#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2059 disable=SC2129 # ROS Arlobot Automated Install INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO=melodic # Run this straight off of github like this: # bash <(wget -qO- --no-cache https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chrisl8/ArloBot/melodic/setup-melodic.sh) # TESTING # # Testing install with Docker: # # You can Test this with Docker by installing Docker, then pulling down the Ubuntu 18.04 image: # docker pull ubuntu:18.04 # cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot # # Then either kick it off all in one shot: # docker run -ti -v $PWD:/home/user ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash -c "/home/user/setup-melodic.sh" # # Or start an interactive shell in Docker and run it, with the ability to make changes and start it again when it finishes: # docker run -ti -v $PWD:/home/user ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash # /home/user/setup-melodic.sh # # If you started a non-interactive ("one shot") build and then it crashed and you want to get in and look around: # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/commit/ # Find the name of the container: # docker ps -a # docker commit $CONTAINER_ID mytestimage # docker run -ti -v $PWD:/home/user mytestimage /bin/bash # # and when you are done delete the image: # docker image rm mytestimage # # Then you can look around and try running the script if you want again. # # # To clean up Docker when you are done run: # docker system prune # # Also note that if you add --rm to the run command on any docker command above, it will automatically remove the container # after you leave it, instead of leaving it hanging around. set -e BLUE='\033[0;34m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' PURPLE='\033[0;35m' LIGHT_PURPLE='\033[1;35m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' LIGHTCYAN='\033[1;36m' LIGHTBLUE='\033[1;34m' LIGHTPURPLE='\033[1;35m' NC='\033[0m' # NoColor ARLO_HOME=${HOME}/.arlobot function finish() { if [[ -z ${INSTALL_FINISHED} ]]; then printf "\n" printf "${RED}INSTALL FAILURE!!!${NC}\n" printf "${RED}The Install Script has failed. Please investigate the cause, correct, and run again before proceeding.${NC}\n" printf "\n" printf "${YELLOW}If this was a transient error, such as a network failure connecting to something, you may just need to run it again.${NC}\n" printf "\n" printf "${YELLOW}If this persists, please file an issue against the repository at https://github.com/chrisl8/ArloBot/issues${NC}\n" printf "\n" exit 1 fi } trap finish EXIT printf "\n${YELLOW}SETTING UP ROS ${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO} FOR YOUR ARLOBOT!${NC}\n" printf "${YELLOW}---------------------------------------------------${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}You will be asked for your password for running commands as root!${NC}\n" DOCKER_TEST_INSTALL=false if [[ ! -e /etc/localtime ]]; then # These steps are to allow this script to work in a minimal Docker container for testing. printf "${YELLOW}[This looks like a Docker setup.]${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}Adding settings and basic packages for Docker based Ubuntu images.${NC}\n" # The docker image has no /etc/localtime # When the prereq install installs the tzdat package, # It stops and asks for time zone info. # This should prevent that. # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/1773687 export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # This won't work inside of sudo though, so just install tzdata now # rather than letting it get picked up later as a pre-req, # and add the other things we know Docker is missing too while we are at it. apt update apt install -y tzdata sudo lsb-release gnupg cron # Now the rest of the script should work as if it was in a normal Ubuntu install. # Installing this now appears to prevent it from hanging up the Docker setup later. apt install -y keyboard-configuration DOCKER_TEST_INSTALL=true fi version=$(lsb_release -sc) printf "\n${YELLOW}[Checking the Ubuntu version]${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}Ubuntu ${version} found${NC}\n" case ${version} in "bionic") ;; *) printf "${RED}[This script will only work on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04)]${NC}\n" exit 1 ;; esac if ! [[ ${DOCKER_TEST_INSTALL=true} == "true" ]]; then # This does not work on Docker printf "\n${YELLOW}[Updating Root CA Certificates from Ubuntu]${NC}\n" # Sometimes this has to be done by hand on new Ubuntu installs. sudo update-ca-certificates printf "\n" fi printf "${YELLOW}[Adding/Updating ROS Repository Key]${NC}\n" # As explained in the official ROS install instruction # http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu # The pool options are listed here: https://sks-keyservers.net/overview-of-pools.php # https://github.com/tianon/gosu/issues/39#issuecomment-362544059 for server in ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \ hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \ keyserver.ubuntu.com \ hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \ pgp.mit.edu; do sudo apt-key adv --keyserver "$server" --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654 && break || echo "Trying new server..." #gpg --keyserver "$server" --recv-keys B42F6819007F00F88E364FD4036A9C25BF357DD4 && break || echo "Trying new server..." done if ! [[ -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Adding the ROS repository]${NC}\n" # As explained in the official ROS install instruction # http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu sudo sh -c "echo \"deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu ${version} main\" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list" fi printf "\n${YELLOW}[Updating & upgrading all existing Ubuntu packages]${NC}\n" sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y # This should follow the official ROS install instructions closely. # http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu # That is why there is a separate section for extra packages that I need for Arlo. if ! (dpkg -s ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-desktop-full | grep "Status: install ok installed" &>/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing ROS]${NC}\n" sudo apt install -y python-rosdep ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-desktop-full printf "${YELLOW}[ROS installed!]${NC}\n" printf "\n${YELLOW}[rosdep init and python-rosinstall]${NC}\n" if ! [[ -e /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list ]]; then sudo sh -c "rosdep init" fi printf "${BLUE}Running rosdep update . . .${NC}\n" rosdep update # shellcheck source=/opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash source /opt/ros/${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash printf "\n${BLUE}Installing ROS Dependencies for building packages${NC}\n" sudo apt install -y python-rosinstall python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool build-essential # END Official ROS Install section fi # In case .bashrc wasn't set up, or you didn't reboot if ! (command -v catkin_make >/dev/null); then # shellcheck source=/opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash source /opt/ros/${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash fi if [[ -z ${USER} ]]; then # This probably only happens in Docker, but note that it isn't just for my own purpose # that I need $USER, npm uses it too, else you get weird errors like: #sh: 1: cannot create build_log.txt: Permission denied # even when running as root! if $USER is not set USER=$(whoami) export USER fi if [[ ! -d ${ARLO_HOME} ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Creating .arlobot folder]${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}This holds personal data for your robot.${NC}\n" # We will use ~/.arlobot to store "private" data # That is data that doesn't need to be part of # the public github repo like user tokens, # sounds, and room maps and per robot settings mkdir "${ARLO_HOME}" fi # Collect and save responses about what to install or not SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE=${ARLO_HOME}/setupResponses.json if ! (command -v jq >/dev/null); then # jq - allows shell scripts to read .json formatted config files. # jq is used to read and write JSON configuration files in shell scripts # for the installer script, and for many Arlobot functions. sudo apt install -y jq fi function saveResponseData() { jq --arg p "${1}" ".${2} = \$p" <"${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}" >"${ARLO_HOME}/setupResponses.temp" mv "${ARLO_HOME}/setupResponses.temp" "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}" } # Set up file to save responses, so that we do not have to ask on every run. if ! [[ -e ${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE} ]]; then echo "{}" >"${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}" printf "\n${YELLOW}You will be asked about whether or not to install several things now.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}Your answers depend on what hardware you have.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}It will not hurt to install things you do not need.${NC}\n\n" printf "${BLUE}Your responses will be saved and used on future runs of this script.${NC}\n\n" printf "${BLUE}If you want to erase your answers and answer again run:${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}rm ${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}before running this script.${NC}\n\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue" fi fi # Ask questions WORKSTATION_INSTALL=$(jq -r '.responseToWorkstationQuery' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want this to be a WORKSTATION ONLY install?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}A 'workstation' is a system that is NOT your robot,${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}but that you want to develop on and/or run ROS tools remotely${NC}\n\n" printf "${BLUE}to operate and debug your robot.${NC}\n\n" printf "${BLUE}This includes things like running RVIZ to view/control navigation and map making.${NC}\n\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to set as Workstation ONLY install " WORKSTATION_INSTALL fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${WORKSTATION_INSTALL}" 'responseToWorkstationQuery' if ! [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then RESPONSE_TO_MYCROFT_QUERY=$(jq -r '.responseToMycroftQuery' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${RESPONSE_TO_MYCROFT_QUERY} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want to install Mycroft on the Robot?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}Mycroft can be used to talk to your robot, and have it talk to you.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}Mycroft can be heavy on system resources on older systems though.${NC}\n\n" printf "${BLUE}Mycroft is NOT hardware related, it is a software application.