## Changelog: eth-gas-reporter # 0.2.27 / 2023-09-30 - Remove @ethersproject/abi, use ethers.utils instead (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/301) # 0.2.26 / 2023-09-29 - Replace request-promise-native with axios / avoid default price API calls (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/299) - Remove request package (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/297) - Bump ethers version (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/296) - Update Mocha to v10 (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/295) # 0.2.23 / 2021-11-26 - Add notes to README about missing price data & remote data fetching race condition - Add support for multiple gas price tokens (BNB, MATIC, AVAX, HR, MOVR) (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/pull/251) - Make @codechecks/client peer dep optional (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/pull/257) - Update @solidity-parser/parser to 0.14.0 (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/pull/261) # 0.2.22 / 2021-03-04 - Update @solidity-parser/parser to ^0.12.0 (support Panic keyword in catch blocks) (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/243) # 0.2.21 / 2021-02-16 - Fix missing truffle migration deployments data (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/240) - Upgrade solidity-parser/parser to 0.11.1 (https://github.com/cgewecke/eth-gas-reporter/issues/239) # 0.2.20 / 2020-12-01 - Add support for remote contracts data pre-loading (hardhat-gas-reporter feature) # 0.2.19 / 2020-10-29 - Delegate contract loading/parsing to artifactor & make optional (#227) # 0.2.18 / 2020-10-13 - Support multiple codechecks reports per CI run - Add CI error threshold options: maxMethodDiff, maxDeploymentDiff - Add async collection methods for BuidlerEVM - Update solidity-parser/parser to 0.8.0 (contribution: @vicnaum) - Update dev deps / use Node 12 in CI # 0.2.17 / 2020-04-13 - Use @solidity-parser/parser for better solc 0.6.x parsing - Upgrade Mocha to ^7.1.1 (to remove minimist vuln warning) - Stop crashing when parser or ABI Encoder fails - Update @ethersproject/abi to ^5.0.0-beta.146 (and unpin) # 0.2.16 / 2020-03-18 - Use new coinmarketcap data API / make api key configurable. Old (un-gated) API has been taken offline. - Fix crashing when artifact transactionHash is stale after deleting previously migrated contracts # 0.2.15 / 2020-02-12 - Use parser-diligence to parse Solidity 0.6.x - Add option to show full method signature # 0.2.14 / 2019-12-01 - Add ABIEncoderV2 support by using @ethersproject/abi for ABI processing # 0.2.12 / 2019-09-30 - Add try/catch block for codechecks.getValue so it doesn't throw when server is down. - Pin parser-antlr to 0.4.7 # 0.2.11 / 2019-08-27 - Fix syntax err on unresolved provider error msg (contribution: gnidan) - Add unlock-protocol funding ymls - Update abi-decoder deps / web3 # 0.2.10 / 2019-08-08 - Small codechecks table formatting improvements - Fix syntax error when codechecks errors on missing gas report # 0.2.9 / 2019-07-30 - Optimize post-transaction data collection (reduce # of calls & cache addresses) - Catch codechecks server errors # 0.2.8 / 2019-07-27 - Render codechecks CI table as markdown # 0.2.7 / 2019-07-27 - Fix block limit basis bug - Fix bug affecting Truffle < v5.0.10 (crash because metadata not defined) - Add percentage diff columns to codechecks ci table / make table narrower - Slightly randomize gas consumption in tests - Begin running codechecks in CI for own tests # 0.2.6 / 2019-07-16 - Stopped using npm-shrinkwrap, because it seemed to correlate w/ weird installation problems - Fix bug which caused outputFile option to crash due to misnamed variable # 0.2.5 / 2019-07-15 - Upgrade lodash for because of vulnerability report (contribution @ppoliani) # 0.2.4 / 2019-07-08 - Update abi-decoder to 2.0.1 to fix npm installation bug with bignumber.js fork # 0.2.3 / 2019-07-04 - Bug fix to invoke user defined artifactType methods correctly # 0.2.2 / 2019-07-02 - Add documentation about codechecks, buidler, advanced use cases. - Add artifactType option as a user defined function so people use with any compilation artifacts. - Add codechecks integration - Add buidler plugin integration - Remove shelljs due to GH security warning, execute ls command manually # 0.2.1 / 2019-06-19 - Upgrade mocha from 4.1.0 to 5.2.0 - Report solc version and settings info - Add EtherRouter method resolver logic (as option and example) - Add proxyResolver option & support discovery of delegated method calls identity - Add draft of 0x artifact handler - Add url option for non-truffle, non-buidler use - Add buidler truffle-v5 plugin support (preface to gas-reporter plugin in next release) - Completely reorganize and refactor # 0.2.0 / 2019-05-07 - Add E2E tests in CI - Restore logic that matches tx signatures to contracts as a fallback when it's impossible to be certain which contract was called (contribution @ItsNickBarry) - Fix bug which crashed reporter when migrations linked un-deployed contracts # 0.1.12 / 2018-09-14 - Allow contracts to share method signatures (contribution @wighawag) - Collect gas data for Migrations deployments (contribution @wighawag) - Add ability allow to specify a different src folder for contracts (contribution @wighawag) - Handle in-memory provider error correctly / use spec reporter if sync calls impossible (contribution @wighawag) - Default to only showing invoked methods in report # 0.1.10 / 2018-07-18 - Update mocha from 3.5.3 to 4.10.0 (contribution ldub) - Update truffle to truffle@next to fix mocha issues (contribution ldub) - Modify binary checking to allow very long bytecodes / large contracts (contribution ben-kaufman) # 0.1.9 / 2018-06-27 - Fix bug that caused test gas to include before hook gas consumption totals # 0.1.8 / 2018-06-26 - Add showTimeSpent option to also show how long each test took (contribution @ldub) - Update cli-table2 to cli-table3 (contribution @DanielRuf) # 0.1.7 / 2018-05-27 - Support reStructured text code-block output # 0.1.5 / 2018-05-15 - Support multi-contract files by parsing files w/ solidity-parser-antlr # 0.1.4 / 2018-05-14 - Try to work around web3 websocket provider by attempting connection over http://. `requestSync` doesn't support this otherwise. - Detect and identify binaries with library links, add to the deployments table - Add scripts to run geth in CI (not enabled) # 0.1.2 / 2018-04-20 - Make compatible with Web 1.0 by creating own sync RPC wrapper. (Contribution: @area) # 0.1.1 / 2017-12-19 - Use mochas own reporter options instead of .ethgas (still supported) - Add onlyCalledMethods option - Add outputFile option - Add noColors option # 0.1.0 / 2017-12-10 - Require config gas price to be expressed in gwei (breaking change) - Use eth gas station API for gas price (it's more accurate) - Fix bug that caused table not to print if any test failed. # 0.0.15 / 2017-12-09 - Fix ascii colorization bug that caused crashed during table generation. (Use colors/safe). # 0.0.14 / 2017-11-30 - Fix bug that caused the error report at the end of test run not to be printed. # 0.0.13 / 2017-11-15 - Filter throws by receipt.status if possible - Use testrpc 6.0.2 in tests, add view and pure methods to tests. # 0.0.12 / 2017-10-28 - Add config. Add gasPrice and currency code options - Improve table clarity - Derive block.gasLimit from rpc # 0.0.11 / 2017-10-23 - Add Travis CI - Fix bug that crashed reported when truffle could not find required file # 0.0.10 / 2017-10-22 - Add examples # 0.0.10 / 2017-10-22 - Filter deployment calls that throw from the stats # 0.0.8 / 2017-10-22 - Filter method calls that throw from the stats - Add deployment stats - Add number of calls column # 0.0.6 / 2017-10-14 - Stop showing zero gas usage in mocha output - Show currency rates and gwei gas price rates in table header \* Alphabetize table - Fix bug caused by unused methods reporting NaN - Fix failure to round avg gas use in table - Update dev deps to truffle4 beta # 0.0.5 / 2017-10-12 - Thanks - Update image - Finish table formatting - Add some variable gas consumption contracts - Working table - Get map to work in the runner - Get gasStats file and percentage of limit working - Test using npm install - Add gasPrice data fetch, config logic - More tests - Abi encoding map. # 0.0.4 / 2017-10-01 - Add visual inspection test - Fix bug that counted gas consumed in the test hooks