#hacked from: #http://conda.pydata.org/docs/travis.html #https://github.com/xray/xray/blob/master/.travis.yml notifications: email: recipients: - christopher.y.bull@student.unsw.edu.au on_success: change # default: change on_failure: always # default: always before_script: - sudo aptitude -y -q install ffmpeg - sudo aptitude -y -q install bison, flex, gsl, udunits - sudo aptitude -y -q install netcdf-bin libnetcdf-dev - mycwd="$PWD" #compile nco - wget https://github.com/nco/nco/archive/4.5.5.tar.gz - tar xvzf 4.5.5.tar.gz - cd nco-4.5.5 - ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-netcdf4 - make - sudo make install - export PATH=/usr/local/bin\:${PATH} - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib\:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} #- sudo aptitude -y -q install nco - cd "$mycwd" language: python python: # We don't actually use the Travis Python, but this keeps it organized. #- "2.6" - "2.7" - "3.5" #Hiro Asari's advice for git-lfs before_install: - wget https://github.com/github/git-lfs/releases/download/v1.1.0/git-lfs-linux-amd64-1.1.0.tar.gz - tar -zxvf git-lfs-linux-amd64-1.1.0.tar.gz - export PATH=`pwd`/git-lfs-1.1.0:$PATH - "git lfs install" - "git lfs pull" install: - sudo apt-get update # We do this conditionally because it saves us some downloading if the # version is the same. - if [[ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "2.7" ]]; then wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O miniconda.sh; else wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O miniconda.sh; fi - bash miniconda.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update -q conda # Useful for debugging any issues with conda - conda info -a - conda create -q -n test-environment python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION matplotlib netCDF4 basemap - source activate test-environment # - python setup.py install #offlinetestingstring script: - python mkmov.py 2d --bias time_counter --bcmapcentre --cmap seismic --min -.4 --max .7 --lmask 0 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --bias time_counter --cmap seismic --min -.4 --max .7 -o $(pwd)/stitchmov.mov --lmask 0 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 -o $(pwd)/zos_example.mov zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 --lmask 0 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 --lmask 0 --fps 10 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 --lmask 0 --fps 10 --cmap jet zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 --lmask 0 --fps 10 --cmap autumn --clev 60 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 --lmask 0 --figwth 10 --fighgt 12 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -1 --max 1 --lmask 0 --figwth 10 --fighgt 12 --killsplash zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --tstart 2004-01-01 --tdelta 1_D zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --crop 145_190_-50_-20 --x2d nav_lon --y2d nav_lat --fixdateline --min -.15 --max .15 --lmask 0 --cmap seismic zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -.15 --max .15 --lmask 0 --cmap seismic --extmin zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -.15 --max .15 --lmask 0 --cmap seismic --extmax zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --min -.15 --max .15 --lmask 0 --cmap seismic --extboth zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --maggrad --min -0 --max 0.5 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --vertgrad --min -0.5 --max 0.5 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py 2d --hozgrad --min -0.5 --max 0.5 zos examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc - python mkmov.py stitch -o $(pwd)/stitchmov.mov $(pwd)/examples/StitchMePlots/*.png - python mkmov.py stitch -o $(pwd)/stitchmov2.mov --fps 10 $(pwd)/examples/StitchMePlots/*.png - python mkmov.py stitch -o $(pwd)/stitchmov2.mov --fps 10 --killsplash $(pwd)/examples/StitchMePlots/*.png #download more examples #handy way to install git-lfs is ... #https://packagecloud.io/github/git-lfs/install #curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/github/git-lfs/script.deb.sh | sudo bash #sudo apt-get install git-lfs - git clone https://github.com/chrisb13/mkmovexamples.git $(pwd)/mkmovexamples - python mkmov.py 2d adt --lmask -214748 --cmap Set3 -o $(pwd)/AVISOdt_global_allsat_madt_Set3.mov $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/aviso_madt/*.nc - python mkmov.py 2d adt --lmask -214748 --x lon --y lat --cmap Accent -o $(pwd)/AVISOdt_global_allsat_madt_Accent.mov $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/aviso_madt/*.nc - python mkmov.py 2d PV --fps 10 --fighgt 2.5 --figwth 14 -o $(pwd)/avemom6PV_toplayer.mov $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/mom6/ave_prog__0006_016.nc - python mkmov.py 2d PV --fps 10 --4dvar 1 -o $(pwd)/avemom6PV_bottomlayer.mov $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/mom6/ave_prog__0006_016.nc #test quiver options - python mkmov.py quiver --lmask 0 --fixdateline --x2d nav_lon --y2d nav_lat uos vos $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/nemo/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20041231_grid_U_2D_small.nc $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/nemo/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20041231_grid_V_2D_small.nc - python mkmov.py quiver --lmask 0 --fixdateline --x2d nav_lon --y2d nav_lat --magonly uos vos $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/nemo/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20041231_grid_U_2D_small.nc $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/nemo/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20041231_grid_V_2D_small.nc - python mkmov.py quiver --cmap seismic --vorticity --tfile examples/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20040111_grid_T_2D.nc --tfilevar zos --lmask 0 --fixdateline --x2d nav_lon --y2d nav_lat uos vos $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/nemo/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20041231_grid_U_2D_small.nc $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/nemo/cordex24-ERAI01_1d_20040101_20041231_grid_V_2D_small.nc #test basemap options - python mkmov.py 2dbm --rotatex 5 --xorigin 40 --yorigin -10 --proj moll lon lat adt $(pwd)/mkmovexamples/aviso_madt/*.nc