{ "id": "owb-ponteville-bridge", "title": "Ponteville Bridge", "system": "owb", "description": "

Resistance at the Ponteville Bridge is an introductory support mission for a group of three to six operatives of 1st-3rd level.


The Allies are planning a large raid on the fictional port city of St. Croix la Mer and the characters must destroy a key set of crossings in order to prevent German reinforcements from reaching the coast.


The mission is a \"mini-sandbox\" that includes sabotage as well as opportunities for combat and roleplaying, so a good mix of Character Classes is suggested.




This scenario textual content are copyright Small Niche Games TM, and are reproduced by kind permission of Peter C. Spahn.

", "version": "1.0.2", "compatibility": { "minimum": 10, "verified": 12 }, "scripts": [], "esmodules": [], "styles": [], "packs": [], "languages": [], "authors": [ { "name": "chrisesharp", "email": "", "discord": "" } ], "socket": false, "url": "https://github.com/chrisesharp/foundryvtt-owb-ponteville", "manifest": "https://github.com/chrisesharp/foundryvtt-owb-ponteville/releases/download/latest/world.json", "download": "https://github.com/chrisesharp/foundryvtt-owb-ponteville/releases/latest/download/owb-ponteville-v1.0.2.zip", "license": "", "readme": "", "bugs": "", "changelog": "", "background": "worlds/owb-ponteville-bridge/assets/europe-1940.jpg", "relationships": { "systems": [ { "id": "owb", "type": "system", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chrisesharp/foundryvtt-owb/master/src/system.json" } ], "requires": [ { "id": "owb-content", "type": "module", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chrisesharp/foundryvtt-owb-content/master/src/module.json" } ] }, "availability": 0 }