Path: uunet!!saab!billr From: billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM (Bill Randle) Newsgroups: Subject: v18i042: nethack31 - display oriented dungeons & dragons (Ver. 3.1), Patch3i/18 Date: 20 Jul 1993 22:33:01 GMT Organization: Tektronix, Inc, Redmond, OR, USA Lines: 1762 Approved: billr@saab.CNA.TEK.COM Message-ID: <22hrqt$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: uunet Submitted-by: (Izchak Miller) Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 42 Archive-name: nethack31/patch3i Patch-To: nethack31: Volume 16, Issue 1-116 Environment: Amiga, Atari, Mac, MS-DOS, Windows-NT, OS2, Unix, VMS, X11 #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh 'dat/quest.txt2' <<'END_OF_FILE' Xtell you of what has transpired: X X"At one of the Great Festivals a short time ago, %n and a legion Xof undead invaded %H. Many %gP were killed, including Xthe one carrying %o. X X"As a final act of vengefulness, %n desecrated the altar here. XWithout it, we could not mount a counter-attack. Now, there are Xbarely enough %gP left to keep the undead at bay. X X"We need you to find %i, then, from there, travel Xto %n's lair. If you can manage to defeat %n and return X%o here, we can then drive off the legions of Xundead that befoul the land. X X"Go with %d as your guide, %p." X%E X%Cp P 00020 X"You can prevail, if you rely on %d." X%E X%Cp P 00021 X"Remember that %n has great magic at his command." X%E X%Cp P 00022 X"Be pure, my %S." X%E X%Cp P 00023 X"Beware, %i is surrounded by a great graveyard." X%E X%Cp P 00024 X"You may be able to affect %n with magical cold." X%E X%Cp P 00025 X"Acquire and wear %o if you can. It will aid you Xagainst %n." X%E X%Cp P 00026 X"Call upon %d when your need is greatest. You will be answered." X%E X%Cp P 00027 X"The undead legions are weakest during the daylight hours." X%E X%Cp P 00028 X"Do not loose faith, %p. If you do so, %n will grow stronger." X%E X%Cp P 00029 X"Wear %o. It will assist you against the undead." X%E X%Cc P 00030 XYou stand facing a large graveyard. The sky above is filled with clouds Xthat seem to get thicker closer to the center. You sense the presence of Xundead in larger numbers than you have ever encountered before. X XYou remember the descriptions of %i, given to you by Xthe %l. It is ahead that you will find %n's trail. X%E X%Cp P 00031 XAgain, you stand before %i. X%E X%Cc P 00040 XThe stench of brimstone is all about you, and the shrieks and moans Xof tortured souls assault your psyche. X XAhead, there is a small clearing amidst the bubbling pits of lava... X%E X%Cp P 00041 XAgain, you have invaded %n's domain. X%E X%Cc P 00050 X"Ah, so the %l has sent another %g to retrieve X%o. X X"No, I see you are no %g. Perhaps I shall have some fun today Xafter all. Prepare to die, %r! You shall never regain X%o." X%E X%Cp P 00051 X"So, %r. Again you challenge me." X%E X%Cp P 00052 X"Die now, %r. %d has no power here to aid you." X%E X%Cp P 00053 X"You shall die, %r, and I will have %o back." X%E X%Cp P 00060 X"Submit to my will, %c, and I shall spare you." X%E X%Cp P 00061 X"Your puny powers are no match for me, %c." X%E X%Cp P 00062 X"I shall have you turned into a zombie for my pleasure!" X%E X%Cp P 00063 X"Despair now, %r. %d cannot help you." X%E X%Cp P 00064 X"I shall feast upon your soul for many days, %c." X%E X%Cp P 00065 X"Your death will be slow and painful. That I promise!" X%E X%Cp P 00066 X"You cannot defeat %n, you fool. I shall kill you now." X%E X%Cp P 00067 X"Your precious %l will be my next victim." X%E X%Cp P 00068 X"I feel your powers failing you, %r. You shall die now." X%E X%Cp P 00069 X"With %o, nothing can stand in my way." X%E X%Cc P 00070 XAs you pick up %o, you feel the essence of X%d fill your soul. You know now why %n stole it from X%H, for with it, %ca of %d could Xeasily defeat his plans. X XYou sense a message from %d. Though not verbal, you Xget the impression that you must return to the %l as soon Xas possible. X%E X%Cc P 00080 XYou feel a wrenching shift in the ether as %n's body dissolves Xinto a cloud of noxious gas. X XSuddenly, a voice booms out: X X Thou hast defeated the least of my minions, %r. X Know now that Moloch is aware of thy presence. X As for you, %n, I shall deal with thy failure X at my leisure. X XYou then hear the voice of %n, screaming in terror... X%E X%Cc P 00081 X"You have returned, %p. And with %o, I see. XCongratulations. X X"I have been in meditation, and have received direction from Xa minion of %d. %d commands that you retain X%o. With it, you must recover the Amulet Xof Yendor. X X"Go forth, and let %d guide your steps." X%E X%Cp P 00090 X"Welcome back, %p. How is your quest for the Amulet going?" X%E X%Cc P 00091 X"You have prevailed, %p! %d is surely with you. Now, Xyou must take the amulet, and sacrifice it on %d's altar on Xthe Astral plane. I suspect that I shall never see you again in this Xlife, but I hope to at %d's feet." X%E X# X# Rogue (with apologies to all Norsk speakers -dean) X# X%Cc R 00001 XUnexpectedly, you find yourself back in Ransmannsby, where you trained to Xbe a thief. Quickly you make the guild sign, hoping that you AND word Xof your arrival reach the %l's den. X%E X%Cp R 00002 XOnce again, you find yourself back in Ransmannsby. Fond memories are Xreplaced by fear, knowing that the %l is waiting for you. X%E X%Cp R 00003 XYou rub your hands through your hair, hoping that the little ones on Xthe back of your neck stay down, and prepare yourself