# Examples ### Alt Screen Toggle The `altscreen-toggle` example shows how to transition between the alternative screen buffer and the normal screen buffer using Bubble Tea. ### Chat The `chat` examples shows a basic chat application with a multi-line `textarea` input. ### Composable Views The `composable-views` example shows how to compose two bubble models (spinner and timer) together in a single application and switch between them. ### Credit Card Form The `credit-card-form` example demonstrates how to build a multi-step form with `textinput`s bubbles and validation on the inputs. ### Debounce The `debounce` example shows how to throttle key presses to avoid overloading your Bubble Tea application. ### Exec The `exec` example shows how to execute a running command during the execution of a Bubble Tea application such as launching an `EDITOR`. ### Full Screen The `fullscreen` example shows how to make a Bubble Tea application fullscreen. ### Glamour The `glamour` example shows how to use [Glamour](https://github.com/charmbracelet/glamour) inside a viewport bubble. ### Help The `help` example shows how to use the `help` bubble to display help to the user of your application. ### Http The `http` example shows how to make an `http` call within your Bubble Tea application. ### Default List The `list-default` example shows how to use the list bubble. ### Fancy List The `list-fancy` example shows how to use the list bubble with extra customizations. ### Simple List The `list-simple` example shows how to use the list and customize it to have a simpler, more compact, appearance. ### Mouse The `mouse` example shows how to receive mouse events in a Bubble Tea application. Code ### Package Manager The `package-manager` example shows how to build an interface for a package manager using the `tea.Println` feature. ### Pager The `pager` example shows how to build a simple pager application similar to `less`. ### Paginator The `paginator` example shows how to build a simple paginated list. ### Pipe The `pipe` example demonstrates using shell pipes to communicate with Bubble Tea applications. ### Animated Progress The `progress-animated` example shows how to build a progress bar with an animated progression. ### Download Progress The `progress-download` example demonstrates how to download a file while indicating download progress through Bubble Tea. Code ### Static Progress The `progress-static` example shows a progress bar with static incrementation of progress. ### Real Time The `realtime` example demonstrates the use of go channels to perform realtime communication with a Bubble Tea application. ### Result The `result` example shows a choice menu with the ability to select an option. ### Send Msg The `send-msg` example demonstrates the usage of custom `tea.Msg`s. ### Sequence The `sequence` example demonstrates the `tea.Sequence` command. ### Simple The `simple` example shows a very simple Bubble Tea application. ### Spinner The `spinner` example demonstrates a spinner bubble being used to indicate loading. ### Spinners The `spinner` example shows various spinner types that are available. ### Split Editors The `split-editors` example shows multiple `textarea`s being used in a single application and being able to switch focus between them. ### Stop Watch The `stopwatch` example shows a sample stop watch built with Bubble Tea. ### Table The `table` example demonstrates the table bubble being used to display tabular data. ### Tabs The `tabs` example demonstrates tabbed navigation styled with [Lip Gloss](https://github.com/charmbracelet/lipgloss). ### Text Area The `textarea` example demonstrates a simple Bubble Tea application using a `textarea` bubble. ### Text Input The `textinput` example demonstrates a simple Bubble Tea application using a `textinput` bubble. ### Multiple Text Inputs The `textinputs` example shows multiple `textinputs` and being able to switch focus between them as well as changing the cursor mode. ### Timer The `timer` example shows a simple timer built with Bubble Tea. ### TUI Daemon The `tui-daemon-combo` demonstrates building a text-user interface along with a daemon mode using Bubble Tea. ### Views The `views` example demonstrates how to build a Bubble Tea application with multiple views and switch between them.