DataLab Cup 1: Predicting Appropriate Response

Shan-Hung Wu & DataLab
Fall 2017
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

Competition Info

In this competition, you have to select the most appropriate response from 6 candidates based on previous chat message. You are provided with lines of total 8 tv programs as training data, and each program has serveral episodes. You also get a question collection which contains 1 chat history and 6 condidate responses for each question. Your goal is to learn a function that is able to predict the best response.

Dataset Format

  • Program01.csv~Program08.csv contains total 8 tv program's lines
  • Question.csv contains total 500 questions, and each question includes chat and candidate options.

How to Submit Results?

You have to predict the correct response in Question.csv, and submit it to the Kaggle-In-Class online judge system. Following are some example actions:

Action Description
Data Get the dataset.
Make a Submission Your testing performance will be evaluated immediately and shown on the leaderboard.
Leaderboard The current ranking of participants. Note that this ranking only reflects the performance on part of the testset and may not equal to the final ranking (see below).
Forum You can ask questions or share findings here.
Kernels You can create your jupyter notebook, run it, and keep it as private or public here.


The evaluation metric is CategorizationAccuracy. The ranking shown on the leaderboard before the end of competition reflects only the accuracy over part of Question.csv. However, this is not how we evaluate your final scores. After the competition, we combine accuracy over the entire Question.csv and your report as the final score.

There will be two baseline results, namely, Benchmark-60 and Benchmark-80. You have to outperform Benchmark-60 to get 60 points, and Benchmark-80 to get 80. Meanwhile, the higher accuracy you achieve, the higher the final score you will get.

Important Dates

  • 2017/10/24 (TUE) - competition starts
  • 2017/11/05 (SUN) 23:59pm - competition ends, final score announcement;
  • 2017/11/07 (TUE) - winner team share;
  • 2017/11/09 (THU) 23:59pm - report submission (iLMS);


After the competition, each team have to hand in a report in Jupyter notebook format via the iLMS system. You report should include:

  • Student ID, name of each team member
  • How did you preprocess data (cleaning, feature engineering, etc.)?
  • How did you build the classifier (model, training algorithm, special techniques, etc.)?
  • Conclusions (interesting findings, pitfalls, takeaway lessons, etc.)?

The file name of your report must be DL_comp1_{Your Team number}_report.ipynb.

Hint 1: Feature Engineering is More Important Then You Expected

So far, we learn various machine learning techniques based on datasets where the date features are predefined. In many real-world applications, including this competition, we only get raw data and have to define the features ourself. Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to create features that make machine learning algorithms work. While good modeling and training techniques help you make better predictions, feature engineering usually determines whether your task is "learnable".

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

programs = []
for i in range(1, NUM_PROGRAM+1):
    program = pd.read_csv('Program0%d.csv' % (i))
    print('Program %d' % (i))
    print('Episodes: %d' % (len(program)))
Program 1
Episodes: 1299
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    還好天氣不錯\n昨天晚上的流星雨\n我看到很多流星\n這次的收穫真豐富\n當然豐富啦\n我就...
1    好熱喔\n這種倉庫很不通風\n好熱喔\n受不了\n今天天氣真的是太熱了\n我都快中暑了\n那...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 2
Episodes: 205
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    我們現在只差兩分\n只差兩分\n等下阿偉先站過來\n他們會埋伏一個射手出來\n我們盡量把他堵...
1    四十年前\n我媽為了養我跟我哥\n開這間理髮店\n她把手藝都傳給哥\n希望他可以接下這間店\...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 3
Episodes: 57
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    台南人劇團\n一個從古都台南輸出的\n現代劇團\n每年總有令人驚奇的戲劇產生\n玩大師\n莎...
1    一齣舞台劇\n這個舞台劇的結果\n所有觀眾都知道\n兩個演員在舞台上\n撐了一百多分鐘\n目...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 4
Episodes: 10
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    念書幹嘛偷光\n燈一開就有了啊\n太陽是不是從樹葉之間的\n這個縫灑下來\n然後在地上啊\n...
1    倫語社\n效果立竿見影\n立竿見影\n這也是指很快囉\n但是它和曇花一現\n有什麼不一樣\n...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 5
Episodes: 369
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    公平的對待\n孩子才會樂於做良性的競爭\n這樣一來\n真正有實力的人才不會被埋沒\n老師好\...
1    你們看\n我臉上的痘痘\n畫了粧之後就沒那麼明顯了\n就算熬夜K書\n長了黑眼圈也不怕\n你...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 6
Episodes: 80
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    在這個世上\n既能解放你滿肚子壓力\n又讓你避之唯恐不及的\n只有馬桶\n但是如果你到現在還...
1    你相信嗎\n全球十大致人於死的動物榜首是誰\n獅子嗎\n不是\n鱷魚嗎\nNo\n答案竟然是...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 7
Episodes: 611
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    嗨, 大家好\n歡迎收看「聽聽看」\n你這個禮拜過得好不好呢\n有沒有什麼新鮮事\n要和朋友...
1    你今天是不是跟我一樣\n早就迫不及待的\n想要收看我們「聽聽看」了呢\n怎麼樣\n上個禮拜的...
Name: Content, dtype: object

Program 8
Episodes: 210
Index(['Content'], dtype='object')
0    每天帶你拜訪一個家庭\n邀請一位貴賓和他們共進晚餐\n談談人生大小事\n但如果登門拜訪的\n...
1    如果用一句話\n來形容吃飯這件事情\n那句話應該就是體驗人生\n今天的「誰來晚餐」\n發生在...
Name: Content, dtype: object

In [3]:
questions = pd.read_csv('Question.csv')

print('Episodes: %d' % (len(questions)))
Episodes: 500
Index(['Question', 'Option0', 'Option1', 'Option2', 'Option3', 'Option4',
                                  Question          Option0    Option1  \
0  媽給你送錢包來啦 來 你看一下是不是這個\n對 就是這個 你在哪裡找到它的\n      你看 這是我新買的錢包   我的錢包不見了啦   
1           古人說三日不讀書 面目可憎 我覺得我最近可能臉色太難看了\n  所以想回復我昔日面貌姣好的樣子  是不是要定期來舉辦   
2                       你說我們做父母的最擔心的就是這個\n    我剛剛聽你媽說你要讀什麼科  其他老師又集體叛變   

        Option2                       Option3                       Option4  \
0  以後上網咖的錢包在我身上                        什麼有錢包場  早上你爸爸在車上找到的 一定是前天你放學的時候掉在車上了   
1       各辦理一次才對                   能夠督促所有的用人機關                 在上次的節目討論中也有提到   
2      聽起來好好玩天啊  只是小孩自己的興趣不能得到發展 他們的心裡可能也會很悶喔                    走到這裡就沒有路了耶   

0       我為什麼要給你們錢包  
1         超過九十分貝以上  
2  每一個科目像是國語數學都很優秀  

We get raw content of programs' lines, but there aren't any feature we can learn from. To predict from text, we have to go through several preprocessing steps first.

Preprocessing: Cut Words

Since chinese characters are continuous one by one, we have to cut them into meaningful words first. We use jieba with traditional chinese dictionary to cut our text. You can install jieba via pip.

    pip install jieba
In [4]:
import jieba

In [5]:
example_str = '我討厭吃蘋果'
cut_example_str = jieba.lcut(example_str)
Building prefix dict from /home/tim/ray/Workspace/Course_DeepLearning/Comp1/Release/big5_dict.txt ...
Loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.ubfd2136d7a9b93dc278d35ab3e6630e5.cache
Loading model cost 0.512 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built succesfully.
['我', '討厭', '吃', '蘋果']

We cut not only Program.csv but also Question.csv, and save as list.

In [6]:
def jieba_lines(lines):
    cut_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        cut_line = jieba.lcut(line)
    return cut_lines
In [7]:
cut_programs = []

for program in programs:
    n = len(program)
    cut_program = []
    for i in range(n):
        lines = program.loc[i]['Content'].split('\n')
In [8]:
[['還好', '天氣', '不錯'], ['昨天', '晚上', '的', '流星雨'], ['我', '看到', '很多', '流星']]
In [9]:
cut_questions = []
n = len(questions)

for i in range(n):
    cut_question = []
    lines = questions.loc[i]['Question'].split('\n')
    for i in range(6):
        line = questions.loc[i]['Option%d' % (i)]
In [10]:

for i in range(1, 7):
[['媽給', '你', '送', '錢包', '來', '啦', ' ', '來', ' ', '你', '看', '一下', '是', '不', '是', '這個'], ['對', ' ', '就是', '這個', ' ', '你', '在', '哪裡', '找到', '它', '的'], []]
['你', '看', ' ', '這是', '我', '新', '買', '的', '錢包']
['是', '不', '是', '要', '定期', '來', '舉辦']
['聽起來', '好好玩', '天', '啊']
['那', '我', '去', '探索', '一下']
['什麼', '你', '說', '我', '是', '鬼']
['沒有', '人', '是', '十全十美', '的']
In [11]:
import numpy as np'cut_Programs.npy', cut_programs)'cut_Questions.npy', cut_questions)

After saving, we can load them directly next time.

