#!/bin/bash # # Slack (slack.com) notification post-receive hook. # # Based on: https://github.com/joemiller/git-hooks Campfire notification post-receive hook. Author: Joe Miller # (http://joemiller.me) # # Based on post-receive.irc by Mikael Fridh https://gist.github.com/1821358 # # Settings needed: # git config hooks.slack.webhook-url "https://hooks.slack.com/services/..." # git config hooks.slack.channel "general" # # - The Slack webhook URL can be found in: # https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook # function help() { echo "Required config settings:" echo " git config hooks.slack.webhook-url 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...'" echo " git config hooks.slack.channel 'general'" echo " git config hooks.slack.show-only-last-commit true #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.show-full-commit true #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.username 'git' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.icon-url 'http://imgur/icon.png' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.icon-emoji ':twisted_rightwards_arrows:' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.repo-nice-name 'MyRepo' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.repos-root '/path/to/repos' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.changeset-url-pattern 'http://yourserver/%repo_path%/changeset/%rev_hash%' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.compare-url-pattern 'http://yourserver/%repo_path%/changeset/%old_rev_hash%..%new_rev_hash%' #optional" echo " git config hooks.slack.branch-regexp 'regexp' #optional" } function replace_variables() { sed "s|%repo_path%|$repopath|g;s|%old_rev_hash%|$oldrev|g;s|%new_rev_hash%|$newrev|g;s|%rev_hash%|$newrev|g;s|%repo_prefix%|$repoprefix|g" } function notify() { oldrev=$(git rev-parse $1) newrev=$(git rev-parse $2) refname="$3" # --- Interpret # 0000->1234 (create) # 1234->2345 (update) # 2345->0000 (delete) if expr "$oldrev" : '0*$' >/dev/null then change_type="create" else if expr "$newrev" : '0*$' >/dev/null then change_type="delete" else change_type="update" fi fi # --- Get the revision types newrev_type=$(git cat-file -t $newrev 2> /dev/null) oldrev_type=$(git cat-file -t "$oldrev" 2> /dev/null) case "$change_type" in create|update) rev="$newrev" rev_type="$newrev_type" ;; delete) rev="$oldrev" rev_type="$oldrev_type" ;; esac # The revision type tells us what type the commit is, combined with # the location of the ref we can decide between # - working branch # - tracking branch # - unannoted tag # - annotated tag case "$refname","$rev_type" in refs/tags/*,commit) # un-annotated tag refname_type="tag" short_refname=${refname##refs/tags/} ;; refs/tags/*,tag) # annotated tag refname_type="annotated tag" short_refname=${refname##refs/tags/} # change recipients if [ -n "$announcerecipients" ]; then recipients="$announcerecipients" fi ;; refs/heads/*,commit) # branch refname_type="branch" short_refname=${refname##refs/heads/} ;; refs/remotes/*,commit) # tracking branch refname_type="tracking branch" short_refname=${refname##refs/remotes/} echo >&2 "*** Push-update of tracking branch, $refname" echo >&2 "*** - no notification generated." return 0 ;; *) # Anything else (is there anything else?) echo >&2 "*** Unknown type of update to $refname ($rev_type)" echo >&2 "*** - no notification generated" return 0 ;; esac branchregexp=$(git config --get hooks.slack.branch-regexp) if [ -n "$branchregexp" ]; then if [[ ! $short_refname =~ $branchregexp ]]; then exit 0; fi fi #channels=$(git config hooks.irc.channel) # plural suffix, default "", changed to "s" if commits > 1 s="" # Repo name, either Gitolite or normal repo. if [ -n "$GL_REPO" ]; then # it's a gitolite repo repodir=$(basename $(pwd)) repo=$GL_REPO else repodir=$(basename $(pwd)) if [ "$repodir" == ".git" ]; then repodir=$(dirname $PWD) repodir=$(basename $repodir) fi repo=${repodir%.git} fi repoprefix=$(git config hooks.slack.repo-nice-name || git config hooks.irc.prefix || git config hooks.emailprefix || echo "$repo") onlylast=$(git config --get hooks.slack.show-only-last-commit) onlylast=$onlylast && [ -n "$onlylast" ] fullcommit=$(git config --get hooks.slack.show-full-commit) # Get the user information # If $GL_USER is set we're running under gitolite. if [ -n "$GL_USER" ]; then user=$GL_USER else user=$USER fi case ${change_type} in "create") header="New ${refname_type} *${short_refname}* has been created in ${repoprefix}" single_commit_suffix="commit" ;; "delete") header="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${refname_type:0:1})${refname_type:1} *$short_refname* has been deleted from ${repoprefix}" single_commit_suffix="commit" ;; "update") num=$(git log --pretty=oneline ${1}..