# DO NOT USE THIS FILE IF YOU HAVE READS CREATED BY A # GUPPY VERSION OLDER THAN 3.6.0. # This file contains Shasta options which attempt to partially automate # parameter selection. It is based on an earlier config, which, as of Jun 2020, # was known to work with Oxford Nanopore reads under the following circumstances: # - Human genome assembly. # - Coverage between 40x and 80x. If you have more coverage than that, # you can use option "--Reads.minReadLength" to adjust coverage as desired. # - Reads from Guppy 3.6.0 base caller. If you have reads # from an older version of Guppy, use configuration file # Nanopore-Dec2019.conf instead. # The automation provided by this config is particularly applicable to # low coverage or non-human samples. It also matches or exceeds continuity # in human samples, relative to the appropriately chosen 3.6.0 or 3.6.0-UL conf. # Automation can also be activated with parameters designed for earlier basecallers, # if needed, but updating to guppy 3.6.0 or higher will greatly improve assembly # quality and is therefore strongly recommended. # To use this configuration file, specify Shasta option # "--config AbsolutePathToThisFile". # If you specify any conflicting values on the command line, # the values specified on the command line take precedence. # In most cases, for best performance on a large assembly # you will usually also want to use the following options, which # cannot be specified in a configuration file: # --memoryMode filesystem # --memoryBacking 2M # Using these options requires root access. # For detailed information on all available options see here: # https://chanzuckerberg.github.io/shasta/CommandLineOptions.html # For information on running a small assembly for which # performance is not essential see here: # https://chanzuckerberg.github.io/shasta/QuickStart.html # For more information on running an assembly see here: # https://chanzuckerberg.github.io/shasta/Running.html # For information on optimizing assembly performance see here: # https://chanzuckerberg.github.io/shasta/Performance.html [Reads] # If you have extra coverage, use this option to adjust coverage. minReadLength = 10000 noCache = True [Kmers] # Due to the higher accuracy of Guppy 3.6.0 we use longer # markers than usual. k = 14 [MinHash] minBucketSize = 5 maxBucketSize = 30 minFrequency = 5 [Align] alignMethod = 3 downsamplingFactor = 0.05 matchScore = 6 sameChannelReadAlignment.suppressDeltaThreshold = 30 # The following Align parameters are set to very permissive values to allow the majority of alignments # to be assessed during the initial stage of automatic alignment parameter selection maxSkip = 100 maxDrift = 100 maxTrim = 100 minAlignedMarkerCount = 10 minAlignedFraction = 0.1 [ReadGraph] # This method uses the observed distribution of alignment stats to choose a cutoff for # maxSkip, maxDrift, maxTrim, minAlignedMarkerCount, and minAlignedFraction creationMethod = 2 [MarkerGraph] simplifyMaxLength = 10,100,1000,10000,100000 crossEdgeCoverageThreshold = 3 # Automatically determine this using PeakFinder minCoverage = 0 [Assembly] consensusCaller = Bayesian:guppy-3.6.0-a detangleMethod = 2