CaProperties Form Days until next CRL issuing Default template CertDetail Details of the Certificate Serial The serial number of the certificate The internal name of the certificate in the database Status Internal name Signature Key Fingerprints MD5 An md5 hashsum of the certificate SHA1 A SHA-1 hashsum of the certificate SHA256 A SHA-256 hashsum of the certificate Validity The time since the certificate is valid The time until the certificate is valid Subject Issuer Extensions Comment Attributes Show config Show extensions Show public key This key is not in the database. Not available Signer unknown Self signed Revoked at %1 Not valid Valid Details of the certificate signing request CertExtend Certificate renewal This will create a new certificate as a copy of the old one with a new serial number and adjusted validity values. Validity Not before Not after Time range Local time Days Months Years No well-defined expiration Midnight Apply Revoke old certificate Replace old certificate Keep serial number The certificate will be earlier valid than the signer. This is probably not what you want. Edit dates Abort rollout Continue rollout Adjust date and continue The certificate will be longer valid than the signer. This is probably not what you want. CertTreeView Import PKCS#12 Import from PKCS#7 Request Security token Other token Similar Certificate Delete from Security token CA Properties Generate CRL Manage revocations Renewal Revoke Unrevoke Plain View Tree View days No template CA Properties ClickLabel Double click for details CrlDetail Details of the Revocation list &Status Version Signature Signed by Name The internal name of the CRL in the database issuing dates Next update Last update &Issuer &Extensions &Revocation list Comment Failed Unknown signer Verification not possible CrlTreeView There are no CA certificates for CRL generation Select CA certificate ExportDialog Name The internal name of the CRL in the database ... Filename Export comment into PEM file Export Format All files ( * ) PEM Text format with headers Concatenated list of all selected items in one PEM text file Concatenated text format of the complete certificate chain in one PEM file Concatenated text format of all certificates in one PEM file Binary DER encoded file PKCS#7 encoded single certificate PKCS#7 encoded complete certificate chain Concatenated text format of all unrevoked certificates in one PEM file All unrevoked certificates encoded in one PKCS#7 file All selected certificates encoded in one PKCS#7 file All certificates encoded in one PKCS#7 file The certificate and the private key as encrypted PKCS#12 file The complete certificate chain and the private key as encrypted PKCS#12 file Concatenation of the certificate and the unencrypted private key in one PEM file Concatenation of the certificate and the encrypted private key in PKCS#8 format in one file Text format of the public key in one PEM file Binary DER format of the public key Unencrypted private key in text format OpenSSL specific encrypted private key in text format Unencrypted private key in binary DER format Unencrypted private key in PKCS#8 text format Encrypted private key in PKCS#8 text format The public key encoded in SSH2 format OpenSSL specific Certificate Index file as created by the 'ca' command and required by the OCSP tool vCalendar expiry reminder for the selected items vCalendar expiry reminder containing all issued, valid certificates, the CA itself and the latest CRL Private key in Microsoft PVK format not encrypted Encrypted private key in Microsoft PVK format The file: '%1' already exists! Overwrite Do not overwrite Help << >> &Done ImportMulti Import PKI Items Import &All &Import &Done &Remove from list Details Delete from token Rename on token Name: %1 Model: %2 Serial: %3 Manage security token Details of the item '%1' cannot be shown The type of the item '%1' is not recognized The file '%1' did not contain PKI data The %1 files: '%2' did not contain PKI data ItemProperties Name Source Insertion date Comment KeyDetail Name The internal name of the key used by xca Security token Manufacturer Serial Key Public Exponent Keysize Private Exponent Security Token Label PKCS#11 ID Token information Model Fingerprint Comment Details of the %1 key Not available Available Sub prime Public key Private key Curve name Unknown key KeyTreeView Change password Reset password Change PIN Init PIN with SO PIN (PUK) Change SO PIN (PUK) Security token