bl_info = { "name": "Addon Template Generator", "author": "chichige-bobo", "version": (1, 0, 1), "blender": (2, 70, 0), "location": "TextEditor > Templates > AddonTemplateGenerator, TextEditor > PropertiesBar > AddSnippet", "description": "Generate empty addon template. Add snippet of propertes and samples", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Development"} # LET USERS TO MANIPULATE AFTER GENERATED, NOT COMPLETE AT DIALOG import bpy from bpy.props import * ##################################################################################### def getMajorSpaceRegionItems(self, context): items = [('VIEW_3D-TOOLS', '3DView-Tools', 'Toolbar of 3DView', 'VIEW3D', 0), ('VIEW_3D-TOOLPROPS', '3DView-ToolProps', 'Below Toolbar of 3DView', 'VIEW3D', 1), ('VIEW_3D-UI', '3DView-UI', 'PropertyBar of 3DView', 'VIEW3D', 2), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-render', 'Props-Window-Render', '', 'SCENE', 3), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-render_layer', 'Props-Window-RenderLayer', '', 'RENDERLAYERS', 4), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-scene', 'Props-Window-Scene', '', 'SCENE_DATA', 5), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-world', 'Props-Window-World', '', 'WORLD_DATA', 6), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-object', 'Props-Window-Object', '', 'OBJECT_DATA', 7), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-constraint', 'Props-Window-Constraint', '', 'CONSTRAINT', 8), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-modifier', 'Props-Window-Modifier', '', 'MODIFIER', 9), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-data', 'Props-Window-Data', '', 'MESH_DATA', 10), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-material', 'Props-Window-Material', '', 'MATERIAL', 11), ('PROPERTIES-WINDOW-texture', 'Props-Window-Texture', '', 'TEXTURE', 12)] return items ############################################################################################### class AddonTemplateGeneratorOp(bpy.types.Operator): """Create empty addon template at once""" bl_idname = "chichige.addon_template_generator_operator" bl_label = "Addon Template Generator" bl_options = {'PRESET', 'INTERNAL'} # name for label, desc for tooltip in Operator Panel # options = Enumerator in ['HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE', 'ANIMATABLE', 'LIBRARY_EDITABLE'] (and 'ENUM_FLAG' for EnumProp) p_name = StringProperty(name = "Overall Name", description="Used for various places", default="Hello World") p_opOptions = EnumProperty(items = [('REGISTER', 'Register', 'Display in the info window and support the redo toolbar panel.'), ('UNDO', 'Undo', 'Push an undo event (needed for operator redo)'), ('BLOCKING', 'Blocking', 'Block anything else from using the cursor'), ('MACRO', 'Macro', 'Use to check if an operator is a macro'), ('GRAB_POINTER', 'GrabPointer', 'Use so the operator grabs the mouse focus, enables wrapping when continuous grab is enabled'), ('PRESET', 'Preset', 'Display a preset button with the operators settings'), ('INTERNAL', 'Internal', 'Removes the operator from search results')], name="bl_options", description="bl_options for this operator", default={'REGISTER'}, options = {'ENUM_FLAG'}) isUseOpProps = BoolProperty(name='Add Operator Properties', description = "Add a set of properties for this operator", default = False ) isUsePanel = BoolProperty(name='Add Panel Class', description = "Whether use Panel class.", default = True) p_panelOptions = EnumProperty(items = [('DEFAULT_CLOSED', 'DefaultClosed', 'Defines if the panel has to be open or collapsed at the time of its creation'), ('HIDE_HEADER', 'HideHeader', 'If set to False, the panel shows a header, which contains a clickable arrow to collapse the panel and the label')], name="PanelOptions", description="bl_options for this Panel", default = set(), options = {'ENUM_FLAG'}) p_panelSpaceRegion = EnumProperty(items = getMajorSpaceRegionItems , name="SpaceRegionType", description="Panel's bl_space_type, bl_region_type and bl_context") isUseMenu = BoolProperty(name='Add Menu Class', description = "Whether use Menu class.", default = False) isUseGPLNotice = BoolProperty(name = 'Add GPL Notification', default = False) isUseSceneProps = BoolProperty(name = 'Add Scene Properties', default = False ) isUseMenuFunc = BoolProperty(name = 'Add Menu Function', default = False) isUseKeymap = BoolProperty(name = 'Add Keymapping', default = False ) #=AddonTempGen execute======================================= def execute(self, context): txt = "" txt += "" if not self.isUseGPLNotice else txt_GPL txt += txt_blInfo % (self.p_name) #----- txt += "import bpy\n" if self.isUseOpProps or self.isUseSceneProps: txt += "from bpy.props import BoolProperty, BoolVectorProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty, IntVectorProperty, EnumProperty, StringProperty, PointerProperty\n" txt += "\n" #-----operator txt_name = self.p_name.strip()#re.sub('[\W]', '_', txt_name) txt_name = txt_name if txt_name != '' else 'Hello World' txt_className = txt_name.replace(" ", "") + "Operator" txt_blIdname = 'addongen.' + txt_name.replace(" ", "_").lower() + '_operator' txt_blLabel = txt_name + " Operator" context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props.overallName = txt_name txt_blOptions = "" if len(self.p_opOptions) > 0: temp = list(self.p_opOptions)[::-1] #I want 'REGISTER' to be first. for t in temp: txt_blOptions += "," if txt_blOptions != "" else "" txt_blOptions += "'%s'" % t txt_blOptions = " bl_options = {%s}\n\n" % txt_blOptions temp = "" if not self.isUseOpProps else txt_props txt += txt_operator % (txt_className, '"ToolTip of ' + txt_className + '"', txt_blIdname, txt_blLabel, txt_blOptions, temp) #--- if self.p_panelSpaceRegion.startswith("PROP"): ctgrConv = self.p_panelSpaceRegion.split("-")[2].replace("_", "").upper() else: ctgrConv = self.p_panelSpaceRegion.split("-")[0].replace("_", "") #-----panel txt_className_p = txt_name.replace(" ", "") + "Panel" if self.p_panelSpaceRegion.startswith("PROP"): ctgrConv = self.p_panelSpaceRegion.split("-")[2].replace("_", "").upper() else: ctgrConv = self.p_panelSpaceRegion.split("-")[0].replace("_", "") txt_blIdname_p = ctgrConv + '_PT_' + txt_name.replace(" ", "_").lower() txt_blLabel_p = txt_name + " Panel" txt_blOptions_p = "" temp = list(self.p_panelOptions) #p_panelOptions.pop() not worked well.(returned one value multiple times) for i in range(len(temp)): txt_blOptions_p += "" if i == 0 else ", " txt_blOptions_p += "'%s'" % temp[i] if txt_blOptions_p != "": txt_blOptions_p = "bl_options = {" + txt_blOptions_p + "}\n" temp = self.p_panelSpaceRegion.split("-") txt_space_p = "bl_space_type = '%s'\n" % temp[0] txt_region_p = " bl_region_type = '%s'" % temp[1] txt_context_p = "" if len(temp) < 3 else "\n bl_context = '%s'" % temp[2] txt_category_p = "" if self.p_panelSpaceRegion != 'VIEW_3D-TOOLS' else "\n bl_category = 'Tools'" txt += "" if not self.isUsePanel else txt_panel % (txt_className_p, '"Docstring of ' + txt_className_p + '"', txt_blIdname_p, txt_blLabel_p, txt_blOptions_p, txt_space_p + txt_region_p + txt_context_p + txt_category_p, txt_className, txt_name) #-----menu txt_className_m = txt_name.replace(" ", "") + "Menu" txt_blIdname_m = ctgrConv + '_MT_' + txt_name.replace(" ", "_").lower() txt_blLabel_m = txt_name + " Menu" txt += "" if not self.isUseMenu else txt_menu % (txt_className_m, txt_blIdname_m, txt_blLabel_m, txt_className) #----- if self.isUseSceneProps: txt += ("class %sProps(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):\n" % txt_name.replace(" ", "")) + txt_props + "\n" #----- if self.isUseMenuFunc: txt += "def menu_func(self, context):\n" txt += " self.layout.operator(%s.bl_idname, icon = 'PLUGIN')\n\n" % txt_className #----- temp1 = "" temp2 = "" if self.isUseSceneProps: temp1 += "bpy.utils.register_class(%sProps)\n" % txt_name.replace(" ", "") temp1 += " bpy.types.Scene.%s_props = PointerProperty(type = %sProps)\n\n" % ("addongen_" + txt_name.replace(" ", "_").lower(), txt_name.replace(" ", "")) temp1 += " " temp2 += "bpy.utils.unregister_class(%sProps)\n" % txt_name.replace(" ", "") temp2 += " #del bpy.types.Scene.