# nanocomponent Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 6.6.0 - 2021-04-12 - You can modify makeID (https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/pull/96) ## 6.5.3 - 2019-11-12 - Fix `onclick` event name in readme example (https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/pull/82) - Add doc note about maintaining control of a component (https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/pull/89) - Point out the `createElement()` return value should be a single DOM node (https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/pull/93) ## 6.5.2 - 2018-04-20 - Allow SVGs as the root node (https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/pull/79) - Update deps ## 6.5.1 - 2018-02-11 - Update nanotiming@7.2.0 - Update devdeps: tap-run, dependency-check, browserify, bankai ## 6.4.6 - 2017-12-05 - Proxy elements are created matching the root node returned from the `createElement` method. (πŸ™@tornqvistπŸ™) ## 6.4.5 - 2017-12-03 - Pin `on-load` to v3.3.4 to fix node import. ## 6.4.4 - 2017-12-03 - Pin `on-load` to v3.3.3 to fix unbundled electron import. ## 6.4.3 - 2017-12-02 - Pin `on-load` to 3.3.2 to fix unbundled electron import. ## 6.4.1 - 2017-09-11 - Fixed `afterreorder` hook typo. - Update `on-load` to handle `` loading and for addded assertions. ## 6.4.0 - 2017-09-04 - **Added**: `.rerender()` method to allow re-rendering with the last rendered arguments if internal state changes. - Updated docs for `rerender`. - Add a few more pitfall pointers in the lifecycle API docs around rerendering in `beforerender`. ## 6.3.0 - 2017-08-24 - **Added**: Use [`nanoassert`](https://github.com/emilbayes/nanoassert) in the browser. ## 6.2.0 - 2017-08-18 - **Added**: `afterreorder` event which is called after your component is remounted on sibbling reorders. ## 6.1.0 - 2017-08-14 - **Added**: [nanotiming](https://github.com/choojs/nanotiming) timings. You can name component instances and it will emit timing information. See [nanocomponent/pull/47](https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/pull/47) ## 6.0.1 - 2017-08-09 - **Fixed**: [[`f9f7540415`](https://github.com/choojs/nanocomponent/commit/f9f7540415)] - load & unload callbacks should be passed el (timwis) ## 6.0.0 - 2017-08-09 πŸŽ‰ nanocomponent and [cache-component][cc] are merged into one module: `nanocomponent@6.0.0` πŸŽ‰. Be sure to read the README so that you get an understanding of the new API, but here is a quick summary of what has changed from the perspective of both modules: ### Changes since `cache-component@5` `nanocomponent@6` is mostly the same as `cache-component@5` except a few methods are renamed and everything you interact with has had the `_` prefix removed. - **Breaking**: The `_element` [getter][getter] is renamed to `element`. - **Breaking**: `_willMount` is renamed to `beforerender` because DOM mounting can't be guaranteed from the perspective of a component. - **Breaking**: `_didMount` is removed. Consider using `load` instead now. - **Breaking**: `_update` is renamed to `update` and should always be implemented. Instead of the old default shallow compare, not implementing `update` throws. You can `require('nanocomponent/compare')` to implement the shallow compare if you want that still. See below. - **Breaking**: `_args` is removed. `arguments` in `createElement` and `update` are already "sliced", so you can simply capture a copy in `update` and `createElement` and use it for comparison at a later time. - **Breaking**: `_willUpdate` is removed. Anything you could do in `_willUpdate` you can just move to `update`. - **Changed**: `_didUpdate` is renamed to `afterupdate`. It also receives an element argument `el` e.g. `afterupdate(el)`. This makes its argument signature consistent with the other life-cycle methods. - **Added**: Added [on-load][ol] hooks `load` and `unload`. [on-load][ol] listeners only get added when one or both of the hooks are implemented on a component making the mutation observers optional. #### `cache-component@5` to `nanocomponent@6` upgrade guide: - Renamed `_render` to `createElement`. - You must implement `update` now. Rename existing `_update` method to `update`. Here is an example of doing shallow compare on components that didn't implement their own update function previously: ```js var html = require('choo/html') var Component = require('nanocomponent') var compare = require('nanocomponent/compare') class Meta extends Component { constructor () { super() this.arguments = [] } createElement (title, artist, album) { this.arguments = arguments // cache a copy of arguments return html`


${artist} - ${album}

` } // Implement this to recreate cache-component@5 // behavior when update was not implemented update () { return compare(arguments, this.arguments) } } ``` - Rename components with `_willMount` to `beforerender` - Move any `_didMount` implementations into `load` or a `window.requestAnmimationFrame` inside of `beforerender`. - Move any `_willUpdate` implementations into `update`. - Rename `_didUpdate` to `afterupdate`. - Take advantage of `load` and `unload` for DOM insertion aware node interactions πŸ™Œ ### Changes since `nanocomponent@5` `nanocomponent@6` has some subtle but important differences from `nanocompnent@5`. Be sure to read the README and check out the examples to get an understanding of the new API. - **Breaking**: The `_element` property is removed. A [getter][getter] called `element` is now used instead. Since this is now a read-only getter, you must not assign anything to this property or else bad things will happen. The `element` getter returns the component's DOM node if mounted in the page, and `undefined` otherwise. You are allowed to mutate that DOM node by hand however. Just don't reassign the property on the component instance. - **Fixed**: Components can gracefully be removed, re-ordered and remounted between views. You can even mutate the same component over individual instances. This is an improvement over `nanocomponent@5`. - **Breaking**: `_render` is renamed to `createElement` and must now return a DOM node always. In earlier versions you could get away with not returning from `_render` and assigning nodes to `_element`. No longer! Also, you should move your DOM mutations into `update`. - **Changed**: Update still works the same way: return true to run `createElement` or return false to skip a call to `createElement` when `render` is called. If you decide to mutate `element` "by hand" on updates, do that here (rather than conditional paths inside `createElement`). - **Changed**: `_load` and `_unload` renamed to `load` and `unload`. They have always been optional, but now the mutation observers are only added if at least one of these methods are implemented prior to component instantiation. - **Added**: `beforerender` lifecycle hook. Its similar to `load` but runs before the function call to `render` returns on unmounted component instances. This is where the [on-load][ol] listeners are added and is a good opportunity to add any other lifecycle hooks. - **Added**: `afterupdate` runs after `update` returns true and the results of `createElement` is mutated over the mounted component. Useful for adjusting scroll position. #### `nanocomponent@5` to `nanocomponent@6` upgrade guide: - Read through the new leaflet example to get an idea of the differences between the old and new API. πŸ—Ί - Renamed `_render` to `createElement` and `_update` to `update`. - Move any DOM mutation code from `createElement` into `update`. - Ensure `createElement` returns a DOM node always. (You will get warnings if you don't and it probably won't work) - Rename `_load` and `_unload` to `load` and `unload`. - Consider moving any `load` actions into `beforerender` if they don't depend on the newly rendered node being mounted in a DOM tree yet. - Take advantage of `afterupdate` allowing you to interact with your component after `createElement` is called on mounted components πŸ™Œ [ol]: https://github.com/shama/on-load [cc]: https://github.com/hypermodules/cache-component [nanohtml]: http://ghub.io/nanohtml [nm]: http://ghub.io/nanomorph [getter]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/get