#!/bin/bash # Cherryservers.com block storage script for attaching and detaching volume on Linux function print_usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-h] -v -z -d -i -e -q" echo echo " -i initiator name" echo " -d discovery IP address" echo " -v VLAN" echo " -z VLAN IP address" echo " -e attach volume" echo " -q detach volume" echo } shopt -s nocasematch template=$(mktemp) systemctl=0 systemctl 2>/dev/null |grep -q '\-\.mount' [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && systemctl=1 attach=no detach=no while getopts ":a:cheqwti:P:v:d:f:s:z:n:" opt; do case $opt in a) ipaddr=$OPTARG ;; h) help=yes ;; i) initiator=$OPTARG ;; d) discovery_ip_1=$OPTARG ;; z) vlan_ip_1=$OPTARG ;; v) vlan_id=$OPTARG ;; e) attach=yes ;; q) detach=yes ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 print_usage >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ "$help" == "yes" ]]; then print_usage exit 0; fi if [[ "$attach" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ -z "$vlan_ip_1" ]]; then echo "No vlan IP address provided!" exit 1; fi if [[ -z "$vlan_id" ]]; then echo "No vlan ID provided!" exit 1; fi if [[ -z "$discovery_ip_1" ]]; then echo "No discovery IP provided!" exit 1; fi if [[ -z "$initiator" ]]; then echo "No initiator name provided!" exit 1; fi elif [[ "$detach" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ -z "$vlan_ip_1" ]]; then echo "No vlan IP address provided!" exit 1; fi if [[ -z "$discovery_ip_1" ]]; then echo "No discovery IP provided!" exit 1; fi else echo "Either attach or detach option is required!" print_usage exit 0; fi function make_network_config_template() { local vlan_interface=$1 local vlan_id=$2 local vlan_ip_2=$3 if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" =~ 18|20|22 ]]; then cat > $template << EOF network: version: 2 $([[ "$dist_vers" =~ 20|22 ]] && { echo "renderer: NetworkManager"; }) vlans: $vlan_interface.$vlan_id: addresses: - $vlan_ip_2/24 id: $vlan_id link: $vlan_interface nameservers: addresses: - - search: - localdomain EOF elif [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]]; then cat > $template << EOF auto $vlan_interface.$vlan_id iface $vlan_interface.$vlan_id inet static address $vlan_ip_2/24 mtu 1500 vlan-raw-device $vlan_interface vlan_id $vlan_id EOF elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]]; then cat > $template << EOF BOOTPROTO=none DEVICE=$vlan_interface.$vlan_id:1 IPADDR=$vlan_ip_2 MTU=1500 NETMASK= NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes PHYSDEV=$vlan_interface USERCTL=no VLAN=yes EOF elif [[ "$dist_name" == "opensuse" ]]; then cat > $template << EOF IPADDR_1=$vlan_ip_2 NETMASK_1= EOF else echo "Unknown distribution." exit 1 fi } function check_if_secondary_vlan_ip_is_up() { local vlan_ip_2=$1 ip -4 a|grep -qwo $vlan_ip_2; [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && { return 0; } || { return 1; } } function detect_distribution() { echo -e "........"; echo "Detect distribution:" if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then t_var=$(grep -Po '^ID=["]*\K(\w+)|^VERSION_ID=["]*\K(\w+)' /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null|sort -r|tr '\n' ' ') dist_name=$(cut -d ' ' -f1 <<< $t_var) dist_vers=$(cut -d ' ' -f2 <<< $t_var) elif [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]]; then dist_name="centos" dist_vers=$(grep -Po 'release \K(\d)' /etc/centos-release) fi echo -e "\tDist: $dist_name\tVer: $dist_vers" echo "Detect distribution. Done" } function restart_network() { local vlan_interface=$1 local vlan_id=$2 # Restart network if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" =~ 18|20 ]]; then netplan apply elif [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "22" ]]; then netplan apply && sleep 3 \ && netplan apply && systemctl start NetworkManager \ && nmcli networking off && nmcli networking on elif [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "14" ]]; then ifdown $vlan_interface.$vlan_id && ifup $vlan_interface.$vlan_id elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" != "8" ]]; then ip addr flush $vlan_interface.$vlan_id [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart network || service network restart elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "8" ]]; then ip addr flush $vlan_interface.$vlan_id ifdown $vlan_interface.$vlan_id && ifup $vlan_interface.$vlan_id elif [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "8" ]]; then ip addr flush $vlan_interface.$vlan_id ifdown $vlan_interface.$vlan_id && ifup $vlan_interface.