[{"id":"1","content":" Remember when Michael Jackson looked like a mammal still?\n no"},{"id":"10","content":" i want a +\n it just looks cool\n<%sp|it> you have to earn it\n* %sp|it starts to unzip his pants...\n* bizaro gets out mop and bucket"},{"id":"100","content":"<@Caboose> these guys get the biggest kick out of saying, \"intern schipp is doing his internship\"\n Why does that get them off?\n Oh wait....\n ¬_¬\n<@Caboose> haha"},{"id":"101","content":" i wish all girls had anorexia"},{"id":"102","content":" what font are you using for irc rush\n<@Rush68> verdana\n i use webdings"},{"id":"103","content":"* explicit was kicked by prime (your mom has MY cock breath ho)"},{"id":"104","content":" if i was 13 id be one smart as 13 year old\n In whose opinion?"},{"id":"105","content":" little boys make me hot"},{"id":"106","content":" im mad\n but i have no voice\n ANYONE WHO WANTS TO MOVE TO CANADA, GO TO RUSH'S HOUSE"},{"id":"107","content":" its fucking raining again\n god is crying\n<@zerosleep> he is crying because he made the mistake of creating the human race.\n<@zerosleep> and because of that, YOU have to exist\n<@zerosleep> it makes everyone want to cry"},{"id":"108","content":"<@Caboose> your sister didn't fucking put out last night either.\n<@Caboose> that fucking bitch.\n She said because you didnt have any lolipops."},{"id":"109","content":" i may or may not be a father\n my fiancee thinks she may be pregnant\n there is a possibility of a little me running around in 9 months\n brb i have to punch her in the stomach a few times\n<@Rush68> sweet!\n just get a coat hanger"},{"id":"11","content":" are you wearing your schoolgirl uniform again?\n<+sp|it> ummm\n<+sp|it> ...no\n* +sp|it is lying"},{"id":"110","content":" even though i live in america i fucking hate it its like i am surrounded by stupidity\n and i am constantly being dragged down into their world\n<@Senses3> this isn't #grouphug"},{"id":"111","content":" like I can take on so many cows with my bone spear"},{"id":"112","content":" i need to clean the shitbox\n* !crisp bends over\n have at it\n* bizaro gets out the mop and bucket"},{"id":"113","content":" how is julia.\n give her a KOTC! from me\n awww\n give her a KOTV from me"},{"id":"114","content":"* Joins: explicit (~no@35556308.3ee19918.abhsia.telus.net)\n* explicit kills all the fundamentalist christians in the room"},{"id":"115","content":" I just dropped my pen\n and it dissapeard\n it's nowhere\n damnit\n Check your asshole"},{"id":"116","content":"<@Caboose> i was sitting at home, playing some tiger 2005\n<@Caboose> and my brother calls to tell me to record Charmed for his gf.\n<@Caboose> who the fuck watches Charmed?\n i do"},{"id":"117","content":" im gonna start asking girls if elvis presley makes their panties wet\n hahaha\n its the ultimate fuckin pickup line"},{"id":"118","content":"<@zerosleep> i need someone to check how secure my box is\n It depends on how hard you\n squeeze your cheeks.\n<@zerosleep> Sounds like you know this from experience."},{"id":"119","content":" you heard about the old slutty lady?\n i was helpin her find some cd\n and she ended up telling me that elvis presley makes her panties wet"},{"id":"12","content":" oh yeah, i keep naked pictures of my sister everywhere i go.\n ...doesn't everyone?"},{"id":"120","content":" http:\/\/imdb.com\/title\/tt0246578\/board\/threads\/ Check out some of those threads they go all homo over that.\n \"Reading through this explanation of Donnie Darko, with Donnie being the Messiah and talking to God from Universe A, B and such, invisible barriers, \"frank\" being the name of God, doing small seemingly random things\nto correct a rift in the space-time continum, etc., all seems very senseless and ridulous, at first glance. But then I think of the other Messiah story that I'm most familiar with... \n wtf\n Told you.\n I should join\n and be like \"YOU ALL NEED GIRLFRIENDS AND NEED TO GET LAID\"\n<@Caboose> and then post your number.\n \"Call me :-*"},{"id":"121","content":"<@zerosleep> man i fucking love bittorrent\n<@zerosleep> torrents are like crack\n<@zerosleep> digital crack CRACK\n* @zerosleep rubs his hands together"},{"id":"122","content":"<@Rush68> who the hell is on the back of an american dime\n<@Rush68> http:\/\/\/US\/tencent\/003us10c.jpg who the hell is that guy\n* !qoa goes blank\n<@Caboose> uhh\n lol\n<@Caboose> eisenhower isn't it?\n No clue.\n wow, thats shiney tho\n Kevo chimes in like a simpleton with wow, that's shiney.\n<@Rush68> hehe\n<@Caboose> haha\n haha\n Haha"},{"id":"123","content":" off to get paid\n* prime is now known as prime|afk\n<@Caboose> aka he's leaving for the street corner."},{"id":"124","content":"<@Caboose> hey do you guys have running water up there?\n wtf is that?\n<@Caboose> and rivers don't count."},{"id":"125","content":"<@Rush68> when you here a mountie go \"in something something name of the queen\" you duck and cover\n<@Rush68> because that's when they start beating the shit out of people\n HAHAHA\n Canadialand has no queen that's the funniest part."},{"id":"126","content":" Meth, there's a bear outside of your cabin, it's going to steal your beer, you better call a Mountie.\n i live in a city - no mounties. it's a shame.\n Canadialand doesn't have cities.\n<@Caboose> we have mounted police in indy, i think.\n<@Caboose> Canadialand \n<@Caboose> hahahaha\n nice.\n Just random cabins in forests.\n I laughed at that too"},{"id":"127","content":"<@Rush68> we attemptd that pipeline idea\n<@Rush68> but metal anything hasn't been invented yet and wooden pipelines ignite easily\n<@Caboose> but you didn't know what a line was?\n<@Caboose> trench that shit.\n Make an oil canal.\n It can be the Canadian Canalian.\n<@Caboose> i'd paypal to see that."},{"id":"128","content":"<@Caboose> hey do you have gas?\n<@Caboose> like in pipelines\n Only after Chilli night.\n<@Caboose> yeah i knew that was coming."},{"id":"129","content":"<@Caboose> man, you guys would be fucked if it wasn't for those eskimos.\n you mean, if it wasn't for them eskimos, we'd have nothing to fuck.\n<@Caboose> yeah\n<@Caboose> besides the penguins of course.\n<@Caboose> and the horses."},{"id":"13","content":" i get dropped like pat at birth"},{"id":"130","content":" what is pixelarmy?\n It's a website.\n what's it about?\n Elephant balls.\n They taste good with enough salt"},{"id":"131","content":" whats up qoa.\n* !crisp [mp3] CYNDI LAUPER - Girls Just Want to Have Fun [mp3]\n im looking at porn and eating sunflower seeds"},{"id":"132","content":" my brother was hit by a moped and died\n what a pussy"},{"id":"133","content":" They could ban you if they wanted.\n let them\n* v3 grabs justice stick\n<@Rush68> playing with your dads dildo is not cool\n<@Rush68> calling it the justice stick is even worse"},{"id":"134","content":" i'm 100% addicted to nfsu2\n need for semen, under age 2"},{"id":"135","content":"* Joins: Foxus (~337249@4e929bd.2e138044.abo.wanadoo.fr)\n helloo losers\n have fun ?\n with what?\n* Quits: Foxus (~337249@4e929bd.2e138044.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Après la pluit, le beau temps)\n<@Rush68> the french always fail at invading"},{"id":"136","content":" some of us have nothing to do tomorrow and need to get up early to do it\n ill be listening to\n Lindsay_Lohan-Speak-2004-KSi\n and jerking off all day"},{"id":"137","content":" i am going to install a honeypot on my system \n just to see\n* Quits: Spaz (Spaz@1409f3f8.3a1d2920.bchsia.telus.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)\n how do you install a honey pot?\n<@methodik> get a few bears, and some bees\n He's got a honeypot.exe"},{"id":"138","content":"<+nocturnal> i just bookmarked that brainwash page for the remote possibility of it getting me laid"},{"id":"139","content":"* Joins: blackout (me@13ff8:7fc:2340:60fa:fe9a:fe9a:fe9a:16308)\n shallow water blackout\n ooh baby whois me\n* anthill glances suggestively at fiz \n* @fiz like to \/whois\n<@fiz> * likes\n* anthill like cock"},{"id":"14","content":" i <3 yu guiys\n I love you too\n now why don't you slip into something a little more comfortable?\n* anthill rips off his pants\n liar\n wicked, he turned into the hulk"},{"id":"140","content":" Die bitch.\n died bitches\n qoa likes his colored\n lol?\n Oh \n ¬_¬"},{"id":"141","content":" if i can trick 100 people into sending me a penny\n i can get another bag of doughnuts\n warm krispy kream++\n donuts\n not everyone is rich like you dickwad"},{"id":"142","content":" house of pain's \"jump around\" is a crazy good masturbation soundtrack"},{"id":"143","content":"<%x0xf> The.Anal.Team.XXX.DVDRip.XviD-Pr0nStarS.sample.avi\n The fact that you couldn't legally purchase that cracks me up.\n<%x0xf> yeah?\n<%x0xf> i bet it does\n<%x0xf> but i cant legally buy heroine either\n<%x0xf> does that make you laugh?\n Almost as much as you sitting there jerking off to porn hoping your mom doesn't walk in and\/or find your porn does.\n<%x0xf> nobody walks in on me fool. and this is my pc\n<%x0xf> my mom doesn't even know what a mouse is\n<%x0xf> i have locks on my doors\n Wow, you're so grown up! Do you get to pick your own bedtime too?\n<%x0xf> no :(\n<%x0xf> as a matter of fact\n<%x0xf> im not supposed to be on\n<%x0xf> later."},{"id":"144","content":" i hate litestep\n its so gay\n i hate explorer actually\n LS is the shit\n<@Caboose> yeah i don't like the ford escape or excursion either.\n<@Caboose> GAY TO THE MAX."