# Dragon Change Log ## 0.2 - Replaced [Virtual DOM](https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom) with [Incremental DOM](https://github.com/google/incremental-dom). Sorry to anyone hoping for issue [#7](https://github.com/chrisabrams/dragon/issues/7). Incremental DOM is much better at memory management than Virtual DOM (very important for mobile). - View wrapping tags are back as it creates a cleaner interface with Incremental DOM (although you could technically get away without a wrapping tag). - Templates now use [Starplate](https://github.com/littlstar/starplate). They're ES6 template strings that play nice with Incremental DOM. They are one of the templates [recommended by Google](https://github.com/google/incremental-dom#starplate) to be used with Incremental DOM. [@chrisabrams](https://github.com/chrisabrams) subsequently became a contributor to Starplate after choosing them and Incremental DOM for Dragon 0.2. - Dropped Object.observe as it's too flaky on changes (good write up [here](https://medium.com/@mweststrate/object-observe-is-dead-long-live-mobservable-observe-ad96930140c5#.wvmc6g2mx)). This will make the members of issue [#8](https://github.com/chrisabrams/dragon/issues/8) happy. - Models now use ____ for observing changes ## Commits from 2014 & 2015 This project started out in 2014 as an exploration of writing ES6 projects and using Virtual DOM in non-React projects. It grew and some how found its way into Javascript Weekly, where pain points driving the project were validated: - Belief that there is more than one way to manage the Virtual DOM, or how to write a client-side app without using React - Memory management and app lifecycle is important, especially for single page apps running on mobile - Views and templates should separate concerns - Like Backbone, don't like JSX (or would prefer many other options before JSX) - Backbone's router stinks