autogit-st ========== Automatic git checkins from your text editor saves. `autogit` will automatically commit a version of a file to a local git repository everytime a change is saved in Sublime. In windows, this is stored in `$(APPDATA)\autogit`. In linux, `/usr/local/autogit`. In OSX, `~Library/Application Support/autogit`. ### Why use autogit? Some simple reasons: * simple insurance against accidental changes or deletions. * makes it easier to support smarter undo, backtracking, or exploratory programming. * resume a task or track a task by seeing changes at a fine-grain level as they happened. * light-weight, stays invisible until you need it. Some deeper reasons: * **Better Task Resumption:** research suggests that resuming an interrupted task or reviewing a change made by another is made easier when changes can be reviewed in an time-ordered manner (in comparision to a flat commit). * **Auto-blog:** [automark]( is a sister project that can examine a git repository and then automatically generate a markdown file, in a format suitable for publishing a blog post. * **Personal Analytics:** Watts Humphrey has advocated the idea of tracking personal activity for self-improvement, using methods such as the Personal Software Process. Using services, such as [codealike]( or [codeivate](, you can track things like time spent editing, etc. Tracking the *actual* changes can take this analysis to another level. * **Api Analytics:** Frequent mistakes are made when programming or using particular apis. This can be analyzed: "You spent 3 hours figuring out how to correctly use pygit2.create_commit(), create github issue?" ### Other Editors See the main [auto-git]( project for other editor support.