},{"id":"145","content":" .deep\n<+tunabot> If you're a horse, and someone gets on you, and falls off, and then gets right back on you, I think you should buck him off right away.\n if i were a horse\n and someone got on me\n i'd buck them off anyways\n<@methodik> if i were a horse i'd be too fucking busy being happy with the size of my tool."},{"id":"146","content":"<+qoa> Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Dr. Mulana Karenga also known as Ron Karenga, born Ron Everett. Ron was a convicted felon – sentenced five years after inventing Kwanzaa for torturing two black women by whipping them with electrical cords and beating them with a karate baton after stripping them naked. He also placed a soldering iron in one girl's mouth.\n* +nocturnal now celebrates Kwanzaa"},{"id":"147","content":" How many chatops do you have here? It seems like a lot.\n more than enough to ban you"},{"id":"148","content":"<@Caboose> i love taking tylenol with sunkist.\n real men swallow pills without a drink"},{"id":"149","content":"<@CABOOSE> you can just use my dick as the mouse.\n can i put it in a meat grinder?\n<@CABOOSE> IF (meat grinder == bizaro's mouth) yes;\n<@CABOOSE> ELSE no;"},{"id":"15","content":" o_0\n cs = i can't play a real game\n septor: whats a real game?\n hearts"},{"id":"150","content":"* Joins: Rush68 (~Rush68@digital.bath)\n<@Senses3> i really like her tho\n<@Rush68> well nothings changed in here, senses still wants to be a girl"},{"id":"151","content":" \"Do you think gay dudes get turned on by thier own wieners?\"\n<@Caboose> I KNOW I DON'T!"},{"id":"152","content":" I LEAVE FOR 4 FUCKING DAYS AND NOW IM FUCKING LOST\n<@Caboose> i didn't notice you were gone.\n good, I was ninja-like about it\n<@Caboose> or you're just so insignificant in the grand scheme of things.\n<@Caboose> we didn't care.\n<%septor> haha\n<@Caboose> but what do i know?\n how to make toilets in autocad?"},{"id":"153","content":"<@septor> i guess being slow and fat doesn't only consisst of running speed"},{"id":"154","content":" i'm going to go get a pizza\n bye 37\n have fun with that, thunderthighs\n<@anthill> oo dis\n you're jealous that my man boobs are bigger than any woman boobs you'll ever see\n and you're just jealous that i get more cock than you\n selfzing!"},{"id":"155","content":"<+anthill> inbox like a basket where paper is stored\n<@PseudoRE> oh \n<@PseudoRE> i store paper in my butt"},{"id":"156","content":" <3 is v3 with a sideways v\n* septor sets mode: +goldstar v3"},{"id":"157","content":" you flow like semen out of pats ass\n indeed\n pats ass smuthered in ky jelly\n<@Rush68> smuthered? great choice of wording"},{"id":"158","content":" do you like women?\n hot women?\n no\n you can have one if you shut up\n she is in the dryer\n go get her"},{"id":"159","content":"<+bizaro> who wears high heels with jeans\n<+twentynine> kevo"},{"id":"16","content":"<@Caboose> haha\n<@Caboose> sweet\n<@Caboose> i'm the only one with fag status.\n<@Caboose> hey wait a minute.\n<@Caboose> i fucking hate you"},{"id":"160","content":"<@void> i blew off two girls tonight to work on my website\n<@void> one of which was a guarenteed lay\n<@void> am i a nerd?\n<+anthill> more gay than anything"},{"id":"161","content":" im waiting til the Matrix Online game comes out\n That game is gayee.\n The fights are paper\/rock\/scissors.\n That's so matrix like.\n Cause they paused on walls, looked at eachother, and did 3 fist pounds before laying their piece.\n tunabot paper\n<+tunabot> Your paper leaves my rock bereft sunlight and it suffocates, qoa wins.\n bullet time rock\/paper\/scissors\n Neo killed Smith !\n tunabot paper\n<+tunabot> My scissors let the pain out of your paper, cutter style, qoa loses.\n An agent killed Morpheus :[\n There's your game.\n lmao\n tunabot rock\n<+tunabot> Your rock crushes my scissors and leaves them useless, bizaro wins.\n You are the one bizaro!.\n hahaha"},{"id":"162","content":" i drank a lot of it yesterday\n and now my ass is going to pay for it\n* Quits: @Rush68 (~Rush68@digital.bath) (Quit: haha bizarowned)"},{"id":"163","content":" .w 68131\n<+tunabot> Omaha, NE (68131) -9 degrees. Feels like -12. Fair. Barometric pressure: 30.10\n id crawl up my girlfriends vagina and sit there"},{"id":"164","content":"<+nocturnal> uh oh, i'm compressing a 1.22gb dir on a partition with 389mb left\n<+chris> pwned\n<+nocturnal> tru but at least i'm still naked"},{"id":"165","content":"<@Rush68> better yet spam\/porn mail i got\n<@Rush68> \"Nothing says \"romance\" like shooting cum in a girl's ass\"\n<@twentynine> then punching her"},{"id":"166","content":"<+Kevo> im a lady...on the inside"},{"id":"167","content":"* @twentynine is now known as bagel\n<+rob> ever try to fuck a bagel?"},{"id":"168","content":" beckah, my fiancee, decided it would be a good time to have her period in the middle of sex\n* qoa sets mode: +m"},{"id":"169","content":" my experience with blood last night was unpleasent\n got your shit pushed in?"},{"id":"17","content":"<@Caboose> he's a little too girly for me."},{"id":"170","content":" I dig when I pick my nose and finger comes out bloody.\n<@Caboose> i had that earlier.\n<@Caboose> while i was on the shitter.\n<@Caboose> i was like, eh, better a bloody nose than a bloody asshole."},{"id":"171","content":" [weather] [alert] - http:\/\/www.weather.com\/weather\/alerts?alertId=2770\n omgalert\n WEATHER ALEART OH SHIZZLE PAT YOUR TRAILER IS GOINGTO BLOW Z)R AWAY OHNOSE\n HAHA Oend\n Owned"},{"id":"172","content":" HI POGZ\n OMG SEPTOR\n HOW ARE YOU SENOR?\n (btw typing in caps is the new red)"},{"id":"173","content":"<@Jeus> !seen djs's daddy\n<@RIAA> I don't know who djs's daddy is.\n<@Jeus> dont worry neither does he"},{"id":"174","content":" i need like 500 tums right now\n and i dont have any so i have to settle for the poor mans antacid\n baking soda"},{"id":"175","content":" now i know why no one likes stomach acid\n<@Rush68> smells bad ont he carpet?\n<%djs> its barf\n<%djs> ?"},{"id":"176","content":" hes speaking like a moron.\n<@owlmanatt> klassik: Don't you mean AN MORON?\n ..."},{"id":"177","content":" I've gotten sloppy lately.\n<@Caboose> you like it sloppy.\n ;)\n And second.\n<@Caboose> yeah\n It's a lot easier\n I bet."},{"id":"178","content":"<+septor> here comes that left over sub ready to leave the building\n what the fuck\n what left over sub?\n<+septor> I HAD SUBWAY TODAY\n Leftover sub is code for my penis.\n<+septor> i had a 6inch left\n<+septor> i ate it recently\n See?"},{"id":"179","content":"<@Rush68> i didn't see the point in only having 2mp with a huge zoom\n true\n<@Rush68> the scanner i have now can scan my photos i take with my regular \nslr at just over 2mp as well so i saw no reason\n i got gigapixels ho"},{"id":"18","content":"<&Jeus> here i am ROCK FLORIDA LIKE A HURRICANE!"},{"id":"180","content":"<@Rush68> i'm getting drunk with my girl in hopes to get easy anal\n<@Rush68> bbl\n<@Rush68> (saddly it's true)\n* @Rush68 wanders off\n how bigs the strap on?"},{"id":"181","content":" hahah, nigger take your dick picture off my server\n NO\n<+septor> haha\n you're such a fag.\n youre looking at it\n so whos the fag\n<+septor> HAHA\n he's got a point there"},{"id":"182","content":" what should i put on my AIM profile?\n i fuck dudes\n ok\n but what should i put on my profile?\n* crisp changes topic to 'I have gas. | man, do you ever. | i fuck dudes'"},{"id":"183","content":"<@methodik> whoa.\n<@methodik> typing a blank \/alias just made irssi list a ton of shit.\n<@methodik> Irssi 0.8.9 (20031210) - http:\/\/irssi.org\/\n<@methodik> gay.\n<@methodik> wtf is 'knockout'\n It's how you lose a boxing match.\n* methodik sets mode: +b *!*methodik@*.3ee19918.763458a.342981b0X\n* methodik was kicked by methodik (#pixelarmy)\n hahaha\n knocked out\n Haha."},{"id":"184","content":"<+PseudoRE> .dirty\n<+tunabot> Dirty Proverb of the day: pencil sharpener - When a girl uses her teeth during felatio... \n<@twentynine> SHE GETS HER ASS BEAT"},{"id":"185","content":" People on xbox live squat on people that they just killed in Halo 2?\n To \"teabag\" them.\n<@Caboose> haha\n<@Caboose> that's gayer than pat.\n<@Caboose> and josh combined."},{"id":"186","content":"<+septor> speaking of urine\n<+septor> i need to go to work\n<+septor> i'm working up another #2\n<+septor> so i can get paid for it"},{"id":"187","content":" Haha yeah I liked that page\n This right here is the best:\n It's important to remember that the leetspeek community encourages new forms and awards individual creativity, resulting in a dynamic written language that eludes conformity or consistency. However, there are a few standard terms. \n The leetspeek community?\n hahahaha\n Congrats on your new spelling of vv3|23Z k3v00.\n It's really spe4xs a lot about j00r personali3."},{"id":"188","content":" can you see kevo talking?\n<@Caboose> i can\n* Quits: @Caboose (Caboose@staff.tkn) (Local kill by qoa (Can you hear him now?))\n* Joins: Caboose (Caboose@staff.tkn)\n* Quits: @Caboose (Caboose@staff.tkn) (Local kill by qoa (Good!))\n* Joins: Caboose (Caboose@staff.tkn)\n<@Caboose> this better be making it to chickfights."},{"id":"189","content":" my r and c keys are by each other\n and my fingers are fat\n<@Caboose> ok i'm leaving.\n<@Caboose> sausage fingers.\n<@Caboose> later #pixelarmy."