${NC}\n\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to install Mycroft " RESPONSE_TO_MYCROFT_QUERY fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${RESPONSE_TO_MYCROFT_QUERY}" 'responseToMycroftQuery' RESPONSE_TO_SWEEP_QUERY=$(jq -r '.responseToSweepQuery' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${RESPONSE_TO_SWEEP_QUERY} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want to install code for Scanse Sweep?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}The Scanse Sweep is a rotating laser scanner.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}It is no longer available.${NC}\n\n" printf "${BLUE}https://scanse.io/home/${NC}\n\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to install Scanse Sweep code " RESPONSE_TO_SWEEP_QUERY fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${RESPONSE_TO_SWEEP_QUERY}" 'responseToSweepQuery' RESPONSE_TO_XV11_QUERY=$(jq -r '.responseToXv11Query' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${RESPONSE_TO_XV11_QUERY} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want to install code for Neato XV11?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}The XV11 was a rotating laser scanner pulled from old vacuum cleaners.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}If you have one you will need this code.${NC}\n\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to install Neato XV11 code " RESPONSE_TO_XV11_QUERY fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${RESPONSE_TO_XV11_QUERY}" 'responseToXv11Query' RESPONSE_TO_RPLIDAR_QUERY=$(jq -r '.responseToRplidarQuery' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${RESPONSE_TO_RPLIDAR_QUERY} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want to install code for Slamtec RPLIDAR?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}The RPLIDAR is a series of commercially available, low cost rotating laser scanners.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}This should work for the A1, A2, and A3 models.${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}https://www.slamtec.com/en${NC}\n\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to install Slamtec RPLIDAR code " RESPONSE_TO_RPLIDAR_QUERY fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${RESPONSE_TO_RPLIDAR_QUERY}" 'responseToRplidarQuery' RESPONSE_TO_KINECT_QUERY=$(jq -r '.responseToKinectQuery' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${RESPONSE_TO_KINECT_QUERY} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want to install code for Xbox 360 Kinect?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}If you are using an Xbox 360 Kinect, extra code must be installed.${NC}\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to install Xbox 360 Kinect code " RESPONSE_TO_KINECT_QUERY fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${RESPONSE_TO_KINECT_QUERY}" 'responseToKinectQuery' RESPONSE_TO_ASUS_XTION_QUERY=$(jq -r '.responseToAsusXtionQuery' "${SETUP_RESPONSE_FILE}") if [[ ${RESPONSE_TO_ASUS_XTION_QUERY} == 'null' ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}Do you want to install code for ASUS Xtion?${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}If you are using an ASUS Xtion, extra code must be installed.${NC}\n" if ! [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Never ask questions in Travis test environment read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press 'y' to install ASUS Xtion code " RESPONSE_TO_ASUS_XTION_QUERY fi printf "\n" fi saveResponseData "${RESPONSE_TO_ASUS_XTION_QUERY}" 'responseToAsusXtionQuery' fi # End response collection section printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing additional Ubuntu and ROS Packages for Arlo]${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}This runs every time, in case new packages were added.${NC}\n" PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST=() # ### Required Packages and Why ### PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(git) # git - allows for cloning of repositories PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-move-base") # "ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-move-base" - Required to build and use Arlobot ROS code. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-joy") # "ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-joy" - Specifically needed by my code if you want to use a joystick and also required to build Turtlebot code PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-slam-toolbox") # "ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-slam-toolbox" - Slam Toolbox is the mapping system that I am using now. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-tf2-tools") # "ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-tf2-tools" - Used to display Transform tree as PDF for debugging robot transform tree. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-twist-mux") # twist-mux is used by the Arlobot cmd_vel_mux input controller. # It allows multiple cmd_vel topics to all coexist, and remaps the active on one # to the correct topic for output. # Without it, movement (twist) commands cannot be sent to the robot from ROS. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-navigation") # ROS Navigation is required for, well, Navigation. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-rosbridge-server") # rosbridge is required for the Web interface to communicate with ROS if ! [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(python-pip) # python-pip - Required to install Python tools for things such as # USB Relay reader. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(openssh-server) # openssh-server - required to SSH into robot remotely PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-teb-local-planner") # Teb Local Planner is the path planner I use. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-teb-local-planner-tutorials") # Teb Local Planner Tutorials contains complete example configuration files PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(python-serial) # python-serial - required for ROS to talk to the Propeller board PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(expect) # expect - required to get 'unbuffer' which is required by node to spawn ROS commands and get real time stdout data # http://stackoverflow.com/a/11337310 # http://linux.die.net/man/1/unbuffer PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(imagemagick) # imagemagick - used to grab screen shots of desktop for web local robot website display PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(libftdi1 libqtgui4 libqtcore4) # libftdi1 - Required by SimpleIDE for the Parallax Propeller board # libqtgui4 - Required by SimpleIDE for the Parallax Propeller board # libqtcore4 - Required by SimpleIDE for the Parallax Propeller board if [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_ASUS_XTION_QUERY}" == "y" ]] || [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Always test in Travis PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-openni2-launch") # openni2-launch - Required for ASUS Xtion to operate fi if [[ "$RESPONSE_TO_ASUS_XTION_QUERY" == "y" ]] || [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_KINECT_QUERY}" == "y" ]] || [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Always test in Travis PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=("ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-depthimage-to-laserscan") # depthimage-to-laserscan" - Required for ASUS Xtion and Kinect to operate fi if ! [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_MYCROFT_QUERY}" == "y" ]]; then PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(espeak-ng-espeak) # espeak-ng-espeak - Used for robot to speak if MyCroft is not used. fi PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(fswebcam) # fswebcam - Used for streaming a camera to the website. Camera streaming will not work without it. PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST+=(zbar-tools) # zbar-tools - Used by node service to read QR codes via on board camera # TODO: Do I need this, or is everything I need already installed? # ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-rqt-* - All of the GUI tools for Robot configuration # TODO: Test relay board interaction before installing these. # TODO: Perhaps put these behind a QUESTION about USB Relay board? # TODO: Currently I have REMOVED these packages, and the relay boards still work. :shrug: # ### Notes on what the packages are for ### # python-ftdi, libftdi-dev - required by pylibftdi for talking to USB based serial boards like relay boards, etc. # TODO: Or is it: # python-ftdi1, libftdi1-dev - required by pylibftdi for talking to USB based serial boards like relay boards, etc. # https://pylibftdi.readthedocs.io/en/0.18.0/installation.html # For 8-CH USB Relay board: # Reference: https://code.google.com/p/drcontrol/wiki/Install_RaspberryPi">https://code.google.com/p/drcontrol/wiki/Install_RaspberryPi # TEST: # python -m pylibftdi.examples.list_devices # Should return: # FTDI:FT245R USB FIFO:A9026EI5 # If you have a USB Relay board attached via USB. # TODO: Confirm that Scanse Sweep needs this and add it to the "if scanse" section: # ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-pointcloud-to-laserscan - used by Scanse Sweep # TODO: What is this for? Color follower maybe? Does that even still work? # "ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-vision-opencv" libopencv-dev python-opencv # TODO: What are these for? # festvox-en1 libv4l-dev # TODO: The following packages were removed due to not existing in Noetic (yet): # TODO: What was this for? Do we still need it? # "ros-${INSTALLING_ROS_DISTRO}-kobuki-ftdi" # NOTE: If you are looking for a ROS package and wonder if it exists, but not for Melodic, check here: # http://repositories.ros.org/status_page/compare_kinetic_melodic.html fi sudo apt install -y "${PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL_LIST[@]}" if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Creating the catkin workspace and testing with catkin_make]${NC}\n" mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws/src catkin_init_workspace cd ~/catkin_ws/ catkin_make # shellcheck source=/home/chrisl8/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash rospack profile fi printf "\n${YELLOW}[Cloning or Updating git repositories]${NC}\n" cd ~/catkin_ws/src printf "${BLUE}ArloBot repository${NC}\n" if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot ]]; then git clone -b melodic https://github.com/chrisl8/ArloBot.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot git checkout melodic git pull fi printf "${BLUE}TurtleBot repository${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}TurtleBot has not been ported to Melodic${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}Rather than copying all of the required code to ArloBot,${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}I am cloning it by hand. So far it compiles in Melodic.