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1 /* ###
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
19 #ifndef __CPUI_JUMPTABLE__
20 #define __CPUI_JUMPTABLE__
22 #include "emulateutil.hh"
23 #include "rangeutil.hh"
25 class EmulateFunction;
29  JumptableThunkError(const string &s) : LowlevelError(s) {}
30 };
34  JumptableNotReachableError(const string &s) : LowlevelError(s) {}
35 };
41 class LoadTable {
42  friend class EmulateFunction;
43  Address addr;
44  int4 size;
45  int4 num;
46 public:
47  LoadTable(void) {} // Constructor for use with restoreXml
48  LoadTable(const Address &ad,int4 sz) { addr = ad, size = sz; num = 1; }
49  LoadTable(const Address &ad,int4 sz,int4 nm) { addr = ad; size = sz; num = nm; }
50  bool operator<(const LoadTable &op2) const { return (addr < op2.addr); }
51  void saveXml(ostream &s) const;
52  void restoreXml(const Element *el,Architecture *glb);
53  static void collapseTable(vector<LoadTable> &table);
54 };
63 class PathMeld {
68  struct RootedOp {
69  PcodeOp *op;
70  int4 rootVn;
71  RootedOp(PcodeOp *o,int4 root) { op = o; rootVn = root; }
72  };
73  vector<Varnode *> commonVn;
74  vector<RootedOp> opMeld;
75  void internalIntersect(vector<int4> &parentMap);
76  int4 meldOps(const vector<PcodeOp *> &path,int4 cutOff,const vector<int4> &parentMap);
77  void truncatePaths(int4 cutPoint);
78 public:
79  void set(const PathMeld &op2);
80  void set(const vector<PcodeOp *> &path,const vector<int4> &slot);
81  void set(PcodeOp *op,Varnode *vn);
82  void append(const PathMeld &op2);
83  void clear(void);
84  void meld(vector<PcodeOp *> &path,vector<int4> &slot);
85  void markPaths(bool val,int4 startVarnode);
86  int4 numCommonVarnode(void) const { return commonVn.size(); }
87  int4 numOps(void) const { return opMeld.size(); }
88  Varnode *getVarnode(int4 i) const { return commonVn[i]; }
89  Varnode *getOpParent(int4 i) const { return commonVn[ opMeld[i].rootVn ]; }
90  PcodeOp *getOp(int4 i) const { return opMeld[i].op; }
91  PcodeOp *getEarliestOp(int4 pos) const;
92  bool empty(void) const { return commonVn.empty(); }
93 };
101  Funcdata *fd;
102  map<Varnode *,uintb> varnodeMap;
103  bool collectloads;
104  vector<LoadTable> loadpoints;
105  virtual void executeLoad(void);
106  virtual void executeBranch(void);
107  virtual void executeBranchind(void);
108  virtual void executeCall(void);
109  virtual void executeCallind(void);
110  virtual void executeCallother(void);
111  virtual void fallthruOp(void);
112 public:
114  void setLoadCollect(bool val) { collectloads = val; }
115  virtual void setExecuteAddress(const Address &addr);
116  virtual uintb getVarnodeValue(Varnode *vn) const;
117  virtual void setVarnodeValue(Varnode *vn,uintb val);
118  uintb emulatePath(uintb val,const PathMeld &pathMeld,PcodeOp *startop,Varnode *startvn);
119  void collectLoadPoints(vector<LoadTable> &res) const;
120 };
122 class FlowInfo;
123 class JumpTable;
130 class GuardRecord {
131  PcodeOp *cbranch;
132  PcodeOp *readOp;
133  int4 indpath;
134  CircleRange range;
135  Varnode *vn;
136  Varnode *baseVn;
137  int4 bitsPreserved;
138 public:
139  GuardRecord(PcodeOp *bOp,PcodeOp *rOp,int4 path,const CircleRange &rng,Varnode *v);
140  PcodeOp *getBranch(void) const { return cbranch; }
141  PcodeOp *getReadOp(void) const { return readOp; }
142  int4 getPath(void) const { return indpath; }
143  const CircleRange &getRange(void) const { return range; }
144  void clear(void) { cbranch = (PcodeOp *)0; }
145  int4 valueMatch(Varnode *vn2,Varnode *baseVn2,int4 bitsPreserved2) const;
146  static int4 oneOffMatch(PcodeOp *op1,PcodeOp *op2);
147  static Varnode *quasiCopy(Varnode *vn,int4 &bitsPreserved);
148 };
156 class JumpValues {
157 public:
158  virtual ~JumpValues(void) {}
159  virtual void truncate(int4 nm)=0;
160  virtual uintb getSize(void) const=0;
161  virtual bool contains(uintb val) const=0;
166  virtual bool initializeForReading(void) const=0;
168  virtual bool next(void) const=0;
169  virtual uintb getValue(void) const=0;
170  virtual Varnode *getStartVarnode(void) const=0;
171  virtual PcodeOp *getStartOp(void) const=0;
172  virtual bool isReversible(void) const=0;
173  virtual JumpValues *clone(void) const=0;
174 };
177 class JumpValuesRange : public JumpValues {
