import sys import json import traceback from copy import copy from collections import OrderedDict _LOG_LEVELS = { level: idx for idx, level in enumerate( ("critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "verbose", "debug") ) } def _skip_until_empty_line(file): while True: line = file.readline().strip() if not line: break def _get_request(file, record_file=None): line = file.readline() blank_line = file.readline() if record_file is not None: record_file.write("< " + line) record_file.write("< " + blank_line) return json.loads(line.strip()) def _put_response(data, file, record_file=None): data = json.dumps(data) file.write(data + "\n\n") file.flush() if record_file is not None: record_file.write("> " + data + "\n") record_file.write("> \n") def _would_log(level_set, msg_level): if msg_level not in _LOG_LEVELS: # uknown level, assume it would be logged return True return _LOG_LEVELS[msg_level] <= _LOG_LEVELS[level_set] def _cfengine_type(typing): if typing is str: return "string" if typing is int: return "int" if typing in (list, tuple): return "slist" if typing is dict: return "data container" if typing is bool: return "true/false" return "Error in promise module" class AttributeObject(object): def __init__(self, d): for key, value in d.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( self.__class__.__qualname__, ", ".join("{}={!r}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()) ) class ValidationError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message class ProtocolError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message class Result: # Promise evaluation outcomes, can reveal "real" problems with system: KEPT = "kept" # Satisfied already, no change REPAIRED = "repaired" # Not satisfied before , but fixed NOT_KEPT = "not_kept" # Not satisfied before , not fixed # Validation only, can reveal problems in CFEngine policy: VALID = "valid" # Validation successful INVALID = "invalid" # Validation failed, error in cfengine policy # Generic succes / fail for init / terminate requests: SUCCESS = "success" FAILURE = "failure" # Unexpected, can reveal problems in promise module: ERROR = "error" # Something went wrong in module / protocol class PromiseModule: def __init__( self, name="default_module_name", version="0.0.1", record_file_path=None ): = name self.version = version # Note: The class doesn't expose any way to set protocol version # or flags, because that should be abstracted away from the # user (module author). self._validator_attributes = OrderedDict() self._result_classes = None # File to record all the incoming and outgoing communication self._record_file = open(record_file_path, "a") if record_file_path else None def start(self, in_file=None, out_file=None): self._in = in_file or sys.stdin self._out = out_file or sys.stdout first_line = self._in.readline() if self._record_file is not None: self._record_file.write("< " + first_line) header = first_line.strip().split(" ") name = header[0] version = header[1] protocol_version = header[2] # flags = header[3:] -- unused for now assert len(name) > 0 # cf-agent assert version.startswith("3.") # 3.18.0 assert protocol_version[0] == "v" # v1 _skip_until_empty_line(self._in) header_reply = "{name} {version} v1 json_based\n\n".format(, version=self.version ) self._out.write(header_reply) self._out.flush() if self._record_file is not None: self._record_file.write("> " + header_reply.strip() + "\n") self._record_file.write(">\n") while True: self._response = {} self._result = None request = _get_request(self._in, self._record_file) self._handle_request(request) def _convert_types(self, promiser, attributes): # Will only convert types if module has typing information: if not self._has_validation_attributes: return promiser, attributes replacements = {} for name, value in attributes.items(): if type(value) is not str: # If something is not string, assume it is correct type continue if name not in self._validator_attributes: # Unknown attribute, this will cause a validation error later continue # "true"/"false" -> True/False if self._validator_attributes[name]["typing"] is bool: if value == "true": replacements[name] = True elif value == "false": replacements[name] = False # "int" -> int() elif self._validator_attributes[name]["typing"] is int: try: replacements[name] = int(value) except ValueError: pass # Don't edit dict while iterating over it, after instead: attributes.update(replacements) return (promiser, attributes) def _handle_request(self, request): if not request: sys.exit("Error: Empty/invalid request or EOF reached") operation = request["operation"] self._log_level = request.get("log_level", "info") self._response["operation"] = operation # Agent will never request log level critical assert self._log_level in [ "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "verbose", "debug", ] if operation in ["validate_promise", "evaluate_promise"]: promiser = request["promiser"] attributes = request.get("attributes", {}) promiser, attributes = self._convert_types(promiser, attributes) promiser, attributes = self.prepare_promiser_and_attributes( promiser, attributes ) self._response["promiser"] = promiser self._response["attributes"] = attributes if operation == "init": self._handle_init() elif operation == "validate_promise": self._handle_validate(promiser, attributes, request) elif operation == "evaluate_promise": self._handle_evaluate(promiser, attributes) elif operation == "terminate": self._handle_terminate() else: self._log_level = None raise ProtocolError( "Unknown operation: '{operation}'".format(operation=operation) ) self._log_level = None def _add_result(self): self._response["result"] = self._result def _add_result_classes(self): if self._result_classes: self._response["result_classes"] = self._result_classes def _add_traceback_to_response(self): if self._log_level != "debug": return trace = traceback.format_exc() logs = self._response.get("log", []) logs.append({"level": "debug", "message": trace}) self._response["log"] = logs def add_attribute( self, name, typing, default=None, required=False, default_to_promiser=False, validator=None, ): attribute = OrderedDict() attribute["name"] = name attribute["typing"] = typing attribute["default"] = default