magencyacro,magency,magencyname EDC,998,Economic Development Corporation DFTA,125,Department for the Aging DCAS,856,Department of Citywide Administrative Services DHS,71,Department of Homeless Services NYPD,56,Police Department DSNY,827,Department of Sanitation ACS,68,Administration for Childrens Services DOC,72,Department of Correction SBS,801,Department of Small Business Services DOITT,858,Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications HPD,806,Department of Housing Preservation and Development HHC,819,Health and Hospitals Corporation DEP,826,Department of Environmental Protection CUNY,42,City University of New York DPR,846,Department of Parks and Recreation DOE,40,Department of Education NYPL,37,New York Public Library QBPL,39,Queens Public Library BPL,38,Brooklyn Public Library UK,96,Unknown DOT,841,Department of Transportation UK,111,Unknown NYRL,35,New York Research Libraries DDC,850,Department of Design and Construction FDNY,57,Fire Department DOHMH,816,Department of Health and Mental Hygiene DCLA,126,Department of Cultural Affairs