${NC}\n" if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot ]]; then cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot git pull fi if [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_XV11_QUERY}" == "y" ]] || [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Always test in Travis printf "\n${BLUE}Neato XV11 repository${NC}\n" # Only needed if you have an XV-11 "Neato" Scanner cd ~/catkin_ws/src if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/xv_11_laser_driver ]]; then git clone -b noetic-devel https://github.com/chrisl8/xv_11_laser_driver.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/xv_11_laser_driver git pull fi fi if [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_SWEEP_QUERY}" == "y" ]] || [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Always test in Travis printf "\n${BLUE}Scanse Sweep repository${NC}\n" # Only needed if you have a Scanse Sweep if ! [[ -f /usr/local/lib/cmake/sweep/SweepConfig.cmake ]]; then cd git clone https://github.com/scanse/sweep-sdk.git cd "${HOME}/sweep-sdk/libsweep" mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build . sudo cmake --build . --target install sudo ldconfig fi cd ~/catkin_ws/src if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/sweep-ros ]]; then # Using my repository to fix compile issues. git clone https://github.com/chrisl8/sweep-ros.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/sweep-ros git pull fi fi if [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_KINECT_QUERY}" == "y" ]] || [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Always test in Travis printf "\n${BLUE}OpenKinect for Kinect${NC}\n" # If you have a Kinect. Melodic seems to be missing the package # https://github.com/ros-drivers/freenect_stack/issues/48#issuecomment-514020969 if ! [[ -f /usr/local/lib/fakenect/libfakenect.so ]]; then cd git clone https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect.git cd libfreenect mkdir build cd build cmake -L .. make sudo make install fi cd ~/catkin_ws/src if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/freenect_stack ]]; then git clone https://github.com/ros-drivers/freenect_stack.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/freenect_stack git pull fi fi if [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_RPLIDAR_QUERY}" == "y" ]] || [[ ${TRAVIS} == "true" ]]; then # Always test in Travis printf "\n${BLUE}Slamtec RPLIDAR${NC}\n" cd ~/catkin_ws/src if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/rplidar_ros ]]; then git clone https://github.com/Slamtec/rplidar_ros.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rplidar_ros git pull fi fi printf "\n${BLUE}ROS by Example code${NC}\n" cd ~/catkin_ws/src # If you have the excellent ROS by Example book now is a good time to clone the code for following along in the book: if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/rbx1 ]]; then git clone -b indigo-devel https://github.com/pirobot/rbx1.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rbx1 git pull fi printf "\n${BLUE}USB Web Cam code for ROS by Example${NC}\n" cd ~/catkin_ws/src # If you want to use the USB Camera code from the ROS by Example book: if ! [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/usb_cam ]]; then git clone https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/usb_cam.git else cd ~/catkin_ws/src/usb_cam git pull fi export PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=1 if ! [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then if [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mycroft-core ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Updating Mycroft]${NC}\n" cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mycroft-core ./stop-mycroft.sh || true # Do not let failures crash the script. git pull ./dev_setup.sh ./start-mycroft.sh all else if [[ "${RESPONSE_TO_MYCROFT_QUERY}" == "y" ]]; then # Anything other than 'y' is NO (including null) printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing Mycroft]${NC}\n" cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot git clone -b master https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-core.git cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mycroft-core printf "\n${BLUE}[There will be a lot of questions. I answer Yes to all of them personally.]${NC}\n" ./dev_setup.sh ./start-mycroft.sh all printf "\n${YELLOW}[IF you want to use Mycroft:]${NC}\n" printf "\n${YELLOW}[Then see https://docs.mycroft.ai/development/cerberus for configuration info.]${NC}\n" printf "\n${YELLOW}[See more info at: https://docs.mycroft.ai/installing.and.running/installation/git.clone.install]${NC}\n" printf "\n${YELLOW}[At the least you will have to register Mycroft if you want full functionality, although it does work without registering.]${NC}\n" fi fi if [[ -d /opt/mycroft/skills ]]; then printf "${BLUE}Updating ArloBot Mycroft Skills${NC}\n" if ! [[ -L /opt/mycroft/skills/arlobot-robot-skill ]]; then cd /opt/mycroft/skills/ ln -s "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mycroft-arlobot-skill" arlobot-robot-skill fi if ! [[ -L /opt/mycroft/skills/arlobot-smalltalk-skill ]]; then cd /opt/mycroft/skills/ ln -s "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mycroft-smalltalk-skill" arlobot-smalltalk-skill fi fi fi cd ~/catkin_ws printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing dependencies for ROS build-from-source packages.]${NC}\n" rosdep update rosdep install -q -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src printf "\n${YELLOW}[(Re)Building ROS Source files.]