attribute["required"] = required attribute["default_to_promiser"] = default_to_promiser attribute["validator"] = validator self._validator_attributes[name] = attribute @property def _has_validation_attributes(self): return bool(self._validator_attributes) def create_attribute_dict(self, promiser, attributes): # Check for missing required attributes: for name, attribute in self._validator_attributes.items(): if attribute["required"] and name not in attributes: raise ValidationError( "Missing required attribute '{name}'".format(name=name) ) # Check for unknown attributes: for name in attributes: if name not in self._validator_attributes: raise ValidationError("Unknown attribute '{name}'".format(name=name)) # Check typings and run custom validator callbacks: for name, value in attributes.items(): expected = _cfengine_type(self._validator_attributes[name]["typing"]) found = _cfengine_type(type(value)) if found != expected: raise ValidationError( "Wrong type for attribute '{name}', requires '{expected}', not '{value}'({found})".format( name=name, expected=expected, value=value, found=found ) ) if self._validator_attributes[name]["validator"]: # Can raise ValidationError: self._validator_attributes[name]["validator"](value) attribute_dict = OrderedDict() # Copy attributes specified by user policy: for key, value in attributes.items(): attribute_dict[key] = value # Set defaults based on promise module validation hints: for name, value in self._validator_attributes.items(): if value.get("default_to_promiser", False): attribute_dict.setdefault(name, promiser) elif value.get("default", None) is not None: attribute_dict.setdefault(name, copy(value["default"])) else: attribute_dict.setdefault(name, None) return attribute_dict def create_attribute_object(self, promiser, attributes): attribute_dict = self.create_attribute_dict(promiser, attributes) return AttributeObject(attribute_dict) def _validate_attributes(self, promiser, attributes): if not self._has_validation_attributes: # Can only validate attributes if module # provided typings for attributes return self.create_attribute_object(promiser, attributes) return # Only interested in exceptions, return None def _handle_init(self): self._result = self.protocol_init(None) self._add_result() _put_response(self._response, self._out, self._record_file) def _handle_validate(self, promiser, attributes, request): try: self.validate_attributes(promiser, attributes) returned = self.validate_promise(promiser, attributes) if returned is None: # Good, expected self._result = Result.VALID else: # Bad, validate method shouldn't return anything else self.log_critical( "Bug in promise module {name} - validate_promise() should not return anything".format( ) ) self._result = Result.ERROR except ValidationError as e: message = str(e) if "promise_type" in request: message += " for {request_promise_type} promise with promiser '{promiser}'".format( request_promise_type=request["promise_type"], promiser=promiser ) else: message += " for promise with promiser '{promiser}'".format( promiser=promiser ) if "filename" in request and "line_number" in request: message += " ({request_filename}:{request_line_number})".format( request_filename=request["filename"], request_line_number=request["line_number"], ) self.log_error(message) self._result = Result.INVALID except Exception as e: self.log_critical( "{error_type}: {error}".format(error_type=type(e).__name__, error=e) ) self._add_traceback_to_response() self._result = Result.ERROR self._add_result() _put_response(self._response, self._out, self._record_file) def _handle_evaluate(self, promiser, attributes): self._result_classes = None try: results = self.evaluate_promise(promiser, attributes) # evaluate_promise should return either a result or a (result, result_classes) pair if type(results) == str: self._result = results else: assert len(results) == 2 self._result = results[0] self._result_classes = results[1] except Exception as e: self.log_critical( "{error_type}: {error}".format(error_type=type(e).__name__, error=e) ) self._add_traceback_to_response() self._result = Result.ERROR self._add_result() self._add_result_classes() _put_response(self._response, self._out, self._record_file) def _handle_terminate(self): self._result = self.protocol_terminate() self._add_result() _put_response(self._response, self._out, self._record_file) sys.exit(0) def _log(self, level, message): if self._log_level is not None and not _would_log(self._log_level, level): return # Message can be str or an object which implements __str__() # for example an exception: message = str(message).replace("\n", r"\n") assert "\n" not in message self._out.write("log_{level}={message}\n".format(level=level, message=message)) self._out.flush() if self._record_file is not None: self._record_file.write( "log_{level}={message}\n".format(level=level, message=message) ) def log_critical(self, message): self._log("critical", message) def log_error(self, message): self._log("error", message) def log_warning(self, message): self._log("warning", message) def log_notice(self, message): self._log("notice", message) def log_info(self, message): self._log("info", message) def log_verbose(self, message): self._log("verbose", message) def log_debug(self, message): self._log("debug", message) def _log_traceback(self): trace = traceback.format_exc().split("\n") for line in trace: self.log_debug(line) # Functions to override in subclass: def protocol_init(self, version): return Result.SUCCESS def prepare_promiser_and_attributes(self, promiser, attributes): """Override if you want to modify promiser or attributes before validate or evaluate""" return (promiser, attributes) def validate_attributes(self, promiser, attributes): """Override this if you want to prevent automatic validation""" return self._validate_attributes(promiser, attributes) def validate_promise(self, promiser, attributes): """Must override this or use validation through self.add_attribute()""" if not self._has_validation_attributes: raise NotImplementedError("Promise module must implement validate_promise") def evaluate_promise(self, promiser, attributes): raise NotImplementedError("Promise module must implement evaluate_promise") def protocol_terminate(self): return Result.SUCCESS