apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: labels: app: chronocollector name: chronocollector namespace: default --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: labels: app: chronocollector name: chronocollector rules: - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments - statefulsets verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - namespaces - nodes - pods - endpoints - services verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes/metrics verbs: - get - nonResourceURLs: - /metrics verbs: - get --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: labels: app: chronocollector name: chronocollector roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: chronocollector subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: chronocollector namespace: default --- apiVersion: v1 data: config.yml: | # logging configures logging parameters for the collector. logging: # level is the level of verbosity that the collector will emit --> Default is `info`. level: ${LOGGING_LEVEL:info} # metrics configuration - configures how the collector emits metrics. # Note: These metrics are produced by the collector itself. metrics: # scope configures how metric names will be formed. scope: # prefix defines prefix for all metric names. prefix: "chronocollector" # tags define custom tags that will be attached to every metric from the collector. tags: {} # prometheus defines options for the Prometheus reporter. prometheus: # handlerPath is the route on which metrics will be served. handlerPath: /metrics # sanitization indicates that metrics will be in the Prometheus format. sanitization: prometheus # samplingRate is the rate at which metrics will be sampled. Default is 1.0. samplingRate: 1.0 # extended configures extra process level metrics that will be emitted. # Options include: none, simple, moderate, detailed, See below link for more information on options: # https://bit.ly/39v2yOO extended: none # wrapper configuration - configuration for the collector wrapper. wrapper: # listenAddress is the address that collector wrapper will serve requests on. Currently supports /metrics if enabled. listenAddress: "${LISTEN_ADDRESS:}" logFilter: # enables the log filtering configuration. enabled: ${LOG_FILTERING_ENABLED:false} # metrics configuration - configures how the collector wrapper emits metrics. # Note: These metrics are produced by the collector itself. metrics: # scope configures how metric names will be formed. scope: # prefix defines prefix for all metric names. prefix: "chronocollector" # tags define custom tags that will be attached to every metric from the collector. tags: {} # prometheus defines options for the Prometheus reporter. prometheus: # handlerPath is the route on which metrics will be served. handlerPath: /metrics # sanitization indicates that metrics will be in the Prometheus format. sanitization: prometheus # samplingRate is the rate at which metrics will be sampled. Default is 1.0. samplingRate: 1.0 # extended configures extra process level metrics that will be emitted. # Options include: none, simple, moderate, detailed, See below link for more information on options: # https://bit.ly/39v2yOO extended: none # listenAddress is the address that collector will serve requests on. Currently supports /metrics and the remote write endpoint if enabled. listenAddress: "${LISTEN_ADDRESS:}" # labels defines key value pairs that will be appended to each metric being sent to the Chronosphere backend. labels: # defaults defines the default labels. defaults: chronosphere_k8s_cluster: ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME:""} # backend defines what backend the collector forwards metrics to. The chronogateway is the main backend for Chronosphere. The below is needed to configure and send metrics to the `chronogateway`. backend: # type controls which backend configuration to read from. It can either be `gateway` or `prometheusRemoteWrite`. type: ${BACKEND_TYPE:gateway} # annotatedMetrics controls whether the backend supports annotated metrics in which case the collector will use an annotated write request to send the metrics. annotatedMetrics: ${BACKEND_ANNOTATED_METRICS:false} gateway: # address is what the collector sends to `company.chronosphere.io:443`. This can also be a proxy address. address: ${GATEWAY_ADDRESS:""} # servername is the gateway server name in case address is a proxy address. serverName: ${GATEWAY_SERVER_NAME:""} # insecure determines whether or not metrics are allowed via an insecure connection. # Note: Setting to `false` ensures that forwarding metrics are not allowed via an insecure connection. This should only be set to `true` for development purposes. insecure: ${GATEWAY_INSECURE:false} # cert and certSkipVerify are both related to the TLS. cert allows specifying a certificate chain for the CA. # certSkipVerify allows skipping the TLS verification. # Note: both cert and certSkipVerify are hardly ever used / used primarily for tesing. # The config is set to use the system’s default “certificate pool”, but fields can be altered if there are special requirements or a non-standard cert setup. cert: ${GATEWAY_CERT:""} certSkipVerify: ${GATEWAY_CERT_SKIP_VERIFY:false} # A file containing the API token. If present will override the env var setting. apiTokenFile: ${API_TOKEN_FILE:""} # Supported values here are "snappy" or "zstd". Zstd will lower your egress traffic byte count # and use more CPU in the Collector process. # In order to send metrics to the Prometheus remote write backend (vs. through the `chronogateway`), then uncomment the below section and change type to `prometheusRemoteWrite`. # backend: # type: prometheusRemoteWrite # prometheusRemoteWrite: # writeURL is the Prometheus remote write endpoint that metrics will be written to. This will typically be an m3coordinator. # writeURL: ${PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_ADDRESS:""} # httpClientTimeout is the deadline for the Prometheus remote write backend to accept the