${2}|wc -l|tr -d ' ') branch=${3/refs\/heads\//} if [ ${num} -gt 1 ]; then header="${num} new commits *pushed* to *${short_refname}* in ${repoprefix}" single_commit_suffix="one" s="s" else header="A new commit has been *pushed* to *${short_refname}* in ${repoprefix}" single_commit_suffix="one" fi ;; *) # most weird ... this should never happen echo >&2 "*** Unknown type of update to $refname ($rev_type)" echo >&2 "*** - notifications will probably screw up." ;; esac if $onlylast && [[ "${change_type}" != "delete" ]]; then header="$header, showing last $single_commit_suffix:" fi if [[ "${change_type}" != "delete" && "${refname_type}" == "branch" ]]; then changeseturlpattern=$(git config --get hooks.slack.changeset-url-pattern) compareurlpattern=$(git config --get hooks.slack.compare-url-pattern) reporoot=$(git config --get hooks.slack.repos-root) if [ -n "$reporoot" ]; then # Get absolute path reporoot=$(readlink -f $reporoot) fi urlformat= if [ -n "$changeseturlpattern" -a -n "$reporoot" ]; then if [[ $PWD == ${reporoot}* ]]; then repopath=$PWD base=$(basename $PWD) if [ "$base" == ".git" ]; then repopath=$(dirname $repopath) fi idx=$(echo $reporoot | wc -c | tr -d ' ') repopath=$(echo $repopath | cut -c$idx-) urlformat=$(echo $changeseturlpattern | replace_variables) if [ -n "$compareurlpattern" ]; then comparelink=$(echo $compareurlpattern | replace_variables) header=$(echo $header | sed -e "s|\([a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,\} new commit[s]\{0,1\}\)|\<$comparelink\|\\1\>|") fi else echo >&2 "$PWD is not in $reporoot. Not creating hyperlinks." fi fi formattedurl="" if [ -n "$urlformat" ]; then formattedurl="<${urlformat}|%h> " fi nl="\\\\n" if [[ "${change_type}" == "update" ]]; then start="${1}" else start="HEAD" fi end="${2}" # merge `git log` output with $header if $onlylast; then countarg="-n 1" else countarg="" fi # show the full commit message if [ "$fullcommit" == "true" ]; then commitformat="%s%n%n%b" else commitformat="%s" fi # Process the log and escape double quotes and backslashes; assuming commit names/messages don't have five of the following: & ; @ log_out=$( git log --pretty=format:"&&&&&%cN;;;;;${formattedurl}${commitformat}@@@@@" $countarg ${start}..${end} \ | perl -p -e 's/@@@@@\n+/@@@@@/mg' \ | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' \ | sed -e 's/"/\\"/g' \ | perl -p -e 's/&&&&&(.*?);;;;;/{ \"fallback\" : \"\", \"color\" : \"good\", \"fields\" : [{"title":"\1","value":"/g' \ | sed -e 's/@@@@@/","short":false},]},/g' \ | sed -e 's/,\]/]/' ) attachments="[${log_out%?}]" fi if [ -n "${attachments}" ] && [[ "${attachments}" != "" ]]; then msg=$(echo -e "\"text\":\"${header}\", \"attachments\" : $attachments") else msg=$(echo -e "\"text\":\"${header}\"") fi # slack API uses \n substitution for newlines msg=$(echo -n "${msg}" | perl -p -e 's/\n/\\n/mg') webhook_url=$(git config --get hooks.slack.webhook-url) channel=$(git config --get hooks.slack.channel) username=$(git config --get hooks.slack.username) iconurl=$(git config --get hooks.slack.icon-url) iconemoji=$(git config --get hooks.slack.icon-emoji) if [ -z "$webhook_url" ]; then echo "ERROR: config settings not found" help exit 1 fi payload="{${msg}" if [ -n "$channel" ]; then payload="$payload, \"channel\": \"$channel\"" fi if [ -n "$username" ]; then payload="$payload, \"username\": \"$username\"" fi if [ -n "$iconurl" ]; then payload="$payload, \"icon_url\": \"$iconurl\"" elif [ -n "$iconemoji" ]; then payload="$payload, \"icon_emoji\": \"$iconemoji\"" fi payload="$payload}" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then echo "POST $webhook_url" echo "payload=$payload" return fi curl -s \ -d "payload=$payload" \ "$webhook_url" \ >/dev/null } # MAIN PROGRAM # Read all refs from stdin, notify slack for each while read line; do set -- $line notify $* RET=$? done exit $RET