Roofed by the frontal and bordered posteriorly by the prootic and sphenotic, the pterosphenoid bears foramina that accommodate branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves. TAO:0000419 pterosphenoids zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000419 pterosphenoid Paired cartilage bones, flat and hexagonal in shape that contact the orbitosphenoid anteriorly. Roofed by the frontal and bordered posteriorly by the prootic and sphenotic, the pterosphenoid bears foramina that accommodate branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 pterosphenoids TAO:0000420 renal arteries zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000420 renal artery renal arteries Reticular formation is a complex network of neurons and diffuse nuclei that extends from the spinal cord centrally along the length of the brain to the mesencephalon. It s a dense, almost impenetrable network of seemingly random scattered nerve cells. The reticular formation integrates sensory inputs. TAO:0000421 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000421 reticular formation Reticular formation is a complex network of neurons and diffuse nuclei that extends from the spinal cord centrally along the length of the brain to the mesencephalon. It s a dense, almost impenetrable network of seemingly random scattered nerve cells. The reticular formation integrates sensory inputs. ISBN:0865777101 The retroarticular is a cartilage bone that forms at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage where the interoperculomandibular ligament attaches (5.1 mm NL). In the adult it is basically triangular in shape. The retroarticular is ligamentously connected to the interopercle and preopercle posteriorly and abuts the ventral shelf of the dentary anteriorly. TAO:0000422 retroarticulars zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000422 retroarticular The retroarticular is a cartilage bone that forms at the posteroventral tip of Meckel's cartilage where the interoperculomandibular ligament attaches (5.1 mm NL). In the adult it is basically triangular in shape. The retroarticular is ligamentously connected to the interopercle and preopercle posteriorly and abuts the ventral shelf of the dentary anteriorly. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 retroarticulars Vein that joins with the posterior cardinal vein to form the common cardinal vein. The anterior cardinal vein (ACV) connects to the primordial hindbrain channel at early stages. At later stages the posterior cerebral vein (PCeV) and the pectoral vein (PV) drain into ACV. The rostral portion of the ACV connects to the primary head sinus (PHS) at 2.5dpf, the PHS is sometimes considered an extension of the ACV. TAO:0000423 ACV rostral cardinal vein zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000423 anterior cardinal vein Vein that joins with the posterior cardinal vein to form the common cardinal vein. The anterior cardinal vein (ACV) connects to the primordial hindbrain channel at early stages. At later stages the posterior cerebral vein (PCeV) and the pectoral vein (PV) drain into ACV. The rostral portion of the ACV connects to the primary head sinus (PHS) at 2.5dpf, the PHS is sometimes considered an extension of the ACV. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-010205-5 One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posteriorly to the second arch skeletal element. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000424 opercular lateral lines zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000424 opercular lateral line One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva positioned posteriorly to the second arch skeletal element. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 opercular lateral lines Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VI and VII and projects to a dorsal medullary area between cerebellum and vagal lobe. Contains afferents and sensory efferents to the anterior lateral line ganglia. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000425 ALLn nervi lineae lateralis anterioris rostral lateral line nerve zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000425 anterior lateral line nerve Cranial nerve which enters the brain between cranial nerves VI and VII and projects to a dorsal medullary area between cerebellum and vagal lobe. Contains afferents and sensory efferents to the anterior lateral line ganglia. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:ymb ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is the anterior continuation of the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus and is ventral to the telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000426 anterior parvocellular preoptic nucleus rostral parvocellular preoptic nuclei zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000426 rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is the anterior continuation of the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus and is ventral to the telencephalon. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 rostral parvocellular preoptic nuclei Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the anterior portion of the dorsal thalamus. TAO:0000427 anterior thalamic nucleus nucleus anterior thalami zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000427 rostral thalamic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus which is located in the anterior portion of the dorsal thalamus. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Otolith organ comprised of the macula saccule and sagitta. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The saccule functions in the detection of sound and movement. TAO:0000428 sacculus zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000428 saccule Otolith organ comprised of the macula saccule and sagitta. The lagena is part of the pars inferior. The saccule functions in the detection of sound and movement. GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 The scaphium is a modification of NA 1 in which the neural arch is reduced and fused to a cup-shaped ossification of membrane bone, the concha. The second Weberian ossicle, consisting of three parts: the concha, the ascending process, and the articulating process. TAO:0000429 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000429 scaphium The scaphium is a modification of NA 1 in which the neural arch is reduced and fused to a cup-shaped ossification of membrane bone, the concha. The second Weberian ossicle, consisting of three parts: the concha, the ascending process, and the articulating process. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 White matter connecting the primary gustatory nuclei to the secondary gustatory nucleus in the isthmus. TAO:0000430 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000430 secondary gustatory tract White matter connecting the primary gustatory nuclei to the secondary gustatory nucleus in the isthmus. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 Fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in the inner ear. Each canal is associated with a crista that detects angular accelerations. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000431 scc semicircular canals semicircular duct zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000431 semicircular canal Fluid-filled semicircular tubes, arranged orthogonally to each other in the inner ear. Each canal is associated with a crista that detects angular accelerations. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/semi_canal/semi.html'>semicircular canals</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 semicircular canals true TAO:0000433 sensory trigeminal nuclei zebrafish_anatomy NVs ZFA:0000433 sensory trigeminal nucleus sensory trigeminal nuclei TAO:0000434 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000434 skeletal system Cranial nerve which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons running posterior medially towards the optic chiasm, at which the axons cross the midline and after which the structure is termed the optic tract. TAO:0000435 CN-II optic optic nerve zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000435 cranial nerve II Cranial nerve which is comprised of retinal ganglion cell axons running posterior medially towards the optic chiasm, at which the axons cross the midline and after which the structure is termed the optic tract. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Organ that filters the blood removing defective blood cells. The spleen is a dark red organ, located in the peritoneal cavity, adjacent to one of the liver lobes. The spleen consists of red pulp composed of erythrocytes and thrombocytes and white pulp, composed of macrophages, reticular cells and reticulin fibers. TAO:0000436 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000436 spleen Organ that filters the blood removing defective blood cells. The spleen is a dark red organ, located in the peritoneal cavity, adjacent to one of the liver lobes. The spleen consists of red pulp composed of erythrocytes and thrombocytes and white pulp, composed of macrophages, reticular cells and reticulin fibers. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-110609-55 TAO:0002121 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000437 stomach true Hemal arch and spine of preural centrum 1. The parhypural is defined as the most posterior hemal arch with an open canal through which the dorsal aorta passes. ZFA:0000562 TAO:0000438 parhyural phy zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000438 parhypural Hemal arch and spine of preural centrum 1. The parhypural is defined as the most posterior hemal arch with an open canal through which the dorsal aorta passes. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-011008-1 Ventral, superficial, paired muscle that originates from the posterior part of the protractor ishii tendon and the midline. At the midline the paired muscles contact each other. These are short muscles that attach to all pelvic fin rays except ray 1 and ray 2. TAO:0000439 abductor superficialis pelvicus superficial pelvic abductors zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000439 superficial pelvic abductor Ventral, superficial, paired muscle that originates from the posterior part of the protractor ishii tendon and the midline. At the midline the paired muscles contact each other. These are short muscles that attach to all pelvic fin rays except ray 1 and ray 2. GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8 abductor superficialis pelvicus ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-171118-8 superficial pelvic abductors Hindbrain nucleus that is located in ventral rhombomeres 1-3 and gives rise to ascending fibers innervating most areas of the brain. Early in development, both the superior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections of superior raphe nucleus restricted to anterior. TAO:0000440 anterior raphe nucleus zebrafish_anatomy dorsal raphe nucleus ZFA:0000440 May be homologous to the dorsal raphe nucleus of human mouse and rat. ZDB-PUB-081008-18. superior raphe nucleus Hindbrain nucleus that is located in ventral rhombomeres 1-3 and gives rise to ascending fibers innervating most areas of the brain. Early in development, both the superior raphe nucleus emits rostrally and caudally directed projections. However, in the adult, the long projections of superior raphe nucleus restricted to anterior. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-081114-19 Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is ventrolateral to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. TAO:0000441 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000441 suprachiasmatic nucleus Diencephalic nucleus that is part of the preoptic area and is ventrolateral to the caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. GOC:mh ISBN:3764351209 ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 Supraneurals independent, median, elongate, rod-like cartilages or bones in the dorsal skeletogenous septum between the cranium and the dorsal fin. In actinopterygians, supraneurals develop from cartilages that are independent of the neural spine (Arratia et al., 2001). TAO:0000442 sn zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000442 supraneural Supraneurals independent, median, elongate, rod-like cartilages or bones in the dorsal skeletogenous septum between the cranium and the dorsal fin. In actinopterygians, supraneurals develop from cartilages that are independent of the neural spine (Arratia et al., 2001). GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of three neuromast positioned superior to the eye. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) TAO:0000443 supraorbital lateral lines supraorbital line zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000443 supraorbital lateral line One of eight distinct lateral lines in the 4-day larva consisting of three neuromast positioned superior to the eye. A sensory system on the surface of the fish, consisting of small sensory patches (neuromasts) distributed in discrete lines over the body surface. The lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. (See Anatomical Atlas entry for <a href='http://zfin.org/zf_info/anatomy/dict/lat_line/lat_line.html'>lateral line</a> by T. Whitfield.) GOC:ymb ORCiD:0000-0002-9900-7880 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 supraorbital lateral lines supraorbital line ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-000523-3 TAO:0000444 hyopalatine suspensoria zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000444 suspensorium Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate and is the most complex layered structure in the zebrafish brain. ZFA:0001353 TAO:0000445 dorsal midbrain mesencephalic tectum tectal lobe tectum tectum opticum zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000445 optic tectum Multi-tissue structure that is the dorsal part of the midbrain and develops from the alar plate and is the most complex layered structure in the zebrafish brain. GOC:mh ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 tectum ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576 tectum opticum ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-1280 TAO:0000446 zebrafish_anatomy ZFA:0000446 tecto-bulbar tract Portion of tissue that is part of the primitive meninx which forms a fold, roofing a ventricle of the brain and supporting the choroid plexus. TAO:0000447 zebrafish_anatomy tela choroidea ZFA:0000447 tela chorioidea Portion of tissue that is part of the primitive meninx which forms a fold, roofing a ventricle of the brain and supporting the choroid plexus. ISBN:0030223695 ISBN:0683014617