for your meeting Xwith the %l. X%E X%Cp R 00005 X"I hear that Lady Tyvefelle's household is lightly guarded." X%E X%Cp R 00006 X"You're back? Even the Twain don't come back anymore." X%E X%Cp R 00007 X"Can you spare an old cutpurse a zorkmid for some grog?" X%E X%Cp R 00008 X"Fritz tried to join the other side, and now he's hell-hound chow." X%E X%Cp R 00009 X"Be careful what you steal, I hear the boss has perfected turning Xrocks into worthless pieces of glass." X%E X%Cc R 00010 X"Well, look who it is boys -- %p has come home. You seem to have Xfallen behind in your dues. I should kill you as an example to these Xother worthless cutpurses, but I have a better plan. If you are ready Xmaybe you could work off your back dues by performing a little job for Xme. Let us just see if you are ready..." X%E X%Cp R 00011 X"Well, I didn't expect to see you back. It shows that you are either stupid, Xor you are finally ready to accept my offer. Let us hope for your sake it Xisn't stupidity that brings you back." X%E X%Cp R 00012 X"Did you perhaps mistake me for some other %l? You must Xthink me as stupid as your behavior. I warn you not to try my patience." X%E X%Cc R 00013 X"Well %gp, it looks like our friend has forgotten who is the boss Xaround here. Our friend seems to think that %rp have been put in Xcharge. Wrong. DEAD WRONG!" X XYour sudden shift in surroundings prevents you from hearing the end Xof the %l's curse. X%E X%Cc R 00014 X"In the time that you've been gone you've only been able to master the Xarts of %ra? I've trained ten times again as many %Rp Xin that time. Maybe I should send one of them, no? Where would that Xleave you, %p? Oh yeah, I remember, I was going to kill you!" X%E X%Cc R 00015 X"Maybe I should chain you to my perch here for a while. Perhaps watching Xreal %A men at work will bring some sense back to you. I don't Xthink I could stand the sight of you for that long though. Come back Xwhen you can be trusted to act properly." X%E X%Cc R 00016 X"Will everyone not going to retrieve %o from that Xjerk, the %n, take one step backwards. Good choice, X%p, because I was going to send you anyway. My other %gp Xare too valuable to me. X X"Here's the deal. I want %o, the %n Xhas %o. You are going to get %o Xand bring it back to me. So simple an assignment even you can understand Xit." X%E X%Cc R 00020 X"You don't seem to understand, %o isn't here so Xneither should you be!" X%E X%Cp R 00021 X"May %d curse you with lead fingers. Get going!" X%E X%Cp R 00022 X"We don't have all year. GET GOING!" X%E X%Cc R 00023 X"How would you like a scar necklace? I'm just the jeweler to do it!" X%E X%Cp R 00024 X"Lazy S.O.B. Maybe I should call up someone else..." X%E X%Cp R 00025 X"Maybe I should open your skull and see if my instructions are inside?" X%E X%Cp R 00026 X"This is not a task you can complete in the afterlife, you know." X%E X%Cc R 00027 X"Inside every living person is a dead person trying to get out, and I have Xyour key!" X%E X%Cp R 00028 X"We're almost out of hell-hound chow, so why don't you just get moving!" X%E X%Cp R 00029 X"You know, %o isn't going to come when you Xwhistle. You must get it yourself." X%E X%Cp R 00030 XThose damn little hairs tell you that you are nearer to X%o. X%E X%Cp R 00031 XNot wanting to face the %l without having stolen X%o, you continue. X%E X%Cc R 00040 XYou feel a great swelling up of courage, sensing the presence of X%o. Or is it fear? X%E X%Cp R 00041 XThe hairs on the back of your neck whisper -- it's fear. X%E X%Cc R 00050 X"Ah! You must be the %l's ... er, `hero'. A pleasure Xto meet you." X%E X%Cc R 00051 X"We meet again. Please reconsider your actions." X%E X%Cp R 00052 X"Surely, %p, you have learned that you cannot trust any bargains Xthat the %l has made. I can show you how to continue on Xyour quest without having to run into him again." X%E X%Cp R 00053 X"Please, think for a moment about what you are doing. Do you truly Xbelieve that %d would want the %l to have X%o?" X%E X%Cp R 00060 X"May I suggest a compromise. Are you interested in gold or gems?" X%E X%Cp R 00061 X"Please don't force me to kill you." X%E X%Cp R 00062 X"Grim times are upon us all. Will you not see reason?" X%E X%Cp R 00063 X"I knew the %l, and you're no %l, thankfully." X%E X%Cp R 00064 X"It is a shame that we are not meeting under more pleasant circumstances." X%E X%Cp R 00065 X"I was once like you are now, %p. Believe in me -- our way Xis better." X%E X%Cp R 00066 X"Stay with me, and I will make you %o's guardian." X%E X%Cp R 00067 X"When you return, with or without %o, Xthe %l will have you killed." X%E X%Cp R 00068 X"Do not be fooled; I am prepared to kill to defend %o." X%E X%Cp R 00069 X"I can reunite you with the Twain. Oh, the stories you can swap." X%E X%Cc R 00070 X"As you pick up %o, the hairs on the back of your Xneck fall out. At once you realize why the %n was Xwilling to die to keep it out of the %l's hands. Somehow Xyou know that you must do likewise." X%E X%Cc R 00080 X"I know what you are thinking, %p. It is not too late for you Xto use %o wisely. For the sake of your guild X%sp, do what is right." X XYou sit and wait for death to come for the %n, and then you Xbrace yourself for your next meeting with the %l! X%E X%Cc R 00081 X"Well, I'll be damned. You got it. I am proud of you, a fine %r Xyou've turned out to be. X X"While you were gone I got to thinking, you and %o Xtogether could bring me more treasure than either of you apart, so why don't Xyou take it