In [12]:
cut_programs = np.load('cut_Programs.npy')
cut_Question = np.load('cut_Questions.npy')

Preprocessing: Word Dictionary & Out-of-Vocabulary

There are many words after cutting, but not all of them is useful. The word too common or too rare can not give us information but may noise. We count the the number of occurrence for each word and remove useless one.

In [13]:
word_dict = dict()
In [14]:
def add_word_dict(w):
    if not w in word_dict:
        word_dict[w] = 1
        word_dict[w] += 1
In [15]:
for program in cut_programs:
    for lines in program:
        for line in lines:
            for w in line:
In [16]:
for question in cut_questions:
    lines = question[0]
    for line in lines:
        for w in line:
    for i in range(1, 7):
        line = question[i]
        for w in line:
In [17]:
import operator

word_dict = sorted(word_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
In [18]:
VOC_SIZE = 15000

voc_dict = word_dict[VOC_START:VOC_START+VOC_SIZE]
print(voc_dict[:10])'voc_dict.npy', voc_dict)
[('他', 81495), ('也', 77074), ('就是', 75444), ('說', 74677), ('來', 69134), ('會', 67805), ('那', 67274), ('喔', 61443), ('可以', 60159), ('跟', 59954)]
In [19]:
voc_dict = np.load('voc_dict.npy')

Now, voc_dict becomes better word dictionary, then we should replace those removed words aka out-of-vocabulary words into an unknown token in the following use.

Preprocessing: Generating Training Data

Though the format of question is to select one from six, our traing data only have continuous lines. Naively, i want to change the whole problem into a binary classification which means given two lines, my model want to judge these two are context or not.

In [20]:
import random

NUM_TRAIN = 10000
In [21]:
def generate_training_data():
    Xs, Ys = [], []
    for i in range(NUM_TRAIN):
        pos_or_neg = random.randint(0, 1)
        if pos_or_neg==1:
            program_id = random.randint(0, NUM_PROGRAM-1)
            episode_id = random.randint(0, len(cut_programs[program_id])-1)
            line_id = random.randint(0, len(cut_programs[program_id][episode_id])-2)
            first_program_id = random.randint(0, NUM_PROGRAM-1)
            first_episode_id = random.randint(0, len(cut_programs[first_program_id])-1)
            first_line_id = random.randint(0, len(cut_programs[first_program_id][first_episode_id])-1)
            second_program_id = random.randint(0, NUM_PROGRAM-1)
            second_episode_id = random.randint(0, len(cut_programs[second_program_id])-1)
            second_line_id = random.randint(0, len(cut_programs[second_program_id][second_episode_id])-1)
    return Xs, Ys
In [22]:
Xs, Ys = generate_training_data()

x_train, y_train = Xs[:int(NUM_TRAIN*TRAIN_VALID_RATE)], Ys[:int(NUM_TRAIN*TRAIN_VALID_RATE)]
x_valid, y_valid = Xs[int(NUM_TRAIN*TRAIN_VALID_RATE):], Ys[int(NUM_TRAIN*TRAIN_VALID_RATE):]

Since machine learning models only accept numerical features, we must convert categorical features, such as tokens into a numerical form. In the next section, we introduce several commonly used models, including BoW, TF-IDF, and Feature Hashing that allows us to represent text as numerical feature vectors.

In [23]:
example_doc = []

for line in cut_programs[0][0]:
    example_line = ''
    for w in line:
        if w in voc_dict:
            example_line += w+' '

['還好 天氣 不錯 ', '昨天 晚上 ', '看到 很多 流星 ', '這次 收穫 真 豐富 ', '當然 豐富 啦 ', '說 嘛 ', '精心 製作 ', '被 一個 人 吃掉 ', '真的 嗎 ', '不要 忘記 做 秘密 檔案 ']

Word2Vec: BoW (Bag-Of-Words)

The idea behind bag-of-words model is to represent each document by occurrence of words, which can be summarized as the following steps:

  1. Build vocabulary dictionary by unique token from the entire set of documents;
  2. Represent each document by a vector, where each position corresponds to the occurrence of a vocabulary in dictionary.

