PREREQUISITES ------------- In order to build CFEngine you need the following tools and libraries installed: * C compiler supporting C90 + selected C99 constructs: - _Bool type - anonymous aggregates "(MyType) { .foo = 1, .bar = 2 }" - declarations in "for" loop - named initializers - uintmax_t and corresponding printf/scanf formats The following compilers are known to work: - gcc >= 3.0 - clang >= 2.6 * GNU make * PAM library * OpenSSL library * PCRE2 library * POSIX threads (pthreads) library, if not provided by the operating system * Latest available LMDB (Lightning Memory-mapped DataBase), Tokyo Cabinet or QDBM * MySQL client library (optional) * PostgreSQL client library (optional) * libacl library (optional) In order to build CFEngine cloned from git, you will need the following additional tools: * GNU Automake >= 1.10.1 * GNU Autoconf >= 2.60 * GNU Libtool >= 1.5.24 * Yacc (note: GNU Bison 2.4.2 has troubles invoking m4) * Lex Latest stable versions of the tools and libraries are generally advised. See INSTALL DEPENDENCIES below for example of deps for various systems. OPERATING SYSTEMS ----------------- CFEngine is regularly built and tested on the following operating systems: * GNU/Linux (many distributions) * Solaris * Windows with MinGW HARDWARE PLATFORMS ------------------ CFEngine is regularly built and tested on the following CPU architectures: * x86-64 * SPARC * ARM64 OTHER CONFIGURATIONS -------------------- In case you have successfully compiled CFEngine on a different OS and/or using different tools or versions of tools, please report it to help-cfengine@ mailing list[1]. Please consider running a testsuite (see below), and posting results to mailing list too. [1]!forum/help-cfengine BUILD INSTRUCTIONS ------------------ From tarball: $ ./configure [configure options] $ make [-jN] From git checkout: $ ./ [configure options] $ make [-jN] See the available configure options: $ ./configure --help or $ ./ --help INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- CFEngine might be installed in two configurations: * (default) Native CFEngine file layout. Everything is installed in /var/cfengine, laid out as a "secondary FHS root". This layout is designed to keep CFEngine running even if most of the system is broken (e.g. /usr is not mounted due to NFS breakage). * FHS file layout, enabled by --enable-fhs. This layout follows FHS 2.3. After the build process has completed (see BUILD INSTRUCTIONS above), type: $ make install RUNNING TESTSUITE ----------------- Please refer to the instructions in tests/README file. INSTALL DEPENDENCIES -------------------- Here we have examples of command lines for various systems to install dependencies needed to build. The version and date checked are noted in parenthesis. Please submit PRs with updates to this information. * RedHat/CentOS (rhel-9 2023-10-09) On CentOS: sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum update Or on RHEL, replacing the version number with yours: sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms && sudo yum update sudo yum install -y gcc gdb make git libtool autoconf automake byacc flex openssl-devel pcre2-devel lmdb-devel pam-devel flex-devel libyaml-devel fakeroot libxml2-devel librsync-devel For SELinux support you will need selinux-policy-devel package and specify `--with-selinux-policy` to `` or `configure` * Debian (Debian 12 2023-10-09) sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libtool autoconf automake bison flex libssl-dev libpcre2-dev libbison-dev libacl1 libacl1-dev lmdb-utils liblmdb-dev libpam0g-dev libtool libyaml-dev libxml2-dev librsync-dev * NetBSD (9.3 2024-03-01) doas pkgin install automake autoconf bison pcre2 m4 libtool lmdb gmake LDFLAGS=-L/usr/pkg/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/pkg/include ./ --enable-debug --without-systemd-service --without-systemd-socket gmake -j8 doas /usr/pkg/bin/gmake install * OpenBSD (7.4 2024-02-15) pkg_add git automake-1.16.5 autoconf-2.71 bison pcre2 m4 libtool lmdb gmake MAKE=/usr/local/bin/gmake LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.16 AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.71 ./ --enable-debug gmake -j8 doas gmake install * FreeBSD (12.1 2020-04-07) See docs/ * SUSE (Tumbleweed 2020-02-02) sudo zypper install gdb gcc make lmdb autoconf automake libtool git python3 pcre2-devel libopenssl-devel pam-devel * Alpine Linux (3.21.3 2025-02-25) sudo apk add alpine-sdk lmdb-dev openssl-dev bison flex-dev acl-dev pcre2-dev autoconf automake libtool git python3 gdb librsync-dev ./ --without-pam * Termux (2020-04-24) pkg install build-essential git autoconf automake bison flex liblmdb openssl pcre2 libacl libyaml ./ --without-pam * OSX (2021-10-20) brew install openssl lmdb autoconf automake libtool bison flex pcre2 m4 gcc make librsync ./ --enable-debug