%s_props\n\n" % ("addongen_" + txt_name.replace(" ", "_").lower()) temp2 += " " temp1 += "bpy.utils.register_class(%s)" % txt_className temp1 += "" if not self.isUsePanel else "\n bpy.utils.register_class(%s)" % txt_className_p temp1 += "" if not self.isUseMenu else "\n bpy.utils.register_class(%s)" % txt_className_m temp1 += "" if not self.isUseMenuFunc else "\n bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_object.append(menu_func)" temp2 += "bpy.utils.unregister_class(%s)" % txt_className temp2 += "" if not self.isUsePanel else "\n bpy.utils.unregister_class(%s)" % txt_className_p temp2 += "" if not self.isUseMenu else "\n bpy.utils.unregister_class(%s)" % txt_className_m temp2 += "" if not self.isUseMenuFunc else "\n bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_object.remove(menu_func)" if not self.isUseKeymap: txt += txt_reg % (temp1, temp2) else: if self.isUseMenu: txt += txt_reg_keymap % (temp1, '"wm.call_menu"', " = %s.bl_idname" % txt_className_m, temp2) else: #txt_reg_keymap % (bpy.utils.register(),,,,,) ,assign prop to kmi, bpy.utils.unregister()) txt += txt_reg_keymap % (temp1, txt_className + ".bl_idname", " = 'some'", temp2) #----- textObj =" ", "_") + ".py") textObj.write(txt) context.space_data.text = textObj{'INFO'}, "'%s' was created." % return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width = 400, height=500) # returns {'RUNNING_MODAL'} and calls execute() when 'OK' button is pressed #= AddonTempGen draw ================= def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout row = layout.row() row.alignment = 'CENTER' row.label('(Some options can be multi-selected with Shift-Click)') layout.separator() layout.prop(self, 'p_name') row = layout.row(align = True) #row.alignment = 'CENTER' col = row.column(align = True) col.label(" When above name is 'Hello World'...") col.label(" ClassName = 'HellowWorldOperator'") col.label(" bl_idname = 'addongen.hello_world_operator'") layout.label('Operator ' + ('-' * 110)) split = layout.split(0.2) col_L = split.column() col_L.alignment = 'RIGHT' col_L.label('bl_options') col_L.label('Use Op Props') col_R = split.column() col_R.row().prop(self, 'p_opOptions') col_R.prop(self, 'isUseOpProps') layout.separator() layout.label('Panel ' + ('-' * 116)) split = layout.split(0.2) col_L = split.column() col_L.alignment = 'RIGHT' col_L.label('Use Panel') col_L.label('Place') col_L.label('') col_L.label('bl_options') col_R = split.column() col_R.prop(self, 'isUsePanel') col_R.prop(self, 'p_panelSpaceRegion', text = '') col_R.label('(Full list is in props panel. Replace with after completion.)') row = col_R.split(0.6).row().prop(self, 'p_panelOptions') layout.separator() layout.label('Menu ' + ('-' * 116)) split = layout.split(0.2) split.alignment = 'RIGHT' split.label('Use Menu') #split = split.row() split.prop(self, 'isUseMenu') layout.separator() layout.label('Misc ' + ('-' * 116)) split = layout.split(0.2) col_L = split.column() col_L.alignment = 'RIGHT' col_L.label('GPL Notice') col_L.label('Scene Props') col_L.label('Menu Func') col_L.label('Keymap') col_R = split.column() col_R.prop(self, 'isUseGPLNotice') col_R.prop(self, 'isUseSceneProps') col_R.prop(self, 'isUseMenuFunc') col_R.prop(self, 'isUseKeymap') #--- layout.separator() #################################################################################### class AddSnippetOp_Props(bpy.types.Operator): """Add a property to current cursor position""" bl_idname = "chichige.add_snippet_operator_props" bl_label = "Add Snippet Operator - Props" bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'} type = StringProperty(name="OperationType") #Added step of IntVec, unit of FloatVec refDic = {'Bool' : "(%s, default=False, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'BoolVector' : "(%s, default=(False, False, False), options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', size=3, update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'Int' : "(%s, default=0, min=-sys.maxint, max=sys.maxint, soft_min=-sys.maxint, soft_max=sys.maxint, step=1, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'IntVector' : "(%s, default=(0, 0, 0), min=-sys.maxint, max=sys.maxint, soft_min=-sys.maxint, soft_max=sys.maxint, step=1, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', size=3, update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'Float' : "(%s, default=0.0, min=sys.float_info.min, max=sys.float_info.max, soft_min=sys.float_info.min, soft_max=sys.float_info.max, step=3, precision=2, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', unit='NONE', update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'FloatVector' : "(%s, default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), min=sys.float_info.min, max=sys.float_info.max, soft_min=sys.float_info.min, soft_max=sys.float_info.max, step=3, precision=2, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', unit='NONE', size=3, update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'String' : "(%s, %s, maxlen=0, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, subtype='NONE', update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'Enum' : "(items, %s, %s, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=None, get=None, set=None)", 'Collection' : "(items, %s, options={'ANIMATABLE'})", 'Pointer' : "(%s, options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=None)"} defaultDic = {'Bool' : "False", 'BoolVector' : "(False, False, False)", 'Int' : "0", 'IntVector' : "(0, 0, 0)", 'Float' : "0.0", 'FloatVector' : "(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)", 'String' : '""', 'Enum': '""'} def execute(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props if self.type.startswith("CHECK"): self.changeCheckState(context) return {'FINISHED'} txt = "" refNameDesc = 'name="", description=""' if pps.isAddRefComment: txt = "#%sProperty" % self.type if self.type == 'String' or self.type == 'Enum': txt += self.refDic[self.type] % (refNameDesc, 'default=""') elif self.type == 'Collection' or self.type == 'Pointer': txt += self.refDic[self.type] % ('type = "", description = ""') else: txt += self.refDic[self.type] % refNameDesc txt+= "\n" txt += ("" if not pps.isAddPrefix else "bpy.props.") + self.type + "Property(" subText = "" if self.type == 'Enum': subText = "items = [('ENUM1', 'Enum1', 'Enum1Desc'), ('ENUM2', '', '')]" elif self.type == 'Collection' or self.type == 'Pointer': subText = "type = ClassName" subText += "" if not pps.isAddName else (", " if subText else "") + 'name = ""' subText += "" if not pps.isAddDesc else (", " if subText else "") + 'description = ""' if self.type != 'Collection' and self.type != 'Pointer': subText += "" if not pps.isAddDefault else (", " if subText else "") + 'default = ' + self.defaultDic[self.type] isInt = self.type.startswith("Int") if isInt or self.type.startswith("Float"): if pps.isAddMinMax: (minStr, maxStr) = ("-sys.minint", "sys.maxint") if self.type.startswith("Int") else ("sys.float_info.min", "sys.float_info.max") subText += (", " if subText else "") + "min = %s, max = %s" % (minStr, maxStr) if pps.isAddSoftMinMax: (minStr, maxStr) = ("-sys.minint", "sys.maxint") if isInt else ("sys.float_info.min", "sys.float_info.max") subText += (", " if subText else "") + "soft_min = %s, soft_max = %s" % (minStr, maxStr) if pps.isAddStep: subText += (", " if subText else "") + "step = " + ("1" if isInt else "3") if not isInt: subText += "" if not pps.isAddFloatPrec else (", " if subText else "") + "precision = 2" subText += "" if pps.floatUnit == 'NO' else (", " if subText else "") + "unit = '%s'" % pps.floatUnit if self.type == 'Enum' and pps.isAddEnumFlag: temp = pps.propOptions.copy() temp.add('ENUM_FLAG') subText += (", " if subText else "") + 'options = %s' % str(temp) else: subText += "" if not pps.propOptions else (", " if subText else "") + 'options = %s' % str(pps.propOptions) if self.type != 'Enum' and self.type != 'Collection' and self.type != 'Pointer' : if self.type != 'String': if self.type.endswith("Vector"): subText += "" if pps.propVecSubtype == 'NO' else (", " if subText else "") + "subtype = '%s'" % pps.propVecSubtype else: subText += "" if pps.propSubtype == 'NO' else (", " if subText else "") + "subtype = '%s'" % pps.propSubtype else: subText += "" if pps.stringSubtype == 'NO' else (", " if subText else "") + "subtype = '%s'" % pps.stringSubtype if self.type.endswith("Vector"): subText += "" if not pps.isAddSize else (", " if subText else "") + "size = 3" if self.type != 'Collection': subText += "" if not pps.isAddUpdate else (", " if subText else "") + 'update = None' txt += subText + ")\n" if pps.isClipboard: context.window_manager.clipboard = txt{'INFO'}, "Property was copied to Clipboard.") else: sd = context.space_data if not sd.text: sd.text ='SnippetText') sd.text.write(txt){'INFO'}, "Property insertion was done.") return {'FINISHED'} def changeCheckState(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props if self.type == "CHECK_CLEAR": pps.isAddRefComment = pps.isAddPrefix = pps.isAddName = pps.isAddDesc = pps.isAddDefault = False pps.isAddMinMax = pps.isAddSoftMinMax = pps.isAddStep = pps.isAddSize = pps.isAddUpdate = False pps.propOptions = set()# I don't know if this is correct way pps.propSubtype = pps.propVecSubtype = pps.floatUnit = pps.stringSubtype = 'NO' pps.isAddFloatPrec = pps.isAddEnumFlag = False elif self.type == "CHECK_DEFAULT": pps.isAddPrefix = pps.isAddName = pps.isAddDesc = pps.isAddDefault = pps.isAddMinMax = True pps.isAddRefComment = pps.isAddSoftMinMax = pps.isAddStep = pps.isAddSize = pps.isAddUpdate = False pps.propOptions = set() pps.propSubtype = pps.propVecSubtype = pps.floatUnit = pps.stringSubtype = 'NO' pps.isAddFloatPrec = pps.isAddEnumFlag = False elif self.type == "CHECK_ALL": pps.isAddRefComment = pps.isAddPrefix = pps.isAddName = pps.isAddDesc = pps.isAddDefault = True pps.isAddMinMax = pps.isAddSoftMinMax = pps.isAddStep = pps.isAddSize = pps.isAddUpdate = True pps.propOptions = {'ANIMATABLE'} pps.propSubtype = pps.propVecSubtype = pps.floatUnit = pps.stringSubtype = 'NONE' pps.isAddFloatPrec = pps.isAddEnumFlag = True #################################################################################### class AddSnippetOp_Samples(bpy.types.Operator): """Add sample code to current cursor position""" bl_idname = "chichige.add_snippet_operator_samples" bl_label = "Add Snippet Operator - Samples" bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'} type = EnumProperty(items = [('PanelPlace', 'PanelPlace', 'Insert/Copy selected place'), ('AddonParts', 'AddonParts', 'Insert/Copy selected addon parts'), ('HintSnippets', 'HintSnippets', 'Insert/Copy selected hint'), ('UILayoutMembers', 'UILayoutMembers', 'Insert/Copy selected member'), ('INEFFECTIVE', 'INEFFECTIVE', 'Separator selected. Do nothing.'), ('Keymap', 'Keymap', 'Insert/Copy keymap combination.'), ('CheckKeymapConflicts', 'CheckKeymapConflicts', 'Check conflicts then print to console')]) uiLayoutParamDic = {'active': 'active = False', 'alert' : 'alert = False', 'alignment': "alignment = 'EXPAND' #enum in ['EXPAND', 'LEFT', 'CENTER', 'RIGHT']", 'enabled': 'enabled = False', 'operator_context': "operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT' #enum in ['INVOKE_DEFAULT', 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN', 'INVOKE_REGION_CHANNELS', 'INVOKE_REGION_PREVIEW', 'INVOKE_AREA', 'INVOKE_SCREEN', 'EXEC_DEFAULT', 'EXEC_REGION_WIN', 'EXEC_REGION_CHANNELS', 'EXEC_REGION_PREVIEW', 'EXEC_AREA', 'EXEC_SCREEN']", 'scale_x': 'scale_x = 0.0', 'scale_y': 'scale_y = 0.0', 'row()': 'row(align = False)', 'column()': 'column(align = False)', 'column_flow()': 'column_flow(columns = 0, align = False)', 'box()': 'box()', 'split()': 'split(percentage = 0.0, align = False)', 'prop()': 'prop(data, property, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s, expand = False, slider = False, toggle = False, icon_only = False, event = False, full_event = False, emboss = True, index = -1)' % "'NONE'", 'props_enum()': 'props_enum(data, property)', 'prop_menu_enum()': 'prop_menu_enum(data, property, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s)' % "'NONE'", 'prop_enum()': 'prop_enum(data, property, value, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s)' % "'NONE'", 'prop_search()': 'prop_search(data, property, search_data, search_property, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s)' % "'NONE'", 'operator()': 'operator(operator, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s, emboss = True)' % "'NONE'", 'operator_enum()': 'operator_enum(operator, property)', 'operator_menu_enum()': 'operator_menu_enum(operator, property, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s)' % "'NONE'", 'label()': 'label(text="", text_ctxt="", translate=True, icon=%s, icon_value=0)' % "'NONE'", 'menu()': 'menu(menu, text = "", text_ctxt = "", translate = True, icon = %s)' % "'NONE'", 'separator()': 'separator()'} def execute(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props if self.type == 'PanelPlace': txt = self.getPanelPlace(context) elif self.type == 'AddonParts': txt = self.getAddonParts(context) elif self.type == 'HintSnippets': txt = globals()["txt_hint_%s" % pps.hintSnippets] #in my experiment, global() doesn't contain another addon's elif self.type == 'UILayoutMembers': txt = self.getUILayoutMembers(context) elif self.type == 'INEFFECTIVE': return {'CANCELLED'} elif self.type == 'Keymap': txt = self.getKeymap(context) elif self.type == 'CheckKeymapConflicts': self.checkKeymapConflicts(context) return {'FINISHED'} if pps.isClipboard: context.window_manager.clipboard = txt{'INFO'}, "Sample code was copied to Clipboard.") else: sd = context.space_data if not sd.text: sd.text ='SnippetText') sd.text.write(txt){'INFO'}, "Sample code insertion was done.") return {'FINISHED'} #---- def getPanelPlace(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props # below is True only when called when "CodeSamples > PanelClass" # because 'SEPARATOR' is blocked in PanelPlace section by ".enabled = False". if pps.panelSpace.startswith('SEPA'): return "bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'\n bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'\n" txt = "" txt_space = "bl_space_type = '%s'" % pps.panelSpace if pps.panelSpace == 'VIEW_3D' or pps.panelSpace == 'CLIP_EDITOR': txt_region = pps.panelRegion_view3d_clip elif pps.panelSpace == 'PROPERTIES' or pps.panelSpace == 'USER_PREFERENCES': txt_region = 'WINDOW' elif pps.panelSpace == 'FILE_BROWSER': txt_region = 'CHANNELS' elif pps.panelSpace == 'IMAGE_EDITOR' or pps.panelSpace == 'NODE_EDITOR': txt_region = pps.panelRegion_image_node else: txt_region = 'UI' txt_region = "bl_region_type = '%s'" % txt_region txt_context = "" txt_category = "" if pps.panelSpace == 'VIEW_3D': if pps.panelContext_view3d != 'NO': txt_context = "bl_context = '%s'" % pps.panelContext_view3d if pps.panelRegion_view3d_clip == 'TOOLS': if pps.panelContext_view3d == 'objectmode': txt_category = pps.panelCategory_objectmode elif pps.panelContext_view3d == 'mesh_edit': txt_category = pps.panelCategory_editmode else: txt_category = pps.panelCategory_others if txt_category == 'NO': txt_category = "" else: txt_category = "bl_category = '%s'" % txt_category elif pps.panelSpace == 'IMAGE_EDITOR' and pps.panelRegion_image_node == 'TOOLS': if pps.panelCategory_imageeditor != 'NO': txt_category = "bl_category = '%s'" % pps.panelCategory_imageeditor elif pps.panelSpace == 'PROPERTIES': txt_context = "bl_context = '%s'" % pps.panelContext_properties txt += " %s\n %s\n " % (txt_space, txt_region) txt += "" if not txt_context else ("%s\n " % txt_context) txt += "" if not txt_category else ("%s\n " % txt_category) return txt #----- def getAddonParts(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props txt_name = pps.overallName.strip()#re.sub('[\W]', '_', txt_name) txt_name = txt_name if txt_name != '' else 'Hello World' txt_name_class = txt_name.replace(" ", "") txt_name_id = txt_name.replace(" ", "_").lower() txt = "" if pps.addonParts == "OperatorClass": #txt_operator % (className, "ToolTip", bl_idname, bl_label, \t(bl_options)\n\n, (props)) txt = txt_operator % (txt_name_class + "Operator", '"ToolTip of %sOperator"' % txt_name_class, "addongen.%s_operator" % txt_name_id, "%s Operator" % txt_name, " bl_options = {'REGISTER'}\n\n", "") elif pps.addonParts == "PanelClass": if pps.panelSpace.startswith("SEPA"): temp = 'VIEW3D' elif pps.panelSpace == "PROPERTIES": temp = pps.panelContext_properties.replace("_", "").upper() else: temp = pps.panelSpace.replace("_", "") txt_blIdname_p = temp + '_PT_%s_panel' % txt_name_id txt_blOptions_p = "#bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}\n" txt_panelPlace = self.getPanelPlace(context)[4:] #txt_panel % (ClassName, "ToolTip", bl_idname, bl_label, SpaceRegion, bl_context, OperatorClassName, ButtonLabel) txt = txt_panel % (txt_name_class + "Panel", '"Docstring of %sPanel"' % txt_name_class, txt_blIdname_p, txt_name + " Panel", txt_blOptions_p, txt_panelPlace, txt_name_class + "Operator", txt_name) elif pps.addonParts == "MenuClass": #txt_menu % (ClassName, bl_idname, bl_label, OperatorClassName) txt = txt_menu % (txt_name_class + "Menu", "VIEW3D_MT_" + txt_name_id, txt_name + " Menu", txt_name_class + "Operator") elif pps.addonParts == "Props(Operator)": txt = txt_props elif pps.addonParts == "PropGroup": txt = ("class %sProps(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):\n" % txt_name_class) + txt_props txt += "bpy.utils.register_class(%sProps)\n" % txt_name_class txt += "bpy.types.Scene.addongen_%s_props = PointerProperty(type = %sProps)\n" % (txt_name_id, txt_name_class) elif pps.addonParts == "CollectProp": #txt_collectionProp % (ClassName, ClassName, idname, ClassName, id_name, id_name) txt = txt_collectionProp % (txt_name_class, txt_name_class, txt_name_id, txt_name_class, txt_name_id, txt_name_id) elif pps.addonParts == "bl_info": txt = txt_blInfo % txt_name elif pps.addonParts == "MenuFunc": txt += "def menu_func(self, context):\n" txt += " self.layout.operator(%sOperator.bl_idname, icon = 'PLUGIN')\n" % txt_name_class txt += "#bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_object.append(menu_func) #put in register()\n" txt += "#bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_object.remove(menu_func) #put in unregister()\n" elif pps.addonParts == "Register" or pps.addonParts == "RegKeymap": temp1 = "bpy.utils.register_class(%sOperator)" % txt_name_class temp1 += "\n #bpy.utils.register_class(%sPanel)" % txt_name_class temp1 += "\n #bpy.utils.register_class(%sMenu)" % txt_name_class temp1 += "\n #bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_object.append(menu_func)" temp2 = "bpy.utils.unregister_class(%sOperator)" % txt_name_class temp2 += "\n #bpy.utils.unregister_class(%sPanel)" % txt_name_class temp2 += "\n #bpy.utils.unregister_class(%sMenu)" % txt_name_class temp2 += "\n #bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_object.remove(menu_func)" if pps.addonParts == "Register": txt += txt_reg % (temp1, temp2) else: if not pps.isKmiCallMenu: #txt_reg_keymap % (bpy.utils.register(),,,,,) ,assign prop to kmi, bpy.utils.unregister()) txt += txt_reg_keymap % (temp1, txt_name_class + "Operator.bl_idname", " = 'some'", temp2) else: txt += txt_reg_keymap % (temp1, "wm.call_menu", " = %sMenu.bl_idname" % txt_name_class, temp2) elif pps.addonParts == "GPL": txt = txt_GPL return txt #---- def getUILayoutMembers(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props txt = pps.uiLayoutMembers if pps.isAddUILayoutParams: txt = self.uiLayoutParamDic[txt] + "\n" elif not txt.endswith('()'): txt += " = " return txt #----- def getKeymap(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props txt_name = pps.overallName.strip()#re.sub('[\W]', '_', txt_name) txt_name = txt_name if txt_name != '' else 'Hello World' txt_name_class = txt_name.replace(" ", "") txt = "" txt += "#addon_keymaps = [] #put on out of register()\n" txt += " wm = bpy.context.window_manager\n" txt += " km = = '%s', space_type = '%s'%s%s)\n" % (pps.kmName, pps.kmSpaceType, ("" if pps.kmRegionType == "WINDOW" else ", region_type = '%s'" % pps.kmRegionType), (", modal = True" if pps.kmIsModal else "")) txtKeys = (", any=True" if pps.kmiKeysBit & 1 else "") + (", shift=True" if pps.kmiKeysBit & 2 else "") + (", ctrl=True" if pps.kmiKeysBit & 4 else "") + (", alt=True" if pps.kmiKeysBit & 8 else "") + (", oskey=True" if pps.kmiKeysBit & 16 else "") if not pps.kmIsModal: txt += " kmi =" % ('"wm.call_menu"' if pps.isKmiCallMenu else (txt_name_class + "Operator.bl_idname")) else: txt += " kmi = km.keymap_items.new_modal('CONFIRM'" txt += ", '%s', '%s'%s%s)\n" % (('TEXTINPUT' if pps.kmiMapType == 'TEXTINPUT' else pps.kmiType), ('NOTHING' if pps.kmiMapType in {'TEXTINPUT', 'TIMER'} else pps.kmiValue), txtKeys, ("" if pps.kmiKeyMod == 'NONE' else ", key_modifier = '%s'" % pps.kmiKeyMod)) if pps.isKmiCallMenu: txt += " = %sMenu.bl_idname\n" % txt_name_class else: txt += " = 'some'\n" txt += " addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))\n" return txt def checkKeymapConflicts(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props keys = [] keys.append('Any') if pps.kmiKeysBit & 1 else None keys.append('Shift') if pps.kmiKeysBit & 2 else None keys.append('Ctrl') if pps.kmiKeysBit & 4 else None keys.append('Alt') if pps.kmiKeysBit & 8 else None keys.append('Oskey') if pps.kmiKeysBit & 16 else None text = "" text += "####################################################\n" text += "######### KEYMAP CONFLICTS CHECKER #################\n" text += "####################################################\n" text += " Mark as 'Similar' If map_type and type are equal but other props \n" text += " Note :I couldn't understand keymap well. This checker is unreliable.\n\n" text += "====================================================\n" text += " Haystack : keyconfigs.user.keymaps\n" text += " Subject : " if pps.kmiMapType in {'TEXTINPUT', 'TIMER'}: text += "%s%s\n" % (pps.kmiMapType, (", " + pps.kmiType if pps.kmiMapType == 'TIMER' else "")) else: text += "%s, %s, %s, %s, mod: %s\n" % (pps.kmiMapType, pps.kmiType, pps.kmiValue, keys, pps.kmiKeyMod) text += "====================================================\n" kc = context.window_manager.keyconfigs.user for km in kc.keymaps: if == pps.kmName: break text += self.getKeymapConflicts_km(context, km) for km in kc.keymaps: if != pps.kmName: text+= self.getKeymapConflicts_km(context, km) print(text) def getKeymapConflicts_km(self, context, km): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props text = "\n" matchText = "" similarText = "" matchTitle = " < MATCH > : " similarTitle = " Similar : " text += "-- %s %s\n" % (, "-" * (60 - len( ) for kmi in km.keymap_items: if kmi.map_type == pps.kmiMapType and (kmi.map_type == 'TEXTINPUT' or (kmi.map_type != 'TEXTINPUT' and kmi.type == pps.kmiType)): tempText = kmi.propvalue if km.is_modal else if kmi.map_type in {'TEXTINPUT', 'TIMER'}: matchText += matchTitle + tempText + "\n" else: keys = [] keys.append('Any') if kmi.any else None keys.append('Shift') if kmi.shift else None keys.append('Ctrl') if kmi.ctrl else None keys.append('Alt') if kmi.alt else None keys.append('Oskey') if kmi.oskey else None tempText += " (%s, %s, mod: %s)\n" % (kmi.value, str(keys).replace("'", ""), kmi.key_modifier) if == "Call Menu": tempText += (" " * 23) + ("(menu: %s)\n" %['name']) keysBit = (2 if kmi.shift else 0) | (4 if kmi.ctrl else 0) | (8 if kmi.alt else 0) | (16 if kmi.oskey else 0) if kmi.value == pps.kmiValue and keysBit == (pps.kmiKeysBit & 30) and kmi.key_modifier == pps.kmiKeyMod: matchText += matchTitle + tempText else: similarText += similarTitle + tempText if == pps.kmName: text += matchText if matchText else matchTitle + " (Not found)\n" text += similarText if similarText else similarTitle + " (Not found)\n" else: if not matchText and not similarText: text = "" else: text += matchText if matchText else "" text += similarText if similarText else "" return text #################################################################################### class AddSnippetPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """ToolTip of AddonTemplatePanel""" bl_idname = "TEXTEDITOR_PT_add_snippet_panel" bl_label = "Add Snippets" bl_space_type = 'TEXT_EDITOR' bl_region_type = 'UI' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props layout.prop(pps, 'isClipboard') layout.prop(pps, 'overallName') row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, "isToolbarPropsClosed", text = "", emboss = False, icon = "TRIA_RIGHT" if pps.isToolbarPropsClosed else "TRIA_DOWN") row.label('Properties ' + '-' * (110 - len('Properties '))) if not pps.isToolbarPropsClosed: row = layout.row(align = True) row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "ClearAll").type = "CHECK_CLEAR" row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "AddonDefault").type = "CHECK_DEFAULT" row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "SelectAll").type = "CHECK_ALL" col = layout.column(align = True) box = row = box.row() row.prop(pps, 'isAddRefComment') row.prop(pps, 'isAddPrefix') row.prop(pps, 'isAddName') row = box.row() row.prop(pps, 'isAddDesc') row.prop(pps, 'isAddDefault') row.prop(pps, 'isAddUpdate') row = row.prop(pps, 'isAddMinMax') row.prop(pps, 'isAddSoftMinMax') row.prop(pps, 'isAddStep') row.prop(pps, 'isAddSize') box = split = box.split(0.18) split.label('options') row = split.row() row.prop(pps, 'propOptions') split = box.split(0.18) split.label('subtype') row = split.row() row.prop(pps, 'propSubtype', text="") row.prop(pps, 'propVecSubtype', text="") #-------- split = layout.split() row = split.row(align = True) row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "Bool").type = 'Bool' row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "BoolVec").type = 'BoolVector' row = split.row(align = True) row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "Int").type = 'Int' row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "IntVec").type = 'IntVector' row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, 'isAddFloatPrec') row.prop(pps, 'floatUnit', text = "") row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "Float").type = 'Float' row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "FloatVec").type = 'FloatVector' row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, 'stringSubtype', text = "") row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "String").type = 'String' split = layout.split(0.5) row = split.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, 'isAddEnumFlag') row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "Enum").type = 'Enum' split.