with you. All I ask is a cut of whatever loot you come by. XThat is a better deal than I offered the %n. X X"But, you see what happened to the %n when he refused. XDon't make me find another to send after you this time." X%E X%Cc R 00090 X"Quite the little thief, aren't we, %p. Can I interest you in a Xswap for %o. Look around, anything in the keep Xis yours for the asking." X%E X%Cc R 00091 X"I see that with your abilities, and my brains, we could rule this world. X X"All that we would need to be all-powerful is for you to take that little Xtrinket you've got there up to the Astral plane. From there, %d will Xshow you what to do with it. Once that's done, we will be invincible!" X%E X# X# Samurai X# X%Cc S 00001 XEven before your senses adjust, you recognize the kami of X%H. X XBut why is the standard of your teki, %n, flying Xabove the town? Why are ronin wandering freely, where are the Xsamurai of your daimyo, %l? X XYou quickly say a prayer to Izanagi and Izanami and walk towards Xtown. X%E X%Cp S 00002 XOnce again, you are back at %H. X%E X%Cp S 00003 XYou are back at %H. X XInstantly you sense a subtle change in your karma. You seem to know that Xif you do not succeed in your quest, %n will have destroyed Xthe kami of %H before you return again. X%E X%Cp S 00005 X"To succeed, you must walk like a butterfly on the wind." X%E X%Cp S 00006 X"Ikaga desu ka?" X%E X%Cp S 00007 X"I fear for The Land of The Gods." X%E X%Cp S 00008 X"%n has hired the Ninja -- be careful." X%E X%Cp S 00009 X"If %o is not returned, we will all be ronin." X%E X%Cc S 00010 X"Ah, %p-san, it is good to see you again. I need someone who can Xlead my samurai against %n. If you are ready, you will be Xthat person." X%E X%Cp S 00011 X"Once again, %p-san, you kneel before me. Are you yet capable of Xbeing my vassal?" X%E X%Cp S 00012 X"You begin to test my matsu, %p-san. XIf you cannot determine what I want in a samurai, how can I rely on you Xto figure out what I need from a samurai?" X%E X%Cp S 00013 X"You are no longer my samurai, %p. X X"Hara-kiri is denied. You are ordered to shave your head and then to Xbecome a monk. Your fief and family are forfeit. Wakarimasu?" X%E X%Cp S 00014 X"%p-san, you have learned well and honored your family. XI require the skills of %Ra in order to defeat %n. XGo and seek out teachers. Learn what they have learned. When you Xare ready, return to me." X%E X%Cp S 00015 X"%p-san, you would do better to join the kyokaku. X X"You have skills, but until you can call upon the bushido to know when and Xhow to use them you are not samurai. When you can think %A and Xact %A then return." X%E X%Cc S 00016 X"Domo %p-san, indeed you are ready. I can now tell you what Xit is that I require of you. X X"The daimyo, %n, has betrayed us. He has stolen from us X%o and taken it to his donjon deep within X%i. X X"If I cannot show the emperor %o when he comes Xfor the festival he will know that I have failed in my duty, and Xrequest that I commit seppuku. X X"You must gain entrance to %i and retrieve the Xemperor's property. Be quick! The emperor will be here for the Xcha-no-you in 5 sticks. X X"Wakarimasu?" X%E X%Cp S 00020 X"To defeat %n you must overcome the seven emotions: Xhate, adoration, joy, anxiety, anger, grief, and fear." X%E X%Cp S 00021 X"Remember your honor is my honor, you perform in my name." X%E X%Cp S 00022 X"I will go to the temple and burn incense for your safe return." X%E X%Cp S 00023 X"Sayonara." X%E X%Cp S 00024 X"There can be honor in defeat, but no gain." X%E X%Cp S 00025 X"Your kami must be strong in order to succeed." X%E X%Cp S 00026 X"You are indeed a worthy %R, but now you must be a worthy samurai." X%E X%Cp S 00027 X"If you fail, %n will be like a tai-fun on the land." X%E X%Cp S 00028 X"If you are truly %A, %d will listen." X%E X%Cp S 00029 X"Sharpen your swords and your wits for the task before you." X%E X%Cc S 00030 XYou instinctively reach for your swords. You do not recognize the Xlay of this land, but you know that your teki are everywhere. X%E X%Cp S 00031 XThankful that your %sp at %H cannot see Xyour fear, you prepare again to advance. X%E X%Cc S 00040 XIn your mind, you hear the taunts of %n. X XYou become like the rice plant and bend to the ground, offering a Xprayer to %d. But when the wind has passed, you stand Xproudly again. Putting your kami in the hands of fate, you advance. X%E X%Cp S 00041 XAs you arrive once again at the home of %n, your thoughts Xturn only to %o. X%E X%Cp S 00050 X"Ah, so it is to be you, %p-san. I offer you seppuku. XI will be your second if you wish." X%E X%Cp S 00051 X"I have offered you the honorable exit. Now I will have your Xhead to send unwashed to %l." X%E X%Cp S 00052 X"After I have dispatched you, I will curse your kami." X%E X%Cp S 00053 X"You have fought my samurai; surely you must know that you Xwill not be able to take %o back to X%H." X%E X%Cp S 00060 X"Ahh, I finally meet the daimyo of the kyokaku!" X%E X%Cp S 00061 X"There is no honor for me in your death." X%E X%Cp S 00062 X"You know that I cannot resash my swords until they have killed." X%E X%Cp S 00063 X"Your presence only compounds the dishonor of %l in not coming himself." X%E X%Cp S 00064 X"I will make tea with your hair and serve it to %l." X%E X%Cp S 00065 X"Your fear shows in your eyes, coward!" X%E X%Cp S 00066 X"I have not heard of you, %p-san; has your life been that unworthy?" X%E X%Cp S 00067 X"If you will not obey me, you will die." X%E X%Cp S 00068 X"Kneel now and make