178 protected:
182  mutable uintb curval;
183 public:
184  void setRange(const CircleRange &rng) { range = rng; }
185  void setStartVn(Varnode *vn) { normqvn = vn; }
186  void setStartOp(PcodeOp *op) { startop = op; }
187  virtual void truncate(int4 nm);
188  virtual uintb getSize(void) const;
189  virtual bool contains(uintb val) const;
190  virtual bool initializeForReading(void) const;
191  virtual bool next(void) const;
192  virtual uintb getValue(void) const;
193  virtual Varnode *getStartVarnode(void) const;
194  virtual PcodeOp *getStartOp(void) const;
195  virtual bool isReversible(void) const { return true; }
196  virtual JumpValues *clone(void) const;
197 };
204  uintb extravalue;
205  Varnode *extravn;
206  PcodeOp *extraop;
207  mutable bool lastvalue;
208 public:
209  void setExtraValue(uintb val) { extravalue = val; }
210  void setDefaultVn(Varnode *vn) { extravn = vn; }
211  void setDefaultOp(PcodeOp *op) { extraop = op; }
212  virtual uintb getSize(void) const;
213  virtual bool contains(uintb val) const;
214  virtual bool initializeForReading(void) const;
215  virtual bool next(void) const;
216  virtual Varnode *getStartVarnode(void) const;
217  virtual PcodeOp *getStartOp(void) const;
218  virtual bool isReversible(void) const { return !lastvalue; } // The -extravalue- is not reversible
219  virtual JumpValues *clone(void) const;
220 };
232 class JumpModel {
233 protected:
235 public:
236  JumpModel(JumpTable *jt) { jumptable = jt; }
237  virtual ~JumpModel(void) {}
238  virtual bool isOverride(void) const=0;
239  virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const=0;
249  virtual bool recoverModel(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize)=0;
259  virtual void buildAddresses(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<LoadTable> *loadpoints) const=0;
268  virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub,uint4 maxleftright,uint4 maxext)=0;
280  virtual void buildLabels(Funcdata *fd,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<uintb> &label,const JumpModel *orig) const=0;
290  virtual Varnode *foldInNormalization(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop)=0;
297  virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd,JumpTable *jump)=0;
308  virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable)=0;
310  virtual JumpModel *clone(JumpTable *jt) const=0;
311  virtual void clear(void) {}
312  virtual void saveXml(ostream &s) const {}
313  virtual void restoreXml(const Element *el,Architecture *glb) {}
314 };
322 class JumpModelTrivial : public JumpModel {
323  uint4 size;
324 public:
325  JumpModelTrivial(JumpTable *jt) : JumpModel(jt) { size = 0; }
326  virtual bool isOverride(void) const { return false; }
327  virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const { return size; }
328  virtual bool recoverModel(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize);
329  virtual void buildAddresses(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<LoadTable> *loadpoints) const;
330  virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub,uint4 maxleftright,uint4 maxext) {}
331  virtual void buildLabels(Funcdata *fd,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<uintb> &label,const JumpModel *orig) const;
332  virtual Varnode *foldInNormalization(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop) { return (Varnode *)0; }
333  virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd,JumpTable *jump) { return false; }
334  virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable) { return true; }
335  virtual JumpModel *clone(JumpTable *jt) const;
336 };
344 class JumpBasic : public JumpModel {
345 protected:
348  vector<GuardRecord> selectguards;
352  static bool isprune(Varnode *vn);
353  static bool ispoint(Varnode *vn);
354  static int4 getStride(Varnode *vn);
355  static uintb backup2Switch(Funcdata *fd,uintb output,Varnode *outvn,Varnode *invn);
356  void findDeterminingVarnodes(PcodeOp *op,int4 slot);
357  void analyzeGuards(BlockBasic *bl,int4 pathout);
358  void calcRange(Varnode *vn,CircleRange &rng) const;
359  void findSmallestNormal(uint4 matchsize);
360  void findNormalized(Funcdata *fd,BlockBasic *rootbl,int4 pathout,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize);
