My Project
MemoryState Member List

This is the complete list of members for MemoryState, including all inherited members.

getChunk(uint1 *res, AddrSpace *spc, uintb off, int4 size) constMemoryState
getMemoryBank(AddrSpace *spc) constMemoryState
getTranslate(void) constMemoryStateinline
getValue(AddrSpace *spc, uintb off, int4 size) constMemoryState
getValue(const string &nm) constMemoryState
getValue(const VarnodeData *vn) constMemoryStateinline
MemoryState(Translate *t)MemoryStateinline
setChunk(const uint1 *val, AddrSpace *spc, uintb off, int4 size)MemoryState
setMemoryBank(MemoryBank *bank)MemoryState
setValue(AddrSpace *spc, uintb off, int4 size, uintb cval)MemoryState
setValue(const string &nm, uintb cval)MemoryState
setValue(const VarnodeData *vn, uintb cval)MemoryStateinline
~MemoryState(void) (defined in MemoryState)MemoryStateinline