Linux System Administrator/DevOps Interview Questions ==================================================== A collection of linux sysadmin/devops interview questions. Feel free to contribute via pull requests, issues or email messages. ## Table of Contents 1. [Contributors](#contributors) 1. [General Questions](#general) 1. [Simple Linux Questions](#simple) 1. [Medium Linux Questions](#medium) 1. [Hard Linux Questions](#hard) 1. [Expert Linux Questions](#expert) 1. [Networking Questions](#network) 1. [MySQL Questions](#mysql) 1. [DevOps Questions](#devop) 1. [Fun Questions](#fun) 1. [Demo Time](#demo) 1. [Other Great References](#references) #### [[⬆]](#toc) Contributors: * [moregeek]( * [typhonius]( * [schumar]( * [negesti]( * peter * [andreashappe]( * [quatrix]( * [biyanisuraj]( * [pedroguima]( * Ben * [bharatnc]( #### [[⬆]](#toc) General Questions: * What did you learn yesterday/this week? * Talk about your preferred development/administration environment. (OS, Editor, Browsers, Tools etc.) * Tell me about the last major Linux project you finished. * Tell me about the biggest mistake you've made in [some recent time period] and how you would do it differently today. What did you learn from this experience? * Why we must choose you? * What function does DNS play on a network? * What is HTTP? * What is an HTTP proxy and how does it work? * Describe briefly how HTTPS works. * What is SMTP? Give the basic scenario of how a mail message is delivered via SMTP. * What is RAID? What is RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID10? * What is a level 0 backup? What is an incremental backup? * Describe the general file system hierarchy of a Linux system. * Which difference have between public and private SSH key? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Simple Linux Questions: * What is the name and the UID of the administrator user? * How to list all files, including hidden ones, in a directory? * What is the Unix/Linux command to remove a directory and its contents? * Which command will show you free/used memory? Does free memory exist on Linux? * How to search for the string "my konfu is the best" in files of a directory recursively? * How to connect to a remote server or what is SSH? * How to get all environment variables and how can you use them? * I get "command not found" when I run ```ifconfig -a```. What can be wrong? * What happens if I type TAB-TAB? * What command will show the available disk space on the Unix/Linux system? * What commands do you know that can be used to check DNS records? * What Unix/Linux commands will alter a files ownership, files permissions? * What does ```chmod +x FILENAME``` do? * What does the permission 0750 on a file mean? * What does the permission 0750 on a directory mean? * How to add a new system user without login permissions? * How to add/remove a group from a user? * What is a bash alias? * How do you set the mail address of the root/a user? * What does CTRL-c do? * What does CTRL-d do? * What does CTRL-z do? * What is in /etc/services? * How to redirect STDOUT and STDERR in bash? (> /dev/null 2>&1) * What is the difference between UNIX and Linux. * What is the difference between Telnet and SSH? * Explain the three load averages and what do they indicate. What command can be used to view the load averages? * Can you name a lower-case letter that is not a valid option for GNU ```ls```? * What is a Linux kernel module? * Walk me through the steps in booting into single user mode to troubleshoot a problem. * Walk me through the steps you'd take to troubleshoot a 404 error on a web application you administer. * What is ICMP protocol? Why do you need to use? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Medium Linux Questions: * What do the following commands do and how would you use them? * ```tee``` * ```awk``` * ```tr``` * ```cut``` * ```tac``` * ```curl``` * ```wget``` * ```watch``` * ```head``` * ```tail``` * ```less``` * ```cat``` * ```touch``` * ```sar``` * ```netstat``` * ```tcpdump``` * ```lsof``` * What does an ```&``` after a command do? * What does ```& disown``` after a command do? * What is a packet filter and how does it work? * What is Virtual Memory? * What is swap and what is it used for? * What is an A record, an NS record, a PTR record, a CNAME record, an MX record? * Are there any other RRs and what are they used for? * What is a Split-Horizon DNS? * What is the sticky bit? * What does the immutable bit do to a file? * What is the difference between hardlinks and symlinks? What happens when you remove the source to a symlink/hardlink? * What is an inode and what fields are stored in an inode? * How to force/trigger a file system check on next reboot? * What is SNMP and what is it used for? * What is a runlevel and how to get the current runlevel? * What is SSH port forwarding? * What is the difference between local and remote port forwarding? * What are the steps to add a user to a system without using useradd/adduser? * What is MAJOR and MINOR numbers of special files? * Describe the mknod command and when you'd use it. * Describe a scenario when you get a "filesystem is full" error, but 'df' shows there is free space. * Describe a scenario when deleting a file, but 'df' not showing the space being freed. * Describe how 'ps' works. * What happens to a child process that dies and has no parent process to wait for it and what’s bad about this? * Explain briefly each one of the process states. * How to know which process listens on a specific port? * What is a zombie process and what could be the cause of it? * You run a bash script and you want to see its output on your terminal and save it to a file at the same time. How could you do it? * Explain what echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward does. * Describe briefly the steps you need to take in order to create and install a valid certificate for the site * Can you have several HTTPS virtual hosts sharing the same IP? * What is a wildcard certificate? * Which Linux file types do you know? * What is the difference between a process and a thread? And parent and child processes after a fork system call? * What is the difference between exec and fork? * What is "nohup" used for? * What is the difference between these two commands? * ```myvar=hello``` * ```export myvar=hello``` * How many NTP servers would you configure in your local ntp.conf? * What does the column 'reach' mean in ```ntpq -p``` output? * You need to upgrade kernel at 100-1000 servers, how you would do this? * How can you get Host, Channel, ID, LUN of SCSI disk? * How can you limit process memory usage? * What is bash quick substitution/caret replace(^x^y)? * Do you know of any alternative shells? If so, have you used any? * What is a tarpipe (or, how would you go about copying everything, including hardlinks and special files, from one server to another)? * How can you tell if the httpd package was already installed? * How can you list the contents of a package? * How can you determine which package is better: openssh-server-5.3p1-118.1.el6_8.x86_64 or openssh-server-6.6p1-1.el6.x86_64 ? * Can you explain to me the difference between block based, and object based storage? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Hard Linux Questions: * What is a tunnel and how you can bypass a http proxy? * What is the difference between IDS and IPS? * What shortcuts do you use on a regular basis? * What is the Linux Standard Base? * What is an atomic operation? * Your freshly configured http server is not running after a restart, what can you do? * What kind of keys are in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and what it is this file used for? * I've added my public ssh key into authorized_keys but I'm still getting a password prompt, what can be wrong? * Did you ever create RPM's, DEB's or solaris pkg's? * What does ```:(){ :|:& };:``` do on your system? * How do you catch a Linux signal on a script? * Can you catch a SIGKILL? * What's happening when the Linux kernel is starting the OOM killer and how does it choose which process to kill first? * Describe the linux boot process with as much detail as possible, starting from when the system is powered on and ending when you get a prompt. * What's a chroot jail? * When trying to umount a directory it says it's busy, how to find out which PID holds the directory? * What's LD_PRELOAD and when it's used? * You ran a binary and nothing happened. How would you debug this? * What are cgroups? Can you specify a scenario where you could use them? * How can you remove/delete a file with file-name consisting of only non-printable/non-type-able characters? * How can you increase or decrease the priority of a process in Linux? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Expert Linux Questions: * A running process gets ```EAGAIN: Resource temporarily unavailable``` on reading a socket. How can you close this bad socket/file descriptor without killing the process? * What do you control with swapiness? * How do you change TCP stack buffers? How do you calculate it? * What is Huge Tables? Why isn't it enabled by default? Why and when use it? * What is LUKS? How to use it? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Networking Questions: * What is localhost and why would ```ping localhost``` fail? * What is the similarity between "ping" & "traceroute" ? How is traceroute able to find the hops. * What is the command used to show all open ports and/or socket connections on a machine? * Is 300.168.0.123 a valid IPv4 address? * Which IP ranges/subnets are "private" or "non-routable" (RFC 1918)? * What is a VLAN? * What is ARP and what is it used for? * What is the difference between TCP and UDP? * What is the purpose of a default gateway? * What is command used to show the routing table on a Linux box? * A TCP connection on a network can be uniquely defined by 4 things. What are those things? * When a client running a web browser connects to a web server, what is the source port and what is the destination port of the connection? * How do you add an IPv6 address to a specific interface? * You have added an IPv4 and IPv6 address to interface eth0. A ping to the v4 address is working but a ping to the v6 address gives you the response ```sendmsg: operation not permitted```. What could be wrong? * What is SNAT and when should it be used? * Explain how could you ssh login into a Linux system that DROPs all new incoming packets using a SSH tunnel. * How do you stop a DDoS attack? * How can you see content of an ip packet? * What is IPoAC (RFC 1149)? * What will happen when you bind port 0? #### [[⬆]](#toc) MySQL questions: * How do you create a user? * How do you provide privileges to a user? * What is the difference between a "left" and a "right" join? * Explain briefly the differences between InnoDB and MyISAM. * Describe briefly the steps you need to follow in order to create a simple master/slave cluster. * Why should you run "mysql_secure_installation" after installing MySQL? * How do you check which jobs are running? * How would you take a backup of a MySQL database? #### [[⬆]](#toc) DevOps Questions: * Can you describe your workflow when you create a script? * What is GIT? * What is a dynamically/statically linked file? * What does "./configure && make && make install" do? * What is puppet/chef/ansible used for? * What is Nagios/Zenoss/NewRelic used for? * What is Jenkins/TeamCity/GoCI used for? * What is the difference between Containers and VMs? * How do you create a new postgres user? * What is a virtual IP address? What is a cluster? * How do you print all strings of printable characters present in a file? * How do you find shared library dependencies? * What is Automake and Autoconf? * ./configure shows an error that libfoobar is missing on your system, how could you fix this, what could be wrong? * What are the advantages/disadvantages of script vs compiled program? * What's the relationship between continuous delivery and DevOps? * What are the important aspects of a system of continuous integration and deployment? * How would you enable network file sharing within AWS that would allow EC2 instances in multiple availability zones to share data? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Fun Questions: * A careless sysadmin executes the following command: ```chmod 444 /bin/chmod ``` - what do you do to fix this? * I've lost my root password, what can I do? * I've rebooted a remote server but after 10 minutes I'm still not able to ssh into it, what can be wrong? * If you were stuck on a desert island with only 5 command-line utilities, which would you choose? * You come across a random computer and it appears to be a command console for the universe. What is the first thing you type? * Tell me about a creative way that you've used SSH? * You have deleted by error a running script, what could you do to restore it? * What will happen on 19 January 2038? * How to reboot server when reboot command is not responding? #### [[⬆]](#toc) Demo Time: * Unpack test.tar.gz without man pages or google. * Remove all "*.pyc" files from testdir recursively? * Search for "my konfu is the best" in all *.py files. * Replace the occurrence of "my konfu is the best" with "I'm a linux jedi master" in all *.txt files. * Test if port 443 on a machine with IP address X.X.X.X is reachable. * Get http://myinternal.webserver.local/test.html via telnet. * How to send an email without a mail client, just on the command line? * Write a ```get_prim``` method in python/perl/bash/pseudo. * Find all files which have been accessed within the last 30 days. * Explain the following command ```(date ; ps -ef |tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq | wc -l ) >> Activity.log``` * Write a script to list all the differences between two directories. * In a log file with contents as ```