remote write request. # httpClientTimeout: ${PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT:30s} # userAgent is the HTTP user agent that the collector will send requests with. # userAgent: ${PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE_USER_AGENT:chronosphere.io/chronocollector} # discovery controls how the collector will discover targets to scrape. discovery: # kubernetes defines settings for discovering targets in the same Kubernetes cluster the collector is running in. kubernetes: # enabled indicates whether Kubernetes discovery is enabled. enabled: true # serviceMonitorsEnabled indicates whether to use service monitors for job config generation. # serviceMonitorsEnabled: true # endpointsDiscoveryEnabled discovery of endpoints. Requires service monitors to be enabled. # endpointsDiscoveryEnabled: true # kubeSystemEndpointsDiscoveryEnabled allows additional discovery of kube system endpoints. This can get expensive. # kubeSystemEndpointsDiscoveryEnabled: true # kubeletMonitoring defines configuration for scraping metrics from kubelet on the host that the collector is running on. kubeletMonitoring: # enabled indicates whether or not the kubelet will be monitored. This is deprecated. Use the specific kubeletMetricsEnabled # and cadvisorMetricsEnabled flags. enabled: ${KUBERNETES_KUBELET_MONITORING_ENABLED:false} # port indicates the port that the kubelet is running on. port: 10250 # bearerTokenFile indicates path to file containing collector service account token. bearerTokenFile: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token" # labelsToAugment indicates the pod labels to augment on to the kubelet metrics # labelsToAugment: ["app"] # annotationsToAugment indicates the pod annotations to augment on to the kubelet metrics # annotationsToAugment: ["app.kubernetes.io/component"] # The following two flags supersede the enabled flag above. Either the below two or enabled should be used, not both. # kubeletMetricsEnabled enables kubelet metrics. # kubeletMetricsEnabled: true # cadvisorMetricsEnabled enables cadvisor metrics. # cadvisorMetricsEnabled: true # The collector config can also be set to scrape a static Prometheus endpoint. # Note: Kubernetes and Prometheus discovery can be enabled at the same time. # In order to use this functionality, uncomment the below section, and make sure the target is updated to the correct endpoint. # See the below for an example of a target that scrapes a node_exporter listening on "localhost:9100". # prometheus: # enabled: true # scrape_configs: # job_name: The job name assigned to scraped metrics by default. # - job_name: 'node_exporter' # scrape_interval: How frequently to scrape targets from this job. # scrape_interval: 30s # scrape_timeout: Per-scrape timeout when scraping this job. # scrape_timeout: 30s # static_configs: List of labeled statically configured targets for this job. # static_configs: # Note: make sure to update the target to correct endpoint. # - targets: ['localhost:9100'] # See another Prometheus config example here - https://github.com/chronosphereio/collector#prometheus. # Push configures push mechanisms to send metrics. # prometheusRemoteWrite is configuration for prometheus remote write, that allows forwarding remote write requests to Chronosphere. # Remote write endpoint will be available at /remote/write # push: # prometheusRemoteWrite is configuration for prometheus remote write, that allows forwarding remote write requests to Chronosphere. # Remote write endpoint will be available at /remote/write # prometheusRemoteWrite: # enabled: true # statsd is configuration for sending statsd metrics to Chronosphere. It is hosted as a UDP server at the provided listen address. # statsd: # enabled: true # listenAddress: # dropRules allow you to specify metrics to drop at the Collector level. The format # is similar to those you would create in the Web UI to drop at ingest. # dropRules: # label is the metric label that you are interested in dropping. # If they are based on the statsd metric values, you will use the `__gN__` format # Chronosphere coerces them to in order to match Prometheus format. # - label: __g0__ # value is what the value of that label should be in order for the rule # to trigger and drop the metric. # value: bar # invert would turn the match from an equals operation to a not-equals operation. # The default is false so that all matches are equals operations by default. # invert: false # optional push interval controls how frequently metrics are pushed to the backend (Default 1s), if the packet size limit is not hit. # pushInterval: 1s # optional prefix adds a prefix to all statsd metrics pushed. # prefix: "staging.foo" # dogstatsd is a configuration for sending DogStatsD metrics to Chronosphere. It is hosted as a UDP server at the provided listen address. # It can work in three different modes when converting DogStatsD METRIC_NAME (as described here: https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/datagram_shell/?tab=metrics) into prometheus labels: # - regular - DogStatsD METRIC_NAME will be assigned to prometheus `__name__` tag replacing all non-alphanumeric and non-dot characters into underscores. And dots will be converted into a colon `:`. # For example METRIC_NAME `my.very.first-metric` will be converted into my:very:first_metric{} # - graphite - prometheus `__name__` tag will get constant `stat` name and DogStatsD METRIC_NAME will be assigned to # prometheus tag which is set in this configuration `namelabelname` config (by default `name`). # For example METRIC_NAME `my.very.first-metric` will be converted into stat{name="my.very.first-metric"} # - graphite_expanded - same as `graphite` mode it's just expanded splitting METRIC_NAME using `.