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "Collection").type = 'Collection' split.operator(AddSnippetOp_Props.bl_idname, text = "Pointer").type = 'Pointer' layout.separator() # Panel Place ------ row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, "isToolbarPanelPlaceClosed", text = "", emboss = False, icon = "TRIA_RIGHT" if pps.isToolbarPanelPlaceClosed else "TRIA_DOWN") row.label('Panel Place ' + '-' * (110 - len('Panel Place '))) if not pps.isToolbarPanelPlaceClosed: split = layout.split(0.25) colLabel = split.column() subSplit = split.split(0.85) colCombo = subSplit.column() colButton = subSplit.column() colLabel.label('Space:') colCombo.prop(pps, "panelSpace", text = '') colButton.label('') colLabel.label('Region:') if pps.panelSpace.startswith('SEPA'): colCombo.label('') else: if pps.panelSpace == 'VIEW_3D' or pps.panelSpace == 'CLIP_EDITOR': colCombo.prop(pps, "panelRegion_view3d_clip", text = "") elif pps.panelSpace == 'PROPERTIES' or pps.panelSpace == 'USER_PREFERENCES': colCombo.label("WINDOW") elif pps.panelSpace == 'FILE_BROWSER': colCombo.label("CHANNELS") elif pps.panelSpace == 'IMAGE_EDITOR' or pps.panelSpace == 'NODE_EDITOR': colCombo.prop(pps, "panelRegion_image_node", text = "") else: colCombo.label("UI") if pps.panelSpace == 'VIEW_3D': colLabel.label("Context:") colCombo.prop(pps, "panelContext_view3d", text = "") if pps.panelRegion_view3d_clip == 'TOOLS': colLabel.label("Tab:") if pps.panelContext_view3d == 'objectmode': colCombo.prop(pps, "panelCategory_objectmode", text = "") elif pps.panelContext_view3d == 'mesh_edit': colCombo.prop(pps, "panelCategory_editmode", text = "") else: colCombo.prop(pps, "panelCategory_others", text = "") elif pps.panelSpace == 'PROPERTIES': colLabel.label("Context:") colCombo.prop(pps, "panelContext_properties", text = "") elif pps.panelSpace == 'IMAGE_EDITOR' and pps.panelRegion_image_node == 'TOOLS': colLabel.label("Tab:") colCombo.prop(pps, "panelCategory_imageeditor", text = "") # determine button position if pps.panelSpace == 'VIEW_3D': colButton.label('') #region row if pps.panelRegion_view3d_clip == 'TOOLS': colButton.label('') elif pps.panelSpace == 'PROPERTIES' or (pps.panelSpace == 'IMAGE_EDITOR' and pps.panelRegion_image_node == 'TOOLS'): colButton.label('') #region row row = colButton.row() row.enabled = not pps.panelSpace.startswith('SEPA') row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text = "", icon="COPYDOWN" if pps.isClipboard else "FORWARD").type = "PanelPlace" layout.separator() # CodeSamples----------- row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, "isToolbarCodeSamplesClosed", text = "", emboss = False, icon = "TRIA_RIGHT" if pps.isToolbarCodeSamplesClosed else "TRIA_DOWN") row.label('Code Samples ' + '-' * (110 - len('Code Samples '))) if not pps.isToolbarCodeSamplesClosed: col = layout.column(align = True) col.label("Addon Parts", icon = 'PLUGIN') #row = row.row() #I want the button to be sticked to enum list. This way slightly separates. #row.enabled = not pps.uiLayoutMembers.startswith('SEPA') row = col.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, 'addonParts', text="") if not pps.addonParts.startswith('SEPA'): row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text = "", icon="COPYDOWN" if pps.isClipboard else "FORWARD").type = "AddonParts" else: row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text="", icon ="LIBRARY_DATA_INDIRECT").type = "INEFFECTIVE" layout.separator() col = layout.column(align = True) col.label("Hint Snippets", icon = 'LAMP') row = col.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, 'hintSnippets', text = "") if not pps.hintSnippets.startswith('SEPA'): row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text = "", icon="COPYDOWN" if pps.isClipboard else "FORWARD").type = "HintSnippets" else: row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text="", icon ="LIBRARY_DATA_INDIRECT").type = "INEFFECTIVE" layout.separator() col = layout.column(align = True) row = col.row(align = True) row.label("UILayout Members", icon = 'SPLITSCREEN') row.prop(pps, "isAddUILayoutParams", text = "Include All Params") row = col.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, 'uiLayoutMembers', text="") if not pps.uiLayoutMembers.startswith('SEPA'): row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text = "", icon="COPYDOWN" if pps.isClipboard else "FORWARD").type = "UILayoutMembers" else: row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text="", icon ="LIBRARY_DATA_INDIRECT").type = "INEFFECTIVE" layout.separator() # Keymapping ------ # prop(full_event = True) not worked despite effort with various EnumProperty settings. # propvalue (used when km.is_modal is true) can't be filtered out the value. so, just hide it. row = layout.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, "isToolbarKeymapClosed", text = "", emboss = False, icon = "TRIA_RIGHT" if pps.isToolbarKeymapClosed else "TRIA_DOWN") row.label('Keymapping ' + '-' * (110 - len('Keymaping '))) if not pps.isToolbarKeymapClosed: split = layout.split(0.9) colLeft = split.column() colButton = split.column() colLeft.prop(pps, "kmName", text = "") colLeft.label("(%s, %s, Modal: %s)" % (pps.kmSpaceType, pps.kmRegionType, pps.kmIsModal)) #if not pps.kmIsModal: # layout.prop(pps, "kmiIdName", text = "idname") #else: # layout.prop(pps, "kmiPropVal", text = "PropVal") colLeft.prop(pps, "kmiMapType", text = "MapType") if pps.kmiMapType != 'TEXTINPUT': if pps.kmiMapType == 'TIMER': colLeft.prop(pps, "kmiType", text = "Type") else: row = colLeft.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, "kmiType", text = "") row.prop(pps, "kmiValue", text = "") row = colLeft.row(align = True) row.prop(pps, "isKmiAny") row.prop(pps, "isKmiShift") row.prop(pps, "isKmiCtrl") row.prop(pps, "isKmiAlt") row.prop(pps, "isKmiOskey") row = colLeft.row() subRow = row.row() subRow.enabled = not pps.kmIsModal subRow.prop(pps, "isKmiCallMenu", text="(Call Menu)") row.prop(pps, "kmiKeyMod", text = "Mod") # determine button position colButton.label("") colButton.label("") if pps.kmiMapType != 'TEXTINPUT': colButton.label("") if pps.kmiMapType != 'TIMER': colButton.label("") colButton.label("") row = colButton.row() row.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text = "", icon="COPYDOWN" if pps.isClipboard else "FORWARD").type = "Keymap" colLeft.separator() colLeft.operator(AddSnippetOp_Samples.bl_idname, text="Check Confilicts to Console").type = 'CheckKeymapConflicts' layout.separator() #################################################################################### # Scene item funcs, props ---- def getItems_propOptions(self, context): return convertToItems_prop(['HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE', 'ANIMATABLE', 'LIBRARY_EDITABLE']) def getItems_propSubtype(self, context): return convertToItems_prop(['-- Subtype --', 'UNSIGNED', 'PERCENTAGE', 'FACTOR', 'ANGLE', 'TIME', 'DISTANCE', 'NONE']) def getItems_propVecSubtype(self, context): return convertToItems_prop(['-- VecSub --', 'COLOR', 'TRANSLATION', 'DIRECTION', 'VELOCITY', 'ACCELERATION', 'MATRIX', 'EULER', 'QUATERNION', 'AXISANGLE', 'XYZ', 'COLOR_GAMMA', 'LAYER', 'NONE']) def getItems_floatUnit(self, context): return convertToItems_prop(['-- Unit --', 'NONE', 'LENGTH', 'AREA', 'VOLUME', 'ROTATION', 'TIME', 'VELOCITY', 'ACCELERATION']) def getItems_stringSubtype(self, context): return convertToItems_prop(['-- Subtype --', 'FILE_PATH', 'DIR_PATH', 'FILENAME', 'NONE']) def convertToItems_prop(itemsList): retVal = [] for item in itemsList: if item.startswith("-"): retVal.append(('NO', item, "")) else: retVal.append((item, item.replace("_", " ").title().replace(" ", ""), "")) return retVal #---------- def getPanelCategoryItems_objectmode(self, context): return convertToItems_panelCategory(['Tools', 'Create', 'Basic', 'Animation', 'Physics', 'History'], isOmitOptions = True) def getPanelCategoryItems_editmode(self, context): return convertToItems_panelCategory(['Tools', 'Create', 'Basic', 'Shading / UVs']) def getPanelCategoryItems_others(self, context):#header only return convertToItems_panelCategory(['Tools']) def convertToItems_panelCategory(itemsList = None, isOmitOptions = False): if not itemsList: itemsList = [] if not isOmitOptions: itemsList.append('Options') itemsList.append('Grease Pencil') itemsList.append('Relations') retVal = [('NO', '-- none --', '')] for item in itemsList: retVal.append((item, item, "")) return retVal #----- def getUILayoutMemberItems(self, context): items = ['row()', 'column()', 'column_flow()', 'box()', 'split()', 'SEPARATOR1', 'label()', 'menu()', 'separator()', 'SEPARATOR2', 'prop()', 'prop_menu_enum()', 'prop_enum()', 'prop_search()', 'props_enum()', 'SEPARATOR3', 'operator()', 'operator_enum()', 'operator_menu_enum()', 'SEPARATOR4', 'active', 'alert', 'alignment', 