# SublimeText-Merge-Windows This Plugin allows the merging of all tabs in separate windows into a single window in SublimeText 3 ![alt tag](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2515460/12905357/95bf51f4-cea4-11e5-8ce2-3e8bed82b178.gif) ## Background If you've ever had multple windows, with several tabs in each, and then wanted to consolidate them all into a single window with a keyboard shortuct in Sublime Text 3, this plugin is your solution. Witih an editabled key-binding/shortcut (or through the command palette), all tabs of every window will be consolidate into one window. ## Installation **Package Control** Easiest way to install is to use package control (⌘ + ⇧ + P) — that is command, shift, p. Type 'Merge windows', hit return. OR **Manual** Download the package and place in the following directory: `Sublime Text 3/Packages/`. **Here's what's in the Box:** **Default.sublime-commands** — Command Palette Menu **mergewindows.py** — Python Code that makes it work! ## Usage The is not key-bound by default. However, the key binding a I like to use is **⌃⌥⇧M** (control-alt-shift-M). This binding can be used by adding the following to your '`Bindings - User`' file: ``` { "keys": ["alt+shift+control+m"], "command": "mergewindows" } ``` Don't forget to add a trailing "`,`" if it's not the last item in your list of bindings. Feel free to change the binding as needed. ## Acknowledgements Actually, **huge** credit goes to two folks frmo the Sublime Text Forum this enhancement: **@FichteFoll** for the orignal recommendation and **@valerij** for improving it to maintain tab names of unsaved file. ## Donations paypal.me/chinchin96 ## Questions Contact me at chinchin96(at)(google)(mail)dot(com)