` (dot) as splitter and storing separate parts into a separate tags `t0`, `t1`, `t2`, etc. # For example METRIC_NAME `my.very.first-metric` will be converted into stat{name="my.very.first-metric", t0="my", t1="very", t2="first-metric"} # dogstatsd: # enabled: true # listenAddress: # mode: regular, graphite or graphite_expanded # optional namelabelname defines the label name which should be used to store METRIC_NAME in `graphite`and `graphite_expanded`modes. # namelabelname: name # optional labels adds a tag(s) to all DogStatsD metrics pushed. # labels: # env: "staging" # foo: "bar" # optional push interval controls how frequently metrics are pushed to the backend (Default 1s), if the packet size limit is not hit. # pushInterval: 1s # carbon is configuration for sending carbon metrics to Chronosphere. It is hosted as a UDP server at the provided listen address. # carbon: # enabled: true # listenAddress: # optional push interval controls how frequently metrics are pushed to the backend (Default 1s), if the packet size limit is not hit. # pushInterval: 1s # optional prefix adds a prefix to all statsd metrics pushed. # prefix: "staging.foo" # m3 is configuration for sending m3 metrics to Chronosphere. It is hosted as a UDP server at the provided listen address. # udpPorts and tcpPorts has the port configuration. By default the collector uses the compact protocol. Specify # binary to enable the binary protocol. The collector can expose any number of UDP / TCP ports # m3: # enabled: true # udpPorts: # - address: # protocol: binary # - address: # tcpPorts: # - address: # protocol: binary # - address: # kubernetes encapsulates configuration related to scraping metrics on Kubernetes. kubernetes: # client configures the Kubernetes client. client: # outOfCluster is true if the collector is running outside of a Kubernetes client (only used for testing). outOfCluster: ${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_OUT_OF_CLUSTER:false} # processor defines configuration for processing pods discovered on Kubernetes. processor: # annotationsPrefix is the prefix for annotations that the collector will use to scrape discovered pods. annotationsPrefix: ${KUBERNETES_PROCESSOR_ANNOTATIONS_PREFIX:"prometheus.io/"} # scrape is the global scrape config. It is not tied to a single job, and can be overridden with annotations and the job config. # Visit the Scrape Config section under Collector documentation for more information. # scrape: # defaults are the global scrape options when none other are configured. # defaults: # metricsPath: "/metrics" # scheme: "http" # scrapeInterval: "10s" # scrapeTimeout: "10s" # honorLabels: "false" # honorTimestamps: "true" # relabels: # metricRelabels: # jobs: # job name is the name assigned to scraped metrics by default. It is used to override specific jobs if using Kubernetes annotations. # job name must be unique across all scrape configurations. # - name: "foo" # Visit the Prometheus site for more information and default values for scrape config (https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config). # options: # metricsPath: # params: # scheme: # scrapeInterval: # scrapeTimeout: # honorLabels: # honorTimestamps: # Visit the Prometheus site for more information and default values for relabel config (https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config). # relabels: # metricRelabels: # Optional port to override the scrape job created with. # port: spans: enabled: false spanDecoratorEnabled: true logSpansOnly: false otel: enabled: false listenAddress: jaeger: enabled: false # debug configures the debug HTTP endpoints available at the listenAddress. debug: # disabled will toggle them off. By default this is false and they are enabled. disabled: false # serviceMonitor will change config values specific to jobs generated from service # monitors. # serviceMonitor: # configPushInterval determines the interval at which detected updates will be reflected # in scraping jobs # configPushInterval: # defaultJobRelabels will be used for all service monitor jobs. # Visit the Prometheus site for more information and default values for relabel config (https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config). # defaultJobRelabels: # defaultMetricRelabels will be used for all metrics in service monitor jobs. # Visit the Prometheus site for more information and default values for relabel config (https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config). # defaultMetricRelabels: kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app: chronocollector name: chronocollector-config namespace: default --- apiVersion: v1 data: address: {ADDRESS_HERE} api-token: {TOKEN_HERE} kind: Secret metadata: labels: app: chronocollector name: chronosphere-secret namespace: default type: Opaque --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: labels: app: chronocollector name: chronocollector namespace: default spec: selector: matchLabels: app: chronocollector template: metadata: annotations: prometheus.io/port: "3030" prometheus.io/scrape: "true" labels: app: chronocollector spec: containers: - env: - name: GATEWAY_ADDRESS valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: address name: chronosphere-secret - name: API_TOKEN valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: api-token name: chronosphere-secret - name: KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName - name: KUBERNETES_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name - name: KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace image: gcr.io/chronosphereio/chronocollector:v0.67.0 imagePullPolicy: Always livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 httpGet: path: /health port: 3030 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 30 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 5 name: chronocollector ports: - containerPort: 3030 name: http resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi requests: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/chronocollector name: chronocollector-config serviceAccount: chronocollector terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 5 volumes: - configMap: name: chronocollector-config name: chronocollector-config updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate