# Sublime Theme Switcher **Painless theme selection in Sublime Text.** Preview and choose themes using the command palette - Ctrl+Shift+P and type: - `UI: Select Theme` - `UI: Select Color Scheme` ![rec](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11352152/22135694/de217a9e-de9d-11e6-8d7a-551f9b460c4f.gif) Or just navigate to the `Preferences -> Theme` menu. ![scr](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11352152/14230693/b6e33c28-f92f-11e5-8d6c-b2e32054f804.png) ## Motivation Looking up and remembering `SomeTheme-Variant.sublime-theme` values for every single theme is cumbersome. It is a replacement for the built-in `UI: Select Theme` and `UI: Select Color Scheme` commands of Sublime Text 3127+, which do not support SublimeLinter and don't allow to hide unwanted color schemes or themes from the selection lists. ## Settings Some plugins dynamically create themes or color schemes which are not meant to be selected by a user. To hide those you can create a settings file `Theme-Switcher.sublime-settings` and add the pathes to `"colors_exclude"` or `"themes_exclude"` filter lists. ```js { "colors_exclude": [ "Packages/User/SublimeLinter", "Packages/User/Sublimerge" ], "themes_exclude": [ "Packages/zzz A File Icon zzz/" ] } ``` ## Credits Credits to [@geekpradd](https://github.com/geekpradd) for idea and plugin structure.