$_) if ((array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) && ($GLOBALS[$key]==$_GET[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=NULL; foreach ($_POST as $key=>$_) if ((array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) && ($GLOBALS[$key]==$_POST[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=NULL; foreach ($_COOKIE as $key=>$_) if ((array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) && ($GLOBALS[$key]==$_COOKIE[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=NULL; foreach ($_ENV as $key=>$_) if ((array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) && ($GLOBALS[$key]==$_ENV[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=NULL; foreach ($_SERVER as $key=>$_) if ((array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) && ($GLOBALS[$key]==$_SERVER[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=NULL; if ((isset($_SESSION)) && (is_array($_SESSION))) { foreach ($_SESSION as $key=>$_) if ((array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS)) && ($GLOBALS[$key]==$_SESSION[$key])) $GLOBALS[$key]=NULL; } } if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) { /** * Get the contents of a file. * * @param SHORT_TEXT The file name. * @return ~LONG_TEXT The file contents (false: error). */ function file_get_contents($filename) { $data=''; $file=@fopen($filename,'rb'); if ($file) { while (!feof($file)) $data.=fread($file,1024); fclose($file); } return $data; } } $hashed_password=$_GET['hashed_password']; global $SITE_INFO; require_once($FILE_BASE.'/info.php'); if (!upgrader2_check_master_password($hashed_password)) exit('Access Denied'); // Open TAR file $tmp_path=$_GET['tmp_path']; if (!file_exists($tmp_path)) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); exit('Temp file has disappeared ('.$tmp_path.')'); } $tmp_path=dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/data_custom/upgrader.tar.tmp'; // Actually for security, we will not allow it to be configurable $myfile=fopen($tmp_path,'rb'); $file_offset=intval($_GET['file_offset']); $tmp_data_path=$_GET['tmp_data_path']; if (!file_exists($tmp_data_path)) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); exit('2nd temp file has disappeared ('.$tmp_data_path.')'); } $data=unserialize(file_get_contents($tmp_data_path)); asort($data); // Work out what we're doing $todo=$data['todo']; // Do the extraction foreach ($todo as $i=>$_target_file) { list($target_file,,$offset,$length,)=$_target_file; if ($target_file=='data/upgrader2.php') { if ($file_offset+20$file_offset+20) break; } // Make any needed directories $build_up=$FILE_BASE; $parts=explode('/',dirname($target_file)); foreach ($parts as $part) { $build_up.='/'.$part; @mkdir($build_up,0755); } // Copy in the data fseek($myfile,$offset); $myfile2=@fopen($FILE_BASE.'/'.$target_file,'wb'); if ($myfile2===false) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); exit('Filesystem permission error when trying to extract '.$target_file.'. Maybe you needed to give FTP details when logging in?'); } while ($length>0) { $amount_to_read=min(1024,$length); $data_read=fread($myfile,$amount_to_read); fwrite($myfile2,$data_read); $length-=$amount_to_read; } fclose($myfile2); @chmod($FILE_BASE.'/'.$target_file,0644); } fclose($myfile); // Show HTML $next_offset_url=''; if ($file_offset+20$val) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $val=stripslashes($val); if ($key!='file_offset') $next_offset_url.=urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($val).'&'; } $next_offset_url.='file_offset='.urlencode(strval($file_offset+20)); $next_offset_url.='#progress'; } up2_do_header($next_offset_url); if ($next_offset_url=='') { echo '


'; unlink($tmp_path); unlink($tmp_data_path); } else { echo '

'; } echo '
    '; foreach ($todo as $i=>$target_file) { echo '
  1. '; echo ' '; if ($i==$file_offset) echo ''; echo '
  2. '; } echo '
'; echo ''; if ($next_offset_url!='') { echo '

Continuing in 3 seconds. If you have meta-refresh disabled, force continue.

'; } up2_do_footer(); /** * Output the upgrader page header. * * @param URLPATH URL to go to next (blank: done) */ function up2_do_header($refresh_url='') { $_refresh_url=htmlentities($refresh_url); echo << Extracting files END; if ($refresh_url!='') echo << END; echo <</**/
END; } /** * Output the upgrader page footer. */ function up2_do_footer() { echo << END; } /** * Check the given master password is valid. * * @param SHORT_TEXT Given master password * @return boolean Whether it is valid */ function upgrader2_check_master_password($password_given_hashed) { global $SITE_INFO; $actual_password_hashed=$SITE_INFO['admin_password']; if ($password_given_hashed==md5($actual_password_hashed)) return true; // LEGACY: Upgrade from v7 where hashed input password given even if plain-text password is in use return ($password_given_hashed==$actual_password_hashed); }