361  void markFoldableGuards();
362  void markModel(bool val);
363  bool flowsOnlyToModel(Varnode *vn,PcodeOp *trailOp);
374  virtual bool foldInOneGuard(Funcdata *fd,GuardRecord &guard,JumpTable *jump);
375 public:
376  JumpBasic(JumpTable *jt) : JumpModel(jt) { jrange = (JumpValuesRange *)0; }
377  const PathMeld &getPathMeld(void) const { return pathMeld; }
378  const JumpValuesRange *getValueRange(void) const { return jrange; }
379  virtual ~JumpBasic(void);
380  virtual bool isOverride(void) const { return false; }
381  virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const { return jrange->getSize(); }
382  virtual bool recoverModel(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize);
383  virtual void buildAddresses(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<LoadTable> *loadpoints) const;
384  virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub,uint4 maxleftright,uint4 maxext);
385  virtual void buildLabels(Funcdata *fd,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<uintb> &label,const JumpModel *orig) const;
386  virtual Varnode *foldInNormalization(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop);
387  virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd,JumpTable *jump);
388  virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable);
389  virtual JumpModel *clone(JumpTable *jt) const;
390  virtual void clear(void);
391 };
405 class JumpBasic2 : public JumpBasic {
406  Varnode *extravn;
407  PathMeld origPathMeld;
408  bool checkNormalDominance(void) const;
409  virtual bool foldInOneGuard(Funcdata *fd,GuardRecord &guard,JumpTable *jump);
410 public:
412  void initializeStart(const PathMeld &pathMeld);
413  virtual bool recoverModel(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize);
414  virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub,uint4 maxleftright,uint4 maxext);
415  virtual JumpModel *clone(JumpTable *jt) const;
416  virtual void clear(void);
417 };
425 class JumpBasicOverride : public JumpBasic {
426  set<Address> adset;
427  vector<uintb> values;
428  vector<Address> addrtable;
429  uintb startingvalue;
430  Address normaddress;
431  uint8 hash;
432  bool istrivial;
433  int4 findStartOp(Varnode *vn);
434  int4 trialNorm(Funcdata *fd,Varnode *trialvn,uint4 tolerance);
435  void setupTrivial(void);
436  Varnode *findLikelyNorm(void);
437  void clearCopySpecific(void);
438 public:
440  void setAddresses(const vector<Address> &adtable);
441  void setNorm(const Address &addr,uintb h) { normaddress = addr; hash = h; }
442  void setStartingValue(uintb val) { startingvalue = val; }
443  virtual bool isOverride(void) const { return true; }
444  virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const { return addrtable.size(); }
445  virtual bool recoverModel(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize);
446  virtual void buildAddresses(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<LoadTable> *loadpoints) const;
447  // findUnnormalized inherited from JumpBasic
448  virtual void buildLabels(Funcdata *fd,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<uintb> &label,const JumpModel *orig) const;
449  // foldInNormalization inherited from JumpBasic
450  virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd,JumpTable *jump) { return false; }
451  virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable) { return true; }
452  virtual JumpModel *clone(JumpTable *jt) const;
453  virtual void clear(void);
454  virtual void saveXml(ostream &s) const;
455  virtual void restoreXml(const Element *el,Architecture *glb);
456 };
458 class JumpAssistOp;
472 class JumpAssisted : public JumpModel {
473  PcodeOp *assistOp;
474  JumpAssistOp *userop;
475  int4 sizeIndices;
476  Varnode *switchvn;
477 public:
478  JumpAssisted(JumpTable *jt) : JumpModel(jt) { assistOp = (PcodeOp *)0; switchvn = (Varnode *)0; sizeIndices=0; }
479 // virtual ~JumpAssisted(void);
480  virtual bool isOverride(void) const { return false; }
481  virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const { return sizeIndices+1; }
482  virtual bool recoverModel(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,uint4 matchsize,uint4 maxtablesize);