$vlan_id elif [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "9" ]]; then systemctl restart NetworkManager elif [[ "$dist_name" == "opensuse" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart network || service network restart else [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart networking fi sleep 20; } function reboot_iscsid() { # Restart iscsid echo -e "........" echo "Reboot iscsid service:" if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" != "14" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart iscsid || service iscsid restart elif [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" != "8" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart iscsid || service iscsid restart elif [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "14" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart open-iscsi || service open-iscsi restart elif [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "8" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart open-iscsi || service open-iscsi restart fi elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart iscsid || service iscsid restart elif [[ "$dist_name" == "opensuse" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl restart iscsid || service iscsid restart else echo -e "Unknown distribution!" fi echo "Reboot iscsid service. Done." } function calculate_ips() { local vlan_ip_1=$1 local discovery_ip_1=$2 # Get secondary vlan and discovery IP addresses if [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.160." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.16ą." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.162." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.163." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.164." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.165." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.166." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.167." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.168." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.169." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.170." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.171." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.172." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.173." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.174." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.175." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.176." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.177." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.178." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.179." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.180." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.181." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.182." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.183." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.184." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.185." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.186." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.187." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.188." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.189." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.190." ]] || [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "10.191." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2-32"."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) elif [[ "$vlan_ip_1" =~ "192.168." ]]; then vlan_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print "10.157."$3"."$4}' <<< $vlan_ip_1) discovery_ip_2=$(awk -F '.' '{print "10.157."$3"."$4}' <<< $discovery_ip_1) else echo "Unknown VLAN subnet: $vlan_ip_1"; exit 1 fi } function make_secondary_vlan_ip_up() { local vlan_id=$1 local vlan_ip_1=$2 echo -e "........"; echo "Configure secondary VLAN IP:" # Get VLAN interface vlan_interface=$(ip -4 a | grep $vlan_id | grep 'state UP' | cut -d '@' -f2|cut -d ':' -f1) calculate_ips $vlan_ip_1 $discovery_ip_1 if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" =~ 18|20|22 ]]; then net_cfg="/etc/netplan/60-$vlan_ip_2.yaml" elif [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]]; then net_cfg="/etc/network/interfaces.d/60-$vlan_ip_2.cfg" elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]]; then net_cfg="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$vlan_interface.$vlan_id:1" elif [[ "$dist_name" == "opensuse" ]]; then net_cfg="/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-$vlan_interface.$vlan_id" else echo "Unknown distribution." exit 1 fi check_if_secondary_vlan_ip_is_up $vlan_ip_2 if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "\tNo secondary VLAN IP setuped. Let's setup one." make_network_config_template $vlan_interface $vlan_id $vlan_ip_2 if [[ ! -e "$net_cfg" ]]; then cp $template $net_cfg # Restart network for attempt in $(seq 1 3); do sleep 3; check_if_secondary_vlan_ip_is_up $vlan_ip_2 if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then restart_network $vlan_interface $vlan_id else break fi done else if [[ "$dist_name" == "opensuse" ]]; then cat ${template} >> ${net_cfg} restart_network $vlan_interface $vlan_id else diff -q $template $net_cfg >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "\tNetwork config file for $vlan_ip_2 already exists." echo -e "\t* Network config file exists but content