the two cuts of honor. I will tell your %sp Xof your honorable death." X%E X%Cp S 00069 X"Your master was a poor teacher. You will pay for his mistakes in Xyour teaching." X%E X%Cc S 00070 XAs you pick up %o, you feel the strength of its karma. XYou realize at once why so many good samurai had to die to defend it. XYou are humbled knowing that you hold one of the artifacts of the Xsun god. X%E X%Cc S 00080 XYour healing skills tell you that %n's wounds are mortal. X XYou know that the bushido tells you to finish him and let his kami Xdie with honor, but the thought of so many samurai dead due to this Xman's dishonor prevents you from giving the final blow. X XYou order that his unwashed head be given to the crows and his body Xthrown into the sea. X%E X%Cc S 00081 XAs you bow before %l, he welcomes you: X X You have brought your family great honor, %p-sama. X X While you have been gone the emperor's advisors have discovered in X the ancient texts that the karma of the samurai who seeks to recover X the amulet and the karma of %o are joined X as the seasons join to make a year. X X Because you have shown such fidelity, the emperor requests X that you take leave of other obligations and continue on the X road that fate has set your feet upon. I would consider it X an honor if you would allow me to watch your household until X you return with the amulet. X XWith that, %l bows, and places his sword atop X%o. X%E X%Cp S 00090 X%l bows. "%p-sama, tell us of your search for the Amulet." X%E X%Cc S 00091 X"Ah, %p-sama. You have wasted your efforts returning home. XNow that you are in possession of the Amulet, you are honor-bound to Xfinish the quest you have undertaken. There will be plenty of time Xfor saki and stories when you have finished. X X"Go now, and may our prayers be a wind at your back." X%E X# X# Tourist X# X%Cc T 00001 XYou breathe a sigh of relief as you find yourself back in the familiar Xsurroundings of %H. X XYou quickly notice that things do not appear the way they did when you Xleft. The town is dark and quiet. There are no sounds coming from Xbehind the town walls, and no campfires burning in the fields. As a Xmatter of fact, you do not %x any movement in the fields at all, and Xthe crops look as though they have been untended for many weeks. X%E X%Cp T 00002 XOnce again, you are back at %H. X%E X%Cp T 00003 XYou are back at %H. XThings appear to have become so bad that you fear that soon X%H will not be here to return to. X%E X%Cp T 00005 X"Gehennom on 5 zorkmids a day -- more like 500 a day if you ask me." X%E X%Cp T 00006 X"Do you know where I could find some nice postcards of The Gnomish Mines?" X%E X%Cp T 00007 X"Have you tried the weird toilets?" X%E X%Cp T 00008 X"Don't stay at the Inn, I hear the food is terrible and it has rats." X%E X%Cp T 00009 X"They told me that this was the off season!" X%E X%Cc T 00010 X"Is it really you, %p! I had given up hope for your return. XAs you can %x, we are desperately in need of your talents. Someone must Xdefeat the %n if our town is become what it once was. X X"Let me see if you are ready to be that someone." X%E X%Cp T 00011 X"Things are getting worse, %p. XI hope that this time you are ready." X%E X%Cp T 00012 X"I hope that for the sake of %H you have prepared Xyourself this time." X%E X%Cc T 00013 X"It is too late, %p. You are not even worthy to die amongst us. XLeave %H and never return." X%E X%Cc T 00014 X"There is still too much that you have to learn before you can undertake Xthe next step. Return to us as a proven %R, and perhaps then Xyou will be ready. X X"Go back now, and may the teachings of %d serve you well." X%E X%Cc T 00015 X"It would be an affront to %d to have one not true to the X%a path undertake her bidding. X X"You must not return to us until you have purified yourself of these Xbad influences on your actions. Remember, only by following the %a Xpath can you hope to overcome the obstacles you will face." X%E X%Cc T 00016 X%E X"You have indeed proven yourself a worthy %c, %p. X X"But now your kinfolk and I must ask you to put aside your travels and Xhelp us in our time of need. After you left us we elected a new mayor, Xthe %n. He proved to be a most heinous and vile creature. X X"Soon after taking office he absconded with %o Xand fled town, leaving behind his henchmen to rule over us. In order Xfor us to regain control of our town, you must enter %i Xand recover %o. X X"Do not be distracted on your quest. If you do not return quickly I fear Xthat all will be lost. Let us both pray now that %d will guide you Xand keep you safe." X%Cp T 00020 X"Do not be fooled by the false promises of the %n." X%E X%Cp T 00021 X"To enter %i you must pass many traps." X%E X%Cp T 00022 X"If you do not return with %o, your quest Xwill be in vain." X%E X%Cp T 00023 X"Do not be afraid to call upon %d if you truly need help." X%E X%Cp T 00024 X"If you do not destroy the %n, he will follow you back here!" X%E X%Cp T 00025 X"Take %o from the %n Xand you may be able to defeat him." X%E X%Cp T 00026 X"You must hurry, %p!" X%E X%Cp T 00027 X"You are like %Sa to me, %p. Do not let me down." X%E X%Cp T 00028 X"If you are %a at all times you may succeed, %p." X%E X%Cp T 00029 X"Let all who meet you on your journey know that you are on an quest for X%l and grant safe passage." X%E X%Cp T 00030 XOnly your faith in %d keeps you from trembling. You %x Xthe handiwork of the %n's henchlings everywhere. X%E X%Cp T 00031 XYou know that this time you must find