This is not a token Shall the original key '%1' be replaced by the key on the token? This will delete the key '%1' and make it unexportable MainWindow Private Keys &New Key &Export &Import Import PFX (PKCS#12) &Show Details &Delete Certificate signing requests &New Request Certificates &New Certificate Import &PKCS#12 Import P&KCS#7 Plain View Templates &New Template &New CRL Ch&ange Template Revocation lists Using or exporting private keys will not be possible without providing the correct password Database The currently used default hash '%1' is insecure. Please select at least 'SHA 224' for security reasons. Recent DataBases System Croatian English French German Japanese Russian Slovak Spanish Polish Italian Chinese Dutch Portuguese in Brazil Turkish Language &File Open Remote DataBase Set as default DataBase New DataBase Open DataBase Close DataBase Options Exit I&mport Keys Requests PKCS#12 PKCS#7 Template Revocation list PEM file Paste PEM file Token Export Certificate &Index hierarchy Content &Manage Security token &Init Security token &Change PIN Change &SO PIN Init PIN Extra &Dump DataBase &Export Certificate Index C&hange DataBase password &Undelete items Generate DH parameter OID Resolver &Help About Import PEM data Please enter the original SO PIN (PUK) of the token '%1' Search Please enter the new SO PIN (PUK) for the token '%1' The new label of the token '%1' The token '%1' did not contain any keys or certificates Current Password Please enter the current database password The entered password is wrong New Password Please enter the new password to encrypt your private keys in the database-file Transaction start failed Certificate Index ( index.txt ) All files ( * ) Diffie-Hellman parameters saved as: %1 Diffie-Hellman parameters are needed for different applications, but not handled by XCA. Please enter the DH parameter bits NewCrl Last update Next update Days Months Years Midnight Local time Apply Options CRL number Subject alternative name Revocation reasons Authority key identifier Hash algorithm Create CRL NewKey Please give a name to the new key and select the desired keysize Key properties Name The internal name of the new key Curve name Usually at least 2048 bit keys are recommended New Key Keysize Keytype Remember as default Create NewX509 Source Signing request Show request Sign this Certificate signing &request Copy extensions from the request Modify subject of the request Signing Create a &self signed certificate Use &this Certificate for signing All certificates in your database that can create valid signatures Signature algorithm Template for the new certificate All available templates Apply extensions Apply subject Apply all Subject Internal Name Distinguished name Add Delete Private key This list only contains unused keys Used keys too &Generate a new key Extensions Type If this will become a CA certificate or not Not defined Certification Authority End Entity Path length How much CAs may be below this. The basic constraints should always be critical Key identifier Creates a hash of the key following the PKIX guidelines Copy the Subject Key Identifier from the issuer Validity Not before Not after Time range Days Months Years Apply Set the time to 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively Midnight Local time No well-defined expiration DNS: IP: URI: email: RID: Edit URI: Key usage Netscape Advanced Validate Comment This name is only used internally and does not appear in the resulting certificate Critical Create Certificate signing request minimum size: %1 maximum size: %1 only a-z A-Z 0-9 '()+,-./:=? only 7-bit clean characters Edit XCA template Create x509 Certificate Template '%1' applied Subject applied from template '%1' Extensions applied from template '%1' New key '%1' created Other Tabs Advanced Tab Errors From PKCS#10 request Abort rollout The following length restrictions of RFC3280 are violated: Edit subject Continue rollout The verification of the Certificate request failed. The rollout should be aborted. Continue anyway The internal name and the common name are empty. Please set at least the internal name. Edit name There is no Key selected for signing. Select key The following distinguished name entries are empty: %1 though you have declared them as mandatory in the options menu. The key you selected for signing is not a private one. Select other signer Select other key The currently selected hash algorithm '%1' is insecure and should not be used. Select other algorithm Use algorithm anyway The certificate will be earlier valid than the signer. This is probably not what you want. Edit dates Adjust date and continue The certificate will be longer valid than the signer. This is probably not what you want. The certificate will be out of date before it becomes valid. You most probably mixed up both dates. The certificate contains invalid or duplicate extensions. Check the validation on the advanced tab. The certificate contains no extensions. You may apply the extensions of one of the templates to define the purpose of the certificate. Edit extensions The subject alternative name shall contain a copy of the common name. However, the common name is empty. Configfile error on line %1 OidResolver OID Resolver Enter the OID, the Nid, or one of the textual representations Search OID Long name OpenSSL internal ID Nid Short name OpenDb Open remote database Database type Hostname Username Password Database name Table prefix No SqLite3 driver available. Please install the qt-sqlite package of your distribution Options XCA Options Settings Default hash algorithm String types Suppress success messages Don't colorize expired certificates Translate established x509 terms (%1 -> %2) The hashing functionality of the token is not used by XCA. It may however honor a restricted hash-set propagated by the token. Especially EC and DSA are only defined with SHA1 in the PKCS#11 specification. Only use hashes supported by the token when signing with a token key Disable legacy Netscape extensions Certificate expiry warning threshold Send vCalendar expiry reminder Serial number length bit Distinguished name Mandatory subject entries Add Delete Explicit subject entries Dynamically arrange explicit subject entries Default PKCS#11 provider Remove Search Printable string or UTF8 (default) PKIX recommendation in RFC2459 No BMP strings, only printable and T61 UTF8 strings only (RFC2459) All strings Days Weeks PwDialog The password is parsed as 2-digit hex code. It must have an even number of digits (0-9 and a-f) Take as HEX string Password Repeat %1 %1 mismatch Hex password must only contain the characters '0' - '9' and 'a' - 'f' and it must consist of an even number of characters Exit QMessageBox Ok Close Cancel Apply Yes No QObject Undefined Broken / Invalid in %1 seconds %1 seconds ago in %1 minutes %1 minutes ago Yesterday Tomorrow in %1 hours %1 hours ago Out of data Error finding endmarker of string Out of Memory at %1:%2 All files ( * ) PKI Keys ( *.pem *.der *.key );; PKCS#8 Keys ( *.p8 *.pk8 );; Microsoft PVK Keys ( *.pvk );; SSH Public Keys ( *.pub );; Import RSA key PKCS#10 CSR ( *.pem *.der *.csr );; Import Request Certificates ( *.pem *.der *.crt *.cer );; Import X.509 Certificate PKCS#7 data ( *.p7s *.p7m *.p7b );; Import PKCS#7 Certificates PKCS#12 Certificates ( *.p12 *.pfx );; Import PKCS#12 Private Certificate XCA templates ( *.xca );; Import XCA Templates Revocation lists ( *.pem *.der *.crl );; Import Certificate Revocation List XCA Databases ( *.xdb );; Open XCA Database PKCS#11 library ( *.dll );; PKCS#11 library ( *.dylib *.so );; PKCS#11 library ( *.so );; Open PKCS#11 shared library PEM files ( *.pem );; Load PEM encoded file Please enter the PIN on the PinPad Please enter the SO PIN (PUK) of the token %1 Please enter the PIN of the token %1 No Security token found Select Please enter the new SO PIN (PUK) for the token: '%1' Please enter the new PIN for the token: '%1' Required PIN size: %1 - %2 Invalid filename: %1 Failed to open PKCS11 library: %1: %2 This does not look like a PKCS#11 library. Symbol 'C_GetFunctionList' not found. Disabled Library loading failed PKCS#11 function '%1' failed: %2 PKCS#11 function '%1' failed: %2 In library %3 %4 Invalid %1 is shorter than %2 bytes: '%3' %1 is longer than %2 bytes: '%3' String '%1' for '%2' contains invalid characters Error reading config file %1 at line %2 The Object '%1' from file %2 line %3 is already known as '%4:%5:%6' and should be removed. The identifier '%1' for OID %2 from file %3 line %4 is already used for a different OID as '%5:%6:%7' and should be changed to avoid conflicts. Unknown object '%1' in file %2 line %3 Failed to start a database transaction Country code State or Province Locality Organisation Organisational unit Common name E-Mail address Serial number Given name Surname Title Initials Description Role Pseudonym Generation Qualifier x500 Unique Identifier