# sublime-snappy Reads Snappy files in Sublime Text. Snappy files are opened in read-only mode. # Screenshot ![screenshot](https://raw.github.com/chenditc/sublime-snappy/master/screenshot.jpg) # Installation **via Package Control** (Not ready yet) 1. Make sure you have [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) installed. 2. Open the Command Palette (`command-shift-P` on macOS; `ctrl-shift-P` on Ubuntu) and choose _Install Package_. 3. Choose _Snappy_ from the list. **via Copy Past** 1. In Sublime, Click Tools -> Developer -> New Plugin 2. Copy and paste [Snappy.py](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chenditc/sublime-snappy/master/Snappy.py) to sublime. 3. Save the file into Packages/User/Snappy.py # Requirement This sublime package depends on the [python-snappt](https://github.com/andrix/python-snappy) library. Install it via pip: ` pip3 install python-snappy ` Only python3 is supported.