package chylex.bettersprinting.server; import chylex.bettersprinting.BetterSprintingNetwork; import chylex.bettersprinting.BetterSprintingNetwork.INetworkHandler; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity; import; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent; import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.LogicalSide; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; @OnlyIn(Dist.DEDICATED_SERVER) public final class ServerNetwork implements INetworkHandler{ /* * OVERVIEW * ======== * Use this guide to handle players with Better Sprinting in Minecraft 1.13. If you need information for older versions, * view this file in the appropriate branch where you can find a guide to disable the mod in legacy versions of the mod. * * All messages are sent via payload packets on the "bsm:settings" channel (versions before 1.13 used a different name). * See for information about payload packets. * * Each message begins with a byte that identifies its type. * Some message types declare additional parameters that must follow after the first byte. * * * * INCOMING PACKETS * ================ * *** [byte 0] [byte ] *** *** Asks the server to send it any necessary information. *** The parameter may be used in the future to inform server about client's feature availability. *** Sent when a player connects to the server. * * * * OUTCOMING PACKETS * ================= * *** [byte 0] [bool ] [bool ] *** *** Notifies the player about which non-vanilla settings are enabled on the server (both are disabled by default). *** Sent to player when their [byte 0] message is processed, and either or both settings are enabled. *** Sent to all players with the mod after using the '/bettersprinting setting (...)' command. * * *** [byte 1] *** *** Disables basic functionality of the mod on client side. *** Sent to player when their [byte 0] message is processed, and the server wants to disable the mod. *** Sent to all players with the mod after using the '/bettersprinting disablemod true' command. * * *** [byte 2] *** *** Re-enables basic functionality of the mod on client side. *** Sent to all players with the mod after using the '/bettersprinting disablemod false' command. * * * * ADDITIONAL INFO * =============== * Feel free to contact me if you need details on how to implement special cases, such as servers that accept clients * from older Minecraft versions. The Forge version of Better Sprinting is the only official server mod, I cannot * guarantee support of the protocol features in any unofficial mods or plugins. */ private static final Set playersWithMod = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); public static boolean hasBetterSprinting(final PlayerEntity player){ return playersWithMod.contains(player.getUniqueID()); } @SubscribeEvent public static void onPlayerLogout(final PlayerLoggedOutEvent e){ playersWithMod.remove(e.getPlayer().getUniqueID()); } public static PacketBuffer writeSettings(final boolean enableSurvivalFlyBoost, final boolean enableAllDirs){ final PacketBuffer buffer = INetworkHandler.buf(); buffer.writeByte(0).writeBoolean(enableSurvivalFlyBoost).writeBoolean(enableAllDirs); return buffer; } public static PacketBuffer writeDisableMod(final boolean disable){ final PacketBuffer buffer = INetworkHandler.buf(); buffer.writeByte(disable ? 1 : 2); return buffer; } private static void sendToPlayer(final PlayerEntity player, final PacketBuffer packet){ if (hasBetterSprinting(player)){ BetterSprintingNetwork.sendToPlayer(packet, player); } } public static void sendToAll(final List players, final PacketBuffer packet){ for(final PlayerEntity player : players){ sendToPlayer(player, packet); } } @Override public void onPacket(final LogicalSide side, final ByteBuf data, final PlayerEntity player){ playersWithMod.add(player.getUniqueID()); if (ServerSettings.disableClientMod.get()){ sendToPlayer(player, writeDisableMod(true)); } if (ServerSettings.enableSurvivalFlyBoost.get() || ServerSettings.enableAllDirs.get()){ sendToPlayer(player, writeSettings(ServerSettings.enableSurvivalFlyBoost.get(), ServerSettings.enableAllDirs.get())); } } }