### v0.4.9 * Disabled streaming parsing as mikeal/request no longer supports options.onResponse ### v0.4.8 * Fix the pagerank builtin * Fix for nested parseHtml calls ### v0.4.7 * Break out of .each early with return false * Bug fix for nested getHtml * Bug fix for write permissions * Bug fix for the eval builtin ### v0.4.1 * node v0.6 support ### v0.4.0 * Ported the entire request process to use mikeal/request * Full HTTP proxy support ### v0.3.9 * Expose JSDOM window so it can be closed manually to prevent leaks * Added the expand_single_selected option (see issue #34) ### v0.3.6-0.3.8 * Bug fixes ### v0.3.5 * Further proxy fixes * Fixed an bug when specifying a custom jQuery context * Added JSDOM as a required package ### v0.3.3 * Fix when a 30x redirect is to another host * Better HttpProxy support ### v0.3.0 * Fixed -f, --fork ### v0.2.6 - v0.2.9 * Various fixes to CSV reading and writing * Added an option to control whether JSDOM processes external resources * When using JSDOM, don't run the callback until the window is loaded * Ability to specify request encoding * Added URL recursion ### v0.2.5 * Added the -m (--max) switch for overridding max concurrent requests * Speed improvements when parsing HTML using getHtml and postHtml * Moved validator, jQuery and htmlparser to ./vendor as submodules * npm is no longer required to install node.io * Built-in modules are stored relative to the install dir * Added url recursion and a helper for resolving and filtering links on a page ### v0.2.4 * Moved to the new node v0.4 request API with full HTTPS support * Added the auto_retry option to improve code readability * Callbacks are now called in the same scope as job methods (no more self = this) ### v0.2.3 * Removed daemon and expresso as a required dependencies * Added --spoof for spoofing user agents * Fixed relative Location header bug * Moved soupselect to ./vendor as its package.json is broken * Added more information to --debug ### v0.2.2-4 * Bug fixes * Improved debug information for requests * Added a new builtin - query ### v0.2.2-3 * Added JSDOM as an optional parser (for jQuery access) * Added head() to make HEAD requests * Added "io" as a command line alias * Added a new builtin - statuscode ### v0.2.1-20 * Bug fixes * Works with node >= v0.3.6 ### v0.2.1-14 * Bug fixes * Status messages are written to stderr ### v0.2.1-8 * Added [built-in modules](https://github.com/chriso/node.io/tree/master/builtin). ### v0.2.1-5 * Web interface now supports CoffeeScript jobs * Support for multiple jobs in the same file (see ./examples/resolve.coffee) * Added the -u (--unpack) switch for decrypting jobs made with [packnode](https://github.com/chriso/packnode) ### v0.2.1-3 * Better support for multiple jobs running in the same process * Basic web interface * .coffee extension is auto-detected ### v0.2.0-4 * Bug fixes * Added -d (--daemon) switch * Added helper methods for setting/adding request headers * Nested requests have cookies/referer automatically set ### v0.2.0-1 * Added new DOM element getters - innerHTML, rawtext and striptags * Added the ability to specify a custom $ context - $(select, [context]) * Added odd() and even() traversal methods * Added has() (see: api.jquery.com/has/) * Added job.parseValues() and job.writeValues() to simplify reading & writing separated values (e.g. CSV / TSV) * Major refactoring * Improved commenting and internal documentation * Speed improvements * Added Makefile (test / test-cov) ### v0.1.1-17 * Fixed incorrect handling of large streams * Better support for request timeouts * Bug fixes ### v0.1.1-6 * Added a -g (--debug) switch * Minor bug fixes * Added HTTP code handler - auto support for redirects, etc. ### v0.1.1-1 * Fixed an inheritance bug when not exclusively using CoffeeScript * Added an -e (--eval) switch * Updated .coffee compilation so it's compatible with command line switches * Added a `proxy` option (see API)