differs from template." echo -e "\t Ensure $vlan_ip_2 is up and running by either removing" echo -e "\t $net_cfg and rerun script" echo -e "\t or configure it manually and try to run script again." return 1; else echo -e "\tNetwork config file for $vlan_ip_2 already exists." echo -e "The contents are valid. Try to restart networking." # Restart network restart_network $vlan_interface $vlan_id fi fi fi else echo -e "\tSecondary IP already exists. Skiping..." fi check_if_secondary_vlan_ip_is_up $vlan_ip_2 [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && { echo "Configure secondary VLAN IP. Done."; return 0; } || { return 1; } } function load_multipath_modules() { modprobe dm_multipath modprobe dm_round_robin } function ensure_services_up_and_enabled() { echo -e "........" echo "Enable services:" if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" != "14" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl enable iscsid &>/dev/null elif [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" != "8" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl enable iscsid &>/dev/null elif [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "14" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl enable open-iscsi &>/dev/null elif [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]] && [[ "$dist_vers" == "8" ]]; then [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]] && systemctl enable open-iscsi &>/dev/null fi elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]]; then if [[ "$systemctl" -eq 1 ]]; then systemctl enable multipathd &>/dev/null; systemctl enable iscsid &>/dev/null; systemctl start multipathd &>/dev/null else chkconfig iscsi on &>/dev/null; chkconfig multipathd on &>/dev/null; service multipathd start &>/dev/null fi else echo -e "Unknown distribution!" fi echo "Enable services. Done." } function install_required_packages() { echo -e "........" echo -e "Installing required packages:" if [[ "$dist_name" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "debian" ]]; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive [[ ! $(which iscsiadm 2>/dev/null) ]] && { apt -qq update 1>/dev/null && apt -yq install open-iscsi 1>/dev/null; } [[ ! $(which multipath 2>/dev/null) ]] && { apt -qq update 1>/dev/null && apt -yq install multipath-tools 1>/dev/null; } elif [[ "$dist_name" == "centos" ]] || [[ "$dist_name" == "almalinux" ]]; then [[ ! $(which iscsiadm 2>/dev/null) ]] && { yum -y install -d1 iscsi-initiator-utils 1>/dev/null; } [[ ! $(which multipath 2>/dev/null) ]] && { yum -y install -d1 device-mapper-multipath 1>/dev/null; } elif [[ "$dist_name" == "opensuse" ]]; then [[ ! $(which iscsiadm 2>/dev/null) ]] && { zypper -q install -y open-iscsi 1>/dev/null; } [[ ! $(which multipath 2>/dev/null) ]] && { zypper -q install -y multipath-tools 1>/dev/null; } else echo "Unknown packaging system!" exit 1 fi load_multipath_modules echo -e "Installing required packages. Done." } function configure_iscsi() { echo -e "........" echo -e "Configure iscsid:" if [[ $(grep 'node.startup = manual' /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf) ]]; then echo -e "\tUpdating iscsid.conf file..." sed -i.bak 's/node.startup = manual/node.startup = automatic/g' /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf fi echo -e "Configure iscsid. Done." } function create_multipath_config() { echo -e "........" echo -e "Create multipath config:" cat <<- EOF > /etc/multipath.conf defaults { polling_interval 3 fast_io_fail_tmo 5 path_selector "round-robin 0" rr_min_io 100 rr_weight priorities failback immediate user_friendly_names yes } blacklist { devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*" devnode "^hd[a-z][[0-9]*]" devnode "^vd[a-z]" devnode "^cciss!c[0-9]d[0-9]*[p[0-9]*]" device { vendor "Micron" product ".*" } device { vendor "Intel" product ".*" } device { vendor "DELL" product ".*" } } devices { device { vendor "StorPool" product "iSCSI DISK" path_grouping_policy group_by_prio path_checker tur hardware_handler "1 alua" } } EOF echo -e "Create multipath config. Done." } function change_initiator_name() { local initiator_name=$1 echo -e "........" echo -e "Change initiator name:" if [[ ! $(grep $initiator_name /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi) ]]; then echo -e "\tUpdate initiator name to $initiator_name" sed -i "s/InitiatorName=.*/InitiatorName=$initiator_name/g" /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi fi echo -e "Change initiator name. Done." } function clean_mpath_bindings() { echo -e "........" echo -e "Clean mpath bindings:" [[ -f /etc/multipath/bindings ]] && sed -i "/^mpath.*/d" /etc/multipath/bindings if [[ $(ls /dev/mapper/mpath* 2>/dev/null) ]]; then echo -e "\tmpath entried found. Cleaning..." for m in $(ls /dev/mapper/mpath* 2>/dev/null); do multipath -f $m done fi multipath >/dev/null echo -e "Clean mpath bindings. Done." } function configure_multipath() { echo -e "\t........" echo -e "\tConfigure multipath:" dev_name=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/|grep "$target_name"|grep "$discovery_ip_1"|awk '{print $11}'|sed 's/\.