},{"id":"19","content":"<@septor> i want it to snow a lot this winter\n<@septor> so i can build a snow fort in my front yard\n<@septor> then throw snowballs at passing cars\n<@septor> and hold up a sign that says \"that's right asshole, i threw it!\""},{"id":"190","content":"<+anthill> my brother just came up to me and quoted napoleon dynamite\n<+anthill> well he told me i was gay when i didn't laugh\n<+anthill> he kind of stood there as if he was awaiting confirmation\n<+anthill> i want some ice cream"},{"id":"191","content":" I've never watched 24 before right now, this show is fucking pimp.\n I like how this islamic terrorist family was eating breakfast on the first episode.\n And they were dumb enough to show them eating ham with eggs...\n He also flipped over a table while he was talking to a terrorist, and in every shot after the \nflipping one, the table was gone.\n It must have broken in half and then blinked 5 times before it disappeared from the map.\n<@Caboose> yeah it's like those barrels in double dragon, you hit 1 guy and then they blink a few times and vanish.\n\n(Last two lines were said at the exact same time.)"},{"id":"192","content":"<@Caboose> i wonder who wraps these cadbury eggs in foil.\n<@Caboose> you'd think a machine, but they're all wrapped differently\n Juan Hernandez.\n<@Caboose> i bet the factory is somewhere near the mexican border.\n<@Caboose> coindidence. no doubt.\n Look at where it's from on one of the wrappers.\n<@Caboose> oh hey good call\n<@Caboose> hershey pennsylvania.\n<@Caboose> that's close enough.\n Too bad the factory is all mexicans."},{"id":"193","content":" Klassik and I beat it.\n<@Caboose> together?"},{"id":"194","content":"<@Caboose> so this architect's computer has 1GB ram, and autocad crashes because it's not enough to open some files.\n<@Caboose> her computer was on 2000\n<@Caboose> they gave her a different one yesterday.\n<@Caboose> with 1GB ram.\n<@Caboose> on xp.\n<@Caboose> she's worse now.\n<@Caboose> wtf?\n<@septor> let me point out some of the words you said that will help you solve this riddle\n<@septor> \"her\"\n<@septor> \"she\""},{"id":"195","content":"<@Vivi> fucking christ, uploading pictures with 56k is like taking a shit out of your penis"},{"id":"196","content":" i will never be a plumber\n ever\n i now have an understanding of why they charge so much\n ITS NOT FUN TO BE COVERED IN HUMAN FECAL MATTER"},{"id":"197","content":" i really need to start packing\n congrats on coming out"},{"id":"198","content":"<&crisp> do u take pills?\n sure why not\n<&crisp> heh\n<&crisp> ill bring some then =X\n what kind\n advil"},{"id":"199","content":" want to see a pic of my cock in her pussy?\n i got it all\n i took this girl to porno central"},{"id":"2","content":" http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/1\/hi\/world\/americas\/3528794.stm\n Small child fights off shark attack.\n<&klassik> lmao @ \"He was bigger than my dad.\"\n<&klassik> no shit, chief"},{"id":"20","content":"<@septor> i really don't know the right answer to that question\n<@septor> can i phone a friend?\n what friend?\n owned"},{"id":"200","content":"<@methodik> if my internet was out for two days, i might have to shoot someone.\n<@septor> i'd probably stab some ducks\n<@methodik> i'd have to make do with my own porn collection, and that would just suck. who want's to look at the same porn twice?\n<@methodik> and by twice, i mean a hundred."},{"id":"201","content":"* qoa changes topic to ' If you want your own vhost \/msg hostserv help | EVERYONE COPY AND PASTE: \/j #2,000 '\n<@Caboose> that goes to channel #2\n Paste \/j #2,000 \n Mofo.\n* Parts: @Caboose (Caboose@godhates.us) (Left all channels\u000f)\n* Joins: Caboose (Caboose@godhates.us)\n* PixelServ sets mode: +o Caboose\n* qoa chuckles\n\n<%prime> whats #2,000 ?\n<@Caboose> the place to be.\n* Parts: %prime (prime1@PIX-EAE08B79.dsl.mindspring.com) (Left all channels)\n\n* Joins: Jeus (jeus@godhates.us)\n* Parts: Jeus (jeus@godhates.us) (Left all channels)\n* Joins: Jeus (jeus@godhates.us)\n\n* Parts: Kevo (Kevo@illego.net) (Left all channels\u000f)\n* Joins: Kevo (Kevo@illego.net)\n that \/j #2,000 is lame"},{"id":"202","content":"<@Vivi> i lag like a fat woman rolling uphill"},{"id":"203","content":"<@septor> you suck?\n pat shut the fuck up man\n<@septor> haha\n all you do is run your mouth\n<@septor> and you don't?\n<@septor> PLEASE NIGGA\n im not even talking to you idiot\n<@septor> i didn't see you direct your comments towards anyone\n<@septor> idiot\n i would love to punch you in the mouth\n<@septor> i'd love to see your fatass move fast enough to\n<@septor> go wash some dishes, bitch\n<@septor> you ain't got game here\n hey, slip on that sweet little blue jacket and sell me some censored music"},{"id":"204","content":" you dont own shit\n except a big ass cardboard refridgerator box\n and a newspaper\n which doubles as a blanket\n dont forget my 15 inch didlo i keep under the refrigerator"},{"id":"205","content":" damn... im pretyyyyyy fuckin drunk\n some kid gave me jhalf a pack of stoof;s to say wassup heh\n but, his moms alright\n wtf\n i dunno"},{"id":"206","content":" wait\n is your mom hot?\n yeah\n I'd hit it\n dude wtf?\n hey, you asked"},{"id":"207","content":" CAPS LOCK IS LIKE CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL"},{"id":"208","content":" every now and then some babies are born normal\n and some retarded"},{"id":"209","content":" i got your shell account right here\n* anthill nods towards groin\n give me a shell account"},{"id":"21","content":"<&crisp> Ruben_Studdard_Feat_Fat_Joe-What_Is_Sexy-(Promo_CDS)-2004-RNS\n<~klassik> that should read Ruben_Studdard_Feat_Fat_Joe-What_Is_Not_Sexy-(Promo_CDS)-2004-RNS"},{"id":"210","content":" Time for some ET.\n What a fag.\n Get out.\n owned\n You dumbass.\n Correct that.\n lol\n And that.\n klassik: you around?\n Would you fix your fucking typing?\n Goddamnit.\n That is correct.\n I was saying his name.\n Then a colon\n You're making yourself look like an idiot.\n Thats correct.\n You are.\n Because what I said was correct\n .\n Techically, you typed it wrong anyway.\n How so?\n Since there should be (2) spaces after a : .\n No.\n Two spaces after a period.\n Naw.\n Go look it up.\n I'm right.\n I'll bet you all the money I have in the bank.\n Where would I look that up?\n Motherfuck, I'll do it.\n Since you don't know how to ask Jeeves.\n k\n http:\/\/www.byui.edu\/writingcenter\/webpages\/colon.htm\n Right there.\n In fucking yellow."},{"id":"211","content":" it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, and then it's a spectator sport."},{"id":"212","content":" !google windows 3.1\n* pixelBOT has quit IRC (Client exited)"},{"id":"213","content":" HAHAHA I was playing Splinter Cell sneaking in the shadow, and Julia turned on the living room light. For a split second, I thought, oh shit he's going to see me."},{"id":"214","content":" im out of here\n my dogs looking sexy\n x0xf = homosexual\n i believe doing your dog doesn't count as doing a dog\n OWNED\n wait\n i mean\n is it a guy dog or a girl dog?\n doing a guy\n not a doh\n fuck i fucked that up\n fuck you all\n i quit the internet\n no shit homo\n* x0xf has quit IRC (Quit: later assholes)"},{"id":"215","content":" On Genesis, Joe Madden Football was the shit.\n YES MOTHERFUCKER THEY DID\n joe madden?\n word\n THATS WHY I SAID MADDEN OWNED ON SNES\n haha\n I was reading faggot.\n who the fuck is joe?\n who the hell is joe madden?\n Joe Montano.\n w;fja\n Montana.\n LMAO\n haha\n thats the gangster qb\n joe montano\n what you no catch my pass?\n BANG, BANG\n haha\n now you sleep with the fishes\n boddabing\n Dude.\n You know.\n badda bing!"},{"id":"216","content":" rush\n do you like tacos?\n i refuse to answer this question based on the fact that it might have a dual meaning"},{"id":"217","content":" bon jovi is leet"},{"id":"218","content":" i think i fucked my knee up again.\n the one they fixed last year.\n :(\n Way to go ace.\n i know\n i guess i was on them too much.\n How did you fuck it up the first time clover?\n haha\n i dunno.\n they said i had a build up in the joint.\n It had to have been a build up of sperm.\n when they got in there, there was nothing but a bunch of scar tissue and torn tissue floating around.\n in my knee.\n i guess...?\n Bukkake does that."},{"id":"219","content":" Is it possible to like build up static electricity in your hand or penis, and to like discharge so you get a shock when either of them touch together?"},{"id":"22","content":" Only first person shooters I've ever played are CS, Half-Life, Doom II and doom I"},{"id":"224","content":" im a major, bitch\n that comma is very important"},{"id":"225","content":" it's normally a cbj address that trys to install spyware\/crap\n *cjb\n you said bj\n sorry, i know that's the equivilent of a dog whistle to your mom\n tell her it was an accident\t"},{"id":"226","content":" you drive a hard bargin\n damn right\n i spent a few years in vietnam as a pimp\n i know my shit"},{"id":"227","content":"* bizaro has joined #music\n* RIAA sets mode: +o bizaro\n omg i got a video card\n nice\n brb installing\n haha\n you come on to let us know\n* bizaro has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)"},{"id":"228","content":" you can't pick up chicks with a john deere, Caboose\n i hate you.\n :(\n you too\n hahaha\n i'm gonna kill myself now.\n lol\n owned\n* Caboose has quit IRC ([irc.godhates.us] Local kill by Caboose (suicide.))"