'enabled', 'scale_x', 'scale_y', 'operator_context'] retVal = [] for item in items: if item.startswith('SEPA'): retVal.append((item, '-' * 30, "")) else: retVal.append((item, item, "")) return retVal #------keymapping------- def update_kmName(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props kc = context.window_manager.keyconfigs.user for km in kc.keymaps: if == pps.kmName: pps.kmSpaceType = km.space_type pps.kmRegionType = km.region_type pps.kmIsModal = km.is_modal def get_kmiAny(self): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props return pps.kmiKeysBit & 1 def set_kmiAny(self, value): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props pps.kmiKeysBit = 31 if value else 0 def get_kmiShift(self): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props return pps.kmiKeysBit & 2 def set_kmiShift(self, value): setBitToKmiKeysBit(value, 2) def get_kmiCtrl(self): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props return pps.kmiKeysBit & 4 def set_kmiCtrl(self, value): setBitToKmiKeysBit(value, 4) def get_kmiAlt(self): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props return pps.kmiKeysBit & 8 def set_kmiAlt(self, value): setBitToKmiKeysBit(value, 8) def get_kmiOskey(self): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props return pps.kmiKeysBit & 16 def set_kmiOskey(self, value): setBitToKmiKeysBit(value, 16) def setBitToKmiKeysBit(value, bit): pps = bpy.context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props pps.kmiKeysBit if value and (pps.kmiKeysBit | bit) & 30 == 30 : #30 = all but Any. 2+4+8+16=30 pps.kmiKeysBit = 31 else: if value: pps.kmiKeysBit = ((pps.kmiKeysBit | bit) & 30) else: pps.kmiKeysBit = (pps.kmiKeysBit & (30 - bit)) #--EnumItem------- def getKmiMapType(self, context): items =["map_type"].enum_items.values() retVal = [] for item in items: retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) return retVal def getKmName(self, context): kc = context.window_manager.keyconfigs.user retVal = [] for km in kc.keymaps: retVal.append((,, return retVal def getKmiType(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props items =["type"].enum_items.values() if pps.kmiMapType == "TEXTINPUT": return (['TEXTINPUT', 'Text Input', '', '', -2]) else: retVal = [] if pps.kmiMapType == 'KEYBOARD': for item in items: if (item.value >= 97 and item.value <= 259) or (item.value >= 280 and item.value <=399): retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) return retVal elif pps.kmiMapType == 'TWEAK': min, max = 20482, 20486 elif pps.kmiMapType == 'MOUSE': min, max = 1, 17 elif pps.kmiMapType == 'NDOF': min, max = 400, 450 elif pps.kmiMapType == 'TIMER': min, max = 272, 279 else: min, max = 0, 0 for item in items: if item.value >= min and item.value <= max: retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) return retVal def getKmiValue(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props items =["value"].enum_items.values() if pps.kmiMapType in {'TIMER', 'TEXTINPUT'}: return ['ANY', 'Any', '', '', -1] else: retVal = [] if pps.kmiMapType == 'KEYBOARD': for item in items: if item.identifier in ['ANY', 'PRESS', 'RELEASE']: retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) elif pps.kmiMapType == 'TWEAK': for item in items: if not item.identifier in ['NOTHING', 'PRESS', 'RELEASE', 'CLICK', 'DOUBLE_CLICK']: retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) else: # pps.kmiMapType in {'MOUSE', 'NDOF'}: for item in items: if item.identifier in ['ANY', 'PRESS', 'RELEASE', 'CLICK', 'DOUBLE_CLICK']: retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) return retVal def getKmiKeyMod(self, context): pps = context.scene.chichige_add_snippet_props items =["type"].enum_items.values() retVal = [('NONE', '', '', '', 0)] for item in items: if (item.value >= 97 and item.value <= 259) or (item.value >= 280 and item.value <=399): retVal.append((item.identifier,, item.description, item.icon, item.value)) return retVal #----- class AddSnippetProps(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): isClipboard = BoolProperty(name = "Copy to Clipboard instead of Insertion") overallName = StringProperty(name = "Overall Name", description = "Used for class name of sample codes", default = "Hello World") isAddRefComment = BoolProperty(name = "#Ref", description = "Add reference line as comment", default = False) isAddPrefix = BoolProperty(name = "prefix", description = "Add bpy.props at first", default = True) isAddName = BoolProperty(name = "name", description = "Add name", default = True) isAddDesc = BoolProperty(name = "desc", description = "Add description", default = True) isAddDefault = BoolProperty(name = "default", description = "Add default", default = True) isAddMinMax = BoolProperty(name = "min,max", description = "Add min and max (maxlen for String)", default = True) isAddSoftMinMax = BoolProperty(name = "soft_min,max", description = "Add soft_min and soft_max", default = False) isAddStep = BoolProperty(name = "step", description = "Add step", default = False) isAddSize = BoolProperty(name = "size", description = "Add size", default = False) isAddUpdate = BoolProperty(name = "update", description = "Add update", default = False) propOptions = EnumProperty(items = getItems_propOptions, name = "PropOptions", description = "options of Property", options = {'ENUM_FLAG'}) propSubtype = EnumProperty(items = getItems_propSubtype, name = "PropSubtype", description = "subtype of Property") propVecSubtype = EnumProperty(items = getItems_propVecSubtype, name = "PropVecSubtype", description = "subtype of VectorProperty") isAddFloatPrec = BoolProperty(name = "precision", description = "Add precision to FloatProperty", default = False) floatUnit = EnumProperty(items = getItems_floatUnit, name = "unit", description = "unit of FloatProperty") stringSubtype = EnumProperty(items = getItems_stringSubtype, name = "subtype", description = "subtype of StringProperty") isAddEnumFlag = BoolProperty(name = "ENUM_FLAG", description = "Add ENUM_FLAG to options", default = False) #----- panelSpace = EnumProperty(items = [('VIEW_3D', '3D View', '', 'VIEW3D', 0), ('GRAPH_EDITOR', 'Graph Editor', '', 'IPO', 1), ('NLA_EDITOR', 'NLA Editor', '', 'NLA', 2), ('SEPARATOR1', '-' * 40, '', '', 3), ('IMAGE_EDITOR', 'UV/Image Editor', '', 'IMAGE_COL', 4), ('SEQUENCE_EDITOR', 'Video Sequence Editor', '', 'SEQUENCE', 5), ('CLIP_EDITOR', 'Movie Clip Editor', '', 'CLIP', 6), ('TEXT_EDITOR', 'Text Editor', '', 'TEXT', 7), ('NODE_EDITOR', 'Node Editor', '', 'NODETREE', 8), ('LOGIC_EDITOR', 'Logic Editor', '', 'LOGIC', 9), ('SEPARATOR2', '-' * 40, '', '', 10), ('PROPERTIES', 'Properties', '', 'BUTS', 11), ('USER_PREFERENCES', 'User Preferences', '', 'PREFERENCES', 12), ('FILE_BROWSER', 'File Browser', '', 'FILESEL', 13)], name = "Space", description = "bl_space_type of Panel class") panelRegion_view3d_clip = EnumProperty(items = [('TOOLS', 'TOOLS', ''), ('TOOL_PROPS', 'TOOL_PROPS', ''), ('UI', 'UI', '')] , name = "Region", description = "bl_region_type of Panel class") panelRegion_image_node = EnumProperty(items = [('TOOLS', 'TOOLS', ''), ('UI', 'UI', '')] , name = "Region", description = "bl_region_type of Panel class") panelContext_view3d = EnumProperty(items = [('NO', '-- none --', '', '', 0), ('objectmode', 'Object Mode', '', 'OBJECT_DATA', 1), ('posemode', 'Pose Mode', '', 'POSE_HLT', 2), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 20, '', '', 3), ('mesh_edit', 'Edit Mesh', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_MESH', 4), ('armature_edit', 'Edit Armature', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_ARMATURE', 5), ('curve_edit', 'Edit Curve', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_CURVE', 6), ('text_edit', 'Edit Text', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_FONT', 7), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 20, '', '', 8), ('lattice_edit', 'Edit Lattice', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_LATTICE', 9), ('surface_edit', 'Edit Surface', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_SURFACE', 10), ('mball_edit', 'Edit MBall', '', 'OUTLINER_OB_META', 11), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 20, '', '', 12), ('imagepaint', 'Image Paint', '', 'TPAINT_HLT', 13), ('weightpaint', 'Weight Paint', '', 'WPAINT_HLT', 14), ('vertexpaint', 'Vertex Paint', '', 'VPAINT_HLT', 15), ('particlemode', 'Particle Mode', '', 'PARTICLEMODE', 16)], name = "Context", description = "bl_context of Panel class") panelContext_properties = EnumProperty(items = [('render', 'Render', '', 'SCENE', 3), ('render_layer', 'RenderLayer', '', 'RENDERLAYERS', 4), ('scene', 'Scene', '', 'SCENE_DATA', 5), ('world', 'World', '', 'WORLD_DATA', 6), ('object', 'Object', '', 'OBJECT_DATA', 