#!/bin/bash VERSION="2.4.13-DEV" set -e if [ -z "$LANG" ]; then export LANG="C" fi # Note: This script is only for hourly-based tariff data, please create your own fork for higher resolutions like 15 minute intervals. ####################################### ### Begin of the functions... ### ####################################### if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -le 4 ]]; then valid_config_version=5 # Please increase this value by 1 when changing the configuration variables else declare -A valid_vars=( ["config_version"]="5" # Please increase this value by 1 if variables are added or deleted in the valid_vars array ["use_fritz_dect_sockets"]="0|1" ["fbox"]="^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$" ["user"]="string" ["passwd"]="string" ["sockets"]='^\(\"[^"]+\"( \"[^"]+\")*\)$' ["use_shelly_wlan_sockets"]="0|1" ["shelly_ips"]="^\(\".*\"\)$" ["shellyuser"]="string" ["shellypasswd"]="string" ["use_victron_charger"]="0|1" ["limit_inverter_power_after_enabling"]="^(-1|[0-9]{2,5})$" ["energy_loss_percent"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["battery_lifecycle_costs_cent_per_kwh"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["economic_check"]="0|1|2" ["start_price"]="-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["feedin_price"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["energy_fee"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["abort_price"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["use_start_stop_logic"]="0|1" ["switchablesockets_at_start_stop"]="0|1" ["charge_at_solar_breakeven_logic"]="0|1" ["switchablesockets_at_solar_breakeven_logic"]="0|1" ["TZ"]="string" ["select_pricing_api"]="1|2|3" ["include_second_day"]="0|1" ["use_solarweather_api_to_abort"]="0|1" ["abort_solar_yield_today"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["abort_solar_yield_tomorrow"]="[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["abort_suntime"]="[0-9]+" ["latitude"]="[-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["longitude"]="[-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" ["visualcrossing_api_key"]="string" ["awattar"]="de|at" ["in_Domain"]="string" ["out_Domain"]="string" ["entsoe_eu_api_security_token"]="string" ["price_unit"]="energy|total|tax" ["tibber_api_key"]="string" ["config_version"]="5" ) declare -A config_values fi parse_and_validate_config() { if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -le 4 ]]; then # Für Bash-Version <= 4, überprüfe nur config_version=1 log_message "W: Due to the older Bash version, the configuration validation is skipped." local file="$1" local version_valid=false while IFS='=' read -r key value; do key=$(echo "$key" | cut -d'#' -f1 | tr -d ' ') value=$(echo "$value" | awk -F'#' '{gsub(/^ *"|"$|^ *| *$/, "", $1); print $1}') if [[ "$key" == "config_version" && "$value" == "$valid_config_version" ]]; then version_valid=true break fi done <"$file" if [[ "$version_valid" == false ]]; then log_message "E: Error: config_version=$valid_config_version is missing or the configuration is invalid." return 1 fi return 0 else local file="$1" local errors="" rotating_spinner & # Start the spinner in the background local spinner_pid=$! # Get the PID of the spinner local version_valid=false local version_value=0 # Step 1: Parse while IFS='=' read -r key value; do # Treat everything after a "#" as a comment and remove it key=$(echo "$key" | cut -d'#' -f1 | tr -d ' ') value=$(echo "$value" | awk -F'#' '{gsub(/^ *"|"$|^ *| *$/, "", $1); print $1}') # Only process rows with key-value pairs [[ "$key" == "" || "$value" == "" ]] && continue # Set the value in the associative array config_values["$key"]="$value" if [[ "$key" == "config_version" ]]; then version_valid=true version_value="$value" fi done <"$file" # Step 2: Validation for var_name in "${!valid_vars[@]}"; do local validation_pattern=${valid_vars[$var_name]} # Check whether the variable was set at all if [[ -z ${config_values[$var_name]+x} ]]; then errors+="E: $var_name is not set.\n" continue fi if [[ "$validation_pattern" == "string" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$validation_pattern" == "array" && "${config_values[$var_name]}" == "" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$validation_pattern" == "ip" && ! "${config_values[$var_name]}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then errors+="E: $var_name has an invalid IP address format: ${config_values[$var_name]}.\n" continue fi if ! [[ "${config_values[$var_name]}" =~ ^($validation_pattern)$ ]]; then errors+="E: $var_name has an invalid value: ${config_values[$var_name]}.\n" fi done if [[ "$version_valid" == true && "$version_value" -lt 1 ]]; then errors+="W: The config.txt version is less than 1. You are using an outdated unsupported configuration file. Please re-download and reconfigurate. \n" fi kill $spinner_pid &>/dev/null if [[ -n "$errors" ]]; then echo -e "$errors" return 1 else echo "Config validation passed." return 0 fi fi } rotating_spinner() { local delay=0.1 local spinstr="|/-\\" while true; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c] Loading..." "$spinstr" spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\r" done } download_awattar_prices() { local url="$1" local file="$2" local output_file="$3" local sleep_time="$4" if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "I: Please be patient. First we wait $sleep_time seconds in case the system clock is not syncronized and not to overload the API." false sleep "$sleep_time" fi if ! curl "$url" >"$file"; then log_message "E: Download of aWATTar prices from '$url' to '$file' failed." rm "$file" exit_with_cleanup 1 fi if ! test -f "$file"; then log_message "E: Could not get aWATTar prices from '$url' to feed file '$file'." exit_with_cleanup 1 fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Download of file '$file' from URL '$url' successful." >&2 fi echo >>"$file" if [ "$price_unit" = "energy" ]; then awk '/data_price_hour_rel_.*_amount: / {print substr($0, index($0, ":") + 2)}' "$file" > "$output_file" elif [ "$price_unit" = "total" ]; then awk -v vat_rate="$vat_rate" -v energy_fee="$energy_fee" '/data_price_hour_rel_.*_amount: / { amount = substr($0, index($0, ":") + 2) total = amount * (1 + vat_rate) + energy_fee print total }' "$file" > "$output_file" elif [ "$price_unit" = "tax" ]; then awk -v vat_rate="$vat_rate" -v energy_fee="$energy_fee" '/data_price_hour_rel_.*_amount: / { amount = substr($0, index($0, ":") + 2) tax = (amount * vat_rate) + energy_fee print tax }' "$file" > "$output_file" else log_message "E: Invalid value at awattar_prices. Check config.txt" fi sort -g "$output_file" >"${output_file%.*}_sorted.${output_file##*.}" timestamp=$(TZ=$TZ date +%d) echo "date_now_day: $timestamp" >>"$output_file" echo "date_now_day: $timestamp" >>"${output_file%.*}_sorted.${output_file##*.}" if [ -f "$file2" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$file1")" = "$(wc -l <"$file2")" ]; then rm -f "$file2" log_message "I: File '$file2' has no tomorrow data, we have to try it again until the new prices are online." false fi } get_tibber_api() { curl --location --request POST $link6 \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $tibber_api_key" \ --data-raw '{"query":"{viewer{homes{currentSubscription{priceInfo{current{total energy tax startsAt}today{total energy tax startsAt}tomorrow{total energy tax startsAt}}}}}}"}' | awk '{ gsub(/"current":/, "\n&"); gsub(/"today":/, "\n&"); gsub(/"tomorrow":/, "\n&"); gsub(/"total":/, "\n&"); print }' } download_tibber_prices() { local url="$1" local file="$2" local sleep_time="$3" if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "I: Please be patient. First we wait $sleep_time seconds in case the system clock is not syncronized and not to overload the API." false sleep "$sleep_time" else log_message "D: No delay of download of Tibber data since DEBUG variable set." fi if ! get_tibber_api | tr -d '{}[]' >"$file"; then log_message "E: Download of Tibber prices from '$url' to '$file' failed." exit_with_cleanup 1 fi sed -n '/"today":/,/"tomorrow":/p' "$file" | sed '$d' | sed '/"today":/d' >"$file15" sort -t, -k1.9n $file15 >"$file16" sed -n '/"tomorrow":/,$p' "$file" | sed '/"tomorrow":/d' >"$file17" sort -t, -k1.9n $file17 >"$file18" if [ "$include_second_day" = 0 ]; then cp "$file16" "$file12" else sed -n '4,$p' "$file14" | grep '"total"' | sort -t':' -k2 -n > "$file12" fi timestamp=$(TZ=$TZ date +%d) echo "date_now_day: $timestamp" >>"$file15" echo "date_now_day: $timestamp" >>"$file17" if [ ! -s "$file16" ]; then log_message "E: Tibber prices cannot be extracted to '$file16', please check your internet connection and Tibber API Key. Waiting 120 seconds and fallback to aWATTar API." use_tibber=0 rm "$file" sleep 120 select_pricing_api="1" use_awattar_api use_awattar_tomorrow_api if [ -f "$file2" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$file2")" -gt 10 ]; then loop_hours=48 fi fi } download_entsoe_prices() { local url="$1" local file="$2" local output_file="$3" local sleep_time="$4" if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "I: Please be patient. First we wait $sleep_time seconds in case the system clock is not syncronized and not to overload the API." sleep "$sleep_time" else log_message "D: No delay of download of entsoe data since DEBUG variable set." >&2 fi if ! curl "$url" >"$file"; then log_message "E: Retrieval of entsoe data from '$url' into file '$file' failed." exit_with_cleanup 1 fi if ! test -f "$file"; then log_message "E: Could not find file '$file' with entsoe price data. Curl itself reported success." exit_with_cleanup 1 fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Entsoe file '$file' with price data downloaded" >&2; fi if [ ! -s "$file" ]; then log_message "E: Entsoe file '$file' is empty, please check your entsoe API Key." exit_with_cleanup 1 fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: No delay of download of entsoe data since DEBUG variable set." "D: Entsoe file '$file' with price data downloaded" >&2; fi awk ' error_found=0 // { capture_period = 1 } /<\/Period>/ { capture_period = 0 } capture_period && /PT60M<\/resolution>/ { valid_period = 1 } valid_period && // { gsub("", "", $0) gsub("<\/price.amount>", "", $0) gsub(/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/, "", $0) prices = prices $0 ORS } valid_period && /<\/Period>/ { exit } // { in_reason = 1 error_message = "" } in_reason && // { gsub(/|<\/code>/, "") gsub(/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/, "", $0) error_code = $0 } in_reason && // { gsub(/|<\/text>/, "") gsub(/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/, "", $0) error_message = $0 } /<\/Reason>/ { in_reason = 0 } END { if (error_code == 999) { print "E: Entsoe data retrieval error found in the XML data:", error_message } else if (prices != "") { printf "%s", prices > "'"$output_file"'" } else { print "E: No prices found in the XML data." } } ' "$file" if [ -f "$output_file" ]; then sort -g "$output_file" > "${output_file%.*}_sorted.${output_file##*.}" timestamp=$(TZ=$TZ date +%d) echo "date_now_day: $timestamp" >> "$output_file" # Check if the file for tomorrow contains prices for the next day if [ "$include_second_day" = 1 ] && grep -q "PT60M" "$file" && [ "$(wc -l <"$output_file")" -gt 3 ]; then cat $file10 > $file8 if [ -f "$file13" ]; then cat "$file13" >> "$file8" fi sed -i '25d;50d' "$file8" sort -g "$file8" > "$file19" timestamp=$(TZ=$TZ date +%d) echo "date_now_day: $timestamp" >> "$file8" else cp $file11 $file19 # If there's no second day, copy the sorted price file. fi fi } download_solarenergy() { if ((use_solarweather_api_to_abort == 1)); then delay=$((RANDOM % 15 + 1)) if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "I: Please be patient. A delay of $delay seconds will help avoid overloading the Solarweather-API." false sleep "$delay" else log_message "D: No delay of download of solarenergy data since DEBUG variable set." >&2 fi if ! curl "$link3" -o "$file3"; then log_message "E: Download of solarenergy data from '$link3' failed. Old data will be used if downloaded already." elif ! test -f "$file3"; then log_message "E: Could not get solarenergy data, missing file '$file3'. Solarenergy will be ignored." fi if [ -f "$file3" ]; then if grep -q "API" "$file3"; then log_message "E: Error, there is a problem with the Solarweather-API." cat "$file3" echo rm "$file3" fi fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: File3 $file3 downloaded" >&2 fi if ! test -f "$file3"; then log_message "E: Could not find downloaded file '$file3' with solarenergy data. Solarenergy will be ignored." fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Solarenergy data downloaded to file '$file3'." fi fi } get_current_awattar_day() { current_awattar_day=$(sed -n 3p $file1 | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'); } get_current_awattar_day2() { current_awattar_day2=$(sed -n 3p $file2 | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'); } use_awattar_api() { # Test if Awattar today data exists if test -f "$file1"; then # Test if data is current get_current_awattar_day if [ "$current_awattar_day" = "$(TZ=$TZ date +%-d)" ]; then log_message "I: aWATTar today-data is up to date." false else log_message "I: aWATTar today-data is outdated, fetching new data." false rm -f $file1 $file6 $file7 download_awattar_prices "$link1" "$file1" "$file6" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi else # Data file1 does not exist log_message "I: Fetching today-data data from aWATTar." false download_awattar_prices "$link1" "$file1" "$file6" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi } use_awattar_tomorrow_api() { # Test if Awattar tomorrow data exists if test -f "$file2"; then # Test if data is current get_current_awattar_day2 if [ "$current_awattar_day2" = "$(TZ=$TZ date +%-d)" ]; then log_message "I: aWATTar tomorrow-data is up to date." false else log_message "I: aWATTar tomorrow-data is outdated, fetching new data." false rm -f $file3 download_awattar_prices "$link2" "$file2" "$file6" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi else # Data file2 does not exist log_message "I: aWATTar tomorrow-data does not exist, fetching data." false download_awattar_prices "$link2" "$file2" "$file6" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi } get_awattar_prices() { current_price=$(sed -n "$((now_linenumber))p" "$file6") for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do eval "P$i=$(sed -n "${i}p" "$file7")" done highest_price=$(grep -E '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' "$file7" | tail -n1) average_price=$(grep -E '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' "$file7" | awk '{sum+=$1; count++} END {if (count > 0) print sum/count}') } use_tibber_api() { # Test if Tibber today data exists if test -f "$file14"; then # Test if data is current get_current_tibber_day if [ "$current_tibber_day" = "$(TZ=$TZ date +%d)" ]; then log_message "I: Tibber today-data is up to date." false else log_message "I: Tibber today-data is outdated, fetching new data." false rm -f "$file12" "$file14" "$file15" "$file16" download_tibber_prices "$link6" "$file14" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi else # Tibber data does not exist log_message "I: Fetching today-data data from Tibber." false download_tibber_prices "$link6" "$file14" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi } use_tibber_tomorrow_api() { if [ ! -s "$file18" ]; then rm -f "$file17" "$file18" log_message "I: File '$file18' has no tomorrow data, we have to try it again until the new prices are online." false rm -f "$file12" "$file14" "$file15" "$file16" "$file17" "$file18" download_tibber_prices "$link6" "$file14" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) sort -t, -k1.9n $file17 >>"$file12" fi } get_tibber_prices() { current_price=$(sed -n "${now_linenumber}s/.*\"${price_unit}\":\([^,]*\),.*/\1/p" "$file15") for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do eval "P$i=$(sed -n "${i}s/.*\"${price_unit}\":\([^,]*\),.*/\1/p" "$file12")" done highest_price=$(sed -n "s/.*\"${price_unit}\":\([^,]*\),.*/\1/p" "$file12" | awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if ($1 > max) max = $1} END {print max}') average_price=$(sed -n "s/.*\"${price_unit}\":\([^,]*\),.*/\1/p" "$file12" | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum/NR}') } get_current_entsoe_day() { current_entsoe_day=$(sed -n 25p "$file10" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'); } get_current_tibber_day() { current_tibber_day=$(sed -n 25p "$file15" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'); } use_entsoe_api() { # Test if Entsoe today data exists if test -f "$file10"; then # Test if data is current get_current_entsoe_day if [ "$current_entsoe_day" = "$(TZ=$TZ date +%d)" ]; then log_message "I: Entsoe today-data is up to date." false else log_message "I: Entsoe today-data is outdated, fetching new data." false rm -f "$file4" "$file5" "$file8" "$file9" "$file10" "$file11" "$file13" "$file19" download_entsoe_prices "$link4" "$file4" "$file10" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi else # Entsoe data does not exist log_message "I: Fetching today-data data from Entsoe." false download_entsoe_prices "$link4" "$file4" "$file10" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi } use_entsoe_tomorrow_api() { # Test if Entsoe tomorrow data exists if [ ! -s "$file9" ]; then log_message "I: File '$file9' has no tomorrow data, we have to try it again until the new prices are online." false rm -f "$file5" "$file9" "$file13" download_entsoe_prices "$link5" "$file5" "$file13" $((RANDOM % 21 + 10)) fi } get_entsoe_prices() { current_price=$(sed -n "${now_linenumber}p" "$file10") for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do eval P$i=$(sed -n ${i}p "$file19") done highest_price=$(awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} $1>max {max=$1} END {print max}' "$file19") average_price=$(awk 'NF>0 && $1 ~ /^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?$/ {sum+=$1; count++} END {if (count > 0) print sum/count}' "$file19") } convert_vars_to_integer() { local potency="$1" shift for var in "$@"; do local integer_var="${var}_integer" printf -v "$integer_var" '%s' "$(euroToMillicent "${!var}" "$potency")" local value="${!integer_var}" # Speichern Sie den Wert in einer temporären Variable if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Variable: $var | Original: ${!var} | Integer: $value | Len: ${#value}" >&2 fi done } get_awattar_prices_integer() { local price_vars="" for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do price_vars+="P$i " done price_vars+="average_price highest_price current_price start_price feedin_price energy_fee abort_price battery_lifecycle_costs_cent_per_kwh" convert_vars_to_integer 15 $price_vars } get_tibber_prices_integer() { local price_vars="" for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do price_vars+="P$i " done price_vars+="average_price highest_price current_price" convert_vars_to_integer 17 $price_vars convert_vars_to_integer 15 start_price feedin_price energy_fee abort_price battery_lifecycle_costs_cent_per_kwh } get_prices_integer_entsoe() { local price_vars="" for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do price_vars+="P$i " done price_vars+="average_price highest_price current_price" convert_vars_to_integer 14 $price_vars convert_vars_to_integer 15 start_price feedin_price energy_fee abort_price battery_lifecycle_costs_cent_per_kwh } get_temp_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi temp_today=$(sed '2!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f1) } get_temp_tomorrow() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi temp_tomorrow=$(sed '3!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f1) } get_snow_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi snow_today=$(sed '2!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f2) } get_snow_tomorrow() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi snow_tomorrow=$(sed '3!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f2) } get_solarenergy_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi solarenergy_today=$(sed '2!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f4) solarenergy_today_integer=$(euroToMillicent "${solarenergy_today}" 15) abort_solar_yield_today_integer=$(euroToMillicent "${abort_solar_yield_today}" 15) } get_solarenergy_tomorrow() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi solarenergy_tomorrow=$(sed '3!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f4) solarenergy_tomorrow_integer=$(euroToMillicent "$solarenergy_tomorrow" 15) abort_solar_yield_tomorrow_integer=$(euroToMillicent "${abort_solar_yield_tomorrow}" 15) } get_cloudcover_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi cloudcover_today=$(sed '2!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f4) } get_cloudcover_tomorrow() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi cloudcover_tomorrow=$(sed '3!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f4) } get_sunrise_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi sunrise_today=$(sed '2!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f5 | cut -d 'T' -f2 | awk -F: '{ print $1 ":" $2 }') } get_sunset_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi sunset_today=$(sed '2!d' "$file3" | cut -d',' -f6 | cut -d 'T' -f2 | awk -F: '{ print $1 ":" $2 }') } get_suntime_today() { if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then return; fi get_sunrise_today get_sunset_today suntime_today=$((($(TZ=$TZ date -d "1970-01-01 $sunset_today" +%s) - $(TZ=$TZ date -d "1970-01-01 $sunrise_today" +%s)) / 60)) } # Function to evaluate conditions evaluate_conditions() { local -n conditions=$1 local -n descriptions=$2 local -n execute_flag=$3 local -n condition_met_description=$4 for i in "${!conditions[@]}"; do if (( ${conditions[$i]} )); then execute_flag=1 condition_met_description="${descriptions[$i]}" if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then log_message "D: Condition met: ${condition_met_description}" fi # Exit the loop if a condition is met return fi done # If no condition is met execute_flag=0 condition_met_description="" } # Function to check economical is_charging_economical() { local reference_price="$1" local total_cost="$2" local is_economical=1 [[ $reference_price -ge $total_cost ]] && is_economical=0 if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: is_charging_economical [ $is_economical - $([ "$is_economical" -eq 1 ] && echo "false" || echo "true") ]." >&2 reference_price_euro=$(millicentToEuro $reference_price) total_cost_euro=$(millicentToEuro "$total_cost") is_economical_str=$([ "$is_economical" -eq 1 ] && echo "false" || echo "true") log_message "D: if [ reference_price $reference_price_euro > total_cost $total_cost_euro ] result is $is_economical_str." >&2 fi return $is_economical } # Function to calculate dynamic SOC based on the expected solarenergy get_target_soc() { local megajoule=$1 local result="" IFS=' ' read -ra first_line <<< "${config_matrix_target_soc_weather[0]}" if awk -v megajoule="$megajoule" -v lower="${first_line[0]}" 'BEGIN {exit !(megajoule < lower)}'; then echo "${first_line[1]}" return fi for ((i = 0; i < ${#config_matrix_target_soc_weather[@]} - 1; i++)); do IFS=' ' read -ra line <<< "${config_matrix_target_soc_weather[$i]}" next_line="${config_matrix_target_soc_weather[$((i + 1))]}" IFS=' ' read -ra next_line <<< "$next_line" if awk -v megajoule="$megajoule" -v lower="${line[0]}" -v upper="${next_line[0]}" \ 'BEGIN {exit !(megajoule >= lower && megajoule < upper)}'; then result=$(awk -v megajoule="$megajoule" -v lower="${line[0]}" \ -v upper="${next_line[0]}" -v lower_soc="${line[1]}" -v upper_soc="${next_line[1]}" \ 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", lower_soc + (megajoule - lower) * (upper_soc - lower_soc) / (upper - lower)}') echo "$result" return fi done IFS=' ' read -ra last_line <<< "${config_matrix_target_soc_weather[-1]}" if awk -v megajoule="$megajoule" -v upper="${last_line[0]}" 'BEGIN {exit !(megajoule >= upper)}'; then echo "${last_line[1]}" return fi echo "No target SoC found." } # Function to manage charging manage_charging() { local action=$1 local reason=$2 if [[ $action == "on" ]]; then $charger_command_charge >/dev/null log_message "I: Victron scheduled charging is ON. $reason" else $charger_command_stop_charging >/dev/null log_message "I: Victron scheduled charging is OFF. $reason" fi } # Function to manage discharging manage_discharging() { local action=$1 local reason=$2 if [[ $action == "on" ]]; then $charger_enable_inverter >/dev/null log_message "I: Victron discharging (ESS) is ON. Battery SOC is at $SOC_percent%." else $charger_disable_inverter >/dev/null log_message "I: Victron discharging (ESS) is OFF. Battery SOC is at $SOC_percent%." fi } # Function to manage fritz sockets and log a message manage_fritz_sockets() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Managing Fritz sockets - Action: $action, execute_switchablesockets_on: $execute_switchablesockets_on" fi local action=$1 [ "$action" != "off" ] && action=$([ "$execute_switchablesockets_on" == "1" ] && echo "on" || echo "off") if fritz_login; then log_message "I: Turning $action Fritz sockets." for socket in "${sockets[@]}"; do [ "$socket" != "0" ] && manage_fritz_socket "$action" "$socket" done else log_message "E: Fritz login failed." fi } manage_fritz_socket() { local action=$1 local socket=$2 if [ "$1" != "off" ] && [ "$economic" == "expensive" ] && [ "$use_victron_charger" == "1" ]; then log_message "I: Disabling inverter while switching." $charger_disable_inverter >/dev/null fi local url="http://$fbox/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua?sid=$sid&ain=$socket&switchcmd=setswitch$action" curl -s "$url" >/dev/null || log_message "E: Could not call URL '$url' to switch $action said switch - ignored." } fritz_login() { # Get session ID (SID) sid="" challenge=$(curl -s "http://$fbox/login_sid.lua" | grep -o "[a-z0-9]\{8\}" | cut -d'>' -f 2) if [ -z "$challenge" ]; then log_message "E: Could not retrieve challenge from login_sid.lua." return 1 fi hash=$(echo -n "$challenge-$passwd" | sed -e 's,.,&\n,g' | tr '\n' '\0' | md5sum | grep -o "[0-9a-z]\{32\}") sid=$(curl -s "http://$fbox/login_sid.lua" -d "response=$challenge-$hash" -d "username=$user" | grep -o "[a-z0-9]\{16\}" | cut -d'>' -f 2) if [ "$sid" = "0000000000000000" ]; then log_message "E: Login to Fritz!Box failed." return 1 fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Login to Fritz!Box successful." >&2 fi return 0 } # Function to manage shelly and log a message manage_shelly_sockets() { local action=$1 [ "$action" != "off" ] && action=$([ "$execute_switchablesockets_on" == "1" ] && echo "on" || echo "off") log_message "I: Turning $action Shelly sockets." for ip in "${shelly_ips[@]}"; do [ "$ip" != "0" ] && manage_shelly_socket "$action" "$ip" done } manage_shelly_socket() { local action=$1 local ip=$2 if [ "$1" != "off" ] && [ "$economic" == "expensive" ] && [ "$use_victron_charger" == "1" ]; then log_message "I: Disabling inverter while switching." $charger_disable_inverter >/dev/null fi curl -s -u "$shellyuser:$shellypasswd" "http://$ip/relay/0?turn=$action" -o /dev/null || log_message "E: Could not execute switch-$action of Shelly socket with IP $ip - ignored." } millicentToEuro() { local millicents="$1" local EURO_FACTOR=100000000000000000 local DECIMAL_FACTOR=10000000000000 local euro_main_part=$((millicents / EURO_FACTOR)) local euro_decimal_part=$(((millicents % EURO_FACTOR) / DECIMAL_FACTOR)) printf "%d.%04d\n" $euro_main_part $euro_decimal_part } euroToMillicent() { euro="$1" potency="$2" if [ -z "$potency" ]; then potency=14 fi # Replace each comma with a period, fixme if this is wrong euro="${euro//,/.}" v=$(awk -v euro="$euro" -v potency="$potency" 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", euro * (10 ^ potency)}') if [ -z "$v" ]; then log_message "E: Could not translate '$euro' to an integer." log_message "E: Called from ${FUNCNAME[1]} at line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}" return 1 fi echo "$v" return 0 } log_message() { local msg="$1" local prefix prefix=$(echo "$msg" | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1) local color="\033[1m" local writeToLog=true case "$prefix" in "E:") color="\033[1;31m" ;; "D:") color="\033[1;34m" writeToLog=false ;; "W:") color="\033[1;33m" ;; "I:") color="\033[1;32m" ;; esac writeToLog="${2:-$writeToLog}" # Override default if second parameter is provided printf "${color}%b\033[0m\n" "$msg" if [ "$writeToLog" == "true" ]; then echo -e "$msg" | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' >>"$LOG_FILE" fi } exit_with_cleanup() { log_message "I: Cleanup and exit with error $1" if ((use_victron_charger == 1)); then manage_charging "off" "Turn off charging." fi if ((execute_discharging == 0 && use_victron_charger == 1)); then manage_discharging "on" "Spotmarket-Switcher is disabling itself. Maybe there is no internet connection." fi manage_fritz_sockets "off" manage_shelly_sockets "off" exit $1 } checkAndClean() { scriptFile1="$DIR/$CONFIG" scriptFile2="$DIR/controller.sh" currentTime=$(date +%s) if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # macOS lastModified1=$(stat -f "%m" "$scriptFile1") lastModified2=$(stat -f "%m" "$scriptFile2") else lastModified1=$(stat -c %Y "$scriptFile1") lastModified2=$(stat -c %Y "$scriptFile2") fi difference1=$(( (currentTime - lastModified1) / 60 )) difference2=$(( (currentTime - lastModified2) / 60 )) if [ $difference1 -lt 60 ] || [ $difference2 -lt 60 ]; then log_message "I: Config or Controller was changed within the last 60 minutes. Cleaning /tmp directory." rm -f /tmp/tibber*.* rm -f /tmp/awattar*.* rm -f /tmp/entsoe*.* rm -f $file3 fi } #################################### ### Begin of the script... ### #################################### # Path to the current script directory DIR="$(dirname "$0")" if [ -z "$LOG_FILE" ]; then LOG_FILE="/tmp/spotmarket-switcher.log" fi if [ -z "$LOG_MAX_SIZE" ]; then LOG_MAX_SIZE=1024 # 1 MB fi if [ -z "$LOG_FILES_TO_KEEP" ]; then LOG_FILES_TO_KEEP=2 fi if [ -z "$CONFIG" ]; then CONFIG="config.txt" fi if [ -f "$DIR/$CONFIG" ]; then source "$DIR/$CONFIG" num_tools_missing=0 SOC_percent=-1 # Set to negative -1 first (maybe no charger is activated). tools="awk curl cat sed sort head tail" if [ 0 -lt "$use_victron_charger" ]; then tools="$tools dbus" charger_command_charge="dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/Schedule/Charge/0/Day SetValue -- 7" charger_command_stop_charging="dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/Schedule/Charge/0/Day SetValue -- -7" charger_command_set_SOC_target="dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/Schedule/Charge/0/Soc SetValue --" charger_disable_inverter="dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/MaxDischargePower SetValue -- 0" charger_enable_inverter="dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/MaxDischargePower SetValue -- $limit_inverter_power_after_enabling" SOC_percent="$(dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=com.victronenergy.system /Dc/Battery/Soc com.victronenergy.BusItem.GetValue | grep variant | awk '{print int($3)}' | tr -d '[:space:]')" if ! [[ "$SOC_percent" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then log_message 'E: SOC cannot be read properly. Value is not an integer.' exit 1 elif (( SOC_percent < 0 || SOC_percent > 100 )); then log_message "E: SOC value out of range: $SOC_percent. Valid range is 0-100." exit 1 fi fi for tool in $tools; do if ! which "$tool" >/dev/null; then log_message "E: Please ensure the tool '$tool' is found." num_tools_missing=$((num_tools_missing + 1)) fi done if [ $num_tools_missing -gt 0 ]; then log_message "E: $num_tools_missing tools are missing." exit 127 fi unset num_tools_missing else log_message "E: The file $DIR/$CONFIG was not found! Configure the existing sample.config.txt file and then save it as config.txt in the same directory." false exit 127 fi if [ -f "$DIR/license.txt" ]; then # Include the license file source "$DIR/license.txt" else log_message "E: The file $DIR/license.txt was not found! Please read the license.txt file and save it together with the config.txt in the same directory. Thank you." false exit 127 fi if [ -z "$UNAME" ]; then UNAME=$(uname) fi if [ "Darwin" = "$UNAME" ]; then log_message "W: MacOS has a different implementation of 'date' - use conda if hunting a bug on a mac". fi # further API parameters (no need to edit) dateInSeconds=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date +"%s") if [ "Darwin" = "$UNAME" ]; then yesterday=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds - 86400)) +%d)2300 yestermonth=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds - 86400)) +%m) yesteryear=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds - 86400)) +%Y) today=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds)) +%d)2300 today2=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds)) +%d) todaymonth=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds)) +%m) todayyear=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds)) +%Y) tomorrow=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%d)2300 tomorrow2=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%d) tomorrowmonth=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%m) tomorrowyear=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%Y) getnow=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -j -f "%s" $((dateInSeconds)) +%k) else yesterday=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds - 86400)) +%d)2300 yestermonth=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds - 86400)) +%m) yesteryear=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds - 86400)) +%Y) today=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds)) +%d)2300 today2=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds)) +%d) todaymonth=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds)) +%m) todayyear=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds)) +%Y) tomorrow=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%d)2300 tomorrow2=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%d) tomorrowmonth=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%m) tomorrowyear=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds + 86400)) +%Y) getnow=$(LC_ALL=C TZ=$TZ date -d @$((dateInSeconds)) +%k) fi now_linenumber=$((getnow + 1)) link1="https://api.awattar.$awattar/v1/marketdata/current.yaml" link2="http://api.awattar.$awattar/v1/marketdata/current.yaml?tomorrow=include" link3="https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/timeline/$latitude%2C%20$longitude/$todayyear-$todaymonth-$today2/$tomorrowyear-$tomorrowmonth-$tomorrow2?unitGroup=metric&elements=snowdepth%2Ctemp%2Csolarenergy%2Ccloudcover%2Csunrise%2Csunset&include=days&key=$visualcrossing_api_key&contentType=csv" link4="https://web-api.tp.entsoe.eu/api?securityToken=$entsoe_eu_api_security_token&documentType=A44&in_Domain=$in_Domain&out_Domain=$out_Domain&periodStart=$yesteryear$yestermonth$yesterday&periodEnd=$todayyear$todaymonth$today" link5="https://web-api.tp.entsoe.eu/api?securityToken=$entsoe_eu_api_security_token&documentType=A44&in_Domain=$in_Domain&out_Domain=$out_Domain&periodStart=$todayyear$todaymonth$today&periodEnd=$tomorrowyear$tomorrowmonth$tomorrow" link6="https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql" file1=/tmp/awattar_today_prices.yaml file2=/tmp/awattar_tomorrow_prices.yaml file3=/tmp/expected_solarenergy.csv file4=/tmp/entsoe_today_prices.xml file5=/tmp/entsoe_tomorrow_prices.xml file6=/tmp/awattar_prices.txt file7=/tmp/awattar_prices_sorted.txt file8=/tmp/entsoe_prices.txt file9=/tmp/entsoe_tomorrow_prices_sorted.txt file10=/tmp/entsoe_today_prices.txt file11=/tmp/entsoe_today_prices_sorted.txt file12=/tmp/tibber_prices_sorted.txt file13=/tmp/entsoe_tomorrow_prices.txt file14=/tmp/tibber_prices.txt file15=/tmp/tibber_today_prices.txt file16=/tmp/tibber_today_prices_sorted.txt file17=/tmp/tibber_tomorrow_prices.txt file18=/tmp/tibber_tomorrow_prices_sorted.txt file19=/tmp/entsoe_prices_sorted.txt ########## Start ########## echo >>"$LOG_FILE" log_message "I: Bash Version: $(bash --version | head -n 1)" log_message "I: Spotmarket-Switcher - Version $VERSION" parse_and_validate_config "$DIR/$CONFIG" checkAndClean if ((select_pricing_api == 1)); then use_awattar_api elif ((select_pricing_api == 2)); then use_entsoe_api elif ((select_pricing_api == 3)); then use_tibber=1 use_tibber_api if [ "$use_tibber" -eq 0 ]; then select_pricing_api="1" use_awattar_api fi fi if ((include_second_day == 1)); then if ((select_pricing_api == 1)); then use_awattar_tomorrow_api elif ((select_pricing_api == 2)); then use_entsoe_tomorrow_api elif ((select_pricing_api == 3)); then use_tibber_tomorrow_api fi fi # Include second day loop_hours=24 if [ "$include_second_day" = 1 ]; then if [ "$select_pricing_api" = 1 ] && [ -f "$file2" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$file2")" -gt 10 ]; then loop_hours=48 elif [ "$select_pricing_api" = 2 ] && [ -f "$file13" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$file13")" -gt 10 ]; then loop_hours=48 elif [ "$select_pricing_api" = 3 ] && [ -f "$file17" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$file17")" -gt 10 ]; then loop_hours=48 fi echo "Data available for $loop_hours hours." if [ "$select_pricing_api" -eq 3 ] && [ "$loop_hours" -eq 24 ] && [ "$getnow" -ge 13 ] && [ "$include_second_day" -eq 1 ]; then log_message "E: Next day prices delayed at Tibber API. Waiting 120 seconds and fallback to aWATTar API. Please ask the Tibber-Team, to get better and to overtake the faster aWATTar API at the data retrieval race." sleep 120 select_pricing_api="1" use_awattar_api use_awattar_tomorrow_api if [ -f "$file2" ] && [ "$(wc -l <"$file2")" -gt 10 ]; then loop_hours=48 fi fi fi if ((select_pricing_api == 1)); then Unit="Cent/kWh $price_unit price" get_awattar_prices get_awattar_prices_integer elif ((select_pricing_api == 2)); then Unit="EUR/MWh net" get_entsoe_prices get_prices_integer_entsoe elif ((select_pricing_api == 3)); then Unit="EUR/kWh $price_unit price" get_tibber_prices get_tibber_prices_integer fi if ((use_solarweather_api_to_abort == 1)); then download_solarenergy get_temp_today get_temp_tomorrow get_snow_today get_snow_tomorrow get_solarenergy_today get_solarenergy_tomorrow get_cloudcover_today get_cloudcover_tomorrow get_sunrise_today get_sunset_today get_suntime_today fi log_message "I: Please verify correct system time and timezone:\n $(TZ=$TZ date)" log_message "I: Current price is $current_price $Unit." log_message "I: The average price will be $average_price $Unit." log_message "I: Highest price will be $highest_price $Unit." price_table="" for i in $(seq 1 $loop_hours); do eval price=\$P$i price_table+="$i:$price " if [ $((i % 12)) -eq 0 ]; then price_table+="\n " fi done log_message "I: Sorted prices: $price_table" if [ "$loop_hours" = 24 ]; then # Separate arrays for each column config_matrix24_charge=() config_matrix24_discharge=() config_matrix24_switchablesockets=() # Populate separate arrays for ((i=0; i<25; i++)); do row=(${config_matrix24_price[$i]}) config_matrix24_charge+=("${row[0]}") config_matrix24_discharge+=("${row[1]}") config_matrix24_switchablesockets+=("${row[2]}") done # Use the separate arrays for ((i=1; i<=24; i++)); do hour=$i charge_value="${config_matrix24_charge[$i]}" discharge_value="${config_matrix24_discharge[$i]}" switchable_sockets_value="${config_matrix24_switchablesockets[$i]}" hour_var_name="${hour//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}" charge_var_name="charge_at_${hour_var_name}" discharge_var_name="discharge_at_${hour_var_name}" switchable_sockets_var_name="switchablesockets_at_${hour_var_name}" declare "$charge_var_name=$charge_value" declare "$switchable_sockets_var_name=$switchable_sockets_value" if [ $SOC_percent -ge $discharge_value ]; then declare "$discharge_var_name=1" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: $discharge_var_name=1" fi else declare "$discharge_var_name=0" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: $discharge_var_name=0" fi fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: $charge_var_name=$charge_value" log_message "D: $switchable_sockets_var_name=$switchable_sockets_value" fi done charge_table="" discharge_table="" switchable_sockets_table="" for ((i=1; i<=$loop_hours; i++)); do hour=$i charge_value="${config_matrix24_charge[i]}" discharge_value="${config_matrix24_discharge[i]}" switchable_sockets_value="${config_matrix24_switchablesockets[i]}" hour_var_name="${hour//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}" charge_var_name="${hour_var_name}" discharge_var_name="${hour_var_name}" switchable_sockets_var_name="${hour_var_name}" if [ "$charge_value" -eq 1 ]; then charge_table+="$charge_var_name " fi if [ "$SOC_percent" -ge "$discharge_value" ]; then discharge_table+="$discharge_var_name " fi if [ "$switchable_sockets_value" -eq 1 ]; then switchable_sockets_table+="$switchable_sockets_var_name " fi done fi if [ "$loop_hours" = 48 ]; then # Separate arrays for each column config_matrix48_charge=() config_matrix48_discharge=() config_matrix48_switchablesockets=() # Populate separate arrays for ((i=0; i<49; i++)); do row=(${config_matrix48_price[$i]}) config_matrix48_charge+=("${row[0]}") config_matrix48_discharge+=("${row[1]}") config_matrix48_switchablesockets+=("${row[2]}") done # Use the separate arrays for ((i=1; i<=48; i++)); do hour=$i charge_value="${config_matrix48_charge[$i]}" discharge_value="${config_matrix48_discharge[$i]}" switchable_sockets_value="${config_matrix48_switchablesockets[$i]}" hour_var_name="${hour//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}" charge_var_name="charge_at_${hour_var_name}" discharge_var_name="discharge_at_${hour_var_name}" switchable_sockets_var_name="switchablesockets_at_${hour_var_name}" declare "$charge_var_name=$charge_value" declare "$switchable_sockets_var_name=$switchable_sockets_value" if [ "$SOC_percent" -ge "$discharge_value" ]; then declare "$discharge_var_name=1" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: $discharge_var_name=1" fi else declare "$discharge_var_name=0" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: $discharge_var_name=0" fi fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: $charge_var_name=$charge_value" log_message "D: $switchable_sockets_var_name=$switchable_sockets_value" fi done charge_table="" discharge_table="" switchable_sockets_table="" for ((i=1; i<=$loop_hours; i++)); do hour=$i charge_value="${config_matrix48_charge[i]}" discharge_value="${config_matrix48_discharge[i]}" switchable_sockets_value="${config_matrix48_switchablesockets[i]}" hour_var_name="${hour//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}" charge_var_name="${hour_var_name}" discharge_var_name="${hour_var_name}" switchable_sockets_var_name="${hour_var_name}" if [ "$charge_value" -eq 1 ]; then charge_table+="$charge_var_name " fi if [ "$SOC_percent" -ge "$discharge_value" ]; then discharge_table+="$discharge_var_name " fi if [ "$switchable_sockets_value" -eq 1 ]; then switchable_sockets_table+="$switchable_sockets_var_name " fi done fi if (( SOC_percent != -1 )); then log_message "I: Charge at prices: $charge_table" log_message "I: Dynamic ESS discharge (depending SOC) at prices: $discharge_table" fi if (( use_shelly_wlan_sockets + use_fritz_dect_sockets > 0 )); then log_message "I: Switchable sockets at prices: $switchable_sockets_table" fi if ((use_solarweather_api_to_abort == 1)); then if [ -f "$file3" ] && [ -s "$file3" ]; then log_message "I: Sunrise today will be $sunrise_today and sunset will be $sunset_today. Suntime will be $suntime_today minutes." log_message "I: Solarenergy today will be $solarenergy_today megajoule per sqaremeter with $cloudcover_today percent clouds. The temperature is "$temp_today"°C with "$snow_today"cm snowdepth." log_message "I: Solarenergy tomorrow will be $solarenergy_tomorrow megajoule per squaremeter with $cloudcover_tomorrow percent clouds. The temperature will be "$temp_tomorrow"°C with "$snow_tomorrow"cm snowdepth." if awk -v temp="$temp_today" -v snow="$snow_today" 'BEGIN { exit !(temp < 0 && snow > 1) }'; then target_soc=$(get_target_soc 0) log_message "I: There is snow on the solar panels (snowdepth > 1cm) at negative degrees. Target SOC will be set to $target_soc% (max value of the matrix)." eval "$charger_command_set_SOC_target $target_soc" >/dev/null else if ((SOC_percent != -1)); then target_soc=$(get_target_soc "$solarenergy_today") log_message "I: At $solarenergy_today megajoule there will be a dynamic SOC charge-target of $target_soc% calculated. The rest is reserved for solar." eval "$charger_command_set_SOC_target $target_soc" >/dev/null fi fi else log_message "E: No solar data. Please check your internet connection and API Key or wait if it is a temporary error." if ((SOC_percent != -1)); then target_soc=$(get_target_soc "$solarenergy_today") log_message "E: A SOC charge-target of $target_soc% will be used without valid solarweather-data." eval "$charger_command_set_SOC_target $target_soc" >/dev/null fi fi else log_message "D: skip Solarweather. not activated" fi charging_condition_met="" discharging_condition_met="" switchablesockets_condition_met="" execute_charging=0 execute_discharging=0 execute_switchablesockets_on=0 # Function to evaluate and execute charging, discharging, and socket conditions evaluate_conditions() { local conditions=("${!1}") local descriptions=("${!2}") local execute_ref_name="$3" local condition_met_ref_name="$4" local condition_met=0 for index in "${!conditions[@]}"; do if ((conditions[index])) && [[ $condition_met -eq 0 ]]; then eval $execute_ref_name=1 eval "$condition_met_ref_name='${descriptions[index]}'" condition_met=1 [[ $DEBUG -ne 1 ]] && break fi done } # Add general conditions for charging charging_conditions+=( $((use_start_stop_logic == 1 && start_price_integer > current_price_integer)) $((charge_at_solar_breakeven_logic == 1 && feedin_price_integer > current_price_integer + energy_fee_integer)) ) charging_descriptions+=( "use_start_stop_logic ($use_start_stop_logic) == 1 && start_price_integer ($start_price_integer) > current_price_integer ($current_price_integer)" "charge_at_solar_breakeven_logic ($charge_at_solar_breakeven_logic) == 1 && feedin_price_integer ($feedin_price_integer) > current_price_integer ($current_price_integer) + energy_fee_integer ($energy_fee_integer)" ) # Dynamically add conditions for P1 to P48 for charging, discharging, and switchable sockets for ((i=1; i<=$loop_hours; i++)); do hour=$i charge_value="${config_matrix_charge[i]}" discharge_value="${config_matrix_discharge[i]}" switchable_sockets_value="${config_matrix_switchablesockets[i]}" hour_var_name="${hour//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}" charge_var_name="charge_at_${hour_var_name}" discharge_var_name="discharge_at_${hour_var_name}" switchable_sockets_var_name="switchablesockets_at_${hour_var_name}" price_var="P${i}_integer" if [[ -n "${!charge_var_name}" && "${!charge_var_name}" == 1 && "${!price_var}" == "$current_price_integer" ]]; then charging_conditions+=("1") charging_descriptions+=("\"$charge_var_name (${!charge_var_name}) == 1 && $price_var (${!price_var}) == current_price_integer ($current_price_integer)\"") else charging_conditions+=("0") fi if [[ -n "${!discharge_var_name}" && "${!discharge_var_name}" == 1 && "${!price_var}" == "$current_price_integer" ]]; then discharging_conditions+=("1") discharging_descriptions+=("\"$discharge_var_name (${!discharge_var_name}) == 1 && $price_var (${!price_var}) == current_price_integer ($current_price_integer)\"") else discharging_conditions+=("0") fi if [[ -n "${!switchable_sockets_var_name}" && "${!switchable_sockets_var_name}" == 1 && "${!price_var}" == "$current_price_integer" ]]; then switchablesockets_conditions+=("1") switchablesockets_conditions_descriptions+=("\"$switchable_sockets_var_name (${!switchable_sockets_var_name}) == 1 && $price_var (${!price_var}) == current_price_integer ($current_price_integer)\"") else switchablesockets_conditions+=("0") fi done if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: Before evaluating charging conditions - execute_charging: $execute_charging" log_message "D: Before evaluating discharging conditions - execute_discharging: $execute_discharging" log_message "D: Before evaluating switchable sockets conditions - execute_switchablesockets_on: $execute_switchablesockets_on" fi evaluate_conditions charging_conditions[@] charging_descriptions[@] "execute_charging" "charging_condition_met" evaluate_conditions discharging_conditions[@] discharging_descriptions[@] "execute_discharging" "discharging_condition_met" evaluate_conditions switchablesockets_conditions[@] switchablesockets_conditions_descriptions[@] "execute_switchablesockets_on" "switchablesockets_condition_met" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: After evaluating charging conditions - execute_charging: $execute_charging " log_message "D: After evaluating discharging conditions - execute_discharging: $execute_discharging " log_message "D: After evaluating switchable sockets conditions - execute_switchablesockets_on: $execute_switchablesockets_on " fi if ((use_solarweather_api_to_abort == 1)); then if [ ! -s "$file3" ]; then log_message "E: File '$file3' does not exist or is empty." return fi if ((abort_solar_yield_today_integer <= solarenergy_today_integer)) && ((abort_solar_yield_tomorrow_integer <= solarenergy_tomorrow_integer)); then log_message "I: There is enough solarenergy today and tomorrow. ESS can be used normal and no need to switch or charge. Spotmarket-Switcher will be disabled." execute_charging=0 execute_discharging=1 execute_switchablesockets_on=0 else log_message "I: Not enough solarenergy today or tomorrow. Spotmarket-Switcher will manage discharging (ESS), charging and switching." fi if ((abort_suntime <= suntime_today)); then log_message "I: There are enough sun minutes today. Spotmarket-Switcher will be disabled." execute_charging=0 execute_discharging=1 execute_switchablesockets_on=0 fi fi if ((SOC_percent >= 90)); then log_message "I: The battery is getting full. Re-enabling inverter. This is important on a DC-AC system to enable grid-feedin." execute_discharging=1 fi if ((abort_price_integer <= current_price_integer)); then log_message "I: Current price ($(millicentToEuro "$current_price_integer")€) is too high. Spotmarket-Switcher will be disabled if higher than ($(millicentToEuro "$abort_price_integer")€)." execute_charging=0 execute_discharging=1 execute_switchablesockets_on=0 fi # If any charging condition is met, start charging percent_of_current_price_integer=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.0f\", $current_price_integer*$energy_loss_percent/100}") total_cost_integer=$((current_price_integer + percent_of_current_price_integer + battery_lifecycle_costs_cent_per_kwh_integer)) # If any charging condition is met, start charging if ((execute_charging == 1 && use_victron_charger == 1)); then economic="" # Evaluate if charging is economical percent_of_current_price_integer=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.0f\", $current_price_integer*$energy_loss_percent/100}") total_cost_integer=$((current_price_integer + percent_of_current_price_integer + battery_lifecycle_costs_cent_per_kwh_integer)) if [ "$economic_check" -eq 0 ]; then manage_charging "on" "Economical check was not activated. Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" elif [ "$economic_check" -eq 1 ] && is_charging_economical $highest_price_integer $total_cost_integer; then manage_charging "on" "Charging based on highest price ($(millicentToEuro "$highest_price_integer") €) comparison makes sense. Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" elif [ "$economic_check" -eq 2 ] && is_charging_economical $average_price_integer $total_cost_integer; then manage_charging "on" "Charging based on average price ($(millicentToEuro "$average_price_integer") €) comparison makes sense. Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" else reason_msg="Considering charging losses and costs, charging is too expensive." economic="expensive" manage_charging "off" "$reason_msg Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" fi elif ((execute_charging != 1 && use_victron_charger == 1)); then manage_charging "off" "Charging was not executed. Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" else log_message "D: skip Victron Charger. not activated " fi if ((execute_discharging == 1 && use_victron_charger == 1)); then manage_discharging "on" "$reason_msg Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" fi if ((execute_discharging == 0 && use_victron_charger == 1)); then manage_discharging "off" "$reason_msg Total charging costs: $(millicentToEuro "$total_cost_integer")€" fi # Execute Fritz DECT on command if ((use_fritz_dect_sockets == 1)); then manage_fritz_sockets else log_message "D: skip Fritz DECT. not activated" fi if ((use_shelly_wlan_sockets == 1)); then manage_shelly_sockets else log_message "D: skip Shelly Api. not activated" fi echo >>"$LOG_FILE" # Rotating log files if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then if [ "$(du -k "$LOG_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')" -gt "$LOG_MAX_SIZE" ]; then log_message "I: Rotating log files" mv "$LOG_FILE" "${LOG_FILE}.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" touch "$LOG_FILE" find . -maxdepth 1 -name "${LOG_FILE}*" -type f -exec ls -1t {} + | sed 's|^\./||' | tail -n +$((LOG_FILES_TO_KEEP + 1)) | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm fi fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then log_message "D: [ OK ]" >&2 fi