-- $Id$ -- $Source$ -- ***************************************************************** -- CISCO-SIP-UA-MIB.my: Session Initiation Protocol User Agent MIB -- -- January 2000 Kevin Lingle -- -- Copyright (c) 2000-2002, 2004, 2006, 2011 by cisco Systems, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** -- $Log$ -- ***************************************************************** -- $Endlog$ CISCO-SIP-UA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Integer32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, OBJECT-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB ciscoMgmt FROM CISCO-SMI InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB StorageType, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; ciscoSipUaMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200610050000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W. Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail: cs-sip@cisco.com" DESCRIPTION "Cisco User Agent Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) MIB module. SIP is an application-layer signalling protocol for creating, modifying and terminating multimedia sessions with one or more participants. These sessions include Internet multimedia conferences and Internet telephone calls. SIP is defined in RFC 2543 (March 1999). This MIB is defined for the management of SIP User Agents (UAs). A User Agent is an application which contains both a User Agent Client (UAC) and a User Agent Server (UAS). A UAC is an application that initiates a SIP request. A UAS is an application that contacts the user when a SIP request is received and that returns a response on behalf of the user. The response accepts, rejects, or redirects the request. A SIP transaction occurs between a client and a server and comprises all messages from the first request sent from the client to the server up to a final (non-1xx) response sent from the server to the client." REVISION "200610050000Z" DESCRIPTION " Addition of the following objects: cSipCfgKeepalivePrimaryTarget cSipCfgKeepalivePrimaryTransport cSipCfgKeepaliveSecondaryTarget cSipCfgKeepaliveSecondaryTransport cSipCfgPermitHost cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarServer cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarScheme cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarExpires cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarTransport cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarServer cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarScheme cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarExpires cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarTransport cSipCfgTimerOptions cSipCfgTimerkeepaliveActive cSipCfgTimerKeepaliveDown cSipCfgRetryOptions cSipCfgRetryKeepaliveDown cSipCfgRetryKeepaliveActive cSipCfgPeerAssertedID cSipCfgPeerAsymmetricPayload cSipCfgPeerLocalHost cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityMode cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityName cSipCfgPeerE911 cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingType cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingInt csipCfgPeerPrivacy cSipCfgPeerClidStrip cSipCfgPeerClidNetpr cSipCfgPeerClidSubName cSipCfgAssertedID cSipCfgAsymmetricPayload cSipCfgLocalHost cSipCfgE911 cSipCfgOptionsPingInt cSipCfgClidStrip cSipCfgClidNetpr cSipCfgClidSubName cSipCfgPrivacy cSipStatsActiveTLSConnections cSipStatsConnTLSSendFailures cSipStatsConnTLSRemoteClosures cSipStatsConnTLSCreateFailures cSipStatsConnTLSInactiveTimeouts Addition of the following Conformance objects: ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev2 ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev2 ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev5 ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev5 ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroupRev1 Deprecated the following Conformance objects: ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev1 ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev1 ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev4 ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev4 ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroup Addition of the following Compliance object: ciscoSipComplianceRev6 Deprecated the following Compliance object: ciscoSipComplianceRev5 " REVISION "200402190000Z" DESCRIPTION " Addition of the following objects: cSipCfgSuspendResumeEnabled cSipCfgTimerHold cSipCfgTimerInfo cSipCfgTimerConnectionAging cSipCfgTimerBufferInvite cSipCfgRetryInfo cSipCfgRetrySubscribe cSipCfgOfferCallHold cSipCfgPeerSwitchTransEnabled cSipCfgPeerAssertedID cSipCfgSwitchTransportEnabled cSipCfgMaximumForwards cSipCfgReasonHeaderOveride cSipCfgBindSourceAddrTable -> cSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry cSipCfgBindSourceAddrScope cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface cSipCfgVoiceServiceVoip -> cSipCfgHeaderPassingEnabled cSipCfgMaxSubscriptionAccept cSipCfgMaxSubscriptionOriginate cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsIns cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsOuts cSipStatsRetryInfo cSipStatsRetrySubscribe cSipStatsClientReqPendingIns cSipStatsClientReqPendingOuts cSipStatsTrafficUpdateIns cSipStatsTrafficUpdateOuts cSipStatsConnTCPSendFailures cSipStatsConnUDPSendFailures cSipStatsConnTCPRemoteClosures cSipStatsConnUDPCreateFailures cSipStatsConnTCPCreateFailures cSipStatsConnUDPInactiveTimeouts cSipStatsConnTCPInactiveTimeouts cSipStatsActiveUDPConnections cSipStatsActiveTCPConnections Deprecated the following objects: cSipCfgMaxForwards cSipStatsRedirMovedTemps cSipCfgBindSrcAddrScope cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface Addition of the following Conformance objects: ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev3 ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev2 ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev4 ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev4 ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev1 ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev4 ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev4 ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev1 ciscoSipCfgVoiceServiceVoipGroup ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroup Deprecated the following Conformance objects: ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev2 ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev1 ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev3 ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev3 ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroup ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev3 ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 ciscoSipCfgPeerGroup Addition of the following Compliance object: ciscoSipComplianceRev5 Deprecated the following Compliance object: ciscoSipComplianceRev4 " REVISION "200205080000Z" DESCRIPTION " Addition of the following textual conventions: CSipStatusCode CSipMethodStr Addition of the following objects: cSipCfgRedirectionDisabled cSipCfgTimerSessionTimer cSipCfgEarlyMediaTable cSipCfgEarlyMediaStatusCodeIndex cSipCfgEarlyMediaCutThruDisabled cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallIns cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallOuts cSipStatsMisc3xxMappedTo4xxRsps cSipStatsSuccessOkTable cSipStatsSuccessOkMethod cSipStatsSuccessOkInbounds cSipStatsSuccessOkOutbounds cSipCfgSymNatEnabled cSipCfgSymNatDirectionRole " REVISION "200110050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Obsoleting cSipStatsRedirSeeOthers, cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredIns and cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredOuts. Add cSipCfgTimerRefer, cSipCfgRetryRefer, and cSipStatsRetryRefers. Deprecated old-style ciscoSipUaMIBNotificationPrefix. " REVISION "200109070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Neglected to deprecate ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev1 in the previous revision where ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev2 was made current. " REVISION "200108210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Deprecating cSipStatsRedirSeeOthers, cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredIns and cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredOuts. The SIP status codes related to these counters have been removed from RFC2543bis03 version of the standard. " REVISION "200108020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of the following objects: cSipCfgAaaUsername cSipStatsTrafficInfoIns cSipStatsTrafficInfoOuts cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeIns cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeOuts cSipStatsClientBadEventIns cSipStatsClientBadEventOuts " REVISION "200106070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of the following objects: cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface cSipCfgBindSrcAddrScope cSipCfgDnsSrvQueryStringFormat cSipStatsTrafficReferIns cSipStatsTrafficReferOuts cSipStatsTrafficNotifyIns cSipStatsTrafficNotifyOuts cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedIns cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedOuts cSipCfgTimerNotify cSipCfgRetryNotify cSipCfgStatusCodeIndex cSipCfgPstnCause cSipCfgStatusCauseStoreStatus cSipCfgPstnCauseIndex cSipCfgStatusCode cSipCfgCauseStatusStoreStatus cSipStatsRetryNotifys " REVISION "200103020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Addition of the following objects: cSipCfgMaxForwards cSipCfgTimerPrack cSipCfgTimerComet cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp cSipCfgRetryPrack cSipCfgRetryComet cSipCfgRetryReliableRsp cSipCfgOutSessionTransport cSipCfgReliable1xxRspStr cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr cSipCfgUrlType cSipCfgPeerTable cSipCfgPeerIndex cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspStr cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr cSipCfgPeerUrlType cSipStatsClientReqTermIns cSipStatsClientReqTermOuts cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereIns cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereOuts cSipStatsServerPrecondFailureIns cSipStatsServerPrecondFailureOuts cSipStatsTrafficCometIns cSipStatsTrafficCometOuts cSipStatsTrafficPrackIns cSipStatsTrafficPrackOuts cSipStatsRetryPrack cSipStatsRetryComets cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps " ::= { ciscoMgmt 152 } ciscoSipUaMIBNotifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIB 0 } ciscoSipUaMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIB 1 } cSipCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBObjects 1 } cSipCfgBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 1 } cSipCfgTimer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 2 } cSipCfgRetry OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 3 } cSipCfgPeer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 4 } cSipCfgStatusCauseMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 5 } cSipCfgAaa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 6 } cSipCfgVoiceServiceVoip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipCfg 7 } cSipStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBObjects 2 } cSipStatsInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 1 } cSipStatsSuccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 2 } cSipStatsRedirect OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 3 } cSipStatsErrClient OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 4 } cSipStatsErrServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 5 } cSipStatsGlobalFail OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 6 } cSipStatsTraffic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 7 } cSipStatsRetry OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 8 } cSipStatsMisc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 9 } cSipStatsConnection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cSipStats 10 } -- Textual Conventions CSipStatusCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual convention reflecting a SIP response status code value." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) CSipMethodStr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual convention reflecting SIP methods supported by this user agent. SIP methods are case-sensitive. Therefore, objects using this textual convention must also have values that are case-sensitive. All SIP methods must be represented as all upper case ASCII strings. For example, 'INVITE'." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)) -- SIP Base Configuration cSipCfgVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object will reflect the version of SIP supported by this user agent. It will follow the same format as SIP version information contained in the SIP messages generated by this user agent. For example, user agents supporting SIP version 2 will return 'SIP/2.0' as dictated by RFC 2543." ::= { cSipCfgBase 1 } cSipCfgTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), tcp(2), udpAndTcp(3), disabled(4), tls(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the transport protocol the SIP user agent will use to receive SIP messages. A value of 'disabled' indicates that the UA will not receive any SIP messages." ::= { cSipCfgBase 2 } cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies address of the User Location Server (ULS) being used to resolve the location of end points. This could be a Domain Name Server (DNS) or a SIP proxy/redirect server. The format of the address follows the IETF service location protocol. The syntax is as follows: mapping-type:type-specific-syntax the mapping-type specifies a scheme for mapping the matching dial string to a target server. The type-specific-syntax is exactly that, something that the particular mapping scheme can understand. For example, Session target Meaning ipv4: The session target is the IP version 4 address of and port 1006. dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: ipv4 - Syntax: ipv4:w.x.y.z:port or ipv4:w.x.y.z dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgBase 3 } cSipCfgMaxForwards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by cSipCfgMaximumForwards DESCRIPTION "This object may be used with any SIP method to limit the number of proxies that can forward the request to the next downstream server." ::= { cSipCfgBase 4 } cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by -- cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface DESCRIPTION "This object may specify the interface where the source IP address used in SIP signalling or media packets is configured. A value of 0 means that there is no specific source address configured and in this case the best local IP address will be chosen by the system." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cSipCfgBase 5 } cSipCfgBindSrcAddrScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), control(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by cSipCfgBindSourceAddrScope DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the scope of packets to which the source IP address of the interface designated by cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface will be bound. A value of 'all' means the IP address will be bound to both SIP signalling and media packets. A value of 'control' means the IP address will only be bound to SIP signalling packets. If cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface is set to 0, the value of this object has no meaning." DEFVAL { all } ::= { cSipCfgBase 6 } cSipCfgDnsSrvQueryStringFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { v1(1), v2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the format of the prefix used by the system for DNS SRV queries. v1 : RFC 2052 format - 'protocol.transport.' v2 : RFC 2782 format - '_protocol._transport.' This object allows backward compatibility with systems only supporting RFC 2052 format." DEFVAL { v2 } ::= { cSipCfgBase 7 } cSipCfgRedirectionDisabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies how call redirection (3xx) is handled by the user agent. If 'false', the user agent's treatment of incoming 3xx class response messages is as defined in RFC 2543. That is, the user agent uses the Contact header(s) from the 3xx response to reinitiate another INVITE transaction to the user's new location. The call is redirected. If 'true', the user agent treats incoming 3xx response messages as 4xx (client error) class response messages. In this case, the call is not redirected, instead it is released with the appropriate PSTN cause code. The mapping of SIP 3xx response status codes to 4xx response status codes is as follows: 300 Multiple Choices -> 410 Gone 301 Moved Permanently -> 410 Gone 302 Moved Temporarily -> 480 Temporarily Unavailable 305 User Proxy -> 410 Gone 380 Alternative Service -> 410 Gone Any other 3xx -> 410 Gone" DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgBase 8 } cSipCfgEarlyMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CSipCfgEarlyMediaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains configuration for Early Media Cut Through. The configuration controls how the SIP user agent will process 1xx (Provisional) SIP response messages that contain Session Definition Protocol (SDP) payloads." ::= { cSipCfgBase 9 } cSipCfgEarlyMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipCfgEarlyMediaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the cSipCfgEarlyMediaTable. A row is accessible with a Provisional (1xx) status code value (eg, 180) and provides an object for the enabling or disabling of the Early Media Cut Through functionality." INDEX { cSipCfgEarlyMediaStatusCodeIndex } ::= { cSipCfgEarlyMediaTable 1 } CSipCfgEarlyMediaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cSipCfgEarlyMediaStatusCodeIndex CSipStatusCode, cSipCfgEarlyMediaCutThruDisabled TruthValue } cSipCfgEarlyMediaStatusCodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipStatusCode MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier of a row in this table and a valid SIP status code." ::= { cSipCfgEarlyMediaEntry 1 } cSipCfgEarlyMediaCutThruDisabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies whether Early Media Cut Through is enabled or disabled for the SIP response messages with status codes that match cSipCfgEarlyMediaStatusCodeIndex. If 'true', early media cut through is disabled, and the user agent will process the message as though it did not contain any SDP payload. If 'false', early media cut through is enabled, and the user agent will process the message similar to a 183 (Session Progress) and cut through for early media. The assumption being that the SDP is an indication that the far end is going to send early media." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgEarlyMediaEntry 2 } cSipCfgSymNatEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies whether remote media checks for Symmetric Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled or disabled. If 'true', remote media checks are enabled. The gateway will have the ability to open a Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) session with the remote end and then update (modify) the existing RTP session's remote address/port (raddr:rport) with the source address and port of the actual media packet received. This would be triggered for only those calls where the Session Description Protocol (SDP) received by the gateway has an indication to do so. If 'false', remote media checks are disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgBase 10 } cSipCfgSymNatDirectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), passive(2), active(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the value of the 'a=direction:' SDP attribute supported by the user agent. The direction attribute is used to describe the role of the user agent (as an endpoint for a connection-oriented media stream) in the connection setup procedure. none : No role is specified. passive : The user agent will advertise itself as a 'passive' entity (inside the NAT) in the SDP. active : The user agent will advertise itself as a 'active' entity (outside the NAT) in the SDP." DEFVAL { none } ::= { cSipCfgBase 11 } cSipCfgBindSourceAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains configuration for binding the scope of packets to the particular ethernet interface. The scope for the packets can be specified as either 'signalling' or 'media' packets. The ethernet interface shall be specified by the interface index. The table shall be indexed based on the scope." ::= { cSipCfgBase 12 } cSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the cSipCfgBindSourceAddrTable. A row is accessible with the scope of packets to which the source IP address of the interface designated by cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface will be bound." INDEX { cSipCfgBindSourceAddrScope } ::= { cSipCfgBindSourceAddrTable 1 } CSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cSipCfgBindSourceAddrScope INTEGER, cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface InterfaceIndexOrZero } cSipCfgBindSourceAddrScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { media(1), control(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier of a row in this table and specifies the scope of packets to which the source IP address of the interface designated by cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface will be bound." ::= { cSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry 1 } cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object may specify the interface where the source IP address used in SIP signalling or media packets is configured. A value of 0 means that there is no specific source address configured and in this case the best local IP address will be chosen by the system." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cSipCfgBindSourceAddrEntry 2 } cSipCfgSuspendResumeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies if support for handling Suspend/Resume events from the switch is enabled or not. If 'true', the user agent on getting a Suspend will notify the remote agent by sending it a re-invite with a hold SDP. Similarly, when the Gateway receives a Resume, it will initiate a re-invite with the original SDP and unhold the call. If 'false', the user agent will not initiate any re-invites on receiving Suspend/Resume events, basically it won't be putting the call on hold or off hold." DEFVAL { true } ::= { cSipCfgBase 13 } cSipCfgOfferCallHold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { directionAttr(1), connAddr(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies how the SIP gateway would initiate call hold requests. directionAttr: The user agent will use the direction attribute such as a=sendonly or a=inactive in the sdp to initiate call hold requests. connAddr: The user agent will use connection address to specify Call Hold." DEFVAL {directionAttr} ::= { cSipCfgBase 14 } cSipCfgReasonHeaderOveride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies that the Reason header overrides SIP status code mapping table." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgBase 15 } cSipCfgMaximumForwards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..70) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object may be used with any SIP method to limit the number of proxies that can forward the request to the next downstream server." DEFVAL { 70 } ::= { cSipCfgBase 16 } cSipCfgKeepalivePrimaryTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the local host dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgBase 17 } cSipCfgKeepalivePrimaryTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tcp(1), udp(2), tls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the keepalive message transport type" DEFVAL { udp } ::= { cSipCfgBase 18 } cSipCfgKeepaliveSecondaryTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the local host dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgBase 19} cSipCfgKeepaliveSecondaryTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tcp(1), udp(2), tls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the keepalive message transport type" DEFVAL { udp } ::= { cSipCfgBase 20 } cSipCfgKeepaliveTrigger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies number of keepalive responses to un-busy voice-ports" ::= { cSipCfgBase 21} cSipCfgPermitHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the hostnames allowed dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgBase 22} -- MIBS for SIP registrar configurations cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the local host dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgBase 23} cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sip(1), sips(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the SIP URL scheme the SIP user agent will use for SIP registrar" DEFVAL { sip } ::= { cSipCfgBase 24} cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarExpires OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Expires value for Registrar" ::= { cSipCfgBase 25} cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), tcp(2), tls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the transport protocol the SIP user agent will use for SIP registrar" DEFVAL { udp } ::= { cSipCfgBase 26} cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the local host dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgBase 27} cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sip(1), sips(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the SIP URL scheme the SIP user agent will use for SIP registrar" DEFVAL { sip } ::= { cSipCfgBase 28} cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarExpires OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Expires value for Registrar" ::= { cSipCfgBase 29} cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), tcp(2), tls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the transport protocol the SIP user agent will use for SIP registrar" DEFVAL { udp } ::= { cSipCfgBase 30} -- SIP Timer Configuration cSipCfgTimerTrying OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time a user agent will wait to receive a provisional response to a INVITE before resending the INVITE." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 1 } cSipCfgTimerExpires OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60000..300000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time a user agent will wait to receive a final response to a INVITE before cancelling the transaction." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 2 } cSipCfgTimerConnect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time a user agent will wait to receive an ACK confirmation a session is established." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 3 } cSipCfgTimerDisconnect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time a user agent will wait to receive an BYE confirmation a session is disconnected." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 4 } cSipCfgTimerPrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time a user agent will wait for a final response before retransmitting the PRACK (PRovisional ACKnowledgment)." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 5 } cSipCfgTimerComet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time a user agent will wait for a final response before retransmitting the COMET (COndition MET)." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 6 } cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait for a PRACK before retransmitting the reliable 1xx response." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 7 } cSipCfgTimerNotify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait for a final response before retransmitting the Notify." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 8 } cSipCfgTimerRefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait for a final response before retransmitting the Refer." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 9 } cSipCfgTimerSessionTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the value of the Min-SE header for INVITE messages originated by this user agent and the minimum value of the Session-Expires headers for INVITE messages received by this user agent. Any Session-Expires headers received with a value below this object's value will be rejected with a 422 client error response message. Setting this object to a value less than 600 is valid, but the possibly of excessive re-INVITES and the impact of those messages should be fully understood and considered an acceptable risk." DEFVAL { 1800 } ::= { cSipCfgTimer 10 } cSipCfgTimerHold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 15..2880) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait before disconnecting a call already on hold. A value of 0 specifies that this functionality is disabled." DEFVAL { 2880 } ::= { cSipCfgTimer 11 } cSipCfgTimerInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait for a 200ok response before retransmitting the Info." DEFVAL { 500 } ::= { cSipCfgTimer 12} cSipCfgTimerConnectionAging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (5..30) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait before aging out a TCP/UDP connection." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { cSipCfgTimer 13} cSipCfgTimerBufferInvite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 50..5000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to buffer the INVITE while waiting for display name info in the Facility. A value of 0 means that the INVITE wouldn't be buffered waiting for the display name info in the Facility." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cSipCfgTimer 14 } cSipCfgTimerOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..1200) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait for a 200ok response before retransmitting the Options." ::= { cSipCfgTimer 15} cSipCfgTimerkeepaliveActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10..600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait keepalive message" ::= { cSipCfgTimer 16} cSipCfgTimerKeepaliveDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait keepalive message" ::= { cSipCfgTimer 17} -- SIP Retry Configuration cSipCfgRetryInvite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a INVITE request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 1 } cSipCfgRetryBye OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a BYE request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 2 } cSipCfgRetryCancel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a CANCEL request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 3 } cSipCfgRetryRegister OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a REGISTER request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 4 } cSipCfgRetryResponse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a Response and expecting a ACK." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 5 } cSipCfgRetryPrack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a PRACK (PRovisional ACKnowledgement)." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 6 } cSipCfgRetryComet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a COMET (COndition MET)." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 7 } cSipCfgRetryReliableRsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a reliable response." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 8 } cSipCfgRetryNotify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a Notify request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 9 } cSipCfgRetryRefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a Refer request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 10 } cSipCfgRetryInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a Info request." DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { cSipCfgRetry 11 } cSipCfgRetrySubscribe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a Subscribe request." DEFVAL { 6 } ::= { cSipCfgRetry 12 } cSipCfgRetryOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a Options request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 13 } cSipCfgRetryKeepaliveDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a KeepAlive active request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 14 } cSipCfgRetryKeepaliveActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of times a user agent will retry sending a KeepAlive Down request." ::= { cSipCfgRetry 15 } -- SIP-Specific Dial Peer Configuration -- -- These objects exist to configure certain dial-peer -- attributes needed for SIP operation. There is a -- system-wide configuration object and a corresponding -- per dial-peer configuration object that work in -- conjunction to configure the system. -- -- If the per dial-peer configuration reflects 'system', -- then the system-wide configuration object is used. -- -- This allows dial-peers to be configured globally -- and individually when deviation from the global -- configuration is desired. cSipCfgPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CSipCfgPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains per dial-peer SIP related configuration. The table is a sparse table of dial-peer information. This means, it only reflects dial-peers being used for SIP. A dial-peer is being used for SIP if the value of cvVoIPPeerCfgSessionProtocol (CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB) is 'sip'. Dial-peers are not created or destroyed via this table. Only SIP related configuration can be performed via this table once the dial-peer exists in the system and is visible in this table." ::= { cSipCfgPeer 1 } cSipCfgPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipCfgPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the cSipCfgPeerTable." INDEX { cSipCfgPeerIndex } ::= { cSipCfgPeerTable 1 } CSipCfgPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cSipCfgPeerIndex Integer32, cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspStr SnmpAdminString, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerUrlType INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerSwitchTransEnabled TruthValue, cSipCfgPeerAssertedID INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerPrivacy BITS, cSipCfgPeerAsymmetricPayload INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerLocalHost SnmpAdminString, cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityMode INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityName INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerE911 TruthValue, cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingType INTEGER, cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingInt Integer32, cSipCfgPeerClidStrip TruthValue, cSipCfgPeerClidNetpr TruthValue, cSipCfgPeerClidSubName TruthValue } cSipCfgPeerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary index that uniquely identifies a dial-peer configured for SIP." ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 1 } cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { system(1), udp(2), tcp(3), tls(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the session transport protocol that will be used by this dial-peer for outbound SIP messages. The value 'system' is the default and indicates that this dial-peer should use the value set by cSipCfgOutSessionTransport instead." DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 2 } cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the string that will be placed in either the Supported or Require SIP header, as specified by cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr." DEFVAL { "100rel" } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 3 } cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { system(1), supported(2), require(3), disabled(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies behavior with respect to Support or Require headers in SIP messages sent and received via this dial-peer. If the originating gateway is configured for 'require', the Require header is added to the outgoing INVITEs with the value of cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxStr. This requires the use of reliable provisional responses by the terminating gateway. Sessions will be torn down if this use cannot be supported by that gateway. If the originating gateway is configured for 'supported', the Supported header is added to the outgoing INVITEs with the value of cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxStr. This requires that an attempt to use reliable provisional responses be made, but sessions can continue without them. If the originating gateway is configured for 'disabled', the value of cSipCfgReliable1xxStr will NOT be added to either the Require or Supported headers of outgoing INVITEs. The value 'system' is the default and indicates that this dial-peer should use the value of cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr instead." DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 4 } cSipCfgPeerUrlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { system(1), sip(2), tel(3), sips(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the URL type sent in outbound INVITES generated by this device. The value 'system' is the default and indicates that this dial-peer should use the value of cSipCfgUrlType instead." DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 5 } cSipCfgPeerSwitchTransEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies if the functionality of switching between transports from UDP to TCP if the message size of a Request is greater than 1300 bytes is enabled or not." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 6 } cSipCfgPeerAssertedID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pai(1), ppi(2), system(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the the type of asserted id enabled on the gateway at the dial peer level." DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 7 } cSipCfgPeerPrivacy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { header(1), session(2), user(3), id(4), pstn(5), critical(6), disable(7), system(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the the type of privacy enabled on the gateway at the dial peer level" DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 8} cSipCfgPeerAsymmetricPayload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dynamiccodec(1), dtmf(2), all(3), system(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the the type of asymmetric payload support enabled on the gateway at the dial peer level" DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 9} cSipCfgPeerLocalHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the local host dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 10} cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loose(1), strict(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode for resource priority header" DEFVAL {loose } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 11} cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { drsn(1), dsn(2), q735(3), none(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The namespace for resource prioroty header" DEFVAL {none } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 12} cSipCfgPeerE911 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies e911 support for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial-peer voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 13 } cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), system(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the amount of time to wait for gateway to ping the remote end with Options method" DEFVAL { system } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 14 } cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..1200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Options Ping time interval." ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 15} cSipCfgPeerClidStrip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies clid strip info for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial-peer voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 16 } cSipCfgPeerClidNetpr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies network provided info for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial-peer voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 17 } cSipCfgPeerClidSubName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies clid sub name info for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial-peer voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeerEntry 18 } -- System-wide Dial Peer Configuration cSipCfgOutSessionTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), tcp(2), tls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the session transport protocol that will be used for outbound SIP messages. This configuration is applicable to all dial-peers in the system having cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport set to 'system'." DEFVAL { udp } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 2 } cSipCfgReliable1xxRspStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the string that will be placed in either the Supported or Require SIP header, as specified by cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr." DEFVAL { "100rel" } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 3 } cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supported(1), require(2), disabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies behavior with respect to Supported or Require headers in SIP messages sent and received via this dial-peer. If the originating gateway is configured for 'require', the Require header is added to the outgoing INVITEs with the value of cSipCfgReliable1xxStr. This requires the use of reliable provisional responses by the terminating gateway. Sessions will be torn down if this use cannot be supported by that gateway. If the originating gateway is configured for 'supported', the Supported header is added to the outgoing INVITEs with the value of cSipCfgReliable1xxStr. This requires that an attempt to use reliable provisional responses be made, but sessions can continue without them. If the originating gateway is configured for 'disabled', the value of cSipCfgReliable1xxStr will NOT be added to either the Require or Supported headers of outgoing INVITEs." DEFVAL { supported } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 4 } cSipCfgUrlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sip(1), tel(2), sips(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the URL type sent in outbound INVITES generated by this device." DEFVAL { sip } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 5 } cSipCfgAssertedID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pai(1), ppi(2), disable(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the the type of asserted id enabled on the gateway at the global level" DEFVAL { disable } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 6} cSipCfgPrivacy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { header(1), session(2), user(3), id(4), pstn(5), critical(6), disable(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the the type of asserted id enabled on the gateway at the global level" DEFVAL { disable } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 7} cSipCfgAsymmetricPayload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dynamiccodec(1), dtmf(2), all(3), disable(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the the type of asymmetric payload support enabled on the gateway at the dial peer level" DEFVAL { disable } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 8} cSipCfgLocalHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies dns of the local host dns:pots.cisco.com The session target is the IP host with dns name pots.cisco.com. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer follow: dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain." ::= { cSipCfgPeer 9} cSipCfgE911 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies e911 support for SIP This configuration is at the global level, and will only be considered if there exists no voip dial-peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 10 } cSipCfgOptionsPingInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..1200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Options Ping time interval." ::= { cSipCfgPeer 11} cSipCfgClidStrip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies clid strip info for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial- voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 12 } cSipCfgClidNetpr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies network provided info for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial- voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 13 } cSipCfgClidSubName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies clid sub name info for SIP This configuration is at the voip dial- voice-class sip level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgPeer 14 } -- SIP Status Code to PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) -- Cause Code Mappings. -- Mapping SIP status codes to PSTN cause codes cSipCfgStatusCauseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CSipCfgStatusCauseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains SIP status code to PSTN cause code mapping configuration. Inbound SIP response messages that will result in outbound PSTN signalling messages will have the SIP status codes transposed into the PSTN cause codes as prescribed by the contents of this table." ::= { cSipCfgStatusCauseMap 1 } cSipCfgStatusCauseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipCfgStatusCauseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the cSipCfgStatusCauseTable. Entries cannot be created or destroyed by the actions of any NMS." INDEX { cSipCfgStatusCodeIndex } ::= { cSipCfgStatusCauseTable 1 } CSipCfgStatusCauseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cSipCfgStatusCodeIndex CSipStatusCode, cSipCfgPstnCause Integer32, cSipCfgStatusCauseStoreStatus StorageType } cSipCfgStatusCodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipStatusCode MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier of a row in this table and a valid SIP status code." ::= { cSipCfgStatusCauseEntry 1 } cSipCfgPstnCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PSTN cause code to which the SIP status code given by cSipCfgStatusCodeIndex is to be mapped for outbound PSTN signalling messages." ::= { cSipCfgStatusCauseEntry 2 } cSipCfgStatusCauseStoreStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the storage status of this table entry. If the value is 'volatile', then this entry only exists in RAM and the information would be lost (reverting to defaults) on system reload. If the value is 'nonVolatile' then this entry has been written to NVRAM and will persist across system reloads." ::= { cSipCfgStatusCauseEntry 3 } -- Mapping PSTN cause codes to SIP status codes cSipCfgCauseStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CSipCfgCauseStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains PSTN cause code to SIP status code mapping configuration. Inbound PSTN signalling messages that will result in outbound SIP response messages will have the PSTN cause codes transposed into the SIP status codes as prescribed by the contents of this table." ::= { cSipCfgStatusCauseMap 2 } cSipCfgCauseStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipCfgCauseStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the cSipCfgCauseStatusTable. Entries cannot be created or destroyed by the actions of any NMS." INDEX { cSipCfgPstnCauseIndex } ::= { cSipCfgCauseStatusTable 1 } CSipCfgCauseStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cSipCfgPstnCauseIndex Integer32, cSipCfgStatusCode CSipStatusCode, cSipCfgCauseStatusStoreStatus StorageType } cSipCfgPstnCauseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier of a row in this table and a valid PSTN cause code." ::= { cSipCfgCauseStatusEntry 1 } cSipCfgStatusCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipStatusCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SIP status code to which the PSTN cause code given by cSipCfgPstnCauseIndex is to be mapped for outbound SIP response messages." ::= { cSipCfgCauseStatusEntry 2 } cSipCfgCauseStatusStoreStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the storage status of this table entry. If the value is 'volatile', then this entry only exists in RAM and the information would be lost (reverting to defaults) on system reload. If the value is 'nonVolatile' then this entry has been written to NVRAM and will persist across system reloads." ::= { cSipCfgCauseStatusEntry 3 } -- SIP-Specific Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) -- Configuration -- -- These objects exist to configure certain AAA attributes needed -- for SIP operation. cSipCfgAaaUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { callingNumber(1), proxyAuth(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the source of the information used to populate the username attribute of AAA billing records." DEFVAL { callingNumber } ::= { cSipCfgAaa 1 } cSipCfgHeaderPassingEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies if support for passing SIP headers from Invite, Subscribe, Notify Request to the application is enabled. If 'true', the headers received in a message will be passed to the application. If 'false', the headers received in a message will not be passed to the application." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgVoiceServiceVoip 1 } cSipCfgMaxSubscriptionAccept OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the maximum number of concurrent SIP subscriptions a SIP Gateway can accept." ::= { cSipCfgVoiceServiceVoip 2 } cSipCfgMaxSubscriptionOriginate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the maximum number of concurrent SIP subscriptions that a SIP Gateway can originate. Default is Max Dialpeers on platform. Maximum is 2*Max Dialpeers on Platform." ::= { cSipCfgVoiceServiceVoip 3 } cSipCfgSwitchTransportEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies if the functionality of switching between transports from udp to tcp if the message size of a Request is greater than 1300 bytes is enabled or not. This configuration is at the global level, and will only be considered if there exists no voip dial-peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { cSipCfgVoiceServiceVoip 4 } -- SIP Statistics -- SIP Informational Response Statistics -- -- These counters reflect the number of SIP messages -- sent and received by this system that relate to -- providing some informational response to the -- progress of processing a SIP request. cSipStatsInfoTryingIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Trying (100) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Trying responses indicate that some unspecified action is being taken on behalf of this call, but the user has not yet been located. Inbound Trying responses indicate that outbound INVITE request sent out by this system have been received and are processed." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.1" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 1 } cSipStatsInfoTryingOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Trying (100) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Trying responses indicate that some unspecified action is being taken on behalf of this call, but the user has not yet been located. Outbound Trying responses indicate this system is successfully receiving INVITE requests and processing them on behalf of the system initiating the INVITE." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.1" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 2 } cSipStatsInfoRingingIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ringing (180) responses received by the user agent since system startup. A inbound Ringing response indicates that the UAS processing a INVITE initiated by this system has found a possible location where the desired end user has registered recently and is trying to alert the user." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.2" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 3 } cSipStatsInfoRingingOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ringing (180) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. A outbound Ringing response indicates that this system has processed an INVITE for a particular end user and found a possible location where that user has registered recently. The system is trying to alert the end user and is conveying that status to the system that originated the INVITE." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.2" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 4 } cSipStatsInfoForwardedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Call Is Being Forwarded (181) responses received by the user agent since system startup. A proxy server may use a Forwarded status code to indicate that the call is being forwarded to a different set of destinations. Inbound Forwarded responses indicate to this system that forwarding actions are taking place with regard to calls initiated by this system." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.3" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 5 } cSipStatsInfoForwardedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Call Is Being Forwarded (181) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. A proxy server may use a Forwarded status code to indicate that the call is being forwarded to a different set of destinations. Outbound Forwarded responses indicate this system is taking some forwarding action for calls and conveying that status to the system that initiated the calls." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.3" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 6 } cSipStatsInfoQueuedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Queued (182) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Queued responses indicate that the users this system is attempting to call are temporarily unavailable but the SIP agents operating on behalf of those users wish to queue the calls rather than reject them. When the called parties become available, this system can expect to receive the appropriate final status response. The Reason-Phrase from the Queued response messages Status-Line may give further details about the status of the call. Multiple Queued responses to update this system about the status of the queued call my be received." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.4" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 7 } cSipStatsInfoQueuedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Queued (182) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Queued responses indicate this system has determined that the called party is temporarily unavailable but the call is not rejected. Rather the call is queued until the called party becomes available. Queued responses messages are sent to the system originating the call request to convey the current status of a queued call." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.1.4" ::= { cSipStatsInfo 8 } cSipStatsInfoSessionProgIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Session Progress (183) responses received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsInfo 9 } cSipStatsInfoSessionProgOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Session Progress (183) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsInfo 10 } -- SIP Success Response Statistics -- -- These counters reflect the number of SIP messages -- sent and received by this system that relate to -- successful completion of a SIP request. cSipStatsSuccessOkIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by cSipStatsSuccessOkInbounds DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ok (200) responses received by the user agent since system startup. The meaning of inbound Ok responses depends on the method used in the associated request. BYE : The Ok response means the call has been terminated. CANCEL : The Ok response means the search for the end user has been cancelled. INVITE : The Ok response means the called party has agreed to participate in the call. OPTIONS : The Ok response means the called party has agreed to share its capabilities. REGISTER : The Ok response means the registration has succeeded." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.2.1" ::= { cSipStatsSuccess 1 } cSipStatsSuccessOkOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by cSipStatsSuccessOkOutbounds DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ok (200) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. The meaning of outbound Ok responses depends on the method used in the associated request. BYE : The Ok response means the call has been terminated. CANCEL : The Ok response means the search for the end user has been cancelled. INVITE : The Ok response means the called party has agreed to participate in the call. OPTIONS : The Ok response means the called party has agreed to share its capabilities. REGISTER : The Ok response means the registration has succeeded." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.2.1" ::= { cSipStatsSuccess 2 } cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Accepted (202) responses received by the user agent since system startup. The meaning of outbound 202 Ok responses depends on the method used in the associated request." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-cc-transfer-04.txt" ::= { cSipStatsSuccess 3 } cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Accepted (202) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. The meaning of outbound 202 Ok responses depends on the method used in the associated request." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-cc-transfer-04.txt" ::= { cSipStatsSuccess 4 } cSipStatsSuccessOkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CSipStatsSuccessOkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains statistics for sent and received 200 Ok response messages. The statistics are kept on per SIP method basis." ::= { cSipStatsSuccess 5 } cSipStatsSuccessOkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipStatsSuccessOkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the cSipStatsSuccessOkTable. There is an entry for each SIP method for which 200 Ok inbound and/or outbound statistics are kept." INDEX { cSipStatsSuccessOkMethod } ::= { cSipStatsSuccessOkTable 1 } CSipStatsSuccessOkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cSipStatsSuccessOkMethod CSipMethodStr, cSipStatsSuccessOkInbounds Counter32, cSipStatsSuccessOkOutbounds Counter32 } cSipStatsSuccessOkMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CSipMethodStr MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used for instance identification of objects in this table. The value reflects a SIP method." ::= { cSipStatsSuccessOkEntry 1 } cSipStatsSuccessOkInbounds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ok (200) responses sent by the user agent, since system startup, that were associated with the SIP method as specified by cSipStatsSuccessOkMethod." ::= { cSipStatsSuccessOkEntry 2 } cSipStatsSuccessOkOutbounds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ok (200) responses received by the user agent, since system startup, that were associated with the SIP method as specified by cSipStatsSuccessOkMethod." ::= { cSipStatsSuccessOkEntry 3 } -- SIP Redirection Response Statistics -- -- These counters reflect the number of SIP messages -- received by this system that relate to call redirection -- actions taken by a Redirect Server. cSipStatsRedirMultipleChoices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Multiple Choices (300) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Multiple Choices responses indicate that the called party can be reached at several different locations and the server cannot or prefers not to proxy the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 5.1.1 & 7.3.1" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 1 } cSipStatsRedirMovedPerms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Moved Permanently (301) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Moved Permanently responses indicate that the called party can no longer be found at the address offered in the request and the requesting UAC should retry at the new address given by the Contact header field of the response." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.3.2" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 2 } cSipStatsRedirMovedTemps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsIns DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Moved Temporarily (302) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Moved Temporarily responses indicate the UAC should retry the request directed at the new address(es) given by the Contact header field of the response. The duration of this redirection can be indicated through the Expires header. If no explicit expiration time is given, the new address(es) are only valid for this call." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.3.3" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 3 } cSipStatsRedirSeeOthers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of See Other (303) responses received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 4 } cSipStatsRedirUseProxys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Use Proxy (305) responses received by the user agent since system startup. See Other responses indicate that requested resources must be accessed through the proxy given by the Contact header field of the response. The recipient of this response is expected to repeat this single request via the proxy." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.3.4" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 5 } cSipStatsRedirAltServices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Alternative Service (380) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Alternative Service responses indicate that the call was not successful, but alternative services are possible. Those alternative services are described in the message body of the response." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.3.5" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 6 } cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Moved Temporarily (302) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Moved Temporarily responses indicate the UAC should retry the request directed at the new address(es) given by the Contact header field of the response. The duration of this redirection can be indicated through the Expires header. If no explicit expiration time is given, the new address(es) are only valid for this call." REFERENCE "RFC 3261 Section 21.3.3" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 7 } cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Moved Temporarily (302) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 3261, Section 21.3.3" ::= { cSipStatsRedirect 8 } -- SIP Client Error Responses Statistics -- -- The following Inbound counters reflect failure responses -- receive by a SIP entity providing a client function. -- -- The following Outbound counters reflect failure responses -- sent by a SIP entity providing a server function. -- -- Servers generally send these responses to Clients. -- cSipStatsClientBadRequestIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Bad Request (400) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Bad Request responses indicate that requests issued by this system could not be understood due to malformed syntax." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.1" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 1 } cSipStatsClientBadRequestOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Bad Request (400) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Bad Request responses indicate that requests received by this system could not be understood due to malformed syntax." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.1" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 2 } cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Unauthorized (401) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Unauthorized responses indicate that requests issued by this system require user authentication." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.2" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 3 } cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Unauthorized (401) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Unauthorized responses indicate that requests received by this system require user authentication." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.2" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 4 } cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Payment Required (402) responses received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.3" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 5 } cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Payment Required (402) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.3" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 6 } cSipStatsClientForbiddenIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Forbidden (403) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Forbidden responses indicate that requests issued by this system are understood by the server but the server refuses to fulfill the request. Authorization will not help and the requests should not be repeated." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.4" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 7 } cSipStatsClientForbiddenOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Forbidden (403) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Forbidden responses indicate that requests received by this system are understood but this system is refusing to fulfill the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.4" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 8 } cSipStatsClientNotFoundIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Found (404) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Not Found responses indicate that the called party does not exist at the domain specified in the Request-URI or the domain is not handled by the recipient of the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.5" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 9 } cSipStatsClientNotFoundOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Found (404) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Not Found responses indicate that this system knows that the called party does not exist at the domain specified in the Request-URI or the domain is not handled by this system." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.5" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 10 } cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Method Not Allowed (405) received responses by the user agent. Inbound Method Not Allowed responses indicate that requests issued by this system have specified a SIP method in the Request-Line that is not allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.6" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 11 } cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Method Not Allowed (405) received sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Method Not Allowed responses indicate that requests received by this system have SIP methods specified in the Request-Line that are not allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.6" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 12 } cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Acceptable (406) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Not Acceptable responses indicate the resources identified by requests issued by this system cannot generate responses with content characteristics acceptable to this system according to the accept headers sent in the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.7" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 13 } cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Acceptable (406) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Not Acceptable responses indicate that the resources identified by requests received by this system cannot generate responses with content characteristics acceptable to the system sending the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.7" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 14 } cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Proxy Authentication Required (407) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Proxy Authentication Required responses indicate that this system must authenticate itself with the proxy before gaining access to the requested resource." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.8" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 15 } cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Proxy Authentication Required (407) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Proxy Authentication Required responses indicate that the systems issuing requests being processed by this system must authenticate themselves with this system before gaining access to requested resources." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.8" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 16 } cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request Timeout (408) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Request Timeout responses indicate that requests issued by this system are not being processed by the server within the time indicated in the Expires header of the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.9" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 17 } cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request Timeout (408) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Request Timeout responses indicate that this system is not able to produce an appropriate response within the time indicated in the Expires header of the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.9" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 18 } cSipStatsClientConflictIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Conflict (409) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Conflict responses indicate that requests issued by this system could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of a requested resource." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.10" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 19 } cSipStatsClientConflictOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Conflict (409) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Conflict responses indicate that requests received by this system could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of a requested resource." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.10" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 20 } cSipStatsClientGoneIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Gone (410) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Gone responses indicate that resources requested by this system are no longer available at the recipient server and no forwarding address is known." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.11" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 21 } cSipStatsClientGoneOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Gone (410) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Gone responses indicate that the requested resources are no longer available at this system and no forwarding address is known." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.11" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 22 } cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Length Required (411) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Length Required responses indicate that requests issued by this system are being refused by servers because of no defined Content-Length header field." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.12" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 23 } cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Length Required (411) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Length Required responses indicate that requests received by this system are being refused because of no defined Content-Length header field." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.12" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 24 } cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request Entity Too Large (413) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Request Entity Too Large responses indicate that requests issued by this system are being refused because the request is larger than the server is willing or able to process." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.13" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 25 } cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request Entity Too Large (413) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Request Entity Too Large responses indicate that requests received by this system are larger than this system is willing or able to process." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.13" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 26 } cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request-URI Too Large (414) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Request-URI Too Large responses indicate that requests issued by this system are being refused because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing or able to interpret." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.14" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 27 } cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request-URI Too Large (414) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Request-URI Too Large responses indicate that Request-URIs received by this system are longer than this system is willing or able to interpret." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.14" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 28 } cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Unsupported Media Type (415) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Unsupported Media Type responses indicate that requests issued by this system are being refused because the message body of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.15" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 29 } cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Unsupported Media Type (415) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Unsupported Media Type responses indicate that the body of requests received by this system are in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.15" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 30 } cSipStatsClientBadExtensionIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Bad Extension (420) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Bad Extension responses indicate that the recipient did not understand the protocol extension specified in a Require header field." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.16" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 31 } cSipStatsClientBadExtensionOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Bad Extension (420) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Bad Extension responses indicate that this system did not understand the protocol extension specified in a Require header field of requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.16" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 32 } cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Temporarily Not Available (480) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Temporarily Not Available responses indicate that the called party is currently unavailable." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.17" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 33 } cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Temporarily Not Available (480) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Temporarily Not Available responses indicate that the called party's end system was contacted successfully but the called party is currently unavailable." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.17" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 34 } cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist (481) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist responses indicate that either BYE or CANCEL requests issued by this system were received by a server and not matching call leg or transaction existed." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.18" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 35 } cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist (481) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist responses indicate that BYE or CANCEL requests have been received by this system and not call leg or transaction matching that request exists." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.18" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 36 } cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Loop Detected (482) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Loop Detected responses indicate that requests issued by this system were received at servers and the server found itself in the Via path more than once." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.19" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 37 } cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Loop Detected (482) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Loop Detected responses indicate that requests received by this system contain a Via path with this system appearing more than once." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.19" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 38 } cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Too Many Hops (483) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Too Many Hops responses indicate that requests issued by this system contain more Via entries (hops) than allowed by the Max-Forwards header field of the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.20" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 39 } cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Too Many Hops (483) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Too Many Hops responses indicate that requests received by this system contain more Via entries (hops) than are allowed by the Max-Forwards header field of the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.20" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 40 } cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Address Incomplete (484) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Address Incomplete responses indicate that requests issued by this system had To addresses or Request-URIs that were incomplete." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.21" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 41 } cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Address Incomplete (484) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Address Incomplete responses indicate that requests received by this system had To addresses or Request-URIs that were incomplete." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.21" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 42 } cSipStatsClientAmbiguousIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ambiguous (485) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Ambiguous responses indicate that requests issued by this system provided ambiguous address information." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.22" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 43 } cSipStatsClientAmbiguousOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Ambiguous (485) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Ambiguous responses indicate that requests received by this system contained ambiguous address information." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.22" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 44 } cSipStatsClientBusyHereIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Busy Here (486) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Busy Here responses indicate that the called party is currently not willing or not able to take additional calls." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 5.1.1 & 7.4.23" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 45 } cSipStatsClientBusyHereOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Busy Here (486) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Busy Here responses indicate that the called party's end system was contacted successfully but the called party is currently not willing or able to take additional calls." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.4.23" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 46 } cSipStatsClientReqTermIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request Terminated (487) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Request Terminated responses are issued if the original request was terminated via CANCEL or BYE." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-rfc2543bis-01.txt, Section" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 47 } cSipStatsClientReqTermOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Request Terminated (487) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Request Terminated responses are issued if the original request was terminated via CANCEL or BYE." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-rfc2543bis-01.txt, Section" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 48 } cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Acceptable Here (488) responses received by the user agent since system startup. The response has the same meaning as 606 (Not Acceptable), but only applies to the specific entity addressed by the Request-URI and the request may succeed elsewhere." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-rfc2543bis-01.txt, Section" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 49 } cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Acceptable Here (488) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. The response has the same meaning as 606 (Not Acceptable), but only applies to the specific entity addressed by the Request-URI and the request may succeed elsewhere." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-rfc2543bis-01.txt, Section" ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 50 } cSipStatsClientBadEventIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of BadEvent (489) responses received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 51 } cSipStatsClientBadEventOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of BadEvent (489) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 52 } cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of SessionTimerTooSmall (422) responses received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 53 } cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of SessionTimerTooSmall (422) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 54 } cSipStatsClientReqPendingIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of RequestPending (491) responses received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 55 } cSipStatsClientReqPendingOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of RequestPending (491) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsErrClient 56 } -- SIP Server Error Responses Statistics -- -- The following Inbound counters reflect failure responses -- receive by a SIP entity providing a client function. -- -- The following Outbound counters reflect failure responses -- sent by a SIP entity providing a server function. -- -- Servers generally send these responses to Clients. -- They are not definite failures and must not terminate -- a search if other possible locations remain untried. -- cSipStatsServerIntErrorIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Internal Server Error (500) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Internal Server Error responses indicate that servers to which this system is sending requests have encountered unexpected conditions that prevent them from fulfilling the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.1" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 1 } cSipStatsServerIntErrorOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Internal Server Error (500) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Internal Server Error responses indicate that this system has encountered unexpected conditions that prevent it from fulfilling received requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.1" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 2 } cSipStatsServerNotImplementedIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Implemented (501) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Not Implemented responses indicate that servers to which this system is sending requests do not support the functionality required to fulfill the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.2" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 3 } cSipStatsServerNotImplementedOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Implemented (501) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Not Implemented responses indicate that this system does not support the functionality required to fulfill the requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.2" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 4 } cSipStatsServerBadGatewayIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Bad Gateway (502) responses received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.3" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 5 } cSipStatsServerBadGatewayOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Bad Gateway (502) responses sent by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.3" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 6 } cSipStatsServerServiceUnavailIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Service Unavailable (503) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Service Unavailable responses indicate that the server servicing this system's request is temporarily unavailable to handle the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.4" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 7 } cSipStatsServerServiceUnavailOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Service Unavailable (503) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Service Unavailable responses indicate that this system is temporarily unable to handle received requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.4" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 8 } cSipStatsServerGatewayTimeoutIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Gateway Time-out (504) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Gateway Time-out responses indicate that the server attempting to complete this system's request did not receive a timely response from yet another system it was accessing to complete the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.5" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 9 } cSipStatsServerGatewayTimeoutOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Gateway Time-out (504) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Gateway Time-out responses indicate that this system did not receive a timely response from the system it had accessed to assist in completing a received request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.5" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 10 } cSipStatsServerBadSipVersionIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of SIP Version Not Supported (505) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound SIP Version Not Supported responses indicate that the server does not support, or refuses to support, the SIP protocol version that was used in the request message." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.6" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 11 } cSipStatsServerBadSipVersionOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of SIP Version Not Supported (505) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound SIP Version Not Supported responses indicate that this system does not support, or refuses to support, the SIP protocol version used in received requests." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.5.6" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 12 } cSipStatsServerPrecondFailureIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Precondition Failure (580) responses received by the user agent since system startup. This response is returned by a UAS if it is unable to perform the mandatory preconditions for the session." REFERENCE "draft-manyfolks-sip-resource-01.txt, Section 6" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 13 } cSipStatsServerPrecondFailureOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Precondition Failure (580) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. This response is returned by a UAS if it is unable to perform the mandatory preconditions for the session." REFERENCE "draft-manyfolks-sip-resource-01.txt, Section 6" ::= { cSipStatsErrServer 14 } -- SIP Global Failure Response Statistics -- -- The following Inbound counters reflect failure responses -- receive by a SIP entity providing a client function. -- -- The following Outbound counters reflect failure responses -- sent by a SIP entity providing a server function. -- -- Servers generally send these responses to Clients. -- The responses generally indicate that a server has -- definitive information about a particular called party, -- not just the particular instance indicated in the -- Request-URI. All further searches for this user are -- doomed to failure and pending searches should be terminated. -- cSipStatsGlobalBusyEverywhereIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Busy Everywhere (600) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Busy Everywhere responses indicate that the called party's end system was contacted successfully but the called party is busy and does not wish to take the call at this time." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.1" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 1 } cSipStatsGlobalBusyEverywhereOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Busy Everywhere (600) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Busy Everywhere responses indicate that this system has successfully contacted a called party's end system and the called party does not wish to take the call at this time." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.1" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 2 } cSipStatsGlobalDeclineIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Decline (603) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Decline responses indicate that the called party's end system was contacted successfully but the called party explicitly does not wish to, or cannot, participate." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.2" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 3 } cSipStatsGlobalDeclineOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Decline (603) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Decline responses indicate that this system has successfully contacted a called party's end system and the called party explicitly does not wish to, or cannot, participate." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.2" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 4 } cSipStatsGlobalNotAnywhereIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Does Not Exist Anywhere (604) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Does Not Exist Anywhere responses indicate that the server handling this system's request has authoritative information that the called party indicated in the To request field does not exist anywhere." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.3" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 5 } cSipStatsGlobalNotAnywhereOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Does Not Exist Anywhere (604) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Does Not Exist Anywhere responses indicate that this system has authoritative information that the called party in the To field of received requests does not exist anywhere." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.3" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 6 } cSipStatsGlobalNotAcceptableIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Acceptable (606) responses received by the user agent since system startup. Inbound Not Acceptable responses indicate that the called party's end system was contacted successfully but some aspect of the session description is not acceptable." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.4" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 7 } cSipStatsGlobalNotAcceptableOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Not Acceptable (606) responses sent by the user agent since system startup. Outbound Not Acceptable responses indicate that the called party wishes to communicate, but cannot adequately support the session described in the request." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Sections 5.1.1 & 7.6.4" ::= { cSipStatsGlobalFail 8 } -- SIP Traffic Statistics -- Inbound/Outbound Traffic Statistics -- Total counts for each SIP method. cSipStatsTrafficInviteIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of INVITE requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.1" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 1 } cSipStatsTrafficInviteOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of INVITE requests sent by the user agent." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.1" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 2 } cSipStatsTrafficAckIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of ACK requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.2" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 3 } cSipStatsTrafficAckOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of ACK requests sent by the user agent." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.2" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 4 } cSipStatsTrafficByeIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of BYE requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.4" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 5 } cSipStatsTrafficByeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of BYE requests sent by the user agent." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.4" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 6 } cSipStatsTrafficCancelIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of CANCEL requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.5" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 7 } cSipStatsTrafficCancelOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of CANCEL requests sent by the user agent." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.5" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 8 } cSipStatsTrafficOptionsIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of OPTIONS requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.3" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 9 } cSipStatsTrafficOptionsOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of OPTIONS requests sent by the user agent." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.3" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 10 } cSipStatsTrafficRegisterIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of REGISTER requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.6" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 11 } cSipStatsTrafficRegisterOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of REGISTER requests sent by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "RFC 2543, Section 4.2.6" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 12 } cSipStatsTrafficCometIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of COndition MET requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "draft-manyfolks-sip-resource-01.txt, Section 5" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 13 } cSipStatsTrafficCometOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of COndition MET requests sent by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "draft-manyfolks-sip-resource-01.txt, Section 5" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 14 } cSipStatsTrafficPrackIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of PRovisonal ACKnowledgement requests received by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-100rel-02.txt" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 15 } cSipStatsTrafficPrackOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of PRovisonal ACKnowledgement requests sent by the user agent since system startup." REFERENCE "draft-ietf-sip-100rel-02.txt" ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 16 } cSipStatsTrafficReferIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Refer requests received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 17 } cSipStatsTrafficReferOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Refer requests sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 18 } cSipStatsTrafficNotifyIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Notify requests received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 19 } cSipStatsTrafficNotifyOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Notify requests sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 20 } cSipStatsTrafficInfoIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Info requests received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 21 } cSipStatsTrafficInfoOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Info requests sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 22 } cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Subscribe requests received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 23 } cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Subscribe requests sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 24 } cSipStatsTrafficUpdateIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Update requests received by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 25 } cSipStatsTrafficUpdateOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Update requests sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsTraffic 26 } -- SIP Retry Statistics -- -- The counter objects in this group correspond directly to the retry -- timers supported in cSipCfgRetry group. These counters provide -- statistics on the number of times those timers have expired. cSipStatsRetryInvites OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of INVITE retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup. If the number of 'first attempt' INVITES is of interest, subtract the value of this object from cSipStatsTrafficInviteOut." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 1 } cSipStatsRetryByes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of BYE retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 2 } cSipStatsRetryCancels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of CANCEL retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 3 } cSipStatsRetryRegisters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of REGISTER retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 4 } cSipStatsRetryResponses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Response (while expecting a ACK) retries that have been sent by the user agent." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 5 } cSipStatsRetryPracks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of PRovisional ACKnowledgement retries sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 6 } cSipStatsRetryComets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of COndition MET retries sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 7 } cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Reliable 1xx Response retries sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 8 } cSipStatsRetryNotifys OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Notify retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 9 } cSipStatsRetryRefers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Refer retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 10 } cSipStatsRetryInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Info retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 11 } cSipStatsRetrySubscribe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Subscribe retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 12 } cSipStatsRetryOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Options retries that have been sent by the user agent since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsRetry 13 } -- Miscellaneous SIP Statistics cSipStatsMisc3xxMappedTo4xxRsps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of incoming Redirect (3xx) response messages that have been mapped to Client Error (4xx) response messages." ::= { cSipStatsMisc 1 } -- SIP Connection statistics cSipStatsConnTCPSendFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of TCP send failures since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 1 } cSipStatsConnUDPSendFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of UDP send failures since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 2} cSipStatsConnTCPRemoteClosures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of Remote Closures for TCP since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 3 } cSipStatsConnUDPCreateFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of connection create failures for UDP since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 4 } cSipStatsConnTCPCreateFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of connection create failures for TCP since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 5} cSipStatsConnUDPInactiveTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of UDP connections that timed out due to inactivity since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 6 } cSipStatsConnTCPInactiveTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of TCP connections that timed out due to inactivity since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 7 } cSipStatsActiveUDPConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of active UDP connections since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 8 } cSipStatsActiveTCPConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of active TCP connections since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 9 } cSipStatsActiveTLSConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of active TLS connections since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 10 } cSipStatsConnTLSCreateFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of connection create failures for TLS since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 11 } cSipStatsConnTLSSendFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of TLS send failures since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 12 } cSipStatsConnTLSInactiveTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of TLS connections that timed out due to inactivity since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 13 } cSipStatsConnTLSRemoteClosures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the total number of TLS connections that timed out due to inactivity since system startup." ::= { cSipStatsConnection 14 } -- Notifications ciscoSipUaMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Old style notification prefixing. Being replaced by ciscoSipUaMIBNotifs." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIB 2 } ciscoSipUaMIBNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Old style notification prefixing. Being replaced by ciscoSipUaMIBNotifs." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBNotificationPrefix 0 } -- Conformance ciscoSipUaMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIB 3 } ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBConformance 1 } ciscoSipUaMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBConformance 2 } -- Compliance Statements ciscoSipCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete -- superceded by ciscoSipComplianceRev1 DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroup, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroup } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroup must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 1 } ciscoSipComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete -- superceded by ciscoSipComplianceRev2 DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev1, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev1 } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev1 must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgMaxForwards MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." GROUP ciscoSipCfgPeerGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any dial peer related configuration if dial peers are not a known concept." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 2 } ciscoSipComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipComplianceRev3 DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev2, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev1, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev2 } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev2 must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgMaxForwards MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." GROUP ciscoSipCfgPeerGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any dial peer related configuration if dial peers are not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipCfgAaaGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any AAA related configuration if AAA is not a known concept." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 3 } ciscoSipComplianceRev3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by ciscoSipComplianceRev4 DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev2, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev1, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev2 } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgMaxForwards MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." GROUP ciscoSipCfgPeerGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any dial peer related configuration if dial peers are not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipCfgAaaGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any AAA related configuration if AAA is not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipStatusCauseMapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any SIP status code to PSTN cause code mapping related configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 4 } ciscoSipComplianceRev4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by ciscoSipComplianceRev5 DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev3, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev2, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev2 } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." GROUP ciscoSipCfgPeerGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any dial peer related configuration if dial peers are not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipCfgAaaGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any AAA related configuration if AAA is not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipStatusCauseMapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any SIP status code to PSTN cause code mapping related configuration." GROUP ciscoSipStatsMiscGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional for non-IOS platforms but mandatory for IOS platforms." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 5 } ciscoSipComplianceRev5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated -- superceeded by ciscoSipComplianceRev6 DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev3, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev2, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev3 } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev4 must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." GROUP ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any dial peer related configuration if dial peers are not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipCfgAaaGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any AAA related configuration if AAA is not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipStatusCauseMapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any SIP status code to PSTN cause code mapping related configuration." GROUP ciscoSipStatsMiscGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional for non-IOS platforms but mandatory for IOS platforms." GROUP ciscoSipCfgVoiceServiceVoipGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 6 } ciscoSipComplianceRev6 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SIP user agent entities." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev3, ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev2, ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup, ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev3 } GROUP ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev5 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev5 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any timer configuration and simply adhere to what is prescribed in the standard." GROUP ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. If implemented, the ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev4 must also be implemented." GROUP ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." OBJECT cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cSipCfgTransport MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." GROUP ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any dial peer related configuration if dial peers are not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipCfgAaaGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any AAA related configuration if AAA is not a known concept." GROUP ciscoSipStatusCauseMapGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. A SIP user agent can elect to not provide any SIP status code to PSTN cause code mapping related configuration." GROUP ciscoSipStatsMiscGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "This group is optional for non-IOS platforms but mandatory for IOS platforms." GROUP ciscoSipCfgVoiceServiceVoipGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." GROUP ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBCompliances 7 } -- Units of Conformance ciscoSipBaseConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr, cSipCfgTransport, cSipCfgVersion } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 1 } ciscoSipTimerConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgTimerTrying, cSipCfgTimerExpires, cSipCfgTimerConnect, cSipCfgTimerDisconnect } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent timer configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 2 } ciscoSipRetryConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgRetryInvite, cSipCfgRetryBye, cSipCfgRetryCancel, cSipCfgRetryRegister, cSipCfgRetryResponse } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 3 } ciscoSipStatsInfoStatusCodesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsInfoTryingIns, cSipStatsInfoTryingOuts, cSipStatsInfoRingingIns, cSipStatsInfoRingingOuts, cSipStatsInfoForwardedIns, cSipStatsInfoForwardedOuts, cSipStatsInfoQueuedIns, cSipStatsInfoQueuedOuts, cSipStatsInfoSessionProgIns, cSipStatsInfoSessionProgOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Informational status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 4 } ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsSuccessOkIns, cSipStatsSuccessOkOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Success status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 5 } ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRedirMultipleChoices, cSipStatsRedirMovedPerms, cSipStatsRedirMovedTemps, cSipStatsRedirSeeOthers, cSipStatsRedirUseProxys, cSipStatsRedirAltServices } STATUS obsolete -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Redirection status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 6 } ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsClientBadRequestIns, cSipStatsClientBadRequestOuts, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedIns, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedOuts, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdIns, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientForbiddenIns, cSipStatsClientForbiddenOuts, cSipStatsClientNotFoundIns, cSipStatsClientNotFoundOuts, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedIns, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedOuts, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableIns, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableOuts, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdIns, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutIns, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsClientConflictIns, cSipStatsClientConflictOuts, cSipStatsClientGoneIns, cSipStatsClientGoneOuts, cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredIns, cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredOuts, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeIns, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeOuts, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionIns, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionOuts, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailIns, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailOuts, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistIns, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistOuts, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedIns, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedOuts, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsIns, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsOuts, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteIns, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteOuts, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousIns, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousOuts, cSipStatsClientBusyHereIns, cSipStatsClientBusyHereOuts } STATUS obsolete -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Client Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 7 } ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsServerIntErrorIns, cSipStatsServerIntErrorOuts, cSipStatsServerNotImplementedIns, cSipStatsServerNotImplementedOuts, cSipStatsServerBadGatewayIns, cSipStatsServerBadGatewayOuts, cSipStatsServerServiceUnavailIns, cSipStatsServerServiceUnavailOuts, cSipStatsServerGatewayTimeoutIns, cSipStatsServerGatewayTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsServerBadSipVersionIns, cSipStatsServerBadSipVersionOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Server Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 8 } ciscoSipStatsGlobalStatusCodesGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsGlobalBusyEverywhereIns, cSipStatsGlobalBusyEverywhereOuts, cSipStatsGlobalDeclineIns, cSipStatsGlobalDeclineOuts, cSipStatsGlobalNotAnywhereIns, cSipStatsGlobalNotAnywhereOuts, cSipStatsGlobalNotAcceptableIns, cSipStatsGlobalNotAcceptableOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Global Failure status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 9 } ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsTrafficInviteIns, cSipStatsTrafficInviteOuts, cSipStatsTrafficAckIns, cSipStatsTrafficAckOuts, cSipStatsTrafficByeIns, cSipStatsTrafficByeOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCancelIns, cSipStatsTrafficCancelOuts, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsIns, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsOuts, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterIns, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent inbound and outbound traffic statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 10 } ciscoSipRetryStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRetryInvites, cSipStatsRetryByes, cSipStatsRetryCancels, cSipStatsRetryRegisters, cSipStatsRetryResponses } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 11 } ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr, cSipCfgTransport, cSipCfgVersion, cSipCfgMaxForwards } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 12 } ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgTimerTrying, cSipCfgTimerExpires, cSipCfgTimerConnect, cSipCfgTimerDisconnect, cSipCfgTimerPrack, cSipCfgTimerComet, cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent timer configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 13 } ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgRetryInvite, cSipCfgRetryBye, cSipCfgRetryCancel, cSipCfgRetryRegister, cSipCfgRetryResponse, cSipCfgRetryPrack, cSipCfgRetryComet, cSipCfgRetryReliableRsp } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 14 } ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsTrafficInviteIns, cSipStatsTrafficInviteOuts, cSipStatsTrafficAckIns, cSipStatsTrafficAckOuts, cSipStatsTrafficByeIns, cSipStatsTrafficByeOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCancelIns, cSipStatsTrafficCancelOuts, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsIns, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsOuts, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterIns, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCometIns, cSipStatsTrafficCometOuts, cSipStatsTrafficPrackIns, cSipStatsTrafficPrackOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent inbound and outbound traffic statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 15 } ciscoSipStatsServerStatusCodesGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsServerIntErrorIns, cSipStatsServerIntErrorOuts, cSipStatsServerNotImplementedIns, cSipStatsServerNotImplementedOuts, cSipStatsServerBadGatewayIns, cSipStatsServerBadGatewayOuts, cSipStatsServerServiceUnavailIns, cSipStatsServerServiceUnavailOuts, cSipStatsServerGatewayTimeoutIns, cSipStatsServerGatewayTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsServerBadSipVersionIns, cSipStatsServerBadSipVersionOuts, cSipStatsServerPrecondFailureIns, cSipStatsServerPrecondFailureOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Server Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 16 } ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRetryInvites, cSipStatsRetryByes, cSipStatsRetryCancels, cSipStatsRetryRegisters, cSipStatsRetryResponses, cSipStatsRetryPracks, cSipStatsRetryComets, cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 17 } ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsClientBadRequestIns, cSipStatsClientBadRequestOuts, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedIns, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedOuts, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdIns, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientForbiddenIns, cSipStatsClientForbiddenOuts, cSipStatsClientNotFoundIns, cSipStatsClientNotFoundOuts, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedIns, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedOuts, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableIns, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableOuts, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdIns, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutIns, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsClientConflictIns, cSipStatsClientConflictOuts, cSipStatsClientGoneIns, cSipStatsClientGoneOuts, cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredIns, cSipStatsClientLengthRequiredOuts, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeIns, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeOuts, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionIns, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionOuts, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailIns, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailOuts, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistIns, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistOuts, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedIns, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedOuts, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsIns, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsOuts, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteIns, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteOuts, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousIns, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousOuts, cSipStatsClientBusyHereIns, cSipStatsClientBusyHereOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTermIns, cSipStatsClientReqTermOuts, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereIns, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereOuts } STATUS obsolete -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Client Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 18 } ciscoSipCfgPeerGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspStr, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr, cSipCfgPeerUrlType, cSipCfgOutSessionTransport, cSipCfgReliable1xxRspStr, cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr, cSipCfgUrlType } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing SIP related configuration of Dial Peers." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 19 } ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr, cSipCfgTransport, cSipCfgVersion, cSipCfgMaxForwards, cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface, cSipCfgBindSrcAddrScope, cSipCfgDnsSrvQueryStringFormat } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 20 } ciscoSipStatusCauseMapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgPstnCause, cSipCfgStatusCauseStoreStatus, cSipCfgStatusCode, cSipCfgCauseStatusStoreStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing SIP status code to PSTN cause code mapping configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 21 } ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsTrafficInviteIns, cSipStatsTrafficInviteOuts, cSipStatsTrafficAckIns, cSipStatsTrafficAckOuts, cSipStatsTrafficByeIns, cSipStatsTrafficByeOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCancelIns, cSipStatsTrafficCancelOuts, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsIns, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsOuts, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterIns, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCometIns, cSipStatsTrafficCometOuts, cSipStatsTrafficPrackIns, cSipStatsTrafficPrackOuts, cSipStatsTrafficReferIns, cSipStatsTrafficReferOuts, cSipStatsTrafficNotifyIns, cSipStatsTrafficNotifyOuts, cSipStatsTrafficInfoIns, cSipStatsTrafficInfoOuts, cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeIns, cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent inbound and outbound traffic statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 22 } ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsSuccessOkIns, cSipStatsSuccessOkOuts, cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedIns, cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Success status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 23 } ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgTimerTrying, cSipCfgTimerExpires, cSipCfgTimerConnect, cSipCfgTimerDisconnect, cSipCfgTimerPrack, cSipCfgTimerComet, cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp, cSipCfgTimerNotify } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent timer configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 24 } ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgRetryInvite, cSipCfgRetryBye, cSipCfgRetryCancel, cSipCfgRetryRegister, cSipCfgRetryResponse, cSipCfgRetryPrack, cSipCfgRetryComet, cSipCfgRetryReliableRsp, cSipCfgRetryNotify } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 25 } ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRetryInvites, cSipStatsRetryByes, cSipStatsRetryCancels, cSipStatsRetryRegisters, cSipStatsRetryResponses, cSipStatsRetryPracks, cSipStatsRetryComets, cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps, cSipStatsRetryNotifys } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 26 } ciscoSipCfgAaaGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgAaaUsername } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing SIP related configuration for AAA." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 27 } ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsClientBadRequestIns, cSipStatsClientBadRequestOuts, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedIns, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedOuts, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdIns, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientForbiddenIns, cSipStatsClientForbiddenOuts, cSipStatsClientNotFoundIns, cSipStatsClientNotFoundOuts, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedIns, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedOuts, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableIns, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableOuts, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdIns, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutIns, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsClientConflictIns, cSipStatsClientConflictOuts, cSipStatsClientGoneIns, cSipStatsClientGoneOuts, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeIns, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeOuts, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionIns, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionOuts, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailIns, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailOuts, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistIns, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistOuts, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedIns, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedOuts, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsIns, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsOuts, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteIns, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteOuts, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousIns, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousOuts, cSipStatsClientBusyHereIns, cSipStatsClientBusyHereOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTermIns, cSipStatsClientReqTermOuts, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereIns, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereOuts, cSipStatsClientBadEventIns, cSipStatsClientBadEventOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by -- ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev3 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Client Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 28 } ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRedirMultipleChoices, cSipStatsRedirMovedPerms, cSipStatsRedirMovedTemps, cSipStatsRedirUseProxys, cSipStatsRedirAltServices } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Redirection status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 29 } ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgTimerTrying, cSipCfgTimerExpires, cSipCfgTimerConnect, cSipCfgTimerDisconnect, cSipCfgTimerPrack, cSipCfgTimerComet, cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp, cSipCfgTimerNotify, cSipCfgTimerRefer } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent timer configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 30 } ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgRetryInvite, cSipCfgRetryBye, cSipCfgRetryCancel, cSipCfgRetryRegister, cSipCfgRetryResponse, cSipCfgRetryPrack, cSipCfgRetryComet, cSipCfgRetryReliableRsp, cSipCfgRetryNotify, cSipCfgRetryRefer } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 31 } ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRetryInvites, cSipStatsRetryByes, cSipStatsRetryCancels, cSipStatsRetryRegisters, cSipStatsRetryResponses, cSipStatsRetryPracks, cSipStatsRetryComets, cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps, cSipStatsRetryNotifys, cSipStatsRetryRefers } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 32 } ciscoSipStatsSuccessStatusCodesGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedIns, cSipStatsSuccessAcceptedOuts, cSipStatsSuccessOkInbounds, cSipStatsSuccessOkOutbounds } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Success status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 33 } ciscoSipBaseConfigGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgUserLocationServerAddr, cSipCfgTransport, cSipCfgVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 34 } ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsClientBadRequestIns, cSipStatsClientBadRequestOuts, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedIns, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedOuts, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdIns, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientForbiddenIns, cSipStatsClientForbiddenOuts, cSipStatsClientNotFoundIns, cSipStatsClientNotFoundOuts, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedIns, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedOuts, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableIns, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableOuts, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdIns, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutIns, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsClientConflictIns, cSipStatsClientConflictOuts, cSipStatsClientGoneIns, cSipStatsClientGoneOuts, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeIns, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeOuts, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionIns, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionOuts, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailIns, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailOuts, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistIns, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistOuts, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedIns, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedOuts, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsIns, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsOuts, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteIns, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteOuts, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousIns, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousOuts, cSipStatsClientBusyHereIns, cSipStatsClientBusyHereOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTermIns, cSipStatsClientReqTermOuts, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereIns, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereOuts, cSipStatsClientBadEventIns, cSipStatsClientBadEventOuts, cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallIns, cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallOuts } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev4 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Client Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 35 } ciscoSipStatsMiscGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsMisc3xxMappedTo4xxRsps } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing miscellaneous SIP User Agent statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 36 } ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgMaxForwards, cSipCfgBindSrcAddrInterface, cSipCfgBindSrcAddrScope, cSipCfgDnsSrvQueryStringFormat, cSipCfgRedirectionDisabled, cSipCfgTimerSessionTimer, cSipCfgEarlyMediaCutThruDisabled, cSipCfgSymNatEnabled, cSipCfgSymNatDirectionRole } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration for SIP user agents in IOS." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 37 } ciscoSipTrafficStatsGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsTrafficInviteIns, cSipStatsTrafficInviteOuts, cSipStatsTrafficAckIns, cSipStatsTrafficAckOuts, cSipStatsTrafficByeIns, cSipStatsTrafficByeOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCancelIns, cSipStatsTrafficCancelOuts, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsIns, cSipStatsTrafficOptionsOuts, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterIns, cSipStatsTrafficRegisterOuts, cSipStatsTrafficCometIns, cSipStatsTrafficCometOuts, cSipStatsTrafficPrackIns, cSipStatsTrafficPrackOuts, cSipStatsTrafficReferIns, cSipStatsTrafficReferOuts, cSipStatsTrafficNotifyIns, cSipStatsTrafficNotifyOuts, cSipStatsTrafficInfoIns, cSipStatsTrafficInfoOuts, cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeIns, cSipStatsTrafficSubscribeOuts, cSipStatsTrafficUpdateIns, cSipStatsTrafficUpdateOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent inbound and outbound traffic statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 38 } ciscoSipStatsRedirStatusCodesGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRedirMultipleChoices, cSipStatsRedirMovedPerms, cSipStatsRedirUseProxys, cSipStatsRedirAltServices, cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsIns, cSipStatsRedirMovedTempsOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Redirection status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 39 } ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgTimerTrying, cSipCfgTimerExpires, cSipCfgTimerConnect, cSipCfgTimerDisconnect, cSipCfgTimerPrack, cSipCfgTimerComet, cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp, cSipCfgTimerNotify, cSipCfgTimerRefer, cSipCfgTimerHold, cSipCfgTimerInfo, cSipCfgTimerConnectionAging, cSipCfgTimerBufferInvite } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev5 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent timer configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 40 } ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRetryInvites, cSipStatsRetryByes, cSipStatsRetryCancels, cSipStatsRetryRegisters, cSipStatsRetryResponses, cSipStatsRetryPracks, cSipStatsRetryComets, cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps, cSipStatsRetryNotifys, cSipStatsRetryRefers, cSipStatsRetryInfo, cSipStatsRetrySubscribe } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev5 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 41 } ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgMaximumForwards, cSipCfgDnsSrvQueryStringFormat, cSipCfgRedirectionDisabled, cSipCfgTimerSessionTimer, cSipCfgEarlyMediaCutThruDisabled, cSipCfgSymNatEnabled, cSipCfgSymNatDirectionRole, cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface, cSipCfgSuspendResumeEnabled, cSipCfgOfferCallHold, cSipCfgReasonHeaderOveride } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration for SIP user agents in IOS." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 42 } ciscoSipStatsClientStatusCodesGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsClientBadRequestIns, cSipStatsClientBadRequestOuts, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedIns, cSipStatsClientUnauthorizedOuts, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdIns, cSipStatsClientPaymentReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientForbiddenIns, cSipStatsClientForbiddenOuts, cSipStatsClientNotFoundIns, cSipStatsClientNotFoundOuts, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedIns, cSipStatsClientMethNotAllowedOuts, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableIns, cSipStatsClientNotAcceptableOuts, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdIns, cSipStatsClientProxyAuthReqdOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutIns, cSipStatsClientReqTimeoutOuts, cSipStatsClientConflictIns, cSipStatsClientConflictOuts, cSipStatsClientGoneIns, cSipStatsClientGoneOuts, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqEntTooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeIns, cSipStatsClientReqURITooLargeOuts, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeIns, cSipStatsClientNoSupMediaTypeOuts, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionIns, cSipStatsClientBadExtensionOuts, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailIns, cSipStatsClientTempNotAvailOuts, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistIns, cSipStatsClientCallLegNoExistOuts, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedIns, cSipStatsClientLoopDetectedOuts, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsIns, cSipStatsClientTooManyHopsOuts, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteIns, cSipStatsClientAddrIncompleteOuts, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousIns, cSipStatsClientAmbiguousOuts, cSipStatsClientBusyHereIns, cSipStatsClientBusyHereOuts, cSipStatsClientReqTermIns, cSipStatsClientReqTermOuts, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereIns, cSipStatsClientNoAcceptHereOuts, cSipStatsClientBadEventIns, cSipStatsClientBadEventOuts, cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallIns, cSipStatsClientSTTooSmallOuts, cSipStatsClientReqPendingIns, cSipStatsClientReqPendingOuts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Client Error status code response messages statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 43 } ciscoSipRetryConfigGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgRetryInvite, cSipCfgRetryBye, cSipCfgRetryCancel, cSipCfgRetryRegister, cSipCfgRetryResponse, cSipCfgRetryPrack, cSipCfgRetryComet, cSipCfgRetryReliableRsp, cSipCfgRetryNotify, cSipCfgRetryRefer, cSipCfgRetryInfo, cSipCfgRetrySubscribe } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 44 } ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspStr, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr, cSipCfgPeerUrlType, cSipCfgOutSessionTransport, cSipCfgReliable1xxRspStr, cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr, cSipCfgUrlType, cSipCfgPeerSwitchTransEnabled } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev2 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing SIP related configuration of Dial Peers." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 45 } ciscoSipCfgVoiceServiceVoipGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgHeaderPassingEnabled, cSipCfgMaxSubscriptionAccept, cSipCfgMaxSubscriptionOriginate, cSipCfgSwitchTransportEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing SIP related configuration of Voice Service VoIP." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 46 } ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsConnTCPSendFailures, cSipStatsConnUDPSendFailures, cSipStatsConnTCPRemoteClosures, cSipStatsConnUDPCreateFailures, cSipStatsConnTCPCreateFailures, cSipStatsConnUDPInactiveTimeouts, cSipStatsConnTCPInactiveTimeouts, cSipStatsActiveUDPConnections, cSipStatsActiveTCPConnections } STATUS deprecated -- superceded by ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroupRev1 DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Transport Connection statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 47 } ciscoSipCfgPeerGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgPeerOutSessionTransport, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspStr, cSipCfgPeerReliable1xxRspHdr, cSipCfgPeerUrlType, cSipCfgOutSessionTransport, cSipCfgReliable1xxRspStr, cSipCfgReliable1xxRspHdr, cSipCfgUrlType, cSipCfgPeerSwitchTransEnabled, cSipCfgPeerAssertedID, cSipCfgPeerAsymmetricPayload, cSipCfgPeerLocalHost, cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityMode, cSipCfgPeerResourcePriorityName, cSipCfgPeerE911, cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingType, cSipCfgPeerOptionsPingInt, cSipCfgPeerPrivacy, cSipCfgPeerClidStrip, cSipCfgPeerClidNetpr, cSipCfgPeerClidSubName, cSipCfgAssertedID, cSipCfgAsymmetricPayload, cSipCfgLocalHost, cSipCfgE911, cSipCfgOptionsPingInt, cSipCfgPrivacy , cSipCfgClidStrip, cSipCfgClidNetpr, cSipCfgClidSubName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing SIP related configuration of Dial Peers." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 48 } ciscoSipBaseIOSConfigGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgMaximumForwards, cSipCfgDnsSrvQueryStringFormat, cSipCfgRedirectionDisabled, cSipCfgTimerSessionTimer, cSipCfgEarlyMediaCutThruDisabled, cSipCfgSymNatEnabled, cSipCfgSymNatDirectionRole, cSipCfgBindSourceAddrInterface, cSipCfgSuspendResumeEnabled, cSipCfgOfferCallHold, cSipCfgReasonHeaderOveride, cSipCfgKeepalivePrimaryTarget, cSipCfgKeepalivePrimaryTransport, cSipCfgKeepaliveSecondaryTarget, cSipCfgKeepaliveSecondaryTransport, cSipCfgPermitHost, cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarServer, cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarScheme, cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarExpires, cSipCfgPrimaryRegistrarTransport, cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarServer, cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarScheme, cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarExpires, cSipCfgSecondaryRegistrarTransport } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent configuration for SIP user agents in IOS." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 49 } ciscoSipTimerConfigGroupRev5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipCfgTimerTrying, cSipCfgTimerExpires, cSipCfgTimerConnect, cSipCfgTimerDisconnect, cSipCfgTimerPrack, cSipCfgTimerComet, cSipCfgTimerReliableRsp, cSipCfgTimerNotify, cSipCfgTimerRefer, cSipCfgTimerHold, cSipCfgTimerInfo, cSipCfgTimerConnectionAging, cSipCfgTimerBufferInvite, cSipCfgTimerOptions, cSipCfgTimerkeepaliveActive, cSipCfgTimerKeepaliveDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent timer configuration." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 50 } ciscoSipRetryStatsGroupRev5 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsRetryInvites, cSipStatsRetryByes, cSipStatsRetryCancels, cSipStatsRetryRegisters, cSipStatsRetryResponses, cSipStatsRetryPracks, cSipStatsRetryComets, cSipStatsRetryReliable1xxRsps, cSipStatsRetryNotifys, cSipStatsRetryRefers, cSipStatsRetryInfo, cSipStatsRetrySubscribe, cSipCfgRetryOptions, cSipCfgRetryKeepaliveDown, cSipCfgRetryKeepaliveActive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent retry statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 51 } ciscoSipStatsConnectionGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cSipStatsConnTCPSendFailures, cSipStatsConnUDPSendFailures, cSipStatsConnTCPRemoteClosures, cSipStatsConnUDPCreateFailures, cSipStatsConnTCPCreateFailures, cSipStatsConnUDPInactiveTimeouts, cSipStatsConnTCPInactiveTimeouts, cSipStatsActiveUDPConnections, cSipStatsActiveTCPConnections, cSipStatsActiveTLSConnections, cSipStatsConnTLSSendFailures, cSipStatsConnTLSRemoteClosures, cSipStatsConnTLSCreateFailures, cSipStatsConnTLSInactiveTimeouts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic SIP User Agent Transport Connection statistics." ::= { ciscoSipUaMIBGroups 52 } END