7), ('constraint', 'Constraint', '', 'CONSTRAINT', 8), ('modifier', 'Modifier', '', 'MODIFIER', 9), ('data', 'Data', '', 'MESH_DATA', 10), ('material', 'Material', '', 'MATERIAL', 11), ('texture', 'Texture', '', 'TEXTURE', 12), ('particles', 'Particles', '', 'PARTICLES', 13), ('physics', 'Physics', '', 'PHYSICS', 14)], name = "Context", description = "bl_context of Panel class") panelCategory_objectmode = EnumProperty(items = getPanelCategoryItems_objectmode, name = "Tab", description = "bl_category of Panel class") panelCategory_editmode = EnumProperty(items = getPanelCategoryItems_editmode, name = "Tab", description = "bl_category of Panel class") panelCategory_others = EnumProperty(items = getPanelCategoryItems_others, name = "Tab", description = "bl_category of Panel class") panelCategory_imageeditor = EnumProperty(items = [('NO', '-- none --', ''), ('Tools', 'Tools', ''), ('Scopes', 'Scopes', ''), ('Grease Pencil', 'Grease Pencil', '')], name = "Tab", description = "bl_category of Panel class") addonParts = EnumProperty(items = [('OperatorClass', 'Operator Class', ''), ('PanelClass', 'Panel Class', ''), ('MenuClass', 'Menu Class', ''), ('Props(Operator)', 'Properties (Operator)', ''), ('PropGroup', 'PropertyGroup (Scene)', ''), ('CollectProp', 'CollectionProp (Scene)', ''), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 30, ''), ('bl_info', 'bl_info', ''), ('MenuFunc', 'Menu Function', ''), ('Register', 'Register', ''), ('RegKeymap', 'Reg with Keymap', ''), ('GPL', 'GPL Block', '')], name = "Addon Parts") hintSnippets = EnumProperty(items = [('Basic', 'Basic', ''), ('BasicForLoop', 'Basic For Loop', ''), ('DuplicateObject', 'Duplicate Object', ''), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 30, ''), ('CreateNewMesh', 'Create New Mesh', ''), ('AddNewMaterial', 'Add New Material', ''), ('AddNewTexture', 'Add New Texture', ''), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 30, ''), ('AddNewUVMap', 'Add New UVMap', ''), ('AddAndApplyModifier', 'Add and Apply Modifier', ''), ('AddConstraint', 'Add Constraint', ''), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 30, ''), ('CreateNewArmature', 'Create New Armature', ''), ('ManipulatePoseBones', 'Manipulate Pose Bones', ''), ('SEPARATOR', '-' * 30, ''), ('AddNewNodes_Material', 'Add New Nodes (Material)', ''), ('AddNewNodes_Composite', 'Add New Nodes (Composite)', ''), ('AddFCurve', 'Add FCurve', ''), ('CreateTextBlock', 'Create TextBlock', '')], name = "Hint Snippets") isAddUILayoutParams = BoolProperty(name = "Add All Parameters", description = "Includes all parameters if checked") uiLayoutMembers = EnumProperty(items = getUILayoutMemberItems, name = "Members of UILayout", description = "Reminder purpose") #---- keymapping ------- kmName = EnumProperty(items = getKmName, name = "Keymap Name", update = update_kmName) kmSpaceType = StringProperty(default = 'EMPTY') #set by update_kmName() to reduce overhead kmRegionType = StringProperty(default = 'WINDOW') #set by update_kmName() kmIsModal = BoolProperty(default = False) #set by update_kmName() #kmiIdName = StringProperty() #kmiPropVal = StringProperty() kmiMapType = EnumProperty(items = getKmiMapType, name = "KeymapItem MapType") kmiType = EnumProperty(items = getKmiType, name = "KeymapItem Type") kmiValue = EnumProperty(items = getKmiValue, name = "KeymapItem Value") kmiKeyMod = EnumProperty(items = getKmiKeyMod, name = "KeymapItem KeyModifier") isKmiAny = BoolProperty(name = "Any", set = set_kmiAny, get = get_kmiAny) isKmiShift = BoolProperty(name = "Shift", set = set_kmiShift, get = get_kmiShift) isKmiCtrl = BoolProperty(name = "Ctrl", set = set_kmiCtrl, get = get_kmiCtrl) isKmiAlt = BoolProperty(name = "Alt", set = set_kmiAlt, get = get_kmiAlt) isKmiOskey = BoolProperty(name = "Cmd", set = set_kmiOskey, get = get_kmiOskey) kmiKeysBit = IntProperty() #Any : 1, Shift : 2, Ctrl : 4, Alt : 8, Oskey : 16 isKmiCallMenu = BoolProperty(description = "Check if you want to use the keymap to pop up a menu") #------ Collapse toolbar --------- isToolbarPropsClosed = BoolProperty() isToolbarPanelPlaceClosed = BoolProperty(default = True) isToolbarCodeSamplesClosed = BoolProperty(default = True) isToolbarKeymapClosed = BoolProperty(default = True) #################################################################################### def menu_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(AddonTemplateGeneratorOp.bl_idname, icon = 'PLUGIN') # Registration---_------------------------------------------ def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(AddSnippetProps) bpy.types.Scene.chichige_add_snippet_props = PointerProperty(type = AddSnippetProps) bpy.utils.register_class(AddonTemplateGeneratorOp) bpy.utils.register_class(AddSnippetOp_Props) bpy.utils.register_class(AddSnippetOp_Samples) bpy.utils.register_class(AddSnippetPanel) bpy.types.TEXT_MT_templates.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(AddSnippetProps) #del bpy.types.Scene.chichige_add_snippet_props bpy.utils.unregister_class(AddonTemplateGeneratorOp) bpy.utils.unregister_class(AddSnippetOp_Props) bpy.utils.unregister_class(AddSnippetOp_Samples) bpy.utils.unregister_class(AddSnippetPanel) bpy.types.TEXT_MT_templates.remove(menu_func) if __name__ == "__main__": register() #################################################################################### # belows are used from both TemplateGeneratorOp and CodeSamplesOp #################################################################################### #Text blocks at last === txt_GPL = """\ # ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### """ txt_blInfo = """\ bl_info = { "name": "%s", "author": "Your Name Here", "version": (1, 0), "blender": (2, 70, 0), "location": "View3D > Object > ", "description": "Adds a new Mesh Object", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Add Mesh"} """ txt_props = """\ my_bool = BoolProperty(name="", description="", default=False) my_boolVec = BoolVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(False, False, False)) my_float = FloatProperty(name="", description="", default=0.0) my_floatVec = FloatVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) my_int = IntProperty(name="", description="", default=0) my_intVec = IntVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(0, 0, 0)) my_string = StringProperty(name="String Value", description="", default="", maxlen=0) my_enum = EnumProperty(items = [('ENUM1', 'Enum1', 'enum prop 1'), ('ENUM2', 'Enum2', 'enum prop 2')], name="", description="", default="ENUM1") """ #txt_operator % (className, "ToolTip", bl_idname, bl_label, \t(bl_options)\n\n, (props)) txt_operator = """\ class %s(bpy.types.Operator): ""%s"" bl_idname = "%s" bl_label = "%s" %s%s #@classmethod #def poll(cls, context): # return context.object is not None def execute(self, context):{'INFO'}, "Hello World!") return {'FINISHED'} #def invoke(self, context, event): # wm.modal_handler_add(self) # return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} # return wm.invoke_porps_dialog(self) #def modal(self, context, event): #def draw(self, context): """ #txt_panel % (ClassName, "ToolTip", bl_idname, bl_label, SpaceRegion, bl_context, OperatorClassName, ButtonLabel) txt_panel = """\ class %s(bpy.types.Panel): ""%s"" bl_idname = "%s" bl_label = "%s" %s %s #Panels in ImageEditor are using .poll() instead of bl_context. #@classmethod #def poll(cls, context): # return context.space_data.show_paint def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator(%s.bl_idname, text = "%s", icon = 'BLENDER') """ #txt_menu % (ClassName, bl_idname, bl_label, OperatorClassName) txt_menu = """\ class %s(bpy.types.Menu): bl_idname = "%s" bl_label = "%s" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator(%s.bl_idname) layout.separator()"VIEW3D_MT_transform") layout.operator_menu_enum("object.select_by_type", "type", text="Select All by Type...") """ txt_reg = """\ def register(): %s def unregister(): %s if __name__ == "__main__": register() """ #txt_reg_keymap % (bpy.utils.register(),,,,,) ,assign prop to kmi, bpy.utils.unregister()) txt_reg_keymap = """\ # store keymaps here to access after registration addon_keymaps = [] def register(): %s # handle the keymap wm = bpy.context.window_manager km ='Object Mode', space_type='EMPTY') kmi =, 'SPACE', 'PRESS', ctrl=True, shift=True) %s addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi)) def unregister(): %s # handle the keymap for km, kmi in addon_keymaps: km.keymap_items.remove(kmi) addon_keymaps.clear() if __name__ == "__main__": register() """ #txt_collectionProp % (ClassName, ClassName, idname, ClassName, id_name, id_name) txt_collectionProp = """\ class %sCollection(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Test Prop