# 4.0.4 (2018-07-20) * **Fixed** Travis API key. # 4.0.3 (2018-03-08) * **Removed** extra `after_deploy` hook that is not used # 4.0.2 (2018-03-08) * **Updated** pull request template * **Added** issue template * **Updated** to `pr-bumper` version `3` * **Updated** to node 8 * **Added** slack integration * **Updated** `ember-frost-test` to `^4.0.1` * **Updated** `ember-test-utils` to `^8.1.1` * **Updated** `ember-graphlib` to `^4.0.1` * **Updated** `ember-lodash-shim` to `^3.0.1` * **Added** `package-lock.json` file * **Added** ignore linting of `CHANGELOG.md` # 4.0.1 (2018-03-05) * refactored tests to remove lodash # 4.0.0 (2018-01-03) Please add a description of your change here, it will be automatically prepended to the `CHANGELOG.md` file. * Install Bower as devDependency @ ^1.8.2 * Uninstall `npm-install-security-check dependency` * Pin `ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile@0.3.12` * Upgrade `broccoli-merge-trees` to `^2.0.0` * Upgrade `broccoli-funnel` to `^2.0.1` * Move `ciena-dagre` to dependencies and update to `^1.0.10` * Install `ember-frost-test@^4.0.0` * Remove `ember-cli-code-coverage` integration from `npm run test` * Remove _package-lock.json_ until Node 8 is officially supported * Install `ember-graphlib@^3.0.0` as a dependency * Remove ember-cli-mocha useLintTree configuration option # 3.0.0 (2018-01-02) **Actions to take in your application or addon: uninstall `ciena-dagre` as it is now provided by this addon as a dependency** * Installed Bower as devDependency @ ^1.8.2 * Uninstalled `npm-install-security-check dependency` * Pinned `ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile@0.3.12` * Upgraded `broccoli-merge-trees` to `^2.0.0` * Upgraded `broccoli-funnel` to `^2.0.1` * Moved `ciena-dagre` to dependencies and update to `^1.0.10` * Installed `ember-frost-test@^4.0.0` * Removed `ember-cli-code-coverage` integration from `npm run test` * Removed _package-lock.json_ until Node 8 is officially supported * Installed `ember-graphlib@^3.0.0` as a dependency * Removed ember-cli-mocha useLintTree configuration option # 2.3.3 (2017-08-10) * Upgrade Ember-CLI 2.12.3 inter-dependencies # 2.3.2 (2017-07-10) Upgrade Ember CLI version from 2.11.0 to 2.12.3 # 2.3.1 (2017-05-12) * **Updated** secure auth token # 2.3.0 * **Replaced** bower dependencies with node dependencies. * **Updated** `ember-lodash-shim` to version `2.0.0` which shaves over 150 KB off of the production build. # 2.2.0 * **Added** `ember-lodash-shim` configuration to optimize build to only include necessary `lodash` methods. * **Updated** CI to test in Chrome as well as Firefox. # 2.1.1 * **Upgraded** to test against Ember 2.11. # 2.1.0 * **Added** additional builds to CI to make sure addon works with latest versions of Ember. * **Removed** files from npm package that aren't necessary (all of the various config files). * **Updated** dependencies to latest versions. # 2.0.0 * Now exporting `ciena-dagre` instead of `dagre` as we are now consuming Ciena's dagre fork from npm. # 1.0.0 * **Updated** dependencies to latest versions. # 0.1.35 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.34 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.33 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.32 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.31 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.30 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.29 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.28 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.27 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.26 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.25 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.24 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.23 * **Added** missing dependencies `broccoli-funnel` and `broccoli-merge-trees`. # 0.1.22 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.21 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.20 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.19 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.18 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.17 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.16 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.15 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.14 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.13 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.12 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.11 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.10 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.9 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.8 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.7 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.6 * **Upgrade** to latest `dagre` which fixes a couple bugs with Lodash 4. # 0.1.5 * **Upgraded** `dagre` to version that works with `lodash` version 4.x. # 0.1.4 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.3 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.2 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.1 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.1.0 * **Upgraded** `lodash` from version 3.x to version 4.x. # 0.0.6 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.0.5 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.0.4 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.0.3 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.0.2 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md` # 0.0.1 No CHANGELOG section found in Pull Request description. Use a `# CHANGELOG` section in your Pull Request description to auto-populate the `CHANGELOG.md`