Name DN Qualifier Unstructured name Challenge password Basic Constraints Subject alternative name issuer alternative name Subject key identifier Authority key identifier Key usage Extended key usage CRL distribution points Authority information access Certificate type Base URL Revocation URL CA Revocation URL Certificate renewal URL CA policy URL SSL server name Comment Index file written to '%1' Index hierarchy written to '%1' Unknown key type %1 Password verify error, please try again ReqTreeView Sign Unmark signed Mark signed Similar Request RevocationList Manage revocations Add Delete Edit No. Serial Revocation Reason Invalidation Generate CRL Revoke Certificate revocation Revocation details Revocation reason Local time Invalid since Serial SearchPkcs11 Directory ... Include subdirectories Search The following files are possible PKCS#11 libraries SelectToken Security token Please select the security token TempTreeView Duplicate Create certificate Create request copy Preset Template values Validity yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm X509SuperTreeView OpenSSL config Transform Template Public key XcaTreeView Subject entries X509v3 Extensions Netscape extensions Key properties Reset Hide Column Details Columns New Import Paste PEM data Rename Properties Delete Export Clipboard File database_model Please enter the password to access the database server %2 as user '%1'. Unable to create '%1': %2 The file '%1' is not an XCA database No SqLite3 driver available. Please install the qt-sqlite package of your distribution New Password Please enter a password, that will be used to encrypt your private keys in the database: %1 Password Please enter the password for unlocking the database: %1 db_base Internal name No. Primary key Database unique number Date Date of creation or insertion Source Generated, Imported, Transformed Comment First line of the comment field Import from: %1 Could not create directory %1 Item properties How to export the %1 selected items All in one PEM file Each item in one file Save %1 items in one file as PEM files ( *.pem );; All files ( * ) db_crl Signer Internal name of the signer No. revoked Number of revoked certificates Last update Next update CRL number The revocation list already exists in the database as: '%1' and so it was not imported Revocation list export CRL ( *.pem *.der *.crl ) Failed to initiate DB transaction Database error: %1 db_key Type Size EC Group Use Password The key is already in the database as: '%1' and is not going to be imported The database already contains the public part of the imported key as '%1 and will be completed by the new, private part of the key Extending public key from %1 by imported key '%2' Key size too small ! You are sure to create a key of the size: %1 ? PEM public SSH2 public PEM private SSH2 private Export keys to Clipboard Clipboard Export public key [%1] DER public DER private PEM encryped PVK private PVK encrypted PKCS#8 encrypted Export private key [%1] Private Keys ( *.pem *.der *.pk8 );; SSH Public Keys ( *.pub ) Internal error Tried to change password of a token db_temp Bad template: %1 Empty template Save template as XCA templates ( *.xca );; All files ( * ) db_x509 CA reflects the basic Constraints extension Serial Start date Expiry date MD5 fingerprint SHA1 fingerprint SHA256 fingerprint Not before Not after Revocation CRL Expiration Failed to retrieve unique random serial The certificate already exists in the database as: '%1' and so it was not imported Signed on %1 by '%2' Unknown Invalid public key PKCS#7 unrevoked PEM unrevoked vCalendar CA vCalendar X509 Certificates ( *.pem *.cer *.crt *.p12 *.pfx *.p7b ) The key you selected for signing is not a private one. Failed to create directory '%1' Store the certificate to the key on the token '%1 (#%2)' ? PEM chain PKCS#7 chain PKCS#12 chain PKCS#7 all PEM + key PEM all Certificate Index file Certificate export There was no key found for the Certificate: '%1' Not possible for a token key: '%1' Not possible for the token-key Certificate '%1' db_x509name Subject Complete distinguished name Subject hash Hash to lookup certs in directories db_x509req Signed whether the request is already signed or not Unstructured name Challenge password Certificate count Number of certificates in the database with the same public key The certificate signing request already exists in the database as '%1' and thus was not stored Certificate request export