# Notes for non-standard Linux distributions ::: warning **Advanced users only!** This page is not meant for troubleshooting ::: ::: danger **We will not help you if you get stuck while using an unsupported distribution!** ::: This page contains informations useful to get non-standard or niche Distros to work. ## Audio ### alsa-ucm2 for Chromebooks You need custon alsa-ucm2 configs that arent available upstream You can get them [here](https://github.com/WeirdTreeThing/alsa-ucm-conf-cros) If your distro isnt FHS-compliant, you can specify the ucm location via an enviromental variable ```bash export ALSA_CONFIG_UCM2 = "/share/alsa/ucm2"; ``` ### Audio setup modprobes You can find the right modprobe configs by browsing [the audio script](https://github.com/WeirdTreeThing/chromebook-linux-audio/blob/main/setup-audio) ## Keyboard mapping ### libinput configuration Put this in `/etc/libinput/local-overrides.quirks`: ([Source](https://github.com/WeirdTreeThing/cros-keyboard-map/blob/main/local-overrides.quirks)) ```ini [keyd virtual keyboard] MatchName=keyd virtual keyboard AttrKeyboardIntegration=internal ModelTabletModeNoSuspend=1 ``` ### keyd keymap Install [keyd (Github)](https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd) A configuration file can be accuired with [cros-keyboard-map](https://github.com/WeirdTreeThing/cros-keyboard-map). Some special cases have configs in the configs folder. For all other devices use `cros-keyboard-map.py`.