Name", default="Unknown") value = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Test Prop Value", default=22) bpy.utils.register_class(%sCollection) bpy.types.Scene.addongen_%s_collection = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type = %sCollection) my_item = bpy.context.scene.addongen_%s_collection.add() = "Spam" my_item.value = 1000 my_item = bpy.context.scene.addongen_%s_collection.add() = "Eggs" my_item.value = 30 """ #--------------------------------- # variable name should match the enum value txt_hint_Basic = """\ #INFO, WARNING, ERROR{'INFO'}, "Hello World!") #Python: True if A == B else False (Non-Python: A == B ? true : false) print("Identical" if context.object == context.active_object else "Different")#True print("%s has %d objects" % (, len(context.scene.objects))) print(context.scene.cursor_location) print(context.scene.frame_current) #CYCLES, BLENDER_RENDER, BLENDER_GAME print(context.scene.render.engine) #MESH, CURVE, SURFACE, META, FONT, ARMATURE, LATTICE, EMPTY, CAMERA, LAMP, SPEAKER print(context.object.type) #OBJECT, EDIT, POSE, SCULPT, VERTEX_PAINT, WEIGHT_PAINT, TEXTURE_PAINT, PARTICLE_EDIT bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') #select an object only obj = context.scene.objects[0] = obj bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = True #set layers obj.layers = [i in [0, 19] for i in range(20)] # Base 0 obj.layers = [True for i in range(20)] # all #FINISHED, CANCELLED, RUNNING_MODAL, PASS_THROUGH return {'FINISHED'} """ txt_hint_BasicForLoop = """\ #for selection for obj in context.selected_objects: obj.show_name = not obj.show_name #toggle #for objects in a group groupName = "GroupName" if not groupName in{'WARNING'}, "%s was not found" % groupName) return {'CANCELLED'} else: for obj in[groupName].objects: obj.show_axis = not obj.show_axis return {'FINISHED'} """ txt_hint_DuplicateObject = """\ scene = context.scene obj_alt = context.object.copy() obj_alt.location = scene.cursor_location obj_alt.location.x += 1 obj_shift = context.object.copy() = obj_shift.location = scene.cursor_location obj_shift.location.x -= 1 """ txt_hint_AddNewMaterial = """\ obj = context.object if len(obj.material_slots) == 0: print("No material found.") else: print("material_slots[0].link = %s" % obj.material_slots[0].link) if not obj.material_slots[0].material: print("material_slots[0] exists but empty.") print("active : %s, %d" % (obj.active_material, obj.active_material_index)) mat ="Yellow") mat.diffuse_color = (1, 1, 0) mat.specular_intensity = 0.2 """ txt_hint_AddNewTexture = """\ mat = context.object.active_material if len(mat.texture_slots) == 0: print("No texture found.") else: #texture_slots[0] can be None for slot in mat.texture_slots: if slot and slot.texture: print("tex.type = %s" % slot.texture.type) break print("active : %s, %d" % (mat.active_texture, mat.active_texture_index)) tex ="MyClouds", type = 'CLOUDS') tex.noise_basis = 'ORIGINAL_PERLIN' slot = mat.texture_slots.add() slot.texture = tex slot.use_map_normal = True slot.normal_factor = 0.1 """ txt_hint_AddNewUVMap = """\ #prepare images to be assigned to faces img1 ='Grid', 300, 300) img1.generated_type = 'UV_GRID' img2 ='ColorGrid', 300, 300) img2.generated_type = 'COLOR_GRID' is accessible only in ObjectMode. # It's better to do this early. # bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') mesh = if len(mesh.uv_textures) == 8: uvTex = mesh.uv_textures[mesh.uv_textures.active_index] uvLayer = mesh.uv_layers[mesh.uv_textures.active_index] else: uvTex ="UVMap") for i in range(len(mesh.uv_textures)): if mesh.uv_textures[i] == uvTex: uvLayer = mesh.uv_layers[i] break for i, poly in enumerate(mesh.polygons): print(i, poly) for j in poly.loop_indices: uv =[j].uv[j].uv = (uv[0] + (i / 10), uv[1])[i].image = img1 if i % 3 != 0 else img2 print("\\n" + "-" * 30) print("len(mesh.loops) = %d" % len(mesh.loops)) print("len( = %d" % len( print("len(mesh.polygons) = %d" % len(mesh.polygons)) print("len( = %d" % len( poly = mesh.polygons[-1] print("\\nlen(mesh.polygons[0].vertices) = %d" % len(poly.vertices)) print("mesh.polygons[-1].loop_indices = %s" % poly.loop_indices) print("mesh.polygons[-1].loop_start = %d" % poly.loop_start) print("mesh.polygons[-1].loop_total = %d" % poly.loop_total) print("mesh.polygons[-1].material_index = %d" % poly.material_index) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') """ txt_hint_CreateNewMesh = """\ verts = [(-1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, -1, 0), (-1, -1, 0) ] edges = [] faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3]] mesh ="ObjectDataName") obj ="ObjectName", mesh) scene = context.scene = obj obj.location = scene.cursor_location bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = True mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces) mesh.update(calc_edges=True) """ txt_hint_CreateNewArmature = """\ scene = context.scene arma ="ArmatureDataName") obj ="AramatureObjectName", arma) obj.location = scene.cursor_location = obj bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = True bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bone1 ='Bone') bone1.head = (0,0,0) bone1.tail = (0,0,1) bone2 ='Bone.001') bone2.head = bone1.tail bone2.tail = (0,0,2) bone2.parent = bone1 bone2.use_connect = True bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') """ txt_hint_ManipulatePoseBones = """\ import math bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='POSE') bone1 = context.object.pose.bones[0] bone1.rotation_mode = 'XYZ' bone1.rotation_euler.x = math.radians(90) bone1.lock_location = [True, True, True] bone2 = context.object.pose.bones[1] bone2.rotation_quaternion.x = -1 cnst ='LIMIT_ROTATION') = "Constraint Name" cnst.use_limit_y = True cnst.owner_space = 'LOCAL' bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') """ txt_hint_AddAndApplyModifier = """\ mod ="ModName", 'ARRAY') mod.count = 3 mod.relative_offset_displace = (1.2, 0, 0) bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier = """ txt_hint_AddConstraint = """\ cnst ='LIMIT_LOCATION') = 'ConstraintName' cnst.use_min_x = True cnst.min_x = 0 cnst.use_transform_limit = True """ txt_hint_AddNewNodes_Material= """\ #context.active_node #available only in Node context #.node_tree is None until .use_nodes becomes True #context.space_data.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree' mat = context.object.active_material if not mat: return {'CANCELLED'} mat.use_nodes = True rgbNode = = 'ShaderNodeRGB') rgbNode.outputs['Color'].default_value = (1.0, 1.0, 0, 1) #Yellow rgbNode.location.x = -300 #for cycles difNode = = 'ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse') outNode = = 'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') difNode.location.y = 150 outNode.location = (300, 150)['Color'], difNode.inputs['Color'])['BSDF'], outNode.inputs['Surface']) #for internal difNode = = 'ShaderNodeMaterial') difNode.material = = "TestMaterial") outNode = = 'ShaderNodeOutput') difNode.location.y = -150 outNode.location = (300, -150)['Color'], difNode.inputs['Color'])['Color'], outNode.inputs['Color']) """ txt_hint_AddNewNodes_Composite = """\ #context.active_node #available only in Node context #context.space_data.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree' tree = context.scene.node_tree node1 = = 'CompositorNodeRLayers') node2 = = 'CompositorNodeBrightContrast') node2.inputs['Bright'].default_value = 0.2 node2.inputs['Contrast'].default_value = 0.2 node3 = = 'CompositorNodeComposite') node1.location.x = -250 node3.location.x = 250['Image'], node2.inputs['Image'])['Image'], node3.inputs['Image']) """ txt_hint_AddFCurve = """\ #new() : data_path and index decide the prop. (eg "location" & [2] points loc z') #to existance : fcurve.data_path and .array_index decide the prop. #obj.animation_data also holds .drivers and .nla_tracks obj = context.object obj.animation_data_create() obj.animation_data.action ="MyAction") fc_z ='location', index=2) fc_z.keyframe_points.add(2) fc_z.keyframe_points[0].co = (10.0, 1.0) fc_z.keyframe_points[1].co = (20.0, 3.0) euler = [] for i in range(3): euler.append( = 'rotation_euler', index = i, action_group = "Rotation")) euler[-1].keyframe_points.add(1) euler[-1].keyframe_points[0].co = (30.0, 3.1 * (i + 1)) #overwrite immediately to demo for fc in obj.animation_data.action.fcurves: if fc.data_path == 'rotation_euler' and fc.array_index == 1: # y fc.keyframe_points[0].co = (context.scene.frame_current, 3.1416 * 2) """ txt_hint_CreateTextBlock = """\ text = "Hello world! My chichige is bobo!" textObj ='Hello_World') textObj.write(text) #insert to cursor location #textObj.from_string(text)#replace all context.space_data.text = textObj #available only in TextEditor context """