${NC}\n" catkin_make # shellcheck source=/home/chrisl8/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash rospack profile if [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]]; then if [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then if ! (grep ROS_MASTER_URI ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then if ! [[ ${ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS} ]]; then read -rp "What is the host name or IP of your robot? " ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS fi sh -c "echo \"export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://${ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS}:11311\" >> ~/.bashrc" fi fi if ! (grep ROS_HOSTNAME ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the ROS_HOSTNAME in your .bashrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export ROS_HOSTNAME=$(uname -n).local\" >> ~/.bashrc" fi if ! (grep ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN in your .bashrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN=1\" >> ~/.bashrc" fi if ! (grep "catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the ROS setup.bash source call in your .bashrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash\" >> ~/.bashrc" fi if ! (grep "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/scripts" ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Adding ArloBot Scripts folder to your path in .bashrc]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export PATH=\\\$PATH:${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/scripts\" >> ~/.bashrc" fi fi if [[ -f ~/.zshrc ]]; then if [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then if ! (grep ROS_MASTER_URI ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then if ! [[ ${ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS} ]]; then read -rp "What is the host name or IP of your robot? " ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS fi sh -c "echo \"export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://${ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS}:11311\" >> ~/.zshrc" fi fi if ! (grep ROS_HOSTNAME ~/.zshrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the ROS_HOSTNAME in your .zshrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export ROS_HOSTNAME=$(uname -n).local\" >> ~/.zshrc" fi if ! (grep ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN ~/.zshrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN in your .zshrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export ROSLAUNCH_SSH_UNKNOWN=1\" >> ~/.zshrc" fi if ! (grep "catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh" ~/.zshrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the ROS setup.zsh source call in your .zshrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh\" >> ~/.zshrc" fi if ! (grep "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/scripts" ~/.zshrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Adding ArloBot Scripts folder to your path in .zshrc]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export PATH=\\\$PATH:${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/scripts\" >> ~/.zshrc" fi fi if ! [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then # For 8-CH USB Relay board: pip install pylibftdi # Required by pylibftdi # https://pylibftdi.readthedocs.io/en/0.15.0/installation.html if ! [[ -f /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libftdi.rules ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Adding required sudo rule for pylibftdi to access USB based serial ports.]${NC}\n" sudo "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/scripts/addRuleForUSBRelayBoard.sh" printf "${RED}You may have to reboot before the USB Relay board will function!${NC}\n" fi printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing and Initializing the Current Node LTS version]${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}[Installing/Updating Node Version Manager]${NC}\n" if [[ -e ${HOME}/.nvm/nvm.sh ]]; then printf "${BLUE}Deactivating existing Node Version Manager:${NC}\n" export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm" # shellcheck source=/home/chrisl8/.nvm/nvm.sh [[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ]] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm nvm deactivate fi wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm" # shellcheck source=/home/chrisl8/.nvm/nvm.sh [[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ]] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm export NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT=true if ! (grep NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT ~/.bashrc >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting the NVM current environment in your .bashrc file]${NC}\n" sh -c "echo \"export NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT=true\" >> ~/.bashrc" fi nvm install --lts nvm alias default "lts/*" printf "\n${YELLOW}[Grabbing/Updating global dependencies for node packages]${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}You may get some errors here, that is normal. As long as things work, it is OK.$NC\n" cd printf "\n${YELLOW}[PM2 for running Robot service]$NC\n" npm install -g pm2 printf "\n${YELLOW}[Log Streamer for Website]$NC\n" npm install -g log.io printf "\n${YELLOW}[Log.io File Watcher for Log.io Log Streamer]$NC\n" npm install -g log.io-file-input if [[ -d ~/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/Log.io ]]; then printf "\n" printf "${BLUE}Removing old Log.io Install${NC}\n" rm -rf "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/Log.io" fi cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/node" printf "\n${YELLOW}[Grabbing node dependencies for scripts]${NC}\n" printf "${BLUE}You may get some errors here, that is normal. As long as things work, it is OK.$NC\n" npm ci cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/website" printf "\n${YELLOW}[Grabbing node dependencies for React website]${NC}\n" npm ci printf "\n${YELLOW}[Building React website]${NC}\n" npm run build cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/cypress-tests" printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing Cypress.io for Tests]$NC\n" npm ci if ! (command -v mjpg_streamer >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Installing mjpg_streamer for Web Page camera viewing]${NC}\n" cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/" if ! [[ -d ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mjpg-streamer ]]; then git clone https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer.git else cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mjpg-streamer" git pull fi cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental" make distclean make sudo make install # See scripts/streamVideoTest.sh for details on mjpg_streamer usage. fi if [[ -e ${ARLO_HOME}/personalDataForBehavior.json ]]; then node "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/node/personalData.js" else printf "\n" cp "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/scripts/dotarlobot/personalDataForBehavior.json" "${ARLO_HOME}/" printf "${GREEN}A brand new ${RED}${ARLO_HOME}/personalDataForBehavior.json${GREEN} file has been created,${NC}\n" printf "${LIGHT_PURPLE}Please edit this file to customize according to your robot!${NC}\n" fi if [[ ! -d ${ARLO_HOME}/rosmaps ]]; then mkdir "${ARLO_HOME}/rosmaps" fi if [[ ! -d ${ARLO_HOME}/sounds ]]; then mkdir "${ARLO_HOME}/sounds" fi if [[ ! -d ${ARLO_HOME}/status ]]; then mkdir "${ARLO_HOME}/status" fi sudo chmod -R 777 "${ARLO_HOME}/status" if [[ ! -d ${ARLO_HOME}/status/doors ]]; then mkdir "${ARLO_HOME}/status/doors" fi sudo chmod -R 777 "${ARLO_HOME}/status/doors" if ! (id | grep dialout >/dev/null); then printf "\n${GREEN}Adding your user to the 'dialout' group for serial port access.${NC}\n" sudo adduser "${USER}" dialout >/dev/null printf "${RED}You may have to reboot before you can use the Propeller Board.${NC}\n" fi if ! (id | grep video >/dev/null); then printf "\n${GREEN}Adding your user to the 'video' group for access to cameras.${NC}\n" sudo adduser "${USER}" video >/dev/null fi if ! (sudo -nl | grep resetUSB >/dev/null && sudo -nl | grep modprobe >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting up required sudo entries.]${NC}\n" echo "${USER} ALL = NOPASSWD: ${SCRIPTDIR}/resetUSB.sh" >/tmp/arlobot_sudoers echo "${USER} ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/modprobe" >>/tmp/arlobot_sudoers chmod 0440 /tmp/arlobot_sudoers sudo chown root:root /tmp/arlobot_sudoers sudo mv /tmp/arlobot_sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/ sudo chown root:root /etc/sudoers.d/arlobot_sudoers fi fi if ! (command -v simpleide >/dev/null); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Setting up Parallax SimpleIDE for putting code on Activity Board.]${NC}\n" cd /tmp wget -O simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb https://www.dropbox.com/s/k9gl1lbutmd8c2w/simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb?dl=1 # NOTE: If the above link dies, you can try using this Wayback Machine link: # https://web.archive.org/web/20161005174013/http://downloads.parallax.com/plx/software/side/101rc1/simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i /tmp/simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb rm /tmp/simple-ide_1-0-1-rc1_amd64.deb fi if ! [[ -e ~/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple\ Libraries/Robotics/Arlo/libarlodrive/arlodrive.c ]]; then if ! [[ -d ~/Documents/SimpleIDE/ ]]; then mkdir -p ~/Documents/SimpleIDE/ fi cd ~/Documents/SimpleIDE/ # NOTE: Using my personal Dropbox for this, because the original link has died. # Original Link: https://www.parallax.com/sites/default/files/downloads/Learn-Folder-Updated-2019.07.02_0.zip wget -O Learn-Folder-Updated-2019.07.02_0.zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ny53cmbljwfk9u/Learn-Folder-Updated-2019.07.02_0.zip?dl=1 unzip -q Learn-Folder-Updated-2019.07.02_0.zip cd fi if ! [[ ${WORKSTATION_INSTALL} == "y" ]]; then if [[ -e ${ARLO_HOME}/arlobot.yaml ]]; then if ! (diff "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/arlobot_ros/param/arlobot.yaml" "${ARLO_HOME}/arlobot.yaml" >/dev/null); then printf "\n${GREEN}The ${RED}arlobot.yaml${GREEN} file in the repository is different from the one${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}in your local settings.${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}This is expected, but just in case, please look over the differences,${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}and see if you need to copy in any new settings, or overwrite the file completely:${NC}\n" diff "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/arlobot_ros/param/arlobot.yaml" "${ARLO_HOME}/arlobot.yaml" || true cp -i "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/arlobot_ros/param/arlobot.yaml" "${ARLO_HOME}/" printf "\n" fi else printf "\n" cp "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/arlobot_ros/param/arlobot.yaml" "${ARLO_HOME}/" printf "${GREEN}A brand new ${RED}${ARLO_HOME}/arlobot.yaml${GREEN} file has been created,${NC}\n" printf "${LIGHT_PURPLE}Please edit this file to customize according to your robot!