},{"id":"229","content":" I'm going to get a sub. You people discuss Algebra with Child Molesters"},{"id":"23","content":" HAHA\n hidden in some pants pockets\n ;(\n I felt them like 3 times\n My quotes page is getting large.\n but nothing hard was in them"},{"id":"230","content":"<@x0xf> i played wow non stop\n It looks fun.\n<@x0xf> yeah\n<@x0xf> but my girlfriend was pissed cause i wouldn't fuck her"},{"id":"231","content":"<@x0xf> who needs sex when they have a level 53 paladin"},{"id":"232","content":" i was able to use irc on my palm pilot, but i would ping out all the time\n<@x0xf> good thing palm pilots are for queers and lawyers\n<@x0xf> are you a lawyer dan?"},{"id":"233","content":" there is a brazillian band called Alt+F4"},{"id":"234","content":" it says i have a dcc pending could anyone tell me how to set it to receive?\n* ^factor unzips, drop, bend over"},{"id":"235","content":" (fat lesbians)++"},{"id":"236","content":" \"You'll feel just like you're browsing with cable or dsl\".\n<@septor> \"or like pulling a fat lady through a tar pit\""},{"id":"237","content":"<+SpetsnazX> I date stem cells"},{"id":"238","content":" some kid gave me jhalf a pack of stoof;s to say wassup heh\n lol\n perfect example of why you should stay away from IRC when your shitfaced\n<@Caboose> or, extremely gay."},{"id":"239","content":" pat and i had a super thick black one this morning."},{"id":"24","content":"<&Rush68> wtf, i got an error code at the bottom of some spam\n<&Rush68> and it has the adress of the spammers\n<&Rush68> Guerilla Traffic. 253 College St. Suite 20. Toronto ON, M5T1R5 Canada.\n<~klassik> too bad they're not US based\n<&Rush68> the fact that there local enough that they are half an hour away from me bugs me\n<&Rush68> i should sign that adress up for spam\n<&Rush68> real spam\n<~qoa> You should go punch them in the mouth.\n<~qoa> Unless of course you're emo, in which case die."},{"id":"240","content":"[11:37] What's the Kings Pat?\n[11:37] <@Caboose> [10:36] <@septor> it's like a mixture of freecell and solitaire\n[11:38] [11:38] Thanks I didn't see that."},{"id":"241","content":" septor, Joe, klassik, crisp and rush join together to form Voltron!!11!1!!1\n Hilarity does not ensue."},{"id":"242","content":"<&Caboose> hey pat.\n<&Caboose> if you were on a bus full of gay guys, would you get off?\n<~septor> no\n<~septor> i'd move to the front\n<~septor> though\n<&Caboose> the front eh?\n<~septor> i want to be at the front of the line"},{"id":"243","content":" I'm eating, and I click to see a new kickass truck, and I see two fatties with enough rolls to feed russia"},{"id":"244","content":" http:\/\/fernard.com\/maynard\/images\/badbear7ik.gif\n That bear has a nice takedown.\n<@septor> haha\n It went right for her neck too.\n<@septor> if i ever get married and become a known rapist, i'm using that move"},{"id":"245","content":"«Rush68» -bomb rush68\n* b0t places a bomb in rush68's pants!\n [bomb] You can defuse the bomb by cutting one of the following wires - type '-cut ': Red, Green, Maroon.\n HURRY LOL!!\n i just wanted b0t to put something in my pants ;)"},{"id":"246","content":" FETUS?\n more like HUMAN MILKSHAKE\t"},{"id":"247","content":" from now on, I'm dating fat bitches"},{"id":"248","content":" he wants a ride on the jewjew train\n i do\n oh nice!\n* Joe takes it off"},{"id":"249","content":" so i picked up the apartment, have a nice card, and stole a rose\n will take her to a LATE dinner since she is still working... and then buy her something and give her sex... that should do it\n<@Durandal> buy her what\n dunno, will let her pick\n take a late trip to wal-mart or some shit\n<@c-rOCK> romance.\n<@c-rOCK> thats classy right there\n<@c-rOCK> a walmart run.\n<@Durandal> classier than buying a girl an ipod to get in her pants?"},{"id":"25","content":" qoa what network do you get all your movies from?\n<~qoa> I almost never download movies.\n<@Caboose> he gets them all from turner classic movies.\n<@Caboose> records them on beta tapes."},{"id":"250","content":" SITE DOWN SITE DOWN\n WE GOT A SITE DOWN\n SEND IN A 404 TEAM\n WE NEED A MARKUP LANGUAGE PRONTO\n HE'S BLUE SCREENLINEING"},{"id":"251","content":" plus there's knock offs twice as big and half the price"},{"id":"252","content":"<@Caboose> quit fucking up the piespy.\n shut up\n i want to be connected to you guys\n crisp\n apollo\n b0t\n Rush68?\n thanks apollo!\n now it will be like a spider web of homosexuality where septor and caboose reside connected by one thick black line, and i am the center of everything\n* Rush68 back out i go"},{"id":"253","content":" isn't myspace for music?\n<+GerblNut> no\n<+GerblNut> it's a community where you try to have more friends then everyone else where you flaunt your pictures\n so it's like multiplayer imageshack?"},{"id":"254","content":" Previously IRC has been only for the computer literate but HydraIRC makes IRC accessible to everyone\n<@septor> that's bs\n<@septor> kevo uses irc just fine\n<@septor> OH BURN\n<~qoa> OOH SCALDED\n* Quits: Kevo (Kevo@illego.net) (Connection reset by peer)\n<@septor> oops, my mistake\n he's crying now\n* Joins: Kevo (Kevo@illego.net)\n<@septor> wb crybaby"},{"id":"255","content":" what a fucking gay ass game.\n what game?\n some fucking castle sim\n<@Rush68> castle sim?\n i downloaded out of boredom\n<@Rush68> that sounds terrible\n stronghold 2\n it fucking blows.\n<@Rush68> oh wait now that sounds good"},{"id":"256","content":" marriage is for guys who think they could never get another chick\n its a good thing pat got married before tia left him"},{"id":"257","content":" 0 items found for pocket pussy in main search\n 1 item found in other eBay areas\n =\/"},{"id":"258","content":"<&Joe> your mom was A WHORE?8*\n<~Kevo> WAS?\n<~Kevo>she IS"},{"id":"259","content":"<@septor> from now on, i'll just start rabbit via \/exec\n<@septor> ONE WINDOW TO RULE THEM ALL!!!!"},{"id":"26","content":" How can faggot be used as a verb?"},{"id":"260","content":" [time] Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 12:16:29 PM EST\n why did I think it was tuesday\n because the jewish calendar starts on saturday, not sunday?\n haha\n hey i don't know, i'm just taking guesses."},{"id":"261","content":" That apartment was across the street from a crackhouse.\n<@septor> haha\n<@septor> i live across the street from a corn field!\n Have you stolen any yet?\n<@septor> corn?\n<@septor> hell yeah"},{"id":"262","content":" hey, this may be old news - but bram cohen was featured in TIME as one of the 100 most influential technical ppl lately\n i thought that was really cool\n<@septor> who's bram cohen?\n<@methodik> guy who wrote dracula."},{"id":"263","content":"<@septor> -cut moron\n [bomb] Sorry septor, correct color was Maroon. You're fucking dead, good job."},{"id":"264","content":"<@Rush68> found out today i could buy a 30 pack of dvd+r's for only 15$\n<@Rush68> (pricing error i'm pretty sure)\n<@Rush68> so i bought 45$ worth\n<~qoa> Haha 90 dvd's.\n<~qoa> I'd burn everything.\n<~qoa> INTERNET TEMP FILES DVD 1"},{"id":"265","content":"* Joins: MrSomeone (joe@\n hah Kevo you broke my router\n* Quits: Joe (joe@ (Killed (qoa (YOU SANK MY ROUTERSHIP)))"},{"id":"266","content":" did i miss something?\n yes\n millions of years of evolution"},{"id":"267","content":" just close your eyes and click all over the place\n GOD WILL GUIDE YOU"},{"id":"268","content":"<&klassik> you need to just post the good pictures of her naked\n<~qoa> Haha.\n<~qoa> Post them ALL\n<&klassik> lets get this over with.\n<~qoa> We want the goatse's.\n<@septor> haha\n<&klassik> yeah\n i got them on CD somewhere\n<@septor> go look for them\n<@septor> what else are you doing?\n<@septor> you owe it to us for letting you chat here\t"},{"id":"269","content":" hey baby.\n hello sexasaurus rex\n ;)\n kevo around?\n naw.\n good lets bone\n k, but it has to be quick\n i'm chafed."},{"id":"27","content":"<@zerosleep> nothings better than a cigarette and a shit\n<@zerosleep> except for maybe a cigarette and a shit and a blowjob\n<@zerosleep> and a sandwhich\n<%anthill> i can think of tons of better things than that\n<%anthill> eating some cheesesteak pizza while fucking your girlfriend doggystyle using her back as a plate \n<%anthill> all while taking a shit\n<%anthill> on the back of your legs"},{"id":"270","content":" http:\/\/n00105.myspace.com\/00105\/33\/31\/105621333_l.jpg\n gigantic titties\n too bad for rush\n he cant see them\n why?\n has myspace blocked\n lol why?\n because hes so indie"},{"id":"271","content":" =\/ it's bad that i instinctivly aim for the neck\n i just figure no one expects it\n no one expects for you to just get down and take a shit and start crying\n thats what i do"},{"id":"272","content":" im bored\n gay*\n Zing and stuff."},{"id":"273","content":" gay\n you need hardware for protools to work\n i got a tool you can use for free.\n your mouth?\n ive needed a place to store my dick for a while now\n yeah"},{"id":"274","content":"<@timmo> and shes more of a \/ shape\n<@timmo> like a xmas tree\n<@timmo> xmas tree made of fat"},{"id":"275","content":" Kevo++\n Kevo++\n Kevo++\n Kevo++\n -karma Kevo\n<@b0t> [karma] karma for Kevo = -119"},{"id":"276","content":"<~qoa> Two gay Israeli men have installed a huge double bed in a New York art gallery and are inviting Arab men to become their \"lover\" as part of an exhibition called \"Sleeping with the Enemy.