var timeout = null; var properties = function () { return [ {type: 'file-input', id: "Image" }, {type: 'range', id: "Resolution", min: 2, max: 100, step: 1, value: 50 }, {type: 'boolean', id: "Invert", value: false }, ]; }; var executor = function (args, success, failure) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function () { executor2(args, success, failure); }, 500); } var executor2 = function (args, success, failure) { var params = args.params; // executor() gets called as soon as the app loads, but there will be nothing to do. if (!params.Image) { return; } var material = args.material; // The image processing is done remotely due to the restrictions of doing it locally // in JavaScript without access to the DOM and Canvas. var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "", true); req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE && req.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(req.responseText); if (!json) { failure("Unable to contact image processing server."); return; } if ("error" in json) { failure(json.error); return; } if (!("pixels" in json)) { failure("An unexpected error occurred."); return; } var square_size; // Determine if the material height or width is going to be the limiting factor. var image_ratio = json.size.width / json.size.height; var material_ratio = material.dimensions.x / material.dimensions.y; if ( image_ratio < material_ratio ) { square_size = material.dimensions.y / (json.size.height + 2); } else { square_size = material.dimensions.x / (json.size.width + 2); } var max_hole_size = square_size * 0.8; // This is arbitrary but seems to work well. var volumes = []; // Add no-op volumes to the corners so that everything is scaled properly. var corners = [ [0, 0], [0, json.size.height], [json.size.width, json.size.height], [json.size.width, 0] ]; corners.forEach(function (corner) { volumes.push({ shape: { type: "ellipse", center: { x: square_size * (corner[0] + 1), y: square_size * (corner[1] + 1) }, flipping: {}, width: 0, height: 0, rotation: 0 }, cut: { depth: 0, type: 'fill' } }); }); for (var i = 0; i < json.pixels.length; i++) { var block = json.pixels[i]; var hole_size; var hole_depth = material.dimensions.z; // The holes get wider for darker spots. if (params.Invert) { hole_size = max_hole_size * block.l; } else { hole_size = max_hole_size * (1 - block.l); } if (hole_size < 0.01) { continue; } volumes.push({ shape: { type: "ellipse", center: { x: (1.5 + block.x) * square_size, // In images, 0,0 is the top left. // On the X-Carve, it's the bottom left. y: (json.size.height - (block.y) + 0.5) * square_size, }, width: hole_size, height: hole_size, // These two properties are unused, but Easel breaks if you don't include them. // @see flipping: {}, rotation: 0, }, cut: { depth: hole_depth, type: 'fill', } }); } success(volumes); } }; var request_params = "version=2.0.0"; request_params += "&resolution=" + encodeURIComponent(params.Resolution); request_params += "&image=" + encodeURIComponent(params.Image); req.send(request_params); };