-- -- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more -- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with -- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. -- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 -- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with -- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- local core = require("apisix.core") local jwt = require("resty.jwt") local ck = require("resty.cookie") local consumer = require("apisix.consumer") local http = require("resty.http") local json = require("apisix.core.json") local sub_str = string.sub local schema = { type = "object", properties = {} } -- 常量 自身插件名 local plugin_name = "acl-plugin" -- 常量 acl验证的服务地址,与ops-auth的ip端口绑定 local acl_server = "" local _M = { version = 0.1, priority = 0, -- TODO: add a type field, may be a good idea name = plugin_name, schema = schema, } local create_consume_cache do local consumer_ids = {} function create_consume_cache(consumers) core.table.clear(consumer_ids) for _, consumer in ipairs(consumers.nodes) do core.log.info("consumer node: ", core.json.delay_encode(consumer)) consumer_ids[consumer.auth_conf.appid] = consumer end return consumer_ids end end -- do local function fetch_jwt_token(ctx) -- 从请求中获得token local token = core.request.header(ctx, "authorization") if token then local prefix = sub_str(token, 1, 7) if prefix == 'Bearer ' or prefix == 'bearer ' then return sub_str(token, 8) end return token end token = ctx.var.arg_jwt if token then return token end local cookie, err = ck:new() if not cookie then return nil, err end local val, err = cookie:get("jwt") return val, err end local function new_headers() -- 子请求的头 local t = {} local lt = {} local _mt = { __index = function(t, k) return rawget(lt, string.lower(k)) end, __newindex = function(t, k, v) rawset(t, k, v) rawset(lt, string.lower(k), v) end, } return setmetatable(t, _mt) end local function http_req(method, uri, body, myheaders, timeout) -- 子请求构造,timeout单位ms if myheaders == nil then myheaders = new_headers() end local httpc = http.new() if timeout then httpc:set_timeouts(timeout, timeout, timeout) end local params = {method = method, headers = myheaders, body = body, keepalive = false, ssl_verify = false} -- TODO 验证access_check_url 域名变ip:port core.log.error("http_req.uri: ", uri, ", timeout: ", timeout) local res, err = httpc:request_uri(uri, params) if err then core.log.error("FAIL REQUEST [ ",core.json.delay_encode( {method = method, uri = uri, body = body, headers = myheaders}), " ] failed! res is nil, err:", err) return nil, err end return res end local function http_post(uri, body, myheaders, timeout) -- post请求方法 return http_req("POST", uri, body, myheaders, timeout) end function _M.check_schema(conf) local ok, err = core.schema.check(schema, conf) if not ok then return false, err end return true end local function check_url_acl(server, user_name, action, res_name) -- 验证acl -- 入参: acl服务接口地址,用户名,req的method,uri local retry_max = 3 local errmsg local res local err local access_check_url = server .. "/account/acl_check" -- TODO 验证access_check_url 域名变ip:port core.log.error("access_check_url:", access_check_url) local headers = new_headers() headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" local args = { res_name = res_name, method = action, user_name = user_name} local timeout = 1000 * 10 for i = 1, retry_max do -- TODO: read apisix info. res, err = http_post(access_check_url, core.json.encode(args), headers, timeout) if err then break else core.log.info("check permission request:", url, ", status:", res.status, ",body:", core.json.delay_encode(res.body)) if res.status < 500 then break else core.log.info("request [curl -v ", url, "] failed! status:", res.status) if i < retry_max then ngx.sleep(0.1) end end end end if err then -- 访问acl-server异常 return {status = 500, err = "request to acl-server failed, err:" .. tostring(err)} end if res.status ~= 200 and res.status ~= 403 then -- 非200和403的未知http码 return {status = 500, err = 'request to acl-server failed, status:' .. tostring(res.status)} end local body, err = json.decode(res.body) if err then errmsg = 'check permission failed! parse response json failed!' return {status = res.status, err = errmsg} else return {status = res.status} end end function _M.rewrite(conf, ctx) -- 在access之前验证 -- fix 生产上直接用域名 -- local url = ctx.var.scheme .. "://" .. ctx.var.server_addr .. ":" .. ctx.var.server_port .. ctx.var.uri local url = ctx.var.scheme .. "://" .. ctx.var.host .. ctx.var.uri core.log.error("url: ", url) local action = ctx.var.request_method -- 如果是游览器为了跨域而发的OPTIONS,直接返回OK if 'OPTIONS' == action then return 200 end core.log.error("action: ", action) local jwt_token, err = fetch_jwt_token(ctx) if not jwt_token then if err and err:sub(1, #"no cookie") ~= "no cookie" then core.log.error("failed to fetch JWT token: ", err) end return 401, {message = "Missing JWT token in request"} end core.log.error("jwt_token: ", jwt_token) local jwt_obj = jwt:load_jwt(jwt_token) if not jwt_obj.valid then return 401, {message = jwt_obj.reason} end -- 从token中提取用户信息 local user_key = jwt_obj.payload and jwt_obj.payload.key if not user_key then return 401, {message = "missing user key in JWT token"} end core.log.error("user_key: ", user_key) local res = check_url_acl(acl_server, user_key, action, url) if res.status ~= 200 then -- no permission. core.log.error(" check_url_acl(", core.json.delay_encode(permItem), ") failed, res: ",core.json.delay_encode(res)) return 401, {message = "no permission."} end core.log.info("acl check permission passed") end return _M