#!/bin/bash # sysinfo.sh - get hw stats for differnet oses # author : Chad Mayfield (chad@chd.my) # license : gplv3 # date : 04/19/2009 (updated 04/05/2017) # TODO: # + Add Drive information # + Fix uptime to display entire uptime # + Parameterize better if [[ $1 =~ "help" ]]; then echo "$0, displays basic system information, such as uptime, load, & IP's." echo " e.g. $0" echo "" echo "To view info AND established connections;" echo " $0 --connections" echo "To view running docker containers;" echo " $0 --containers" exit 1 fi # source secret tokens tokenpath="$HOME/.secrets" if [ -f "$tokenpath" ] || [ -L "$tokenpath" ]; then source "$tokenpath" else echo "ERROR: $tokenpath doesn't exist!" exit 1 fi # grab some basic information currdate=$(date) kernel=$(uname -sr) # check if docker is installed command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; has_docker=1 || { has_docker=0; } # check if ifconfig is installed command -v ifconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ { echo >&2 "ERROR: I require 'ifconfig' but it's not installed!"; exit 1; } # if docker is installed set some variables if [ $has_docker -eq 1 ]; then if [[ $OSTYPE =~ "linux" ]]; then # check if current user is in docker group does_user_exist=$(grep docker* /etc/group | grep -c "$(whoami)") if [ "$does_user_exist" -ge 1 ] || [ "$UID" -eq 0 ]; then docver=$(docker version |grep -A3 Server | awk '/Version/ {print $2}') running=$(docker ps | grep -v CONTAINER | awk '{print $1"|"$NF}') else docver=">>>FOR THIS STAT, RUN AS ROOT<<<" running=">>>FOR THIS STAT, RUN AS ROOT<<<" fi docip=$(ifconfig docker0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}' |grep -v ":") int_ip=$(ip -br -4 addr | grep -vE 'docker*|weave' | grep UP | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b") elif [[ $OSTYPE =~ "darwin" ]]; then docver=$(docker version |grep -A3 Server | awk '/Version/ {print $2}') running=$(docker ps | grep -v CONTAINER | awk '{print $1"|"$NF}') int_ip=$(ifconfig | grep "inet.*broadcast" | awk '{print $2}') fi else int_ip=$(ifconfig | grep "inet.*broadcast" | awk '{print $2}') fi # get external ip address command curl -s -H "User-Agent: curl/7.58.0" "https://ipinfo.io?token=${IPINFO_KEY}" > /tmp/ext_ip || \ { echo >&2 "ERROR: You must be connected to the internet!"; exit 1; } ext_ip=$(grep ip /tmp/ext_ip | awk '{gsub(/[",]/, ""); print $2}') ext_hn=$(grep hostname /tmp/ext_ip | awk '{gsub(/[",]/, ""); print $2}') # set variables depending on os (between macOS & Ubuntu/Debian/RHEL) if [[ $OSTYPE =~ "darwin" ]]; then up=$(uptime | awk 'BEGIN{FS="up |,"}{print $2" hours"}'|awk '{$1=$1};1') # get some OS/HW specific information os_name=$(sw_vers -productName) os_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion) os_build=$(sw_vers -buildVersion) #ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber serial=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}') # get hw version: http://apple.stackexchange.com/a/98089 hw=$(curl -s https://support-sp.apple.com/sp/product?cc=$(echo $serial | \ cut -c 9-) | sed 's|.*\(.*\).*|\1|') uuid=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/UUID/ { print $3 }') # get load stats load=$(uptime | awk 'BEGIN{FS="averages:"}{print $2}' | cut -c2-) # get cpu info cpu_model=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string) physical_cpus=$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu) cores=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.core_count) virt_cores=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) proc_flags=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.extfeatures) proc_flags+=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.leaf7_features) # get memory info ttl_mem=$(hostinfo | awk '/available:/ {print $4" "$5}') ### serveral other ways to get total memory on macos #ttl_mem=$(sysctl hw.memsize | awk 'print $2') #ttl_mem=$(ps -caxm -orss= | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum/1024 }') mem=$(top -l 1 -s 0 | grep PhysMem | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}') # additional network information rxb="$(netstat -ib -I en0 | grep -v Name | head -n1 | awk '{print $7}')" rx="$(echo ${rxb}/1024/1024 | bc) MB" txb="$(netstat -ib -I en0 | grep -v Name | head -n1 | awk '{print $10}')" tx="$(echo ${txb}/1024/1024 | bc) MB" conn=$(netstat -anf inet | awk '{print $5}' | grep [0-9] | \ grep -vE 'x|' | awk -F . '{print $1"."