In this article:
OS for Layered Images
You need a Unidesk-supported operating system to import into an OS Layer. This OS will be used to build your Layered Images.
350-500 GB Storage Space
The Unidesk ELM uses local storage for temporary files and finalized layers. The more layers you create, the more space you need. However, if you run low on space, you can expand the size of the current disk, or add other disks to the ELM when needed.
40-100 GB network file share (SMB/NFS)
The file share connected to the ELM is used for upgrades, Elastic Layers, and cross-platform publishing. This space is easy to expand, if needed.
Before installing the Unidesk ELM in Azure, be sure to meet the following prerequisites.
Network File Share (Azure specifics)
A file share server in Azure will perform significantly better than an on-premise file share. Even though the Azure file share feature is not supported, you can use an existing network file share or create a new file share in the Azure environment.
Azure account and subscription
To deploy and configure the Unidesk Enterprise Layer Manager, you will need the credentials for an account that has administrative access to your Azure subscription. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Azure Sign in page.
Unidesk is designed to work with Azure’s new Resource Management (ARM) model. It does not support Azure’s Classic deployment model. All resources such as virtual network, file shares and OS machines that Unidesk will work with must be created with Azure Resource Manager. For more information, refer to the Azure Resource Manager overview page.
Before deploying the Unidesk Enterprise Layer Manager (ELM), you must define and create your Azure network topology. The ELM and its Network File Share must have network connectivity. However, the ELM does not require network connectivity to the Session Hosts that are created. Unidesk recommends utilizing a site-to-site connection between your corporate and Azure networks to access the Unidesk Management Console on the ELM. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Azure Virtual Network page.