\"\n<~qoa> But the artists who like to be known simply as Gil and Moti talk about the project in romantic terms, saying it's about \"falling in love\" rather than sex. Gil said visitors should not come to the show expecting to see pornography.\n<~qoa> Who's your friend Joe?\n .\n what the fuck.\n israelis and jews are the same right?\n I'm not Israeli\n no they aren't\n no they are\n i'm american\n exactly the same thing\n gigantic noses\n totally gay\n i don't have a big nose, fag\n greedy as shit\n well yeah I can't object to that one ;)\n the gay\n ;-)\n me and you should make an art gallery"},{"id":"277","content":" -8ball does kevo suck dick?\n [8ball] Of course\n -8ball do you lie?\n [8ball] Nope... not at all\n :("},{"id":"278","content":" and how did you type those if they really dont work?\n but it doesn't stick anymore\n now that i broke it\n alt + chr#\n they're sticky fucker\n DUH\n they work fine\n they just don't pop up as fast as the others\n just turn sticky keys off ;)"},{"id":"279","content":"<@septor> kevo\n<@septor> when you get the urge to think\n<@septor> don't"},{"id":"28","content":" i just preformed exploratory surgery on my foot"},{"id":"280","content":"<@septor> i tried for years to get someone to kill themselves in vp without success"},{"id":"281","content":"<@septor> kevo's a puss\n<@septor> he's emo\n<@septor> i'll just call him fat and he'll be tko'd"},{"id":"282","content":" http:\/\/crisp.hostx.us\/images\/Picture84.jpg\n guess what that is!\n* illego doesnt even click\n* septor doesn't either\n wtf is it?\n haha jew\n my cum!\n haha\n HAHAHA\n of coarse he'd click\n . . . .\n owned\n fuck you're joking right?\n now that shit is in your cache\n NO!\n you have tim cum in your cache\n oh fuck you\n ass\n OWNED!!!\n LOL!!\n my cums in your cache!\n haha\t"},{"id":"283","content":"<~qoa> Radio Shack got bought out in Canada by Circuit City.\n<&klassik> nice.\n<&klassik> they're going to become radio city\n<~qoa> It's called Source now or some shit.\n<~qoa> Hopefully they don't get rid of all the cool shit about Radio Shack.\n<~qoa> Random tiny electronic parts.\n yeah\n i bought an atom once\n but i lost it in the bag"},{"id":"284","content":" the best part about the longest yard is steve austin calling nelly a nigger"},{"id":"285","content":"<@Caboose> fuck dude, this is hard.\n haha, man, keep that shit to yourself"},{"id":"286","content":"* djs is now known as DJS\n* @DJS DIDNT FUCKING KNOW THAT\n* DJS is now known as djs"},{"id":"287","content":"<@Jeus> how many milliseconds are in 1 minute?\n 1000?"},{"id":"288","content":"<@septor> for those of you who don't know\n i now have 35 pepsi points\n and i could win a sports pass\n thank you.\n correction: 35 pepsi points, on my desk\n maybe now you can get a pepsi blanket, you can cover up when tia makes you sleep on the couch, instead of using a towel\t"},{"id":"289","content":" modb\n you need a chick, man\n before you get a sex change\n dude it's been too long\n hahaha\n and the closest i got to ass in like 2 years was tits and making out\n this can go nowhere but downhill\n THAT'S SO 6th grade\n checking your mom for breast cancer, and giving your sister cpr doesnt count as tits and making out"},{"id":"29","content":" using telnet for irc sucks ass, but it's possible.\n<~klassik> meth\n<~klassik> look at your pm\n* Quits: meth (~xx@PIX-61D58382.ab.hsia.telus.net) (Quit: telnetPRIVMSG #pixelarmy haha - i'm at work, no pm here)"},{"id":"290","content":" your mom isnt your gf?\n nah =[\n i tried that for a while, but hitting it was too weird, she called me daddy and i nearly ceased to exist"},{"id":"291","content":"* Shredder has joined #TMNT\n* Shredder attacks Leonardo\n INFERIOR MUTANTS\n* Shredder was kicked by Donatello (not cutting you any slack)"},{"id":"292","content":" boners\n OH YEAH\n w0rd\n klassik, you don't in any way look like the kool-aid guy do you?\n because as of now, that's what i assume you look like\n yeah I do."},{"id":"293","content":" http:\/\/www.whatreallyhappened.com\/RANCHO\/POLITICS\/FOSTER_COVERUP\/SUICIDE\/suicide.html\n bud dwyer suicide video\n caught on national TV\n that video ALWAYS changes my mind when i think about blowing my brains out\n ;)\n<&crisp> that video comes to mind after i fuck a fat chic"},{"id":"294","content":"<&klassik> http:\/\/cgi.ebay.com.au\/ws\/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1469&item=5591163987&rd=1&ssPageName=WD2V\n<@djs> 65 bucks for writing ROFL on 2 eggo waffles\n<@djs> im making some fucking lollerskates "},{"id":"295","content":"<&crisp> man im fucking bored\n<&crisp> MODB you wanna come over and do drugs\n<&crisp> then you can sit on my lap and we can chat in #pa"},{"id":"296","content":" our pool is an ourdoor one\n if you go up tot he roof and look down at it, you can see it's shaped like a skull\n take a pic\n i don't like going up on the roof\n fear of heights?\n no, it's fucking windy and there is no way to stop you from falling\n the ground stops you from falling real well. =]"},{"id":"297","content":" just use keyascii to make vbkeyesc close it\n and it'll be leet\n HAHAHAHA\n ASDFAV\n shh\n Kevo used VB for three days, he can use neato coding words to make himself sound hip."},{"id":"298","content":" jews dont count\n once you are 13 you can do what you want\n except spend money in excess of 10$"},{"id":"299","content":" Josh, good thing you're gay\n you don't have to worry about being the dad\n shes not gonna have the kid\n im gonna punch her in the stomach\n videotape it\n :D"},{"id":"3","content":"<%prime> im homophobic\n<@Caboose> you're scared of yourself?"},{"id":"30","content":"<+anthill> degrading women should be an olympic sport"},{"id":"300","content":" FUCK\n my ex girlfriend may be pregnant\n<@septor> owned\n<@djs> LOL\n<@djs> Emo Dad"},{"id":"301","content":" since it's japanese the if there were any photos after that, they would probably involve scat\n that's just a prelude\n or like 200 shot glasses filled with cum"},{"id":"302","content":"* x0xf is now known as anti-jew\n<@anti-jew> word\n* Joe is now known as anti-emo\n word.\n* anti-emo is now known as Joe\n if kevo was here he would now be known as crying"},{"id":"303","content":" PENIS\n sorry if I set off a highlight schipp"},{"id":"304","content":" I got an email \"FREE DIAPERS FOR A YEAR\"\n FUCK YEAH! no more pissing myself\n Imma go shave. bbl"},{"id":"305","content":" cockbreak, brb"},{"id":"306","content":" I don't really know what is my sexuality..... "},{"id":"307","content":" escaping reality just to escape into imitated reality--\n OMFG HAVING FUN IS TEH LAMENESS \n Is how it comes out to me.\n DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS\n I just noticed it was about the sims."},{"id":"308","content":"<@septor> i don't think anyone knows who what that song realy is\n<@septor> er\n<@septor> +\/\n<@septor> +sings\n<@Hope> wtf\n<@septor> no idea\n pat speaks his own language\n you kinda have to just nod your head\n<@septor> haha\n<@septor> \"ok\"\n<@septor> \"yeah\"\n \"I was thinking the same thing\"\n<@septor> that will usually tide me over"},{"id":"309","content":" What's the name of that one site that you can search for a band and it brings up a web like thing with a whole bunch of others?\n<~qoa> mp3shitter?\n<@septor> http:\/\/google.com\/"},{"id":"31","content":"<+veekder> cuddling is kinda cool ;\/\n<+veekder> physical contact is necessary every now and then\n homo"},{"id":"310","content":"<@Hope> i'm reading a book\/cooking dinner, while playing\n you have a vagina too don't you?\n<@Hope> yes kevo, because i can cook and read, i have a vagina"},{"id":"311","content":"<@djs> WHAT ARE YOU PAINTING, YOU NOOB\n http:\/\/www.myplasticheart.com\/mph_board\/index.php goto trexi\n I got 2 of the blank ones\n I'm making a dracula one\n I made a top part of the cape out of clay, painted black, made fangs out of clay, painted white, with red at the end to :)\n also the figure itself is black, and about to be painted\n are you gay?"},{"id":"312","content":" http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2005\/WORLD\/americas\/07\/20\/marriage.canada.ap\/index.html\n so that's why rush left\n he's on his honeymoon"},{"id":"313","content":" there was a show on tv the other day about hymen restoration surgery\n nice\n that's like when ziplock introduced the resealable bag"},{"id":"314","content":" -google mavis bacon\n [google] http:\/\/www.asmarteru.com\/mavis-bacon-teaches-typing-for-kids.html"},{"id":"315","content":"* gnarfel is playing Creed - Lullaby 1\n OH YEAH\n creed?\n get the fuck out.\n right now\n lol\n MORE LIKE\n i'll give you the option to leave on your own.\n FAGREED\n LOL\n meh...i like the guitar\n i wasn't kidding.\n he's not\n best be on your way\n* gnarfel is playing Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams\n anyone that listens to creed, is automatically on the shit list.\n better?\n at least it's not creed.\n BEST BE ON YOUR WAY\n emo bastard.\n lol \/leave then\n* gnarfel has left #pixelarmy\n LOL\n THANK GOD!