and destroy the %n. X%E X%Cp T 00040 XYou sense the presence of %o. X%E X%Cp T 00041 XYou gain confidence, knowing that you may soon be united with X%o. X%E X%Cc T 00050 X"So, %p, %l thinks that you can wrest X%o from me! X X"It only proves how desperate he has become that he sends %ra to Xtry and defeat me. When this day is over, I will have you enslaved Xin the mines where you will rue the day that you ever entered X%i." X%E X%Cc T 00051 X"I let you live the last time because it gave me pleasure. This time I will Xdestroy you, %p." X%E X%Cp T 00052 X"These meetings come to bore me. You disturb my workings with X%o. X X"If you do not run away now, I will inflict so much suffering on you that X%l will feel guilty for ever having sent his %S to me!" X%E X%Cp T 00053 X"You fool. You do not know how to call upon the powers of X%o. X X"Return it to me and I will teach you how to use it, and together we Xwill rule %H. But do so now, as my patience Xgrows thin." X%E X%Cp T 00060 X"I defeated %l and I will defeat you, %p." X%E X%Cp T 00061 X"Where is %d now! You must realize no one can help you here." X%E X%Cp T 00062 X"Beg for mercy now and I may be lenient on you." X%E X%Cp T 00063 X"If you were not so %a, you might have stood a chance." X%E X%Cp T 00064 X"Vengeance is mine at last, %p." X%E X%Cp T 00065 X"I only wish that %l had a more worthy %r to send against me." X%E X%Cp T 00066 X"With %o in my possession you cannot Xhope to defeat me." X%E X%Cp T 00067 X"The %n has never been defeated, NEVER!" X%E X%Cp T 00068 X"Are you truly the best %H has to send against me? XI pity %l." X%E X%Cp T 00069 X"How do you spell %p? I want to ensure the marker on your grave is Xcorrect as a warning to your %sp." X%E X%Cc T 00070 XAs you pick up %o, you feel a great Xweight has been lifted from your shoulders. Your only thoughts are Xto quickly return to %H and find %l. X%E X%Cc T 00080 XYou turn in the direction of %n. As his earthly body begins Xto vanish before your eyes, you hear him curse: X X You shall never be rid of me, %p! X I will find you where ever you go and regain what is rightly mine. X%E X%Cc T 00081 XAs %l detects the presence of %o, Xhe almost smiles for the first time in many a full moon. X XAs he looks up from %o he says: X X You have recovered %o. You are its X owner now, but not its master. Let it work with you as you continue X your journey. With its help, and %d to guide you on the X %a path, you may yet recover the Amulet of Yendor. X%E X%Cc T 00090 X"I could not be more proud than if you were my own %S, %p! XTell me of your adventures in quest of the Amulet of Yendor." X%E X%Cc T 00091 X"Stand back and let me look at you, %p. XNow that you have recovered the Amulet of Yendor, I'm afraid living Xout your days in %H would seem pretty tame. X X"You have come too far to stop now, for there are still more tasks that Xour oral history foretells for you. Forever more, though, your name shall Xbe spoken by the %gP with awe. You are truly an inspiration to your X%sp!" X%E X# X# Valkyrie X# X%Cc V 00001 XYou materialize at the base of a snowy hill. Atop the hill sits Xa place you know well, %H. You immediately realize Xthat something here is very wrong! X XIn places, the snow and ice have been melted into steaming pools of Xwater. Fumaroles and pools of bubbling lava surround the hill. XThe stench of sulphur is carried through the air, and you %x creatures Xthat should not be able to live in this environment moving towards you. X%E X%Cp V 00002 XOnce again, you are near the abode of the %l. X%E X%Cp V 00003 XAgain you materialize near the %l's abode. You have a nagging feeling Xthat this may be the last time you come here. X%E X%Cp V 00005 X"Hail, and well met, brave %c." X%E X%Cp V 00006 X"May %d guide your steps, %p." X%E X%Cp V 00007 X"The %l weakens. Without %o, her foresight is dim." X%E X%Cp V 00008 X"You must hurry, %p, else Ragnarok may well come." X%E X%Cp V 00009 X"I would deal with this foul %n myself, but %d forbids it." X%E X%Cc V 00010 X"Ah, %p, my %S. You have returned to %H Xat last. We are in dire need of your aid, but I must determine if you Xare yet ready for such an undertaking. X X"Let me read your fate..." X%E X%Cp V 00011 X"Let me read the future for you now, %p, perhaps you have managed to Xchange it enough..." X%E X%Cp V 00012 X"Again, I shall read your fate, my %S. Let us both hope that you have Xmade changes to become ready for this task..." X%E X%Cc V 00013 X"No, %p. Your fate is sealed. I must cast about for another Xchampion. Begone from my presence, and never return. Know this, that Xyou shall never succeed in this life, and Valhalla is denied to you." X%E X%Cc V 00014 X"I see you and %n fighting, %p. But you are not prepared and Xshall die at %n's hand if you proceed. No. This will not do. XGo back out into the world, and grow more experienced at the ways of Xwar. Only when you have returned %Ra will you be able to defeat X%n." X%E X%Cc V 00015 X"NO! This is terrible. I see you becoming an ally of %n, and Xleading his armies in the final great battles. This must not come to Xpass! You have strayed from the %a path. You must purge yourself, Xand return here only when you have regained a state of purity." X%E X%Cc V 00016 X"It is not clear, %p, for my sight is limited without X%o. But it is now likely that you can defeat %n, Xand recover %o. X X"A short time ago, %n and his minions attacked this place. They Xopened the huge volcanic vents you %x about the hill, and attacked. XI