OpenRCV Development =================== This is a guide for those who wish to contribute to OpenRCV or develop applications that interact with OpenRCV For instructions on installing or using the application, consult the [`README`][doc-readme] or [project page][open-rcv] instead. For instructions on releasing new versions of OpenRCV to PyPI, consult the [Releasing][doc-releasing] page. For information on the overall design and software architecture of OpenRCV, see the [Design][doc-design] page. Setting Up ---------- This section provides instructions on getting set up to contribute. ### Get the code Clone the repository. Then, download the [open-rcv-tests][open-rcv-tests] test cases: $ git submodule update --init (Downloading the test cases is optional but recommended.) ### Create virtual environment Next, we recommend creating a Python virtual environment to stay isolated from your system Python. You can do this using [pyvenv][venv], which was included in Python as of Python 3.3. Simply run the following from the repository root: $ pyvenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate Alternatively, you can use virtualenv (and virtualenvwrapper). See also the recommendations in the ["Python Packaging User Guide"][pug]. Also see [this gist][workon-gist] for a way to automatically enter the project's virtualenv when entering its directory with `cd`. ### Install Requirements Install the project in "develop" mode: $ pip install -e .[dev,test] This lets you run `rcv` from the command-line as if you had installed it from PyPI. The `[dev,test]` portion of the command means to install the `extras_require` dependencies specified in [``]( and with key `dev`. These are the development-only dependencies. ### Pandoc Pandoc is a command-line tool for converting text files to and from different formats (e.g. markdown, html, and rst). It is needed more for [releasing][openrcv-releasing], but in certain situations may be useful for other contributors (e.g. previewing documentation locally). To install pandoc, follow the instructions on [pandoc's home page][pandoc]. ### TextMate If you use TextMate, you can include the following at the beginning of your `*.tmproj` file's `regexFolderFilter: !dist|.*.egg-info|.*/(__pycache__|... Running Tests ------------- From the repo root, for tests and a code coverage report: $ ./ Or for just tests-- $ python -m unittest To run a single test, for example-- $ python -m unittest openrcv.test.test_models.JsonContestTest.test_save_from_jsobj Viewing Docs ------------ $ python build_html Coding Guidelines ----------------- This section contains some of our coding guidelines (e.g. coding style, etc). ### Tests Test case classes should inherit from `UnitCase` in the module `openrcv.utiltest.helpers`. Test class names should end in "Test." For example-- class JsonCaseBallotTest(UnitCase): [doc-design]: [doc-readme]: ../ [doc-releasing]: [open-rcv]: [open-rcv-tests]: [pandoc]: [pug]: [venv]: [workon-gist]: