# $65 Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean ![kubernetes_degitalocean](./assets/kubernetes_digitalocean-compressor.jpg) This is a multipart tutorial and walkthrough on setting up a **$65** kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean using CoreOS. It's mostly a manual setup until DigitalOcean releases thier managed kubernetes service [here](https://www.digitalocean.com/products/kubernetes/). [Table of Contents] * [(Part I) Install & Setup Kubernetes Cluster](./Part-I.md) * [(Part II) Add Persistent Storage Support](./Part-II.md) * [(Part III) Install Kubernetes Dashboard](./Part-III.md) * [(Part IV) Installing Helm Charts](./Part-IV.md) * [(Part V) Automate TLS/SSL Certificate Issuance & Renewal](./Part-V.md)