483  virtual void buildAddresses(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<LoadTable> *loadpoints) const;
484  virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub,uint4 maxleftright,uint4 maxext) {}
485  virtual void buildLabels(Funcdata *fd,vector<Address> &addresstable,vector<uintb> &label,const JumpModel *orig) const;
486  virtual Varnode *foldInNormalization(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop);
487  virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd,JumpTable *jump);
488  virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd,PcodeOp *indop,vector<Address> &addresstable) { return true; }
489  virtual JumpModel *clone(JumpTable *jt) const;
490  virtual void clear(void) { assistOp = (PcodeOp *)0; switchvn = (Varnode *)0; }
491 };
499 class JumpTable {
501  struct IndexPair {
502  int4 blockPosition;
503  int4 addressIndex;
504  IndexPair(int4 pos,int4 index) { blockPosition = pos; addressIndex = index; }
505  bool operator<(const IndexPair &op2) const;
506  static bool compareByPosition(const IndexPair &op1,const IndexPair &op2);
507  };
508  Architecture *glb;
509  JumpModel *jmodel;
510  JumpModel *origmodel;
511  vector<Address> addresstable;
512  vector<IndexPair> block2addr;
513  vector<uintb> label;
514  vector<LoadTable> loadpoints;
515  Address opaddress;
516  PcodeOp *indirect;
517  uintb switchVarConsume;
518  int4 defaultBlock;
519  int4 lastBlock;
520  uint4 maxtablesize;
521  uint4 maxaddsub;
522  uint4 maxleftright;
523  uint4 maxext;
524  int4 recoverystage;
525  bool collectloads;
526  void recoverModel(Funcdata *fd);
527  void trivialSwitchOver(void);
528  void sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd);
529  int4 block2Position(const FlowBlock *bl) const;
530  static bool isReachable(PcodeOp *op);
531 public:
533  JumpTable(const JumpTable *op2);
534  ~JumpTable(void);
535  bool isRecovered(void) const { return !addresstable.empty(); }
536  bool isLabelled(void) const { return !label.empty(); }
537  bool isOverride(void) const;
538  bool isPossibleMultistage(void) const { return (addresstable.size()==1); }
539  int4 getStage(void) const { return recoverystage; }
540  int4 numEntries(void) const { return addresstable.size(); }
541  uintb getSwitchVarConsume(void) const { return switchVarConsume; }
542  int4 getDefaultBlock(void) const { return defaultBlock; }
543  const Address &getOpAddress(void) const { return opaddress; }
544  PcodeOp *getIndirectOp(void) const { return indirect; }
545  void setIndirectOp(PcodeOp *ind) { opaddress = ind->getAddr(); indirect = ind; }
546  void setMaxTableSize(uint4 val) { maxtablesize = val; }
547  void setNormMax(uint4 maddsub,uint4 mleftright,uint4 mext) {
548  maxaddsub = maddsub; maxleftright = mleftright; maxext = mext; }
549  void setOverride(const vector<Address> &addrtable,const Address &naddr,uintb h,uintb sv);
550  int4 numIndicesByBlock(const FlowBlock *bl) const;
551  int4 getIndexByBlock(const FlowBlock *bl,int4 i) const;
552  Address getAddressByIndex(int4 i) const { return addresstable[i]; }
553  void setLastAsMostCommon(void);
554  void setDefaultBlock(int4 bl) { defaultBlock = bl; }
555  void setLoadCollect(bool val) { collectloads = val; }
556  void addBlockToSwitch(BlockBasic *bl,uintb lab);
557  void switchOver(const FlowInfo &flow);
558  uintb getLabelByIndex(int4 index) const { return label[index]; }
559  void foldInNormalization(Funcdata *fd);
560  bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd) { return jmodel->foldInGuards(fd,this); }
561  void recoverAddresses(Funcdata *fd);
562  void recoverMultistage(Funcdata *fd);
563  bool recoverLabels(Funcdata *fd);
564  bool checkForMultistage(Funcdata *fd);
565  void clear(void);
566  void saveXml(ostream &s) const;
567  void restoreXml(const Element *el);
568 };
572 inline bool JumpTable::IndexPair::operator<(const IndexPair &op2) const
574 {
575  if (blockPosition != op2.blockPosition) return (blockPosition < op2.blockPosition);
576  return (addressIndex < op2.addressIndex);
577 }
582 inline bool JumpTable::IndexPair::compareByPosition(const IndexPair &op1,const IndexPair &op2)
584 {
585  return (op1.blockPosition < op2.blockPosition);
586 }
588 #endif
void setDefaultVn(Varnode *vn)
Set the associated start Varnode.