knew that this was to come to pass, and had asked %d for a group Xof %gP to help defend this place. The few you %x here are the Xmightiest of Valhalla's own, and are all that are left of one hundred X%d sent. X X"Despite the great and glorious battle we fought, %n managed at last Xto steal %o. This has upset the balance of the universe, and Xunless %o is returned into my care, %n may start Ragnarok. X X"You must find the entrance to %i. Travel downward Xfrom there and you will find %n's lair. Defeat him and Xreturn %o to me." X%E X%Cp V 00020 X"Go with the blessings of %d." X%E X%Cp V 00021 X"Call upon %d when you are in need." X%E X%Cp V 00022 X"Use %o if you can. It will protect you." X%E X%Cp V 00023 X"Magical cold is very effective against %n." X%E X%Cp V 00024 X"To face %n, you will need to be immune to fire." X%E X%Cp V 00025 X"May %d strengthen your sword-arm." X%E X%Cp V 00026 X"Trust in %d. He will not desert you." X%E X%Cp V 00027 X"It becomes more likely that Ragnarok will come with every passing moment. XYou must hurry, %p." X%E X%Cp V 00028 X"If %n can master %o, he will be powerful enough to Xface %d far earlier than is fated. This must not be!" X%E X%Cp V 00029 X"Remember your training, %p. You can succeed." X%E X%Cc V 00030 XThe ice and snow gives way to a valley floor. You %x ahead of you Xa huge round hill surrounded by pools of lava. This then is the entrance Xto %i. It looks like you're not going to get in without Xa fight though. X%E X%Cp V 00031 XOnce again, you stand before the entrance to %i. X%E X%Cc V 00040 XThrough clouds of sulphurous gasses, you %x a rock palisade Xsurrounded with a moat of bubbling lava. You remember the description Xfrom something that the %l said. This is the lair of %n. X%E X%Cp V 00041 XOnce again, you stand in sight of %n's lair. X%E X%Cc V 00050 X"So! The %l has finally sent %ca to challenge me! X X"I thought that mastering %o would enable me to challenge %d, Xbut it has shown me that first I must kill you! XSo come, little %s. Once I defeat you, I can at last begin Xthe final battle with %d." X%E X%Cp V 00051 X"Again you challenge me, %r. Good. I will kill you now." X%E X%Cp V 00052 X"Have you not learned yet? You cannot defeat %n!" X%E X%Cp V 00053 X"I will kill you, %c, and wrest %o from your mangled hands." X%E X%Cp V 00060 X"I am your death, %c." X%E X%Cp V 00061 X"You cannot prevail, %r. I have foreseen your every move." X%E X%Cp V 00062 X"With you out of the way, Valhalla will be mine for the taking." X%E X%Cp V 00063 X"I killed scores of %d's best when I took %o. XDo you really think that one %c can stand against me?" X%E X%Cp V 00064 X"Who bears the souls of %cP to Valhalla, %r?" X%E X%Cp V 00065 X"No, %d cannot help you here." X%E X%Cp V 00066 X"Some instrument of %d you are, %p. You are a weakling!" X%E X%Cp V 00067 X"Never have I seen %ca so clumsy in battle." X%E X%Cp V 00068 X"You die now, little %s." X%E X%Cp V 00069 X"Your body I destroy now, your soul when my hordes overrun Valhalla!" X%E X%Cc V 00070 XAs you pick up %o, your mind is suddenly filled with images, Xand you perceive all of the possibilities of each potential choice you Xcould make. As you begin to control and channel your thoughts, you Xrealize that you must return %o to the %l immediately. X%E X%Cc V 00080 XA look of surprise and horror appears on %n's face. X X No!!! %o has lied to me! I have been misled! X XSuddenly, %n grasps his head and screams in agony, then dies. X%E X%Cc V 00081 XAs you approach, the %l rises and touches %o. X X"You may take %o with you, %p. I have removed from Xit the power to foretell the future, for that power no mortal should Xhave. Its other abilities, however, you have at your disposal. X X"You must now begin in %d's name to search for the Amulet of Yendor. XMay your steps be guided by %d, my %S." X%E X%Cp V 00090 X"Greetings, %p. I have not been able to pay as much attention to Xyour search for the Amulet as I have wished. How do you fare?" X%E X%Cc V 00091 X"Excellent, %p. I see you have recovered the Amulet! X X"You must take the Amulet to the Great Temple of %d, on the Astral Xplane. There you must offer the Amulet to %d. X X"Go now, my %S. I cannot tell you your fate, as the power of the XAmulet interferes with mine. I hope for your success." X%E X# X# Wizard X# X%Cc W 00001 XYou are suddenly in familiar surroundings. You notice what appears to Xbe a large, squat stone structure nearby. Wait! That looks like the Xtower of your old master, the %l. X XHowever, things are not the same as when you were last here. Mists and Xareas of unexplained darkness surround the tower. There is movement in Xthe shadows. X XYour master would never allow such unaesthetic forms to surround the Xtower... unless something were dreadfully wrong! X%E X%Cp W 00002 XOnce again, you are back at %H. X%E X%Cp W 00003 XYou are back at %H. XYou have an odd feeling this may be the last time you ever come here. X%E X%Cp W 00005 X"Would you happen to have some eye of newt in that overstuffed pack, %s?" X%E X%Cp W 00006 X"Ah, the spell to create the magic portal worked. Outstanding!" X%E X%Cp W 00007 X"Hurry! The %l may not survive that casting of the Xportal spell!!" X%E X%Cp W 00008 X"We must strive to return balance to the world, or all is lost." X%E X%Cp W 00009 X"I, too, will venture into the world, because the %n is but one of Xmany evils to be vanquished." X%E X%Cc W 00010 X"Come closer, %p, for my voice falters in my old age. XYes, I see that you have