In this article:
You can create Image Templates to publish Layered Images to your target platform where you can then use the Layered Image to provision servers on your chosen publishing platform. An Image Template stores your Layer assignments, along with a Layer icon and description. You can easily edit an Image Template and use it to publish new versions of your Layered Images.
To create an Image Template you need:
Example: When publishing images to PVS for XenApp users running in XenServer, the following must be installed on the Platform Layer:
To create an Image Template:
On the Connector page, select the XenServer Connector Configuration for the location where you want to publish the Layered Image.
If the Connector Configuration you need is not available, add one. Click New, choose the Connector Type, and follow the instructions to Create a Connector Configuration.
In the Platform Layer tab, select a Platform Layer with the tools and hardware settings that you need to publish Layered Images to your environment.
On the Layered Image Disk page, edit the following fields, as needed:
Sysprep. An appropriate default value will be selected for your environment. This setting determines whether the Layered Image will be generalized, and if so, which script will be used to generalize the image and join a domain.
Generalize Offline - Generalizes the Image using Unidesk code, and without booting the VM. Machines created from this image will be unique, and will run unattend.xml to join a domain.
The new Template icon appears in the Unidesk Images module.