${NC}\n" fi for i in "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/PropellerCodeForArloBot/dotfiles/"*; do [[ -e "${i}" ]] || break # handle the case of no files # https://stackoverflow.com/a/9011264/4982408 if [[ -e ${ARLO_HOME}/${i##*/} ]]; then if ! (diff "${i}" "${ARLO_HOME}/${i##*/}" >/dev/null); then printf "\n${GREEN}The ${RED}${i##*/}${GREEN} file in the repository is different from the one${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}in your local settings.${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}This is expected, but just in case, please look over the differences,${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}and see if you need to copy in any new settings, or overwrite the file completely:${NC}\n" diff "${i}" "${ARLO_HOME}/${i##*/}" || true cp -i "${i}" "${ARLO_HOME}/" fi else printf "\n" cp "${i}" "${ARLO_HOME}/" printf "${GREEN}A brand new ${RED}${ARLO_HOME}/${i##*/}${GREEN} file has been created,${NC}\n" printf "${LIGHT_PURPLE}Please edit this file to customize according to your robot!${NC}\n" fi done if ! (crontab -l >/dev/null 2>&1) || ! (crontab -l | grep startpm2 >/dev/null 2>&1); then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Adding cron job to start web server on system reboot.]${NC}\n" # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4880290/how-do-i-create-a-crontab-through-a-script ( echo "@reboot ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/startpm2.sh > ${HOME}/crontab.log" ) | crontab - fi printf "\n${LIGHTPURPLE}[Flushing PM2 logs and starting/restarting web server.]${NC}\n" pm2 update pm2 flush if ! pm2 restart Robot; then "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/startpm2.sh" fi if [[ "${USER}" == chrisl8 ]]; then # NOTE: It is OK if this section "crashes" the script on a failure, # because it ONLY runs for me, not end users. if ! [[ -d /home/robotStatusUser ]]; then printf "\n${YELLOW}[Adding robotStatusUser.]${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}(This is NOT required for Arlobot, just a personal thing.)${NC}\n" sudo useradd -m robotStatusUser printf "${GREEN}Be sure to add your key to ~robotStatusUser/.ssh/authorized_keys${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}for anyone who needs to use it!${NC}\n" printf "${RED}sudo su - robotStatusUser${NC}\n" printf "${RED}mkdir .ssh${NC}\n" printf "${RED}vim .ssh/authorized_keys${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}(This is NOT required for Arlobot, just a personal thing.)${NC}\n" fi # Special notices for the developer himself to keep his stuff up to date. =) cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/node" printf "\n${RED}[Hey ${USER} please make sure the below items are up to date!]${NC}\n" printf "\n${GREEN}[Hey ${USER} please make sure the below items are up to date!]${NC}\n" printf "\n${PURPLE}[Hey ${USER} please make sure the below items are up to date!]${NC}\n" printf "${YELLOW}Does the current version of nvm we installed:${NC} " nvm --version printf "${YELLOW}Match the version on github:${NC} " wget -qO- https://github.com/creationix/nvm/blob/master/README.md | grep install.sh | grep wget | sed -e "s/
//" | sed "s/\//\\n/g" | grep ^v | head -1
    printf "\n${YELLOW}You are using this version of node:${NC} "
    node --version
    printf "${YELLOW}and this is the current stable version of node:${NC} "
    wget -qO- https://nodejs.org/en/download/ | grep "Latest LTS Version:" | sed "s/<\/p>//g" | sed "s/.*//" | sed "s/<.*//"
    printf "\n${YELLOW}Checking for out of date global node modules:${NC}\n"
    npm outdated -g || true # Informational, do not crash  script
    printf "${YELLOW}Checking for out of date package node modules:${NC}\n"
    printf "${YELLOW}in node/:${NC}\n"
    npm outdated || true # Informational, do not crash  script
    printf "${YELLOW}in website/:${NC}\n"
    cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/website"
    npm outdated || true # Informational, do not crash  script
    printf "${YELLOW}in cypress tests/:${NC}\n"
    cd "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/cypress-tests"
    npm outdated || true # Informational, do not crash  script
    printf "${PURPLE}-------------------------------------------------------${NC}\n"

  printf "\n${PURPLE}Anytime you want to update ArloBot code from the web you can run this same script again. It will pull down and compile new code without wiping out custom configs in ~/.arlobot. I run this script myself almost every day.${NC}\n"

  printf "\n${YELLOW}-----------------------------------${NC}\n"
  printf "${GREEN}Remember to edit the config files in ~/.arlobot${NC}\n\n"
  printf "${LIGHTCYAN}Go to ${LIGHTBLUE}http://$(node "${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/ArloBot/node/ipAddress.js"):$(jq '.webServerPort' "${ARLO_HOME}/personalDataForBehavior.json")${LIGHTCYAN} to see the Arlobot web interface.${NC}\n"
  printf "\n"
  printf "${GREEN}Look at README.md for testing ideas.${NC}\n"

  printf "\n${YELLOW}------------------------------------------------------------${NC}\n"
  printf "${YELLOW}Remember: You MUST install the Propeller code on your Propeller board too!${NC}\n"
  printf "${GREEN}See: ${BLUE}https://ekpyroticfrood.net/?p=165${NC}\n"
  printf "${GREEN}for more information on getting SimpleIDE set up,${NC}\n"
  printf "${GREEN}and installing code on your Propeller board.${NC}\n"
  printf "${YELLOW}------------------------------------------------------------${NC}\n"
# TODO: Some post install instructions for the workstation build.