function New-Portgroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new portgroup on entire Datacenter, Cluster or single host. .DESCRIPTION This function is useful for mass creating new portgroups on standard vSwitches. .PARAMETER Target Can be value Datacenter, Cluster or Host. Use TAB to autocomplete. .PARAMETER Targetname Name of Datacenter, Cluster or Host. .PARAMETER vSwitch Name of vSwitch to be targeted. .PARAMETER PGname Name for the new portgroup. .PARAMETER VlanID VLAN ID for the new portgroup. .EXAMPLE New-Portgroup -Target Cluster -Targetname MainCluster1 -vSwitch vSwitch1 -PGname Dev-Net -VlanID 2345 .EXAMPLE New-Portgroup -Target Datacenter -Targetname ProdDataCenter1 -vSwitch vSwitch1 -PGname DMZ -VlanID 1337 .NOTES AUTHOR: Christian A. Seneger BLOG: LASTEDIT: 11.05.2016 VERSION: 1.1 #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][ValidateSet("Datacenter","Cluster","Host")][string]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$Targetname, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$vSwitch, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$PGname, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$VlanID ) if ($Target -match 'Datacenter') { Get-datacenter $Targetname | Get-VMHost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vSwitch | New-VirtualPortGroup -Name $PGname -VLanId $VlanID } if ($Target -match 'Cluster') { Get-cluster $Targetname | Get-VMHost | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vSwitch | New-VirtualPortGroup -Name $PGname -VLanId $VlanID } if ($Scope -match 'Host') { Get-VMHost -Name $Targetname | Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vSwitch | New-VirtualPortGroup -Name $PGname -VLanId $VlanID } }