Definition: jumptable.hh:210
void setLoadCollect(bool val)
Set whether we collect LOAD information.
Definition: jumptable.hh:114
Varnode * normqvn
Varnode representing the normalized switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:180
Description of a control-flow block containing PcodeOps.
Definition: block.hh:60
JumpBasic2(JumpTable *jt)
Definition: jumptable.hh:411
Address getAddressByIndex(int4 i) const
Get the i-th address table entry.
Definition: jumptable.hh:552
Exception thrown for a thunk mechanism that looks like a jump-table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:28
PathMeld pathMeld
Set of PcodeOps and Varnodes producing the final target addresses.
Definition: jumptable.hh:347
uintb getSwitchVarConsume(void) const
Get bits of switch variable consumed by this table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:541
single entry switch variable that can take a range of values
Definition: jumptable.hh:177
virtual Varnode * foldInNormalization(Funcdata *fd, PcodeOp *indop)
Do normalization of the given switch specific to this model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:332
virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub, uint4 maxleftright, uint4 maxext)
Recover the unnormalized switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:330
void setStartingValue(uintb val)
Set the starting value for the normalized range.
Definition: jumptable.hh:442
const Address & getAddr(void) const
Get the instruction address associated with this op.
Definition: op.hh:151
int4 getPath(void) const
Get the specific path index going towards the switch.
Definition: jumptable.hh:142
bool isPossibleMultistage(void) const
Return true if this could be multi-staged.
Definition: jumptable.hh:538
JumpModel(JumpTable *jt)
Construct given a parent jump-table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:236
Container for data structures associated with a single function.
Definition: funcdata.hh:45
vector< GuardRecord > selectguards
Any guards associated with model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:348
A class for generating the control-flow structure for a single function.
Definition: flow.hh:56
virtual void clear(void)
Clear any non-permanent aspects of the model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:490
A description where and how data was loaded from memory.
Definition: jumptable.hh:41
bool operator<(const LoadTable &op2) const
Compare this with another table by address.
Definition: jumptable.hh:50
uintb curval
The current value pointed to be the iterator.
Definition: jumptable.hh:182
int4 getDefaultBlock(void) const
Get the out-edge corresponding to the default switch destination.
Definition: jumptable.hh:542
void setMaxTableSize(uint4 val)
Set the maximum entries allowed in the address table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:546
A trivial jump-table model, where the BRANCHIND input Varnode is the switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:322
void clear(void)
Mark this guard as unused.
Definition: jumptable.hh:144
Documentation for the CircleRange class.
int4 numEntries(void) const
Return the size of the address table for this jump-table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:540
PcodeOp * getOp(int4 i) const
Get the i-th PcodeOp.
Definition: jumptable.hh:90
virtual bool isOverride(void) const
Return true if this model was manually overridden.
Definition: jumptable.hh:480
PcodeOp * getBranch(void) const
Get the CBRANCH associated with this guard.
Definition: jumptable.hh:140
A jump-table model assisted by pseudo-op directives in the code.
