This data set contains Twitter user ids with their text-predicted Big-Five personality scores. Associated paper, read for more details: Guntuku, S. C., Lin, W., Carpenter, J., Ng, W. K., & Ungar, L. H., Preoţiuc-Pietro, D. Studying Personality through the Content of Posted and Liked Images on Twitter ACM Web Science, 2017 For more information/questions about the dataset, please contact Sharath Chandra ( The file contains twitter user id and their text-predicted personality trait scores (ope: openness, con: conscientiousness, ext: extraversion, agr: agreeableness, and neu: neuroticism) If using this data set, please cite the following publication: @inproceedings{guntuku2017studying, title={Studying Personality through the Content of Posted and Liked Images on Twitter}, author={Guntuku, Sharath Chandra and Lin, Weisi and Carpenter, Jordan and Ng, Wee Keong and Ungar, Lyle H and Preo{\c{t}}iuc-Pietro, Daniel}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference}, pages={223--227}, year={2017}, organization={ACM} }