--[[ DCS-SimpleTextToSpeech Version 0.4 Compatible with SRS version + DCS Modification Required: You will need to edit MissionScripting.lua in DCS World/Scripts/MissionScripting.lua and remove the sanitisation. To do this remove all the code below the comment - the line starts "local function sanitizeModule(name)" Do this without DCS running to allow mission scripts to use os functions. *You WILL HAVE TO REAPPLY AFTER EVERY DCS UPDATE* USAGE: Add this script into the mission as a DO SCRIPT or DO SCRIPT FROM FILE to initialise it Make sure to edit the STTS.SRS_PORT and STTS.DIRECTORY to the correct values before adding to the mission. Then its as simple as calling the correct function in LUA as a DO SCRIPT or in your own scripts Example calls: STTS.TextToSpeech("Hello DCS WORLD","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2) Arguments in order are: - Message to say, make sure not to use a newline (\n) ! - Frequency in MHz - Modulation - AM/FM - Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half - Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc - Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue - OPTIONAL - Vec3 Point i.e Unit.getByName("A UNIT"):getPoint() - needs Vec3 for Height! OR null if not needed - OPTIONAL - Speed -10 to +10 - OPTIONAL - Gender male, female or neuter - OPTIONAL - Culture - en-US, en-GB etc - OPTIONAL - Voice - a specfic voice by name. Run DCS-SR-ExternalAudio.exe with --help to get the ones you can use on the command line - OPTIONAL - Google TTS - Switch to Google Text To Speech - Requires STTS.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS path and Google project setup correctly This example will say the words "Hello DCS WORLD" on 251 MHz AM at maximum volume with a client called SRS and to the Blue coalition only STTS.TextToSpeech("Hello DCS WORLD","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2,null,-5,"male","en-GB") This example will say the words "Hello DCS WORLD" on 251 MHz AM at maximum volume with a client called SRS and to the Blue coalition only centered on the position of the Unit called "A UNIT" STTS.TextToSpeech("Hello DCS WORLD","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2,Unit.getByName("A UNIT"):getPoint(),-5,"male","en-GB") Arguments in order are: - FULL path to the MP3 OR OGG to play - Frequency in MHz - to use multiple separate with a comma - Number of frequencies MUST match number of Modulations - Modulation - AM/FM - to use multiple - Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half - Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc - Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue This will play that MP3 on 255MHz AM & 31 FM at half volume with a client called "Multiple" and to Spectators only STTS.PlayMP3("C:\\Users\\Ciaran\\Downloads\\PR-Music.mp3","255,31","AM,FM","0.5","Multiple",0) ]] STTS = {} -- FULL Path to the FOLDER containing DCS-SR-ExternalAudio.exe - EDIT TO CORRECT FOLDER STTS.DIRECTORY = "C:\\Users\\Ciaran\\Dropbox\\Dev\\DCS\\DCS-SRS\\install-build" STTS.SRS_PORT = 5002 -- LOCAL SRS PORT - DEFAULT IS 5002 STTS.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS = "C:\\Users\\Ciaran\\Downloads\\googletts.json" -- DONT CHANGE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING STTS.EXECUTABLE = "DCS-SR-ExternalAudio.exe" local random = math.random function STTS.uuid() local template ='yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function (c) local v = (c == 'x') and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb) return string.format('%x', v) end) end function STTS.round(x, n) n = math.pow(10, n or 0) x = x * n if x >= 0 then x = math.floor(x + 0.5) else x = math.ceil(x - 0.5) end return x / n end function STTS.getSpeechTime(length,speed,isGoogle) -- Function returns estimated speech time in seconds -- Assumptions for time calc: 100 Words per min, avarage of 5 letters for english word -- so 5 chars * 100wpm = 500 characters per min = 8.3 chars per second -- so lengh of msg / 8.3 = number of seconds needed to read it. rounded down to 8 chars per sec -- map function: (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min local maxRateRatio = 3 speed = speed or 1.0 isGoogle = isGoogle or false local speedFactor = 1.0 if isGoogle then speedFactor = speed else if speed ~= 0 then speedFactor = math.abs(speed) * (maxRateRatio - 1) / 10 + 1 end if speed < 0 then speedFactor = 1/speedFactor end end local wpm = math.ceil(100 * speedFactor) local cps = math.floor((wpm * 5)/60) if type(length) == "string" then length = string.len(length) end return math.ceil(length/cps) end function STTS.TextToSpeech(message,freqs,modulations, volume,name, coalition,point, speed,gender,culture,voice, googleTTS ) if os == nil or io == nil then env.info("[DCS-STTS] LUA modules os or io are sanitized. skipping. ") return end speed = speed or 1 gender = gender or "female" culture = culture or "" voice = voice or "" message = message:gsub("\"","\\\"") local cmd = string.format("start /min \"\" /d \"%s\" /b \"%s\" -f %s -m %s -c %s -p %s -n \"%s\" -h", STTS.DIRECTORY, STTS.EXECUTABLE, freqs, modulations, coalition,STTS.SRS_PORT, name ) if voice ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -V \"%s\"",voice) else if culture ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -l %s",culture) end if gender ~= "" then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -g %s",gender) end end if googleTTS == true then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -G \"%s\"",STTS.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS) end if speed ~= 1 then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -s %s",speed) end if volume ~= 1.0 then cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -v %s",volume) end if point and type(point) == "table" and point.x then local lat, lon, alt = coord.LOtoLL(point) lat = STTS.round(lat,4) lon = STTS.round(lon,4) alt = math.floor(alt) cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -L %s -O %s -A %s",lat,lon,alt) end cmd = cmd ..string.format(" -t \"%s\"",message) if string.len(cmd) > 255 then local filename = os.getenv('TMP') .. "\\DCS_STTS-" .. STTS.uuid() .. ".bat" local script = io.open(filename,"w+") script:write(cmd .. " && exit" ) script:close() cmd = string.format("\"%s\"",filename) timer.scheduleFunction(os.remove, filename, timer.getTime() + 1) end if string.len(cmd) > 255 then env.info("[DCS-STTS] - cmd string too long") env.info("[DCS-STTS] TextToSpeech Command :\n" .. cmd.."\n") end os.execute(cmd) return STTS.getSpeechTime(message,speed,googleTTS) end function STTS.PlayMP3(pathToMP3,freqs,modulations, volume,name, coalition,point ) local cmd = string.format("start \"\" /d \"%s\" /b /min \"%s\" -i \"%s\" -f %s -m %s -c %s -p %s -n \"%s\" -v %s -h", STTS.DIRECTORY, STTS.EXECUTABLE, pathToMP3, freqs, modulations, coalition,STTS.SRS_PORT, name, volume ) if point and type(point) == "table" and point.x then local lat, lon, alt = coord.LOtoLL(point) lat = STTS.round(lat,4) lon = STTS.round(lon,4) alt = math.floor(alt) cmd = cmd .. string.format(" -L %s -O %s -A %s",lat,lon,alt) end env.info("[DCS-STTS] MP3/OGG Command :\n" .. cmd.."\n") os.execute(cmd) end