Definition: jumptable.hh:472
virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd, JumpTable *jump)=0
Eliminate any guard code involved in computing the switch destination.
virtual uintb getSize(void) const
Return the number of values the variables can take.
bool isRecovered(void) const
Return true if a model has been recovered.
Definition: jumptable.hh:535
JumpAssisted(JumpTable *jt)
Definition: jumptable.hh:478
A jump-table execution model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:232
bool isLabelled(void) const
Return true if case labels are computed.
Definition: jumptable.hh:536
JumpValuesRange * jrange
Range of values for the (normalized) switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:346
A class for manipulating integer value ranges.
Definition: rangeutil.hh:48
uintb getLabelByIndex(int4 index) const
Given a case index, get its label.
Definition: jumptable.hh:558
virtual bool isOverride(void) const
Return true if this model was manually overridden.
Definition: jumptable.hh:326
Lowest level operation of the p-code language.
Definition: op.hh:58
The basic switch model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:344
A low-level machine address for labelling bytes and data.
Definition: address.hh:46
virtual bool isReversible(void) const
Return true if the current value can be reversed to get a label.
Definition: jumptable.hh:218
PcodeOp * getReadOp(void) const
Get the PcodeOp immediately causing the restriction.
Definition: jumptable.hh:141
A user defined p-code op for assisting the recovery of jump tables.
Definition: userop.hh:229
virtual void saveXml(ostream &s) const
Save this model as an XML tag.
Definition: jumptable.hh:312
virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const
Return the number of entries in the address table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:327
Varnode * getVarnode(int4 i) const
Get the i-th common Varnode.
Definition: jumptable.hh:88
bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd)
Hide any guard code for this switch.
Definition: jumptable.hh:560
virtual void clear(void)
Clear any non-permanent aspects of the model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:311
bool empty(void) const
Return true if this container holds no paths.
Definition: jumptable.hh:92
const CircleRange & getRange(void) const
Get the range of values causing the switch path to be taken.
Definition: jumptable.hh:143
JumptableThunkError(const string &s)
Construct with an explanatory string.
Definition: jumptable.hh:29
virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd, PcodeOp *indop, vector< Address > &addresstable)
Perform a sanity check on recovered addresses.
Definition: jumptable.hh:488
Manager for all the major decompiler subsystems.
Definition: architecture.hh:117
virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd, PcodeOp *indop, vector< Address > &addresstable)
Perform a sanity check on recovered addresses.
Definition: jumptable.hh:451
void setDefaultBlock(int4 bl)
Set out-edge of the switch destination considered to be default.
Definition: jumptable.hh:554
A (putative) switch variable Varnode and a constraint imposed by a CBRANCH.
Definition: jumptable.hh:130
A basic jump-table model with an added default address path.
Definition: jumptable.hh:405
virtual bool sanityCheck(Funcdata *fd, PcodeOp *indop, vector< Address > &addresstable)
Perform a sanity check on recovered addresses.
Definition: jumptable.hh:334
void setStartVn(Varnode *vn)
Set the normalized switch Varnode explicitly.
Definition: jumptable.hh:185
The lowest level error generated by the decompiler.
Definition: error.hh:44
JumpModelTrivial(JumpTable *jt)
Construct given a parent JumpTable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:325
A basic jump-table model incorporating manual override information.
Definition: jumptable.hh:425
virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd, JumpTable *jump)
Eliminate any guard code involved in computing the switch destination.
Definition: jumptable.hh:333
int4 numCommonVarnode(void) const
Return the number of Varnodes common to all paths.
Definition: jumptable.hh:86
int4 getStage(void) const
Return what stage of recovery this jump-table is in.
Definition: jumptable.hh:539
void setStartOp(PcodeOp *op)
Set the starting PcodeOp explicitly.
Definition: jumptable.hh:186
void setRange(const CircleRange &rng)
Set the range of values explicitly.
Definition: jumptable.hh:184
A low-level variable or contiguous set of bytes described by an Address and a size.
Definition: varnode.hh:65
A basic block for p-code operations.
Definition: block.hh:363
virtual void restoreXml(const Element *el, Architecture *glb)
Restore this model from an XML tag.
Definition: jumptable.hh:313
A map from values to control-flow targets within a function.
Definition: jumptable.hh:499
An XML element. A node in the DOM tree.
Definition: xml.hh:150
LoadTable(const Address &ad, int4 sz)
Constructor for a single entry table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:48
void setLoadCollect(bool val)
Set whether LOAD records should be collected.
Definition: jumptable.hh:555
virtual bool isReversible(void) const
Return true if the current value can be reversed to get a label.
Definition: jumptable.hh:195
JumpTable * jumptable
The jump-table that is building this model.
Definition: jumptable.hh:234
A jump-table starting range with two possible execution paths.
Definition: jumptable.hh:203
PcodeOp * getIndirectOp(void) const
Get the BRANCHIND PcodeOp.
Definition: jumptable.hh:544
PcodeOp * startop
First PcodeOp in the jump-table calculation.
Definition: jumptable.hh:181
A light-weight emulator to calculate switch targets from switch variables.
Definition: jumptable.hh:100
virtual bool isOverride(void) const
Return true if this model was manually overridden.
Definition: jumptable.hh:443
LoadTable(const Address &ad, int4 sz, int4 nm)
Construct a full table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:49
JumpBasic(JumpTable *jt)
Construct given a parent JumpTable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:376
Emulation based on (existing) PcodeOps and Varnodes.
Definition: emulateutil.hh:41
CircleRange range
Acceptable range of values for the normalized switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:179
void setDefaultOp(PcodeOp *op)
Set the associated start PcodeOp.
Definition: jumptable.hh:211
void setIndirectOp(PcodeOp *ind)
Set the BRANCHIND PcodeOp.
Definition: jumptable.hh:545
virtual void findUnnormalized(uint4 maxaddsub, uint4 maxleftright, uint4 maxext)
Recover the unnormalized switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:484
virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const
Return the number of entries in the address table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:481
const PathMeld & getPathMeld(void) const
Get the possible of paths to the switch.
Definition: jumptable.hh:377
virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const
Return the number of entries in the address table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:381
Architecture * glb
The underlying Architecture for the program being emulated.
Definition: emulateutil.hh:43
Exception thrown is there are no legal flows to a switch.
Definition: jumptable.hh:33
Varnode * switchvn
Unnormalized switch Varnode.
Definition: jumptable.hh:351
An iterator over values a switch variable can take.
Definition: jumptable.hh:156
Varnode * getOpParent(int4 i) const
Get the split-point for the i-th PcodeOp.
Definition: jumptable.hh:89
All paths from a (putative) switch variable to the CPUI_BRANCHIND.
Definition: jumptable.hh:63
void setNorm(const Address &addr, uintb h)
Set the normalized switch variable.
Definition: jumptable.hh:441
Varnode * normalvn
Normalized switch Varnode.
Definition: jumptable.hh:350
virtual ~JumpModel(void)
Definition: jumptable.hh:237
const Address & getOpAddress(void) const
Get the address of the BRANCHIND for the switch.
Definition: jumptable.hh:543
virtual int4 getTableSize(void) const
Return the number of entries in the address table.
Definition: jumptable.hh:444
virtual bool foldInGuards(Funcdata *fd, JumpTable *jump)
Eliminate any guard code involved in computing the switch destination.
Definition: jumptable.hh:450
JumptableNotReachableError(const string &s)
Definition: jumptable.hh:34
int4 numOps(void) const
Return the number of PcodeOps across all paths.
Definition: jumptable.hh:87
(Lightweight) emulation interface for executing PcodeOp objects within a syntax tree or for executing...
void setNormMax(uint4 maddsub, uint4 mleftright, uint4 mext)
Set the switch variable normalization model restrictions.
Definition: jumptable.hh:547
virtual bool isOverride(void) const
Return true if this model was manually overridden.
Definition: jumptable.hh:380
const JumpValuesRange * getValueRange(void) const
Get the normalized value iterator.
Definition: jumptable.hh:378
void setExtraValue(uintb val)
Set the extra value explicitly.
Definition: jumptable.hh:209
int4 varnodeIndex
Position of the normalized switch Varnode within PathMeld.
Definition: jumptable.hh:349