Certificate request ( *.pem *.der *.csr ) db_x509super Key name Internal name of the key Signature algorithm Key type Key size EC Group Extracted from %1 '%2' Certificate Certificate request Save as OpenSSL config Config files ( *.conf *.cnf);; All files ( * ) The following extensions were not ported into the template Transformed from %1 '%2' kvView Type Content pass_info Password PIN pki_base Unknown Imported Generated Transformed Token Legacy Database Renewed Property '%1' not listed in 'pki_base::print' Internal error: Unexpected message: %1 %2 pki_crl Successfully imported the revocation list '%1' Delete the revocation list '%1'? Successfully created the revocation list '%1' Delete the %1 revocation lists: %2? Unable to load the revocation list in file %1. Tried PEM and DER formatted CRL. No issuer given CRL Renewal of CA '%1' due The latest CRL issued by the CA '%1' will expire on %2. It is stored in the XCA database '%3' Renew CRL: %1 The XCA CRL '%1', issued on %3 will expire on %4. It is stored in the XCA database '%5' pki_evp Please enter the password to decrypt the private key %1. The key from file '%1' is incomplete or inconsistent. Please enter the password to decrypt the private key from file: %1 Unable to load the private key in file %1. Tried PEM and DER private, public, PKCS#8 key types and SSH2 format. Please enter the password to decrypt the private key: '%1' Password input aborted Please enter the database password for decrypting the key '%1' Please enter the password to protect the private key: '%1' Please enter the database password for encrypting the key Please enter the password protecting the PKCS#8 key '%1' Please enter the password protecting the Microsoft PVK key '%1' Please enter the export password for the private key '%1' pki_key Successfully imported the %1 public key '%2' Delete the %1 public key '%2'? Successfully imported the %1 private key '%2' Delete the %1 private key '%2'? Successfully created the %1 private key '%2' Delete the %1 keys: %2? Public key Common Private Bogus PIN No password Unexpected SSH2 content: '%1' Invalid SSH2 public key Failed writing to %1 pki_multi No known PEM encoded items found pki_pkcs12 Please enter the password to decrypt the PKCS#12 file: %1 Unable to load the PKCS#12 (pfx) file %1. The supplied password was wrong (%1) Please enter the password to encrypt the PKCS#12 file No key or no Cert and no pkcs12 pki_pkcs7 Unable to load the PKCS#7 file %1. Tried PEM and DER format. pki_scard Successfully imported the token key '%1' Delete the token key '%1'? Successfully created the token key '%1' Delete the %1 keys: %2? Delete the private key '%1' from the token '%2 (#%3)' ? This Key is already on the token PIN input aborted Unable to find copied key on the token Please insert card: %1 %2 [%3] with Serial: %4 Unable to find generated key on card Token %1 Failed to find the key on the token Invalid Pin for the token Failed to initialize the key on the token pki_temp Successfully imported the XCA template '%1' Delete the XCA template '%1'? Successfully created the XCA template '%1' Delete the %1 XCA templates: %2? Wrong Size %1 Template file content error (too small) Not a PEM encoded XCA Template Not an XCA Template, but '%1' pki_x509 Successfully imported the certificate '%1' Delete the certificate '%1'? Successfully created the certificate '%1' Delete the %1 certificates: %2? Unable to load the certificate in file %1. Tried PEM and DER certificate. This certificate is already on the security token Delete the certificate '%1' from the token '%2 (#%3)'? There is no key for signing ! No Yes Renew certificate: %1 The XCA certificate '%1', issued on %2 will expire on %3. It is stored in the XCA database '%4' pki_x509req Signing key not valid (public key) Successfully imported the %1 certificate request '%2' Delete the %1 certificate request '%2'? Successfully created the %1 certificate request '%2' Delete the %1 certificate requests: %2? Unable to load the certificate request in file %1. Tried PEM, DER and SPKAC format. Signed Unhandled v3ext Copy Common Name Add Delete Apply Validate Cancel An email address or 'copy' An email address A registered ID: OBJECT IDENTIFIER A uniform resource indicator A DNS domain name or 'copycn' A DNS domain name An IP address Syntax: <OID>;TYPE:text like '' No editing. Only 'copy' allowed here Validation failed: '%1' %2 Validation successful: '%1' xcaWarning The following error occurred: Copy to Clipboard