Each vocabulary in BoW can be a single word (1-gram) or a sequence of n continuous words (n-gram). It has been shown empirically that 3-gram or 4-gram BoW models yield good performance in anti-spam email filtering application.

Here, we use Scikit-learn's implementation CountVectorizer to construct the BoW model:

In [24]:
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

# ngram_range=(min, max), default: 1-gram => (1, 1)
count = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 1))
BoW = count.vocabulary_
for key in list(BoW.keys())[:10]:
    print('%s %d' % (key, BoW[key]))

講到 429
耳朵 390
重點 483
電器 497
大家 163
草叢 403
一朵 11
準備 312
清楚 311
除了 492

The parameter ngram_range=(min-length, max-length) in CountVectorizer specifies the vocabulary to be {min-length}-gram to {max-length}-gram. For example ngram_range=(1, 2) will use both 1-gram and 2-gram as vocabularies. After constructing BoW model by calling fit(), you can access BoW vocabularies in its attribute vocubalary_, which is stored as Python dictionary that maps vocabulary to an integer index.

Let's transform the example documents into feature vectors:

In [25]:
# get matrix (doc_id, vocabulary_id) --> tf
doc_bag = count.transform(example_doc)
print('(did, vid)\ttf')

print('\nIs document-term matrix a scipy.sparse matrix? {}'.format(sp.sparse.issparse(doc_bag)))
(did, vid)	tf
  (0, 46)	1
  (0, 168)	1
  (0, 469)	1
  (1, 268)	1
  (1, 270)	1
  (2, 217)	1
  (2, 310)	1
  (2, 352)	1
  (3, 259)	1
  (3, 435)	1
  (3, 456)	1
  (4, 340)	1
  (4, 435)	1
  (6, 370)	1
  (6, 414)	1
  (7, 6)	1
  (7, 128)	1
  (8, 354)	1
  (9, 44)	1
  (9, 225)	1
  (9, 293)	1
  (9, 361)	1

Is document-term matrix a scipy.sparse matrix? True

Since each document contains only a small subset of vocabularies, CountVectorizer.transform() stores feature vectors as scipy.sparse matrix, where entry index is (document-index, vocabulary-index) pair, and the value is the term frequency---the number of times a vocabulary (term) occurs in a document.

Unfortunately, many Scikit-learn classifiers do not support input as sparse matrix now. We can convert doc_bag into a Numpy dense matrix:

In [26]:
doc_bag = doc_bag.toarray()

print('\nAfter calling .toarray(), is it a scipy.sparse matrix? {}'.format(sp.sparse.issparse(doc_bag)))
[[0 0 0 ..., 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 ..., 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 ..., 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 ..., 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 ..., 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 ..., 0 0 0]]

After calling .toarray(), is it a scipy.sparse matrix? False
In [27]:
doc_bag = count.fit_transform(example_doc).toarray()

print("[most frequent vocabularies]")
bag_cnts = np.sum(doc_bag, axis=0)
top = 10
# [::-1] reverses a list since sort is in ascending order
for tok, v in zip(count.inverse_transform(np.ones(bag_cnts.shape[0]))[0][bag_cnts.argsort()[::-1][:top]], 
    print('%s: %d' % (tok, v))
[most frequent vocabularies]
蟋蟀: 98
可以: 21
就是: 21
聲音: 20
這樣: 19
你們: 17
真的: 16
還有: 15
比較: 15
豆油伯: 15

To find out most frequent words among documents, we first sum up vocabulary counts in documents, where axis=0 is the document index. Then, we sort the summed vocabulary count array in ascending order and get the sorted index by argsort(). Next, we revert the sorted list by [::-1], and feed into inverse_transform() to get corresponding vocabularies. Finally, we show the 10 most frequent vocabularies with their occurrence counts.

Next, we introduce the TF-IDF model that downweights frequently occurring words among the input documents.

Word2Vec: TF-IDF (Term-Frequency & Inverse-Document-Frequency)

TF-IDF model calculates not only the term-frequency (TF) as BoW model does, but also the document-frequency (DF) of a term, which refers to the number of documents that contain this term. The TF-IDF score for a term is defined as
where the log() term is called the inverse-document-frequency (IDF) and Ndoc is the total number of documents. The idea behind TF-IDF is to downweight the TF of a word if it appears in many documents. For example, if a word appears in every document, the second term become log(1)+1=1 , which will be smaller than any other word appearing in only a part of documents.

NOTE: we add 1 to both the numerator and denominator inside the log() in the above definition so to avoid the numeric issue of dividing by 0.

Let's create the TF-IDF feature representation:

In [28]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,1))

top = 10
# get idf score of vocabularies
idf = tfidf.idf_
print('[vocabularies with smallest idf scores]')
sorted_idx = idf.argsort()
for i in range(top):
    print('%s: %.2f' % (tfidf.get_feature_names()[sorted_idx[i]], idf[sorted_idx[i]]))

doc_tfidf = tfidf.transform(example_doc).toarray()
tfidf_sum = np.sum(doc_tfidf, axis=0)
print("\n[vocabularies with highest tf-idf scores]")
for tok, v in zip(tfidf.inverse_transform(np.ones(tfidf_sum.shape[0]))[0][tfidf_sum.argsort()[::-1]][:top], 
    print('%s: %f' % (tok, v))
[vocabularies with smallest idf scores]
蟋蟀: 2.87
可以: 4.36
就是: 4.41
聲音: 4.46
這樣: 4.46
你們: 4.56
真的: 4.62
還有: 4.68
豆油伯: 4.68
比較: 4.68

[vocabularies with highest tf-idf scores]
蟋蟀: 42.016104
這樣: 11.916386
真的: 11.405347
就是: 11.256123
可以: 10.898674
聲音: 10.442999
豆油伯: 10.325579
還有: 9.835135
你們: 9.293539
叫做: 8.395597

Now we have a problem, the number of features that we have created in doc_tfidf is huge:

In [29]:
(635, 516)

There are more than 500 features for merely 650 documents. In practice, this may lead to too much memory consumption (even with sparse matrix representation) if we have a large number of vocabularies.

Word2Vec: Feature Hashing

Feature hashing reduces the dimension vocabulary space by hashing each vocabulary into a hash table with a fixed number of buckets. As compared to BoW, feature hashing has the following pros and cons:

  • (+) no need to store vocabulary dictionary in memory anymore
  • (-) no way to map token index back to token via inverse_transform()
  • (-) no IDF weighting
In [30]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer

hashvec = HashingVectorizer(n_features=2**6)

doc_hash = hashvec.transform(example_doc)
(635, 64)

Ok, now we can transform raw text to feature vectors.

More Creative Features

Now, you can go create your basic set of features for the text in competition. But don't stop from here. If you do aware the power of feature engineering, use your creativity to extract more features from the raw text. The more meaningful features you create, the more likely you will get a better score and win.

Here are few examples for inspiration:

There are lots of other directions you can explore, such as NLP features, length of lines, etc.

Hint 2: Use Out-of-Core Learning If You Don't Have Enough Memory

The size of dataset in the competition is much larger than the lab. The dataset, after being represented as feature vectors, may become much larger, and you are unlikely to store all of them in memory. Next, we introduce another training technique called the Out of Core Learning to help you train a model using data streaming.

The idea of Out of Core Learning is similar to the stochastic gradient descent, which updates the model when seeing a minibatch, except that each minibatch is loaded from disk via a data stream. Since we only see a part of the dataset at a time, we can only use the HashingVectorizer to transform text into feature vectors because the HashingVectorizer does not require knowing the vocabulary space in advance.

Let's create a stream to read a chunk of CSV file at a time using the Pandas I/O API:

In [31]:
import pandas as pd

def get_stream(path, size):
    for chunk in pd.read_csv(path, chunksize=size):
        yield chunk

print(next(get_stream(path='imdb.csv', size=10)))
                                              review  sentiment
0  This movie is well done on so many levels that...          1
1  Wilson (Erica Gavin) is nabbed by the cops and...          1
2  Canto 1: How Kriemhild Mourned Over Siegfried ...          1
3  I bought Bloodsuckers on ebay a while ago. I w...          0
4  I took part in a little mini production of thi...          1
5  This is certainly one of my all time fav episo...          1
6  This scary and rather gory adaptation of Steph...          1
7  Mike Hawthorne(Gordon Currie)is witness to the...          0
8  It looks to me as if the creators of "The Clas...          0
9  This comic book style film is funny, has nicel...          1

Good. Our stream works correctly.