$2"."$3"."$4}' |sort -u) # get drive/mount point information # drives=$(diskutil list) elif [[ $OSTYPE =~ "linux" ]]; then up=$(uptime -p | cut -d " " -f2-) # get some OS/HW specific information if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then os_version=$(cat /etc/redhat-release) else os_version=$(lsb_release -ds) fi # test whether user can use dmidecode a=$( { dmidecode -q > /tmp/dmitest; rm -f /tmp/dmitest; } 2>&1) if [[ $a =~ "denied" ]]; then hw=">>>FOR THIS STAT, RUN AS ROOT<<<" serial=">>>FOR THIS STAT, RUN AS ROOT<<<" uuid=">>>FOR THIS STAT, RUN AS ROOT<<<" else hw="$(dmidecode -s system-product-name)" manuf="$(dmidecode -s system-manufacturer) " serial="$(dmidecode -s system-serial-number)" uuid="$(dmidecode -s system-uuid)" fi # get load stats loc="/proc/cpuinfo" load=$(uptime | awk 'BEGIN{FS="average:"}{print $2}'| cut -c2-) # get cpu info cpu_model=$(grep '^model name' $loc | uniq | awk -F ": " '{print $2}') physical_cpus=$(grep 'physical id' $loc | sort | uniq | wc -l) cores=$(grep 'cpu cores' $loc | uniq | awk 'BEGIN{FS=": "}{print $2}') virt_cores=$(grep ^processor $loc | wc -l) proc_flags=$(grep 'flags' $loc | uniq | awk 'BEGIN{FS=": "}{print $2}') # get memory info ttl_mem=$(free -tm | grep Mem: | awk '{printf "%.2f gigabytes\n",$2/1024}') mem=$(free -th |grep Mem: |awk '{print $3" used (of "$2"), "$4" unused. "}') # additional network information rx=$(ifconfig | grep -A3 $int_ip | awk '/RX packets/ {print $6" "$7}' | \ sed -e 's/[()]//g') tx=$(ifconfig | grep -A6 $int_ip | awk '/TX packets/ {print $6" "$7}' | \ sed -e 's/[()]//g') conn=$(netstat -nat | awk '{print $5}' | grep [0-9] | \ grep -vE 'x||' | awk -F ":" '{print $1}') # get drive/mount point information # drives=$(fdisk -l) else echo "ERROR: Unknown \$OSTYPE!" exit 1 fi echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Current Date:" "$currdate" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Hostname:" "$(hostname)" if [[ $OSTYPE =~ "darwin" ]]; then printf "%-20s %s %s (%s)\n" "OS:" "$os_name" "$os_version" "$os_build" else printf "%-20s %s\n" "OS:" "$os_version" fi printf "%-20s %s\n" "Kernel:" "$kernel" printf "%-20s %s\n" "HW Version:" "${manuf}${hw}" printf "%-20s %s\n" "HW Serial:" "$serial" printf "%-20s %s\n" "HW UUID:" "$uuid" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Uptime:" "$up" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Load Average:" "$load" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Processor:" "$cpu_model" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Core Count:" "$cores" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Virtual Cores:" "$virt_cores" #if [[ $OSTYPE =~ "linux" ]]; then # printf "%-20s %s" "Flags:" # echo "$proc_flags" | fold -s -w 59 | sed -e "2,\$s/^/$(echo $'\t' | pr -Te21)/" #fi printf "%-20s %s\n" "Total Memory:" "$ttl_mem" printf "%-20s %s\n" "Memory Used:" "$mem" printf "%-20s %s (Tx/Rx: %s)\n" "Internal IP:" "$int_ip" "$tx/$rx" if ! [[ $OSTYPE =~ "darwin" ]]; then printf "%-20s %s (%s)\n" "External IP:" "$ext_ip" "$ext_hn" fi # if docker is install, print stats if [ $has_docker -eq 1 ]; then printf "%-20s %s\n" "Docker Version:" "$docver" if [[ $1 =~ "containers" ]] || [[ $2 =~ "containers" ]]; then if [ "$UID" -eq 0 ]; then if [ $(docker ps | grep -v IMAGE | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then printf "%-20s %s %s\n" "Containers:" "CONTAINER ID NAME" for i in ${running[@]} do printf "%-20s %s\n" "" "$(echo $i | awk -F"|" '{print $1"\t"$2}')" done fi fi fi fi # print current connections is arg is connections if [[ $1 =~ "connections" ]] || [[ $2 =~ "connections" ]]; then printf "%-20s %s\n" "Current Connections:" "$int_ip" for i in ${conn[@]} do rdns=$(host $i | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq) if [[ $rdns =~ (NXDOMAIN|PTR|record|SERVFAIL) ]]; then printf "%-20s %s\n" " " "$i" else printf "%-20s %s (%s)\n" " " "$i" "$rdns" fi done fi echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" rm -f /tmp/ext_ip #EOF