# 1.1.11 (2017-08-01) * **Added** a CONTRIBUTING.md file * **Updated** travis CI build to use pr-bumper version 2 * **Updated** PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md for pr-bumper `#none#` support * **Updated** secure auth tokens * **Updated** ember-runtime-enumerable-includes-polyfill to version 2 in PR: https://github.com/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/pull/51 # 1.1.10 (2017-04-26) Delay the initialization of the `block-slot` to the `didInsertElement` callback. `Assertion Failed: You modified "isActive" twice on in a single render. It was rendered in "component:yield-slot" and modified in "component:block-slot". This was unreliable and slow in Ember 1.x and is no longer supported. See https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/13948 for more details.` --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/50) # 1.1.9 Expand ember-prop-types dependency range and remove unnecessary installation blueprint. --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/48) # 1.1.8 - Added a PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md file --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/46) # 1.1.7 * 2.10.0 now freezes params, need to clone Array before `Ember.A`ing --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/44) # 1.1.6 * Forgot one instance where contains was used. Converting that to includes fixes the deprecations in 2.8. --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/42) # 1.1.5 * Use includes method over contains to fix deprecation in Ember 2.8 --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/41) # 1.1.4 * Removed the 'complex' scenario from the demo, this should be written in a clearer way --- This change is [Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ciena-blueplanet/ember-block-slots/40) # 1.1.3 * Yield slots will now find the nearest component with slots to register against - a direct parent with slots is no longer required # 1.1.2 - Added ember-prop-types to the addon blueprint to install the dependency during `ember install` # 1.1.1 - Added ember-prop-types to the addon blueprint to install the dependency during `ember install` # 1.1.0 Supporting nested block slots # 1.0.1 - ensures that the array is unique per instance fixes #31 # 1.0.0 - Overhauled the project to provide a cleaner/simpler interface and unlock additional features - Updated the README and demo to provide a clearer use case for the addon and more usage examples - Refer to the demo for the full feature set and syntax ## BREAKING CHANGES - A mixin is now required to enable slots for a component: `import SlotsMixin from 'ember-block-slots` - `block-params` are now specified against `yield-slot` instead of `yield` - `as |slot|` is no longer required on the component interface - `slot` is no longer required on the `block-slot` interface # 0.12.4 ## Non-Breaking * **Fixed** added arguments to super() calls in block-slot.js and yield-slot.js # 0.12.3 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.12.2 * **Updated** Array.from usage and instead we define each computed property for yieldedSlot.params. * **Removed** Unit test for block-slot component since we do not need to verify the number of yieldedSlot.params being generated dynamically. * **Removed** Entry in travis.yml to run on the latest version of Firefox.