\n* gnarfel has joined #pixelarmy\n forgot my soda\n* gnarfel has left #pixelarmy"},{"id":"316","content":"<@x0xf> just like a bass beat\n<@modb> i need a new guitar\n both of you suck ass\n<@modb> mine sounds shit anymore\n you have no talent\n STFU\n nobody cares\n emo"},{"id":"317","content":" xdcc list\n er\n good show\n wtf\n how did that happen\n well, it all starts with a pencil and paper\n then some guy, the writer, writes out a few episodes\n gives it to the director\n which then finds a producer\n they all have lunch with a tv executive\n then the show airs on prime time\t"},{"id":"318","content":"<&Hope> everyone stop hoping for things, it makes my computer beep"},{"id":"319","content":"<&crisp> faizanownsu6\t(Leaves to http:\/\/www.methlabs.f2s.com)\n<&crisp> that rocked^\n<&crisp> the vp disconnect\n* Joe quits [ Connection reset by peer ]\n<@septor> haha\n<@septor> joe went to it"},{"id":"32","content":"<+anthill> all she ever wants to do is cuddle and go to sleep\n<+anthill> i'm all like BITCH, CUDDLE MY DICK"},{"id":"320","content":" -bomb WTC\n [bomb] WTC is not in the channel!\n<&Hope> lol terrorist\nnick: (Hope) is now known as (WTC)\n<&WTC> -bomb\n* b0t places a bomb in WTC's pants!\n [bomb] You can defuse the bomb by cutting one of the following wires - type '-cut ': Red, Black, Beige, Fuchsia, Tan.\n<&WTC> -cut red\n [bomb] Sorry WTC, correct color was Tan. You're dead, good job.\n<&WTC> OH NO I AM THE FALLING\nnick: (WTC) is now known as (Hope)"},{"id":"321","content":"<@Schipp> i broke a sweat walking like 40' to the mailbox and back"},{"id":"322","content":"<@Jeus> anyone have tips on making a laptop recognize a cdrom drive?\n<~qoa> Threaten to kill it's mother.\n<@Jeus> i tried that\n<@Jeus> the mother was bored\n<@Jeus> ok that was stupid everyone \/clear"},{"id":"323","content":" I've made 4 iso's today.\n and how many times did you jerk off?\n zero.\n obviously a problem\n that ratio blows.\n no shit.\t"},{"id":"324","content":" JEWS SUCK COCK\n I did"},{"id":"325","content":" it works on a LAN, i know that anyway\n<@septor> so what you're saying is that exploit works well if you want to drop your mom from the net?"},{"id":"326","content":"<&Hope> i wonder if you can be gay from birth, but tought so strictly that you are like, a gay gay person because of forced morals (aka straight)\n Don't ask me\n<&Hope> you would know\n My parents never forced anything on me\n what about in you?"},{"id":"327","content":" oh shit\n i just shat myself\n* Quits: v3 (boob@PIX-D8E2D2B8.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: )"},{"id":"328","content":"<@septor> DELTREE \/Y C:....AIM.EXE"},{"id":"329","content":"<&Hope> wtf, drug test?\n<&Hope> for a job at a photo lab?\n aids?"},{"id":"33","content":"<@Rush68> coffee loses its flavor if you freeze it, i find that works the same with any groundup flesh"},{"id":"330","content":" #4873 : Jack's Mannequin - Mixed Tape ( Everything In Transit (Mastered Advance) - 2005 )\n wtf\n where did it get that album name from\n (Mastered Advance)\n it's not in the tag\n<&Hope> it's in my pants\n hot\n<&Hope> my pants holds a mighty bounty of glorious information and priceless artifacts\n is there room for your dick?\n<&Hope> that lil thing? i bet you could fit it in a quark\n haha\n<&Hope> my penis is the basis for the string theory.\n<&Hope> it hasn't been mathematically proven it exists, but i know it's there\n<&Hope> (that also means my wang holds together the universe)"},{"id":"331","content":"<@Schipp> oh good, navy ships are going to the gulf.\n<@Schipp> that'll help.\n<@Schipp> ....HOW?\n<%prime> they can sing and dance\n HAHA.\n IN THE NAVY!"},{"id":"332","content":" -ip2long\n [ip2long] > 208563916\n ip2long too, but mostly after too many beers."},{"id":"333","content":"« mode » {Jeus} sets {+b *!*@godhates-D8E2D2B8.dyn.optonline.net}\n« This {*!*@godhates-D8E2D2B8.dyn.optonline.net} ban affects {v3}\n« kick » {v3} was kicked by {septor} {Matching *!*@godhates-D8E2D2B8.dyn.optonline.net ban by Jeus '93'}\n« mode » {Jeus} sets {+b *!*@}\n« This {*!*@} ban affects {Joe}\n« kick » {Joe} was kicked by {septor} {Matching *!*@ ban by Jeus '94'}\n« mode » {Jeus} sets {-b *!*@}\n« mode » {Jeus} sets {-b *!*@godhates-D8E2D2B8.dyn.optonline.net}\n« join » {Joe} {joe@}\n« join » {v3} {boob@godhates-D8E2D2B8.dyn.optonline.net}\n{@Jeus} team work ++\t\t\t\t"},{"id":"334","content":" If your intestines were dangling at your feet, would you be able to run?\n it's for a quiz to determine how long you could survive after punching a bear in the balls"},{"id":"335","content":" lol well i apologize, really. it's just a reflexive thing for me to say, to preserve all the normal XD\n There has been normal at all?\n I pretty much drunk dialed you on my birthday, we exchanged urls of prosthetic vaginas today."},{"id":"336","content":" i mean how often do you hear about own goals in volleyball\n or pingpong\n Or life?\n qoa: i think they call that homosexuality\n scoring on your own team"},{"id":"337","content":" this is no time to cloud the issue with facts"},{"id":"338","content":" I used to work at a gas station.\n I fucking HATED it when ghetto bitches would come in and pull a sweaty dollar out of their dirty ass bra.\n shoulda kept change in your jock\n reach in your pants be like \"here's your 13 cents back\""},{"id":"339","content":" i want to like\n take lots of drugs and sit around and have fun\n INSTEAD I HAVE TO SIT HERE ON IRC AND DRINK SPRITE AND WISH I WAS DEAD\n i was throwing lit matches at a bird\n but he flew off\n seriously, this holiday is making me suicidal"},{"id":"34","content":" im going to sleep\n but dont tell anyone i said that"},{"id":"340","content":" my meters indicate that now is an ideal time to expose human skin to the sun without the danger of immediate immolation"},{"id":"341","content":" punch them in the moneymaker\n The ass?\n \"Punch them in the ass\" is the gayest thing you ever said"},{"id":"342","content":" wonder if this chick i 'hooked up' with in hospital aaaaages ago would wanna hang out with me\n she has an asian best friend\n* Squatty uses her to get to the asian\n she knows i'm dying, maybe i can get a sympathy fuck out of her\n get a pity fuck then move on to the asian friend"},{"id":"343","content":" don't pay for pot with kisses\n even if the swineherd says it's good shit\t\t\t"},{"id":"344","content":" \"Edward I'm on my period\" \"EVEN BETTER NOMNOMNOM\"\t\t\t"},{"id":"345","content":" http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/HDCAM\n lol wtf\n its its. \n its fucking beta\n in hd.\n o.o\n Beta ruled.\n but thats HD BETA"},{"id":"346","content":" i just feel young inside but it battles against my realization that this is the year after which i have like a 50% chance of having a retarded baby\t\t\t"},{"id":"347","content":" man\n i <3 laserdisk\n fucking gargantuan discs\n shiny enough to blind someone on the moon \t\t\t"},{"id":"348","content":"septor: i think my main issue with wow is i get bored becuase you're hardly on the same time i am\nseptor: i have a blast when we're on at the same time\nqoa: I think your main issue with everything is your get used to whatever it is then get discontented.\nqoa: You are like a chick in a relationship going "I wish it was like it was when we first started dating".\nseptor: haha\nseptor: it was more fun then\nseptor: the popcorn was better\nqoa: REMEMBER WHEN YOU HAD TO PUT IN EFFORT TO FUCK ME AND DIDN'T HAVE ANY FETISHES I KNEW ABOUT?"},{"id":"349","content":" man i remember apartheid\t\t\t"},{"id":"35","content":"<+qoa> Get it off suprnova.\n whats that?\n<+qoa> It's a google query waiting to happen...\n<+paden> good call"},{"id":"350","content":" So there is this image search program. It searches your hdd in real time for pictures. Based on how you draw them.\n wow that's kinda cool\n I'd just draw boobs\n it'd find photos of guys balls for you then phosphers"},{"id":"351","content":" what colours should my shelby GT500 be?\n strained peas baby barf"},{"id":"352","content":" my phone is being shipped from hong kong, so they gave me a tracking number and shit\n and its all in...wtf ever language they speak in hong kong\n cant read shit\n in that case\n RR972471281CN 2012 出口总包互封开拆 澳大利亚 北京国际 2012-06-29\n >:(\n RR972471281CN 2012 \"YOU ROUND EYED FUCK\" 2012-06-29"},{"id":"353","content":" is #idlerpgh a channel?\n no it's a bear\n fuck you\n i like how you ask instead of just going there and seeing for yourself\n this isn't fema, fucker, we're not going to help you on your feet"},{"id":"354","content":" youre produce or something now?\n or was that tia?\n<&septor> still in shitty produce\n i have a pretty shitty memory \n<&septor> tia is in bakery now\n well you were in hardware before\n<&septor> i tell her she can bake my cucumber anytime and she tells me to shut up\n<&septor> yeah i was\n lol\n try carrot she might go for baking your carrot\n<&septor> baby carrot\n you said it\n<&septor> haha"},{"id":"355","content":"[01:03] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[01:48] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[02:03] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[02:48] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[03:03] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[03:48] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[04:03] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[04:48] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[05:03] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[05:48] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[06:03] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[06:48] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[07:33] Stats Updated: http:\/\/stats.pixelarmy.us\/\n[07:48] CHRISHANSEN I HATE YOU\n[07:48] septor: I HAVE YOU NOW\n[07:48] :O"},{"id":"356","content":"[20:40] I'm about to attempt to drown myself.