come a long way since you went out into the Xworld, leaving the safe confines of this tower. However, I must first Xdetermine if you have all of the skills required to take on the task XI require of you." X%E X%Cp W 00011 X"Well, %p, you have returned. Perhaps you are now ready..." X%E X%Cp W 00012 X"This is getting tedious, %p, but perseverance is a sign of a true mage. XI certainly hope that you are truly ready this time!" X%E X%Cc W 00013 X"You fool, %p! Why did I waste all of those years teaching you Xthe esoteric arts? Get out of here! I shall find another." X%E X%Cc W 00014 X"Alas, %p, you have not yet shown your proficiency as a worthy Xspellcaster. As %ra, you would surely be overcome in the challenge Xahead. Go, now, expand your horizons, and return when you have attained Xrenown as %Ra." X%E X%Cc W 00015 X"You amaze me, %p! How many times did I tell you that Balance Xrequires care. One must use the world with care, lest one leave it in ruins Xand simplify the task of the %n. X X"You must go back and show your worthiness. Do not return until you are Xtruly ready for this quest. May %d guide you in this task." X%E X%Cc W 00016 X%E X"Yes, %p, you truly are ready for this dire task. Listen, Xcarefully, for what I tell you now will be of vital importance. X X"Since you left us to hone your skills in the world, we unexpectedly came Xunder attack by the forces of the %n. As you know, we thought Xthe %n had perished at the end of the last age, but, alas, this was Xnot the case. X X"The %n sent an army of abominations against us. Among them was a Xminion, mindless and ensorcelled, and thus, in the confusion, it was able Xto penetrate our defenses. Alas, this creature has stolen X%o and I fear it has delivered %o Xto the %n. X X"Over the years, I had woven most of my power into this amulet, and thus, Xwithout it, I have but a shadow of my former power, and I fear that I Xshall soon perish. X X"You must travel to %i, and within its dungeons, Xfind and overcome the %n, and return %o to me. X X"Go now, with %d, and return Balance to the world." X%Cp W 00020 X"Beware, for the %n is immune to most magical attacks." X%E X%Cp W 00021 X"To enter %i you must pass many traps." X%E X%Cp W 00022 X"The %n may be vulnerable to physical attacks." X%E X%Cp W 00023 X"%d will come to your aid when you call." X%E X%Cp W 00024 X"You must utterly destroy the %n. He will pursue you otherwise." X%E X%Cp W 00025 X"%oC is a mighty artifact. With it you can Xdestroy the %n." X%E X%Cp W 00026 X"Go forth with the blessings of %d." X%E X%Cp W 00027 X"I will have my %gP watch for your return." X%E X%Cp W 00028 X"Feel free to take any items in that chest that might aid you." X%E X%Cp W 00029 X"You will know when %o is near. Proceed with care!" X%E X%Cp W 00030 XWisps of fog swirl nearby. You feel that the %n's lair is close. X%E X%Cp W 00031 XYou believe that you may once again invade %i. X%E X%Cp W 00040 XYou feel your mentor's presence; perhaps %o is nearby. X%E X%Cp W 00041 XThe aura of %o tingles at the edge of your perception. X%E X%Cc W 00050 X"Ah, I recognize you, %p. So, the %l has sent you to steal X%o from me, hmmm? Well, the %l is a Xfool to send such a mental weakling against me. X X"Your destruction, however, should make for good sport. In the end, you Xshall beg me to kill you!" X%E X%Cc W 00051 X"How nice of you to return, %p! I enjoyed our last meeting. Are you Xstill hungry for more pain? X X"Come! Your soul, like %o, shall soon be mine to Xcommand." X%E X%Cp W 00052 X"I'm sure that your perseverance shall be the subject of innumerable Xballads, but you shall not be around to hear them, I fear!" X%E X%Cp W 00053 X"Thief! %o belongs to me, now. I shall feed Xyour living flesh to my minions." X%E X%Cp W 00060 X"Your puny powers are no match for me, fool!" X%E X%Cp W 00061 X"When you are defeated, your torment will last for a thousand years." X%E X%Cp W 00062 X"After your downfall, %p, I shall devour the %l Xfor dessert!" X%E X%Cp W 00063 X"Are you ready yet to beg for mercy? I could be lenient..." X%E X%Cp W 00064 X"Your soul shall join the enslaved multitude I command!" X%E X%Cp W 00065 X"Your lack of will is evident, and you shall die as a result." X%E X%Cp W 00066 X"Your faith in %d is for naught! Come, submit to me now!" X%E X%Cp W 00067 X"A mere %r is nothing compared to my skill!" X%E X%Cp W 00068 X"So, you are the best hope of the %l? How droll." X%E X%Cp W 00069 X"Feel my power, %c! My victory is imminent!" X%E X%Cc W 00070 XAs you touch %o, its comforting power infuses you Xwith new energy. You feel as if you can detect others' thoughts flowing Xthrough it. Although you yearn to wear %o Xand attack the Wizard of Yendor, you know you must return it to its Xrightful owner, the %l. X%E X%Cc W 00080 XThe %n croaks out, as his body begins to shrivel up: X X I shall haunt your progress until the end of time. A thousand X curses on you and the %l. X XThen, the body bursts into a cloud of choking dust, and blows away. X%E X%Cc W 00081 XThe %l notices %o in your possession, Xbeams at you and says: X X I knew you could defeat the %n and retrieve X %o. We shall never forget this X brave service. X X Take %o with you in your quest for X the Amulet of Yendor. I can sense that it has attuned X itself to you already. X X May %d guide you in your quest, and keep you from harm. X%E X%Cc W 00090 X"Come near, my %S, and share your adventures with me. So, have you Xsucceeded in your quest for the Amulet of Yendor?" X%E X%Cc W 