\.\/\.\.\///g') if [[ $(multipath -ll|grep -Eo '.*dm'|awk '{if (NF == 3){print $2} else if(NF == 2){print $1}}'|sed 's/[()]//g'|grep StorPool) ]]; then wwid=$(multipath -ll|grep -Eo '.*dm'|awk '{if (NF == 3){print $2} else if(NF == 2){print $1}}'|sed 's/[()]//g'|grep StorPool) else wwid=$(udevadm info --query=property --name=/dev/$dev_name | grep -Po 'ID_SERIAL=\K(.*)') fi vol_name=$(cut -d ':' -f3 <<< $target_name) if [[ $(grep "^$vol_name" /etc/multipath/bindings 2>/dev/null) ]]; then sed -i "s/^$vol_name .*/$vol_name $wwid/" /etc/multipath/bindings else echo "$vol_name $wwid" >> /etc/multipath/bindings fi multipath $vol_name &>/dev/null echo -e "\tConfigure multipath. Done." } function attach_volume() { local discovery_ip_1=$1 local discovery_ip_2=$2 portals=($discovery_ip_1 $discovery_ip_2) for portal in ${portals[*]}; do echo -e "........" echo -e "Discover targets on portal $portal:" if [[ $(iscsiadm --mode discovery -t sendtargets --portal $portal) ]]; then echo -e "\tTargets were discovered on $portal" else echo -e "\tError: Can't discover targets on $portal. Try again later." exit 1; fi echo -e "Discover targets on portals. Done." target_name=$(iscsiadm -m node -o show|grep 'node.name'|awk '{print $3}'|uniq) echo -e "........" echo -e "Login on portal $portal:" if [[ ! $(iscsiadm -m session -o show 2>/dev/null|grep $portal) ]]; then if [[ $(iscsiadm -m node -T $target_name -p $portal -l) ]]; then echo -e "\tLogged in to $target_name on $portal" sleep 5 configure_multipath else echo "Can't login to $target_name on portal $portal" fi else echo -e "\tSession already exists." configure_multipath fi echo -e "Login on portal $portal. Done." done } function detach_volume() { echo -e "........" echo -e "Detach volume:" calculate_ips $vlan_ip_1 $discovery_ip_1 vol_name=$(iscsiadm -m session -o show 2>/dev/null|grep -E "$discovery_ip_1|$discovery_ip_2"|grep -Po "iqn.2019-03.com.cherryservers:cherryservers:\K(.*)"|awk '{print $1}') if [[ $vol_name ]]; then vol_name=$(echo $vol_name|awk '{print $1}') mnt=$(grep $vol_name /proc/mounts 2>/dev/null) if [[ $mnt ]]; then echo -e "\tVolume $vol_name is mounted. Please unmount it first and try again." exit 1 fi target_name=$(iscsiadm -m node -o show|grep 'node.name'|awk '{print $3}'|uniq) for portal in $(iscsiadm -m session | grep $target_name | awk {'print $3'} | egrep -o '([[:digit:]]{1,3}\.){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}'); do echo -e "\tLog out from $target_name on $portal" iscsiadm --mode node --targetname $target_name --portal $portal --logout &>/dev/null sed -i "/^$vol_name.*/d" /etc/multipath/bindings multipath -f $vol_name &>/dev/null done clean_mpath_bindings rm -rf /etc/iscsi/{nodes,send_targets}/* rm -rf /var/lib/iscsi/{nodes,send_targets}/* else echo -e "\tCan't find any active sessions with provided subnets" fi echo -e "Detach volume. Done." } function get_status() { local vol_name=$1 if [[ -f /etc/multipath/bindings ]]; then wwid=$(grep "${vol_name:-none}" /etc/multipath/bindings|awk '{print $2}') fi echo -e "#####################" echo -e "Configuration report:" if [[ -b "/dev/mapper/$vol_name" ]]; then echo -e "\tBlock device /dev/mapper/$vol_name is ready. Format, mount and use it." elif [[ -b "/dev/mapper/$wwid" ]]; then echo -e "\tBlock device found as WWID: /dev/mapper/$wwid. Releading devmap..." multipath -r >/dev/null if [[ -b "/dev/mapper/$vol_name" ]]; then echo -e "\tBlock device /dev/mapper/$vol_name is ready. Format, mount and use it." fi else echo -e "\tCan't find block device /dev/mapper/$vol_name. Please contact support for assistance or try again." fi echo -e "Configuration report. Done" echo -e "#####################" } function check_if_portals_reachable() { local discovery_ip_1=$1 local discovery_ip_2=$2 echo -e "........" echo -e "Check portal IPs:" portals=($discovery_ip_1 $discovery_ip_2) for portal in ${portals[*]}; do if ! ping -q -c 3 "${portal}" >/dev/null; then echo -e "\tIt seems that internal VLAN is not ready yet for $portal address." echo -e "\tPlease try to run command again a bit later." echo -e "Check portal IPs. Done." return 1 fi done echo -e "Check portal IPs. Done." return 0 } if [[ "$attach" == "yes" ]]; then detect_distribution make_secondary_vlan_ip_up $vlan_id $vlan_ip_1; [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Unable to setup secondary IP!"; exit 1; } check_if_portals_reachable $discovery_ip_1 $discovery_ip_2; [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || exit 1 install_required_packages create_multipath_config change_initiator_name $initiator configure_iscsi reboot_iscsid ensure_services_up_and_enabled change_initiator_name $initiator reboot_iscsid attach_volume $discovery_ip_1 $discovery_ip_2 clean_mpath_bindings get_status $vol_name fi if [[ "$detach" == "yes" ]]; then detach_volume $discovery_ip_1 $vlan_ip_1 fi