\n[20:43] <&septor> the silence means we're all fine with that\n[20:43] <&septor> in case you were curious"},{"id":"357","content":" id fuck a hot bangkok ladyboy"},{"id":"359","content":"* septor changes topic to '* septor sets mode: -k pope | http:\/\/chickfights.us\/ | <~qoa> BRING VANILLA ICE BACK'\n<~qoa> Er what?\n* qoa changes topic to '* septor sets mode: -k pope | http:\/\/chickfights.us\/ | <~qoa> BRING VANILLA ICE BACK | <@septor> I support equal rights for women'\n<@septor> EXCEPT I DON'T USE CAPITAL Is\n<@septor> but it's ok it's a valid statement\n* qoa changes topic to '* septor sets mode: -k pope | http:\/\/chickfights.us\/ | <~qoa> BRING VANILLA ICE BACK | <@septor> I support equal rights for women | <@septor> i have shitty grammar too'\n<@septor> haha"},{"id":"36","content":" true but in any case more CFM = faster heat dissipation\n<&methodik> but if your area of heat dissipation is great enough\n<&methodik> you can get an equal effect with less cfm\n<~klassik> but then your APM is going to go up\n<~klassik> along with the RAZ\n<~klassik> and DPG\n<~klassik> then the FBI will come to your door\n<~klassik> along with the ATF and CIA\n<%septor> and demand COD\n<&methodik> and you'll be MIA\n or you will have to join the MIB\n<~klassik> untill they deliver you DOA\n<%septor> in a BAG\n<&methodik> nah, they haven't ever hit PA before."},{"id":"360","content":" Last night as I was falling asleep. I wasn't paying attention and I scratched my itchy arm. Which has just started to form scabs.\n Blood starts gushing out.\n It's dark but I could tell, so I turned on my phone, saw the blood and was like.\n Meh.\n So I just went to sleep.\n<@septor> haha\n<@septor> FUCK IT THEY AIN'T NO VAMPRIRES IN NEBRASKA\n<@septor> i added an extra r because fuck literacy\n<@septor> YEAH TOAST"},{"id":"361","content":" http:\/\/24.media.tumblr.com\/tumblr_lu95ixTHy41qexnnyo1_400.png\n i suspect someone tried to say \"successful female\""},{"id":"362","content":" time for poo\n then bed\n just shit the bed"},{"id":"363","content":" it's 06:19 here, I want to go out and leave my old office chair by the curb before anyone wakes up to see me dump shit there\n<&Oq> Go take a shit on the curb."},{"id":"364","content":"indifference eh im drunk whts it matter\nglitz you should go for a drive"},{"id":"365","content":" I'm just trying to help\n in the mean time I am going to eat a pickle\n IF WE TOUCH DICKS WILL THERE BE AN ARC"},{"id":"366","content":"optical.. hi wang\nxxx-Hope-xxx gm happy easter wang\nWang Hi.\nxxx-Hope-xxx NeeHow\nxxx-Hope-xxx you chinese wang\nWang Are you?\nxxx-Hope-xxx nope yr nicname\nWang I couldn't use \"penis\"\nxxx-Hope-xxx when u didnt reply to neehow i figured u werent\nxxx-Hope-xxx lovely\nWang It's \"ni hao\" that's why I didn't reply.\noptical.. lmao"},{"id":"367","content":" this one pizza place doesnt have bacon as a topping option\n i thought this was america\n you're in california now\n the american border stops at navada\n WAIT\n SHIT\n .chickfights 47\n Schwarzenegger outlaws sex with corpses\n good thing i dont live in cali\n OWNED!!!!\n wow\n i actually never saw that one coming"},{"id":"368","content":"Rachel: I was walking home\nRachel: and heard the weirdest sounds\nChris: =\nRachel: it was like kids crying\nRachel: Nope. Cat orgy in the street"},{"id":"369","content":" THERES A RAP COUNTRY SONG\n AND ITS terrrible\n and theyre talking about it on nightline\n and you know it's important because they don't put unimportant things on the tv"},{"id":"37","content":"<+qoa> I wish I had the power to wish herpes upon people and have it work.\n<+boatman> i can give herps to prety much anyone i want\n<+Timo> I wish I had the power to get rid of the herpes. ;("},{"id":"370","content":" just watched deliverance with my dad\n and now we're talking about going to czechoslovakia and killing a prostitute"},{"id":"371","content":" i quit facebook\n if someone robs a gas station half the fucking world mourns the loss of the cheetos stolen for 4 months"},{"id":"372","content":" it still works\n i hate dos so much\n<%septor> you hate 2?"},{"id":"373","content":" i was going to type his catchphrase in all caps but i forgot what it was\n OH YEAHHHHHHH\n mach man is actually kool aid man"},{"id":"374","content":"<%septor> .pizza\n I let senses# know you wanted a pizza.\n NO MORE PIZZA FOR ANYONE!!\n you guys have had enough, i'm cutting you off\n<%septor> I'M A SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR OF GETTING PIZZA"},{"id":"375","content":" WHOA WHOA WHOA\n you can talk all the shit you want about me or tia\n but talking shit about my dog is crossing the fucking line"},{"id":"376","content":" wait i do need the 's\n you do\n fuck it i give up\n nah its ok youre not smart\n err supposed to be smart\n typing correctly is for smart dudes like senses3\n yup\n as long as someone stands over his shoulder to make sure he does it"},{"id":"377","content":" i want a life\n buy one with all your tips"},{"id":"378","content":" i can rewire my house as long as someone else is doing the work and i'm just sitting at my table with a glass of lemonade"},{"id":"379","content":" i just got a ps3 without a hard drive\n or the caddy\n someone was throwing it away and said it didnt read disks right\n damn that shits FRIED\n got the YLOD\n what the fuck do you do with a fried PS3?\n throw it away"},{"id":"38","content":"<+Tara> dude i shave...and i hate it cause it hurts\n<+Tara> after having sex\n<+boatman> hurts like burning?\n<+boatman> maybe you have a yeast infection\n<+Tara> no i dont\n<+Tara> not my vagina\n<+Tara> the part where i shaved\n<+Tara> the top part\n<+boatman> your anus?"},{"id":"380","content":" i hate all of you guys"},{"id":"381","content":" im gonna call my new job tomorrow and tell them im not coming\n im a musician now"},{"id":"382","content":" Welcome to stunning observations by Senses3\n You're like the next Jerry Seinfeld"},{"id":"383","content":" Everytime I play Democracy 3 I just get assasinated"},{"id":"384","content":" this better be good\n i had to pause the ep of ds9 where sloan is accusing jullian of being a dominion spy"},{"id":"385","content":" i just got a new car\n like NEW\n 2010 vw jetta\n its tits\n hope it explodes\n oh it will\n with awesomeness"},{"id":"387","content":" YOU UNDERSTAND IT USES YOUR VIDEO CARD TO MINE?\n hurdur, i know\n LET ME PLAY TWO GAMES AT ONCE\n SHITTY CRYPTOCURRENCY MINING AND WOW MICROTRANSACTIONS\n Sometimes when I'm chewing food, I like to stick dicks down my throat.\n It doesn't work so well, but I keep trying.\n I will remember that if we ever get dinner"},{"id":"388","content":" did pat go to bed at fucking 8:30\n Yeah he did.\n Nigga has a kid life is over.\n WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT\n TEAM NO KIDS EVER\n oh yeah\n easy to say if you dont get laid\n zing\n I had a comeback.\n I'll pass.\n You got your one zing, be happy with it.\n haha\n lol"},{"id":"389","content":" CALL ME WEAK ALL YOU WANT I STILL HAVE MORE 401K THAN YOU"},{"id":"39","content":"<+nocturnal> i want to jizz on her face\n<+nocturnal> and then smash it in with a brick"},{"id":"390","content":" my mom bought a mustang today\n which is hilarious\n because my mom is 62\n I'm charging that bitch by the hour."},{"id":"391","content":" i went to a j-pop festival today\n that must've sucked\n it was fun\n i got a pic with Hatsune Miku\n whoever that is\n not a who but a whom"},{"id":"392","content":"<@septor> so i \"bought\" cities: skylines, what a bunch of fun for 2 minutes\n<@septor> after a bit i just can't handle the stress of dealing with 126 people's needs\n<@septor> i'm just like \"shit in your yard you don't need sewege\""},{"id":"393","content":" how would you guys think about moving the channel to my server?\n i have the resources\n why would we move servers again\n my settings are set\n i dont want to change them\n agreed, why would we move servers again?\n to get off a public server\n if you dont wanna thats fine but i just upgraded and i have the resources\n if you ever change your mind lmk\n its a cool idea, just doesn't make any sense. We arent discussing illegal shit here.\n yeah thats why this place is so boring\n l0ol\n 420blazeitfaggot\n if i, personally, was worried about chatting on a server ran by \"the man\" i would have just kept my ircd running and we would have stayed there\n and fucking seriously \"illegal shit\" on irc?\n i can attribute 70% of my music collection to irc downloads\n AND FINALLY\n i would just get a new vps and install an irc server and move there before i would move to your server\n no offense, but, you can't even hold a job washing dishes\n the stability of anything you own is far too questionable\n rekt"},{"id":"4","content":"<%prime> http:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/view\/5545334\/\n<%prime> thats fuckin gangster\n<@Caboose> prime, you're a fag\n<%max> man that shit is soft like downy"},{"id":"40","content":"<@Rush68> there better be some hardcore scat lumberjack porn"},{"id":"41","content":" shit i just watched my cat do the weirdest\/coolest thing\n it started picking at this thing on the table - i dont even know what \nit is just some plastic thing and when it got it up enough with it's paws it rubed it between each of its front teeth\n my fucking cat just flossed\n Thank god I saw that."},{"id":"42","content":" If I hold up a credit card or ID or debit card my cat will look at it, open her mouth to show her teeth.