00091 X"Congratulations, %p. I always knew that if anyone could succeed Xin defeating the Wizard of Yendor and his minions, it would be you. X X"Go now, and take the Amulet to the astral plane. Once there, present Xthe Amulet on the altar of %d. Along the way you shall pass through the Xfour elemental planes. These planes are like nothing you have ever Xexperienced before, so be prepared! X X"For this you were born, %s! I am very proud of you." X%E X# X# General X# X%Cc - 00001 XIt is written in the Book of %d: X X After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled X against the authority of Marduk the Creator. X Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all X the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor, X and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the X Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time. X XYour god %d seeks to possess the Amulet, and with it Xto gain deserved ascendance over the other gods. X XYou, a newly trained %r, have been heralded Xfrom birth as the instrument of %d. You are destined Xto recover the Amulet for your deity, or die in the Xattempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake Xof us all: Go bravely with %d! X%E X%Cp - 00002 XYou receive a faint telepathic message from %l: XYour help is urgently needed at %H! XLook for a ...ic transporter. XYou couldn't quite make out that last message. X%E X%Cp - 00003 XYou again sense %l pleading for help. X%E X# X# Angelic maledictions. X# X%Cp - 00010 X"Repent, and thou shalt be saved!" X%E X%Cp - 00011 X"Thou shalt pay for thine insolence!" X%E X%Cp - 00012 X"Very soon, my child, thou shalt meet thy maker." X%E X%Cp - 00013 X"The great %D has sent me to make you pay for your sins!" X%E X%Cp - 00014 X"The wrath of %D is now upon you!" X%E X%Cp - 00015 X"Thy life belongs to %D now!" X%E X%Cp - 00016 X"Dost thou wish to receive thy final blessing?" X%E X%Cp - 00017 X"Thou art but a godless void." X%E X%Cp - 00018 X"Thou art not worthy to seek the Amulet." X%E X%Cp - 00019 X"No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!" X%E X# X# Demonic maledictions. X# X%Cp - 00030 X"I first mistook thee for a statue, when I regarded thy head of stone." X%E X%Cp - 00031 X"Come here often?" X%E X%Cp - 00032 X"Dost pain excite thee? Wouldst thou prefer the whip?" X%E X%Cp - 00033 X"Thinkest thou it shall tickle as I rip out thy lungs?" X%E X%Cp - 00034 X"Eat slime and die!" X%E X%Cp - 00035 X"Go ahead, fetch thy mama! I shall wait." X%E X%Cp - 00036 X"Go play leapfrog with a herd of unicorns!" X%E X%Cp - 00037 X"Hast thou been drinking, or art thou always so clumsy?" X%E X%Cp - 00038 X"This time I shall let thee off with a spanking, but let it not happen again." X%E X%Cp - 00039 X"I've met smarter (and prettier) acid blobs." X%E X%Cp - 00040 X"Look! Thy bootlace is undone!" X%E X%Cp - 00041 X"Mercy! Dost thou wish me to die of laughter?" X%E X%Cp - 00042 X"Run away! Live to flee another day!" X%E X%Cp - 00043 X"Thou hadst best fight better than thou canst dress!" X%E X%Cp - 00044 X"Twixt thy cousin and thee, Medusa is the prettier." X%E X%Cp - 00045 X"Methinks thou wert unnaturally interested in yon corpse back there, eh, varlet?" X%E X%Cp - 00046 X"Up thy nose with a rubber hose!" X%E X%Cp - 00047 X"Verily, thy corpse could not smell worse!" X%E X%Cp - 00048 X"Wait! I shall polymorph into a grid bug to give thee a fighting chance!" X%E X%Cp - 00049 X"Why search for the Amulet? Thou wouldst but lose it, cretin." X%E X X# X# TEST PATTERN X# X%Cc - 00099 X %p: return(plname); X %c: return(pl_character); X %r: return((char *)rank_of(u.ulevel)); X %R: return((char *)rank_of(MIN_QUEST_LEVEL)); X %s: return((flags.female) ? "sister" : "brother" ); X %S: return((flags.female) ? "daughter" : "son" ); X %l: return((char *)ldrname()); X %i: return(intermed()); X %o: return(artiname()); X %n: return((char *)neminame()); X %g: return((char *)guardname()); X %H: return((char *)homebase()); X %a: return(Alignnam(u.ualignbase[0])); X %A: return(Alignnam(u.ualign.type)); X %d: return((char *)u_gname()); X %D: return((char *)align_gname(A_LAWFUL)); X %C: return("chaotic"); X %N: return("neutral"); X %L: return("lawful"); X %x: return((Blind) ? "sense" : "see"); X %%: return(percent_sign); X a suffix: return an(root); X A suffix: return An(root); X C suffix: return capitalized(root); X p suffix: return makeplural(root); X P suffix: return makeplural(capitalized(root)); X%E END_OF_FILE if test 41095 -ne `wc -c <'dat/quest.txt2'`; then echo shar: \"'dat/quest.txt2'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'dat/quest.txt2' if test -f 'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Renaming existing file \"'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx'\" to \"'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx.orig'\" mv -f 'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx' 'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx.orig' fi echo shar: Extracting \"'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx'\" \(16137 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'sys/mac/MDproj.hqx' <<'END_OF_FILE' X(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) X X:$8eKDf9%C@Cc,R"bEfS!8&*25NY"5%`!!!!!!!!!!#iFaU`!!!!!!3!!!#[e!!! XUp3!!!LF!!"Qk&94)58j,)&"bEfTPBh3J6@&ZB@GPFJ)!!!""8!T0B@YP4'9QFbk Xj!!)!!!"38Np+5d&)6!%!rrrrr`!!!!"38Np+5d&)6!%!rrrrr`!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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