# Copies the files in S3 which in turn triggers a pipeline in AWS to build and deploy the website trigger: - master pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - script: | pwd ls -l mkdir $(SUB-SITE-NAME) cp -r docs/* $(SUB-SITE-NAME)/. ls -l $(SUB-SITE-NAME) zip -r website-files.zip $(SUB-SITE-NAME) aws s3 rm s3://$(S3-DOCUMENTATION-BUCKET-NAME)/docs/$(SUB-SITE-NAME) --recursive aws s3 cp $(SUB-SITE-NAME)/ s3://$(S3-DOCUMENTATION-BUCKET-NAME)/docs/$(SUB-SITE-NAME) --recursive aws s3 cp website-files.zip s3://$(S3-DOCUMENTATION-BUCKET-NAME)/ displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'