For out-of core learning, we have to use models that can train and update the model's weight iteratively. Here, we use the SGDClassifier to train a LogisticRegressor using the stochastic gradient descent. We can partial update SGDClassifier by calling the partial_fit() method. Our workflow now becomes:

  1. Stream documents directly from disk to get a mini-batch (chunk) of documents;
  2. Preprocess: clean words in the mini-batch of documents;
  3. Word2vec: use HashingVectorizer to extract features from text;
  4. Update SGDClassifier and go back to step 1.
In [32]:
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def preprocessor(text):
    # remove HTML tags
    text = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser').get_text()
    # regex for matching emoticons, keep emoticons, ex: :), :-P, :-D
    r = '(?::|;|=|X)(?:-)?(?:\)|\(|D|P)'
    emoticons = re.findall(r, text)
    text = re.sub(r, '', text)
    # convert to lowercase and append all emoticons behind (with space in between)
    # replace('-','') removes nose of emoticons
    text = re.sub('[\W]+', ' ', text.lower()) + ' ' + ' '.join(emoticons).replace('-','')
    return text

print(preprocessor('<a href="">Hello, This :-( is a sanity check ;P!</a>'))
hello this is a sanity check  :( ;P
In [33]:
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer'stopwords')
stop = stopwords.words('english')

def tokenizer_stem_nostop(text):
    porter = PorterStemmer()
    return [porter.stem(w) for w in re.split('\s+', text.strip()) \
            if w not in stop and re.match('[a-zA-Z]+', w)]

print(tokenizer_stem_nostop('runners like running and thus they run'))
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /home/tim/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
['runner', 'like', 'run', 'thu', 'run']
In [34]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

hashvec = HashingVectorizer(n_features=2**20, 
                            preprocessor=preprocessor, tokenizer=tokenizer_stem_nostop)
# loss='log' gives logistic regression
clf = SGDClassifier(loss='log', n_iter=100)

batch_size = 1000
stream = get_stream(path='imdb.csv', size=batch_size)

classes = np.array([0, 1])
train_auc, val_auc = [], []

# we use one batch for training and another for validation in each iteration
iters = int((25000+batch_size-1)/(batch_size*2))

for i in range(iters):
    batch = next(stream)
    X_train, y_train = batch['review'], batch['sentiment']
    if X_train is None:
    X_train = hashvec.transform(X_train)
    clf.partial_fit(X_train, y_train, classes=classes)
    train_auc.append(roc_auc_score(y_train, clf.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]))
    # validate
    batch = next(stream)
    X_val, y_val = batch['review'], batch['sentiment']
    score = roc_auc_score(y_val, clf.predict_proba(hashvec.transform(X_val))[:,1])
    print('[%d/%d] %f' % ((i+1)*(batch_size*2), 25000, score))
[2000/25000] 0.891595
[4000/25000] 0.905762
[6000/25000] 0.909352
[8000/25000] 0.910808
[10000/25000] 0.933511
[12000/25000] 0.913974
[14000/25000] 0.934562
[16000/25000] 0.939176
[18000/25000] 0.946812
[20000/25000] 0.928666
[22000/25000] 0.924375
[24000/25000] 0.943045

After fitting SGDClassifier by an entire pass over training set, let's plot the learning curve:

In [35]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(range(1, len(train_auc)+1), train_auc, color='blue', label='Train auc')
plt.plot(range(1, len(train_auc)+1), val_auc, color='red', label='Val auc')
plt.savefig('./fig-out-of-core.png', dpi=300)

The learning curve looks great! The validation accuracy improves as more examples are seen.

Since training SGDClassifier may take long, you can save your trained classifier to disk periodically:

In [36]:
# import optimized pickle written in C for serializing and  de-serializing a Python object
import _pickle as pkl

# dump to disk
pkl.dump(hashvec, open('hashvec.pkl', 'wb'))
pkl.dump(clf, open('clf-sgd.pkl', 'wb'))

# load from disk
hashvec = pkl.load(open('hashvec.pkl', 'rb'))
clf = pkl.load(open('clf-sgd.pkl', 'rb'))

df_test = pd.read_csv('imdb.csv')
print('test auc: %.3f' % roc_auc_score(df_test['sentiment'], 
test auc: 0.947

Now you have the all the supporting knowledge for the competition. Happy coding and good luck!