\n Then all suddenly bite the shit out of it.\n she must have bad credit.\n Thank god I saw that."},{"id":"43","content":" I like when girls fight, because it makes the winner hornier, and the loser easier to rape."},{"id":"44","content":"<+qoa> I have it as <+anthill> degrading women should be an olympic sport\n<+anthill> that guy knows what's up"},{"id":"45","content":"<@methodik> i'm happy jsut getting my letters in the proper order."},{"id":"46","content":" Can you put an always on top function too somehow?\n<@methodik> yeah, the always on top's not hard.\n<%x0xf> and can you make my disk drive jerk me off?\n<%x0xf> ive been really needing that\n<@methodik> i'd have to give it a magnifying glass first, but sure."},{"id":"47","content":" Schwarzenegger outlaws sex with corpses\n good thing i dont live in cali"},{"id":"48","content":"* +nocturnal cripwalks"},{"id":"49","content":"<@Vivi> i dunno how i'd sound to teachers online\n<@Vivi> \"OMFG YOU GAvE ME AN F?!\" \"Yes.\" \"FUK U BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111\""},{"id":"5","content":"<@septor> ALT+F4 the temprorary solution to formatting."},{"id":"50","content":"<@methodik> lol, co-op for doom3 = one guy holding the flashlight"},{"id":"51","content":"<@septor> fuck you i'm going to watch party of five"},{"id":"52","content":" im out of here\n my dogs looking sexy"},{"id":"53","content":" so im moody\n and retarded\n take your women emulation elsewhere"},{"id":"54","content":" Reregister.\n did that\n i have an alias set up for it."},{"id":"55","content":" I can't wait until this upload finishes.\n<@Caboose> of?\n your mom\n<@Caboose> ooh, shit i didn't see that one comin'."},{"id":"56","content":" Klassik pm me with your addy.\n<@Caboose> DON'T DO IT!\n<@Caboose> IT'S A TRICK\n I'm bigger then him, its ok.\n You dont know that, I could be like 800 pounds.\n I have guns too"},{"id":"57","content":" I'll get doom 3 again when coop is functioning.\n co-op should be ok\n As long as you don't have to carry the flashlight that is.\n That guy will be the bored one.\n<@methodik> lol\n<@methodik> get all mad, take his flashlight and go home."},{"id":"58","content":" damn, i just played dance dance revolution for like 20 minutes\n and i sucked\n thast the gayest shit i have ever heard\n<@methodik> get all mad, take his flashlight and go home."},{"id":"59","content":"<@septor> here you go chris:\n<@septor> http:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/_ylh=X3oDMTB1M2EzYWFoBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEdGVzdAMwBHRtcGwDaWUtYmV0YQ--\/r\/gc\n<@septor> square one, brotha"},{"id":"6","content":"<&zerosleep> need a better name for the box too\n<%x0xf> HOW ABOUT \"GAY\"\n* x0xf was kicked by zerosleep (no soup for you)"},{"id":"60","content":"@septor> i'm going to watch a movie and eat a taco\n septor go download comedy central presents pablo franisco\n<@septor> i don't have the internet\n that will keep u un bored\n<@septor> i'm here on my cellphone"},{"id":"61","content":" i want to fuck a shark"},{"id":"62","content":"<@d-uNIT> but all i drink now is water unless i'm out\n would you drink urine if you were out of everyhting else?\n<@d-uNIT> no\n<@d-uNIT> unless it was a hot girl's\n<@d-uNIT> i don't know why tha tmakes a difference but it does"},{"id":"63","content":" i found the sausage"},{"id":"64","content":" Theres so many people with \"punk voter\" stickers and, its just really lame.\n well I don't know about you but I'm a latino voter this year"},{"id":"65","content":"<@methodik> i got a kickass deal on a creative nomad\n Meth, it was tested on animals.\n<@methodik> lol. sweet.\n dude, thats slavery\n just because the nomad is smart does not mean you can just \"buy\" him"},{"id":"66","content":"<@methodik> man, only like 20 cd's left to rip. :P\n Will your burner stay alive that long?\n or better yet, will your boner stay alive that long?"},{"id":"67","content":" mmmm paintchips.\n lead or oil based?\n that would be the same thing nimrod"},{"id":"68","content":" GOD DAMMIT\n THROAT BANGERS 5 IS STILL NOT DONE\n<+qoa> Josh you're not even old enough to watch that.\n<+qoa> Cancel that download right this minute, I'm calling your mother.\n<@Jeus> haha owned!\n yeah? is that what you think?\n<@Jeus> josh got owned like his mom on dollar days\n fuck you."},{"id":"69","content":" i had some colon damage.\n sopositories suck."},{"id":"7","content":" Womans Beach VolleyBall owns.\n If you disagree you obviously like the cock.\n<%x0xf> i disagree ;]\n<&zerosleep> we know\n<%x0xf> just as long as there is no doubt"},{"id":"70","content":" and joe's an assfag\n he scans pictures all day at work\n i'll bet you he can tell you exactly how long it takes to scan someone's ass by looking at a photo\n Swing and a miss.\n Strike one for Pat.\n hahah\n i fucking hate you all\n* Quits: septor (septor@1e6a17d0.25ea667f.chi1.dsl-verizon.net) (Quit: )"},{"id":"71","content":" i can't get it up to that one anymore"},{"id":"72","content":" im fucking STARVING\n and i got no food\n get some\n that involves putting pants on\n I hate when you chat naked\n dirty\n i have cute panties on though\n no one will see them if i put on pants"},{"id":"73","content":"<@Caboose> and i hit like a girl."},{"id":"74","content":"<+max-> who names themselve after the ass of a train"},{"id":"75","content":" id like a few fingers in the butt too\n wtf.. where did you come from?\n ive been watching the chat box the whole time"},{"id":"76","content":" done with that shit\n what, raping that penquin?\n research paper bitch\n penguins are like 6 year old girls\n easy as pie\n \"want some candy?\"\n bam\n Your mom is easier.\n \"want some cock?\""},{"id":"77","content":" yea nocturnal you do the blow job so well ... its why ."},{"id":"78","content":" .help \n !help [keyword] [all]. Antamalla keywordin saat komennon tietystä ominaisuudesta apua. all-switchillä näät kaiken mahdollisen avun komennosta. Apua on saatavilla seuraavista komennoista: \n<@Rush68> wtf at pixelbot"},{"id":"79","content":" 00:00 *** djs quit (Read error: Connection reset by queer)"},{"id":"8","content":" i think chanserv is ready to boot him\n<~qoa> He said his gf not him.\n but it's coming from his name.\n so it's almost the same."},{"id":"80","content":"<@x0xf> you guys going on a honeymoon?\n<@septor> yeah\n<@septor> to the bed room\n* @septor winks\n<@x0xf> give her one for me\n<@x0xf> have her call you septor\n<@x0xf> say it turns you on"},{"id":"81","content":"<@Caboose> i'd tell you to give her a thrust for me.\n<@Caboose> but i'll do it myself when she comes down this weekend."},{"id":"82","content":"<+rob> in 6th grade the bitch counselor said i had destructive tendancies\n<+rob> well no shit\n<+rob> show me one kid who doesnt break shit\n<@fishsticks> you should have told her she didnt know how to spell\n<+rob> and ill show you a kid who has no arms"},{"id":"83","content":" so i walked around during the night acting like a ninja XD\n* @Rush68 leaves\n i sense the quotes page is going to be added to"},{"id":"84","content":" i love when nascar guys catch on fire, it just looks like they are dancing around and shit\n its a rain dance, you asshole"},{"id":"85","content":"* qoa sets mode: +b *!*@a7e4540.3cbc6b2b.client.comcast.net\n FINISH HIM\n* x0xf was kicked by qoa (qoa)"},{"id":"86","content":" i think my fat roomates are having sex\n my entire house is shaking\n and the washing machine isnt on"},{"id":"87","content":" i have a weird feeling in my gut which is suggesting that something nasty is about to creep from my buttocks\n maybe you should go deal with that...in the bathroom"},{"id":"88","content":" me and my gf where just talking bout cookies\n that bitch better make me some..."},{"id":"89","content":"<@Senses3> zerosleep: can i host my friends bands page on code13?\n<@zerosleep> is it a polka band?\n<@Senses3> in all respects, no\n<@zerosleep> THEN NO\n<@zerosleep> Code13 is polka only now\n<@Senses3> hahaha\n<@Senses3> no chiptune?"},{"id":"9","content":" my girlfriend has a ricky martin tape\n<~qoa> ...\n<+sp|it> ...\n ricky martin?\n WHAT THE FUCK\n get out\n no lie\n she also has big willie style on tape\n<~qoa> Your stock is plummenting.\n<+sp|it> haha"},{"id":"90","content":"* !crisp [mp3] hilary duff - fly [mp3]\n i wanna fuck this bitch so bad\n<@Rush68> give her some suprise sex\n<@Rush68> (rape)\n might as well\n she's underage\n so id be going to jail anyway"},{"id":"91","content":"<@Caboose> i felt like such a girl this weekend."},{"id":"92","content":"<@integer> whats the average circumference of a small dog?"},{"id":"93","content":"* +qoa blows kiss\n* +nocturnal blows qoa"},{"id":"94","content":" Murder is so 800 B.C"},{"id":"95","content":"<+Senses3> waking up sucks\n<+Senses3> im so cold\n<+nocturnal> hah! try waking up next to 5 large drunk russian men"},{"id":"96","content":"<+nocturnal> YOU GUYS FORGOT AN IMPORTANT THING THOUGH\n<+boatman> WHAT?\n THE DILDOS?\n<+boatman> LUBE?\n<+boatman> ROFLOLO"},{"id":"97","content":"<+nocturnal> MEH, FUCK IT\n<+nocturnal> I'M AN OUTCAST\n<+nocturnal> :(\n<+BOATMAN> WHICH ONE? BIG BOY OR ANDRE 3000?\n<+BOATMAN> LOLOL!\n<+nocturnal> TEH FUNNEH IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE..."},{"id":"98","content":"<@Caboose> i'm thinkin' about goin' out and finding me a 15 yr old."},{"id":"99","content":" i just had sex\n and it wasnt with an animal, a homosexual, or my hand"}]